Cinder Wolf

Sabre's page

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 120 posts (121 including aliases). 6 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Pirate Rob wrote:
I have never had any trouble walking to the cab stand at the airport and cab-pooling to the convention center. YMMV though.

Also, uber or

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Answer is yes: in conference center

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

In convention building towards jw, correct?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber


I'm running 7-11: Ancient's Anguish @ Scotty's earlier in the day, so if the GM is from out of town and needs something, it will be with me.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Gm-ing both Scottie's sessions, have a half hour drive home, and playing the 8am slot.... whatever.

Signing up to GM. Will purchase/download once I can.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Are any who are playing 7-11 or 7 - 25 at Scotty's also GMing that game at gencon?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Regarding the walk to the Marsh Supermarket:
1) did it this past weekend -- it's flat
2) Indy has Uber -- if you are worried about the walk, it might be a good option

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

May have posted it elsewhere but....

Group of 4, and we need to be diplomatic. Who's the face? The guy with the +0. Okay.... 3 successfully assist! Ok Mr Face, make your roll.

Nat 20!

That's right, boys and girls. 26 diplomacy from a table of 4 was absolute max -- and it worked!

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

In other words:

Level 1 character? Infinite sheets
Level 2 character? 1 sheet as player, 1 sheet as GM

(I'll ignore stars, thank you)

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Couldn't last year but this year... Indy's home. During the con, I play. For this, I will GM :)

Looking forward to signing up!

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Sabre wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:

You need to remember that not all tickets placed in peoples carts are actually purchased. We are looking at live numbers. After two hours of inactivity a ticket is returned to the available pool. Also, (a small number) of tickets will become available before GenCon as peoples plans change.

I think the "by tier" change is working well so far.

Wish list processing = nothing in carts. That will be true later, but now? If they're gone, they're gone....

@ Swiftbrook; my bad, you're right. Have to log in within 2 hours of wish list processing, visit cart, and pay or your tickets escape.

Silver Crusade 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Swiftbrook wrote:

You need to remember that not all tickets placed in peoples carts are actually purchased. We are looking at live numbers. After two hours of inactivity a ticket is returned to the available pool. Also, (a small number) of tickets will become available before GenCon as peoples plans change.

I think the "by tier" change is working well so far.

Wish list processing = nothing in carts. That will be true later, but now? If they're gone, they're gone.

Also, Tonya: I appreciate that you're trying to shift things and due to your sponsorship, you probably can. However, I know the specials sell out: if I don't get it because it's full at my desired level range, I and my +3 (4 total) aren't likely to check back just in case 4 tickets somehow magically appear. I'll see if my group is willing to play at a lower tier and if not, move on to other events.

I realize it's the 1st year trying something new and we'll see how it goes. However, this is a bummer - and if my group does decide to play different characters at a lower tier now and more high tier become available later, the attempt to go back to what we wanted to play is going to be a mess.

Silver Crusade 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Me thinks the table count for the special level ranges was off.

7-8? Full. 9-11? Full. 1-2? 110 tickets left. Well, on the bright side: i'll do something non-pfs for Friday night for the first time in forever!

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

6 of us at the table (4-5 subtier).

Fairly early on, an opportunity for diplomacy arises. We determine that the highest diplomacy person we have ... has a 1.

Oh well, worst thing that can happen is we fail (and probably flub the mission), right?

the 5 with 0 or less in diplomacy -- all successfully aid! +10!

No pressure, Mr. Diplomacy-monster-with-a-1.... Nat 20! We got a 31 on our Diplomacy roll!

The most diplomatic that particular group will ever be (or was: the next diplomacy opportunity? The chaotic alchemist (myself) slight-of-handed a bomb and surprise-round tossed it into the face of the person we could have been negotiating with (critical hit); based on Sense Motive, we didn't trust the guy.)

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Seconding visiting the dealer's room, even if only to look.

Check out the food trucks (flying cupcake. so good....) -- or if they're packed, the mall food court which is only 4 or 5 blocks away.

Wander through the room where the miniatures games (Warhammer, Battletech, War Machine) are played -- not only the minis but the tables are worth looking over.


Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Bottom line: Keep it simple for new folks.

When I have a new person who wants to play:
1) I found out if they've played pathfinder or D&D or something similar in the past.
2) I take into account the level we'll be playing
3) I find out if they're interest in hitting stuff with swords, healing people, or spell-casting

For your example, I'm thinking
1) No (or little)
2) level 1

Based on the above, I give them 1 or 2 options.
If we're talking level 1 and they're new? Very very few options
A) hit stuff with 1 sword or 2? Barbarian or fighter
B) healing people? Cleric or paladin
C) spell casting? Point out that at level 1, casters aren't real exciting. still commited? sorceress.
D) really want to be sneaky/rogue? Rogue

The other stuff is going to require a lot of hand-holding, and as the GM....

Yes, there's tons of things, but they can try those once they've played a little.

Came with a buddy who will do the hand-holding for them -- and who knows another class. Add that class to the mix.
Really has heart set on class X. Okay....

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

My basic mantra is: if you want to build the most combat-destroying monster you can, go for it. Just save that POW for those times when the party is in trouble, or for the times when time's a tickin' and the game needs to move along before the store closes.
Don't 1-shot every single fight; others need to shine as well. As long as others get their sunshine moment, it's all good.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Staven, level 11 air elementalist wizard. Don't anger or bore high level wizards, it doesn't end well. Also, extended life bubble goes on my party - always. This ends up being relevant more than you'd think.

Story #1: Staven is in a certain round mountain. Sometimes, we've successfully negotiated and sometimes we haven't. However, we're now in a cave! And... A fight breaks out (pathfinders). It's apparent the dirty melee-types are getting it done, but it's taking forever. The solution to boredom? Cloud kill on top of the party! (Lower con = less health = faster kills, right?) This actualy works but... Clouds of the killing variety move, and what I thought was a solid wall wasn't (pesky map edge wasn't the end of the world), so down the tunnel it goes! No biggie... then the GM asks me to roll for con damage to an unseen opponent. Oops. Roll con damage 3 or 4 more times and never mind, it's okay after all. The swarm isn't smart enough to move out of the cloudkill -- fumigation occured.

Story #2: same adventure. We've encountered a dragon, who has had enough and decides to fly away. He's below me (air elementalist is so lovely) but in an obscuring mist. Queue cyclone, removing his mist and his ability to remain flying. The bloodrager in the party jumps off a cliff to land on the downed dragon, sword first. No more Mr dragon!

Story #3: different adventure - neither bored nor angry. We've snuck into a certain establishment via the back door. GM: "you hear a hissing sound and a haze fills the air." Staven: "cloud? Obscuring mist? Can a spellcraft check tell me what it is?" Gm: "none of the above. Your party just triggered a poison mist, but since you're all in life bubble... It doesn't matter."

Story #4: yet another adventure. Poor gm has just read what must be a half page of monologue from our opponent in the stage of the tournament we're in -- who isn't the final boss. 1 vs a group of 10/11s should be quite the fight, but staven got bored during the monologue, time's ticking, and staven's going first.... "You bore me. Icy prison, DC 26." Gm fails the save. Staven to the party: "gentlemen, let's (do what had to be done to leave the room); he'll keep." We do. Since the poor fella isnt getting out of the ice (26 strength checks are rough) as we leave, the soft-hearted fighter in the group chips him out so he won't die. See, not all fighters are murder hobos!

Story #5: still another adventure. I've learned that if I make a knowledge check and the GM asks what I want to know, the response is "what's their weakest save?" We face a caster, who suggested that the rogue head to the next room and wait to be eviscerated. The rogue has failed his save, and is happily doing so, which angers staven: that wasn't very nice. Staven's turn. Weakest save? Reflex. "Icy prison. Leave the ice block alone. And could someone go grapple the rogue?" Okay, so icy prison isn't really nice either.
Later on, after another long monologue, the answer was: Fortitude. "Suffocation. Leave the gasping one alone and take out the mooks."

One more game and staven dings 12. My 1st high level caster (I've tended towards fighters and healers); I'm going to miss seeing what high level casters can do.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
jonhl1986 wrote:
so i couldn't use an app that has all the material in it cause i don't personally own it just using it ?

Assuming you're talking PFS: Correct.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber


gencon hotel info : note that the "downtown campus" is where gencon actually occurs.
2014 gencon shuttle info 2014, so outdated, but I anticipate that it will be repeated in 2015.

Other options: know anyone who lives in Indy? You might be able to find crash space and carpool....

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber


#1) buy a gencon badge
#1a) figure out where you're staying (gencon has a hotel registration system as well; MOST of the hotels around gencon are almost entirely sold out to gencon, but there are shuttles to hotels further out...)
#2) search for registered games and sign up. There IS a fee -- I forget if games were $6 or $8 last year. Note that there are usually 3 sessions (potential games) Thurs, Fri, and Sat, and 2 on Sunday, so you can play until your brain explodes if you want....

That said: gencon is an awesome but huge experience. you'll want to do more than just PFS (go visit the dealer room -- that is a MASSIVE time sink, but oh so fun!)

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Season 6 guide states on page 18: "Liberty’s Edge faction PCs qualify for Andoran faction vanities and mission boons available in past seasons. Likewise, Dark Archive faction PCs qualify for Cheliax rewards, Scarab Sages as Osirion, The Exchange as Qadira, and Sovereign Court as Taldor. Without a boon that states otherwise, a PC cannot earn Sczarni vanities or boons."

Is that what you're looking for?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Yoshideamon wrote:
I have a question regarding putting something like a flaming burst onto a +1 weapon, can that be done?


Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Opera house scenario tells GMs on page 6 that

"The PCs are
allowed to attend the opera for free (regardless of how
they’re dressed), but anyone wearing less than a courtier’s
outfit and 50 gp or more of jewelry suffers a –2 penalty on
all Charisma-based checks"
: so that's a GM bad (read more closely, please)

Jester's Fraud venture captain intro states

“The man’s wife was a scholar of ancient magics who recently died in some sort of magical accident. If something in the collection caused the mishap, we fear the Tribune might try to unload it on an unsuspecting stranger!”
and asking the right question of an NPC later makes the warning even more clear; PCs who put they find on are asking for it.... PCs, putting gear that you find isn't always a good idea!

As for the 3rd,

the module tells the GM exactly what to do if the PCs decide to fake it; it takes 1 diplomacy + 2 bluffs, with various modifiers for various reasons

For your 3 examples:
1) You have a GM who needs to prep better/read more closely
2) You have PCs who didn't think things through
3) You have a module which does allow for people wanting to do the right thing -- it's just harder.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

If you aren't level 2 yet.... go Small (halfling cavalier here). Medium-sized mounts are far easier to work with!

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Keep us posted! (Gm here)

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

parking near brewhouse

I'll be parking @:

Downtown Park & Shuttle Inc.
101 S Alabama St
Indianapolis, IN 46204

It's relatively cheap and only ~3 blocks away.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Other advice: set a dealer room budget. stick to it. *cries*

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

California Pizza Kitchen is nearby as well...

CPK vegetarian/vegan info here

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Pirate Rob wrote:
I'm looking forward to an awesome table of Wrath of the Accursed!!!

So am I! (I'm going to die over and over and over, I just know it....)

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Core rule book. After that, the class you're playing begins to matter a lot. (Melee? Caster? DPS? Support?)

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I don't think so.

From the Guide (Chapter 1, Additional Resources):

"In order to utilize content from an Additional Resource, a player must have a physical copy of the Additional Resource in question, a name-watermarked Paizo PDF of it, or a printout of the relevant pages from it, as well as a copy of the current version of the Additional Resources list."

Nothing in here says that just because it's on a chronicle, you don't need the source doc.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
gamerdork wrote:

I initially found the other (asking for GMs) thread, and was frequently keeping an eye on that one, in the hopes of catching news of sign ups being open. I had no idea that sign ups would end up on a separate thread :( although it makes perfect sense! (I'm calling it a blonde moment and moving past it.)

But I got into one game I haven't played before! :)

A question, though: is is required or recommended that one play the 'Glories of the Past' scenarios in order? I signed up for Part 2, and could try to find Part 1 before August 13th. Alternately, I could sign up for Part 1 here and leave Canton OH at around 2 am to make it in time :)

Finally, A gracious "Thank you!" to the organizers and GMs of this special event - what a fun way to start off Gen Con weekend! Very much looking forward to meeting some other players from across the nation and at a unique venue.

Game on!
- Corey

Having GM's all 3 and played 2: the ties are pretty loose. They make more sense if played in order, but playing 2 without having played 1 won't mess you up!

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber


Chaper 6 of the Guide talks about adventure paths and chronicles for PFS. Mummy's mask is an adventure path (AP).

Some details exist within

Of most interest to you:
"Alternatively, if you are participating in the Mummy’s Mask Adventure Path with an ongoing group undertaking the entire, six-chapter campaign, you may receive credit for playing the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if you had played a pregenerated character. In this case, GMs running the Adventure Path are not bound to the rules of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign (such as 20-point buy, unavailability of hero points, etc.) when running the campaign or the sanctioned portion of the adventure. Pathfinder Society characters and characters from an ongoing Adventure Path campaign may not play in the same adventure."

In other words, since you plan to run it as a campaign, run it like you would normally (gear does NOT automatically get sold @ the end of each session but it's instead shared out to the party, etc).

The portions of the adventure which result in scenario sheets still result in you handing out sheets. These sheets can be applied to any character -- but the character must be in the level range specified in the sheet.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

1) you can pre-generate #s for them. nderSociety/myAccount/coord#tabs

@ the bottom, there's a button for "Reserve 10 Pathfinder Society Cards"

2) correct -- that's "campaign mode"

3) if you're doing mummy's mask as a campaign, do what you'd do in a home game (more in a sec). For scenario play -- the loot that's found throughout the scenario disappears, and cash is handed out in its place. Even if it's used up.

3.1) The Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play includes list of "always available" stuff -- which is how people can buy potions of CLW (the ones you find still disappear -- so use them. it doesn't hurt the payout!)

3.2) the scenario "cash" appeared because your party magically sold stuff back. alternately, if you HAVE actually bought stuff previously, you can sell it back for 50% the purchase price.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Thanks for the clarifications. Back to the books! (Witches and metamagic. Time to do more reading )

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber


Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

"People around here liked Daniel; he was always Willing to lend a hand. Them outsider pathfinders killed him. That's settled. It's the slow part of the year, and the hanging's bringing in people and money -- and something to talk about. What? Someone else may have killed them? Prove it -- and bring us the perpetrator so we can hang him. Someone's getting hung."


Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Haven't read/played/GMd the scenario in question, but here's my take on the question:


1) NPCs: "don't come in here." PCs: "OK" GM: "OOC: your mission's in there. if you don't go, you're going to fail." Give the players a warning. They move on? All good. They persist in waiting? 0 0 0 would have been right.

2) Invisibility. Invis is +20 to stealth if moving, +40 if not. That said, you're still there if you're invisible. Hit me with the door, open the door, or walk into me: i may not see you but i know SOMETHING'S THERE (allowing me to swing my sword at it! Go blind fight!) I might have gone with your call. Alternately, I might have given them stealth checks which they'd likely succeed on -- only to either:
A) take an elbow or two every square (difficult terrain, possibly non-lethal damage) as they pushed through the crowd that couldn't see them and wasn't interested in moving for something that wasn't even there.
B) cause a panic and be trampled by the mob that couldn't see them when the call of "invisible things in the room! run!" went out ;)

3) Without reading the scenario: kidnapped people in danger, story's pushing time even if there's not a "clock on the wall": coming back tomorrow isn't going to cut it.
No lesser resto, boys and girls? And yet you have time pressures? Agreed: push on or see #1 (warn the players' actions of the penalty for stopping....) If the cleric insists, let the party move on without him. 0 0 0 the cleric and adjust for the smaller party size if appropriate. It is possible to survive without clerics -- I've done it quite a few times!

4) telepathy in the dark? Absolutely let it keep going. I do the same with Message. See also

5) There are critters that essentially blind themselves if they use deeper darkness in dim light (resulting in supernatural darkness); if you want to see through your own DD, cancel it -- or have tremor sense or blind sense or.... What was the prevailing light condition before deeper darkness went off? Tracking the sliding scale that is darkness is always fun. hts Nothing in there speaking for/against use in the dark; I'd let PCs/NPCs/monsters use it to find others. Note that round 1 only notes presence/absence of thought. I don't view it as a free action, so the critter has to chew up their standard to find you.

6) I'd have done what you did: "Hex is spell-like, not supernatural. It's targeted, not AoE. Pick your target. Point at it. Cast it. You can't see it? Pick where you think it is and cast away."

7) Spiritual weapon "attacks foes at a distance, as you direct it". Direct it to the creature it is to attack. Can't see it? it's just like a fighter in that respect. Direct it to attack a square. Roll attack and then 50/50 percentile dice. If your attack is high enough and the 50/50 is in your favor and the critter is there, you will hit.

8) Incorporeal absolutely threaten. They're an opponent. To quote the CRB and its discussion about movement: "Opponent: You can't move through a square occupied by an opponent unless the opponent is helpless...." Incorporeal critters aren't helpless, just ask the pally who recently lost 6 con to one! You can move through their square using acrobatics just like everything else (tumbling movement rules).

9) Um no. As you said: no stacking the same metamagic over and over. stacking different ones? sure.

GM call-wise: i would have dealt with the cleric separately, and i don't know enough about the initial light condition to know what deeper darkness would have done -- but I 100% agree with the rest of the calls.

On to the player question, a much harder issue:


You had someone who wanted to argue and was going to do so. I suspect that it was "i'm angry from the 'no' I got early" bleeding all over the game.

One thing I'd have tried regarding the rules: "look through your copy of the CRB while others are acting. Show me the relevant entries after the game so we can both learn together. If the party wipes, we can also discuss what you've learned and whether or not it might have helped, but if not -- it's slowing down the game and we only have so much time. I'll happily listen to what you've learned after the game, but I'm going with my understanding of the relevant rules for now. We need to move on." Let him do the research. Discuss what he learns with him after the game if he's interested. No CRB? No basis for discussion.

Beyond that, I'd have been actively working to pull the other players into interactions with me and minimizing interactions with him unless his interactions were relevant to his turn and helpful. Essentially reward appropriate behavior and ignore inappropriate behavior. Short-term wouldn't have helped much, but might have long term.

side note: My solution for invisibility/deeper darkness is to take my monsters off the board and to take notes so I can tell players where they are if it's relevant (ABC/123 grid the map like a spreadsheet. Monster X moved to A23.) Sure, people don't bump into tables and the like, but oh well.

A merge of the two approaches could be fun. hide the room from them so they can trip over tables, don't even put monster pieces on board unless visible.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I've been successful in getting my wife into PFS. I sucked her in with a Kitsune boon after gencon 2012 and she'll ding her Sorceress to level 10 @ gencon 2014.

Most of her games have been PFS-at-home, but she's got a decent # of at-con games under her belt as well. Overall, her experiences have been positive because:
1) Good GMs. The GMs have had fun, she's had fun. They let her try crazy things -- and don't tend to cry when 'Terrible Remorse -- 24 will save' lands on one of their critters.
2) She's not alone. I or another friend is with her (PFS is social for her; if she doesn't know anyone else at the table, she isn't there; she's doing something else).
3) She's avoided jerks @ the tables - or ignored them (or one time, shredded them). She's NOT shy, and if you are condescending, she's going to hurt your ego. And I've got her back.

Going all the way back to the beginning of the thread:

1) Focus on the social (amongst the players, not the PCs -- although that helps too!). Focusing on the social aspects of the game has helped me get several women interested in Pathfinder. I've had success in building a Wrath of the Righteous homegame where there women outnumber the men (wife's friends, mostly). The fact that it's dinner-and-a-team-game helped pull them in. How can we use the social aspects of the game to draw women to PFS?
- Get one lady you know (wife/sister/girlfriend) to play at a table you fully control (no jerks, lots of laughter, happy/helpful GM)
- After a game or two, have your lady you brought bring a friend (or two!) If you can persuade her to do this the 1st time? bonus! (Actually, I wonder if it may not be helpful)
- Bring some snacks (veggie tray and a bag of small chocolates). after all, if you come to my house, that's what happens!

2) Simplify the game. Pathfinder/PFS has a massive amount of rules. If you want to help ANY completely-new player (I don't care about the gender), simplify it. How?
Talk to them to understand what they want to do! Based on that conversation, help them build THEIR character:
- Suggest they pick one of 3 or 4 feats: don't give them the entire list (info overload), just 3 or 4.
- Same with skills. Pick some for them (AND TELL THEM WHY), leave them a couple skill points to pick. By level 2, they'll understand enough to make their own choices.
- No Archetypes. Too many "instead of this, that now applies" things.
- No alternate racial traits. Same reason as no archetypes.

At their 1st game, have the new person sit next to someone whose job is to help (as a GM, I've sat them next to me sometimes). Then
- When they get the deer-in-the-headlights look, give suggestions/options ("you could do X or Y now"). If you can tell them why in a single SHORT sentence, do it. Let them make the final choice, but by giving them limited options, you prevent info overload.
- stay away from CMB stuff. Yes, sometimes, it is awesome, but this is their 1st (maybe 2nd) game -- keep it simple (attack, acid splash... you get the idea)
- make sure the GM knows they're a rookie -- and that you trust the GM to make it a positive experience (the person needs to have FUN!) They may die -- if it's epic.

PS: I'm giving her a link -- she'll post later

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Nefreet wrote:
You've only played 4 games total, correct? That barely touches the surface of the variety that scenarios can encompass. What makes you feel that your character is "broken"? Can you post your build? As was determined in a similar, recent thread, it's usually not as bad as it seems.

This. It's amazing what can be done with a "broken" character....

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Michael Brock wrote:
thistledown wrote:
Well, I got the season closer, but I still haven't gotten Merchant's Wake.
There are 278 volunteers. I have to manually enter each scenario into each GM account. It's going to take a few weeks.

Ouch. C'mon web-masters, give the man a spreadsheet format and upload stuff into the database!

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

also, you can edit your post and add [-spoiler-] (with the square brackets but without the minus signs) at the beginning of what you want hidden and [-/spoiler-] to end your hidden text (again with the square brackets but without the minus signs).

see what I did there?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Jason Wu wrote:

I will say that I had the books and built the mythic version if my character assuming Hard Mode Extreme, but ended up using maybe 1/3rd of his full potential. I found the previous scenario in the series to be much harder in difficulty.

Then again I powergame so that may have affected things.


My perspective may have also been affected by being a lvl 4 playing up -- and I was essentially the tank (lone melee). O_O

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
David_Bross wrote:

I think the mythic rules are amazingly awesome but including them in PFS really amps the power level up way higher than we should responsibly do so. This is because the mythic rules really add about a level to your PC (rather than a 1/2) per tier, and the difference between a poorly built mythic and a well built mythic is rather substantial.

That said, I'm all for epic challenges with mythic stuff included, and am presently enjoying wrath of the righteous quite a bit. PFS simply isn't the place to do this as in our current wrath of the righteous campaign we average a death per combat with mythic creatures.

I've played <redacted> where you were mythic for the length of that single scenario -- and then the powers go away (will they ever return? Who knows?). Since that scenario is built for them -- you need them. The nice thing is that since they go away, it's a one shot. Play with them, have fun, and know that they don't stick around.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

FYI: I'm now penciled in to GM 2-20 Wrath of the Accursed for Pirate Bob. Pirate Bob, your list of available games shall grow shorter....

edit and now 5-24 Assault on the Wound earlier as well.

That fills my GM-able time for the day; fun will be had!

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Indy is home. Will gm something requested. Mark, emailing you the requested info.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Paz wrote:
As other people seem to be handling the character legality/optimisation issues, I would say that you can't go too far wrong buying some +1 armour, a masterwork shield, and a cloak of resistance +1 (assuming you have the necessary fame or it's on a chronicle). Then save up for something like a ring of protection +1 or a +1 weapon.

This. You appear to desire a melee experience in combat (14 str, falcata discussion). 15 AC is going to get you hurt. A lot. Your dex is very low, so head to the mediun weight armors, magic up the armor, and give yourself a better chance to avoid some damage.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Armor spikes cost 50g and add 10lb to armor (, search for armor spikes)
even if you don't have the feat, they can stay -- you only use them if you're willing to take a -4, but they can be there.

A quick note/disclaimer: if you haven't magically enhanced the spikes, we're talking 25g -- which isn't worth this potentially bitter debate. That's less than the cost of a potion of CLW.

Because "An enhancement bonus to a suit of armor does not improve the spikes' effectiveness, but the spikes can be made into magic weapons in their own right," I'd probably rule they could be separated if I was GM'ing and this was the argument approach. After all, if armor enhancements affect only the armor and weapon enhancements affect only the spikes, they're separate pieces, right?

That said, that same paragraph mentions adding the spikes by saying "You can have spikes added to your armor" but says nothing about removing them, so I wouldn't fight for my 1st opinion overly hard if a different GM said "nope,". After all, the verbiage around "adding" spikes strikes me as more welding on than swapping out pieces.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Dorothy Lindman wrote:

Some people mentioned that 7-player tables are a aberration and shouldn't be considered. That is region dependent. One of our stores recently reduced the number of tables they could give us from 4 and occasionally 5 down to 3. Even when we're lucky enough to find an off-site option for a 4th table, we have 1-2 tables with 7 players every week. I imagine we're not the only region with this kind of problem.

So while I agree that 7-player tables shouldn't be a major factor in designing a new system, I want to point out that we can't just ignore them.

There's a reason I included 7-player groups -- it's allowed and I see them quite regularly!

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