Arnistolientar Popswicker

Roondar Turen's page

13 posts. Alias of Lord Manticore.

Male Human Not everyone has to have a last name!

You have been travelling for the better part of a fortnight, from the interior of Numeria to Kenabres. The road has been kind to your musculature, but the weather has not been kind, with the spring showers following you all the way up the path. Fortunately, your wagon, a gift from your creator to be used on this ride, is a magical one. Each night, the driver, a man who simply perfers to be called Miles, transformed the wagon into a small house, big enough to offer shelter to all of you, and provide the necessary food and drink each time. You've been delayed by about two days, but no one complains. The 'wagon' sure beats roughing it in a tent in the middle of a storm.

You reach the outer gate to the Old Kenabres district about an hour before the midday. Miles is able to get the cart into the inner city, but not much further. Getting out of the back of the wagon, Miles hitches the horses and walks back to you. "I'm afraid this is as far as I can get you. If you follow the crowds, you'll make it to Clydwell Plaza before the fastivities begin. Don't forget to try out the food here." WIth that, Miles walks off to one of the vendor kiosks and you see him a minute later chewing on a turkey (or is that goat?) leg.

Your internal chronometers indicate that you have about 15 minutes before the main festivities begin. It is only about 1200' to the pavillion that Miles mentioned; however, there are many people between you and the pavillion. What you do to get to the plaza is up to you.

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10

C'mon in, the water is fine!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have been itching to run this campaign since I bought Book 1 (The Worldwound incursion) a few months back. I now have all the books, and I'm liking the concepts quite a bit. However, I didn't want to just run a bog standard AP; there are already several groups playing that on the forums. I'm not knocking any of them, I think that, from what I've seen so far of the threads, they all look great. I just want my campaign to stand out a bit, give it a bit of a challenge, so to speak.

The spoiler tags below will explain what I have in mind, as well as setting up character creation rules and whatnot. In short, I am looking for 4 players to start, plus 1 NPC that I will be running to be the 'face' of the group. He may or may not make it through to the end of the campaign, but he will not draw from the XP pool. I plan to keep this open at least through the weekend, possibly to a full week (that is, though the 19th) depending on strength of submissions and overall interest.

Campaign Context:
Numeria is infamous for its 'strange' workings, much of which has not been seen outside of its borders in centuries. However, a group within the leadership of the Technic League is debating on whether or not to introduce the world to those advanced technologies that it has available. They have also decided that the best place to do a 'trial run,' as they are calling it, is in the campaign centered around the Worldwound. If this experiment works out, then they can expand out into global operations. However, many are still cautious about the endeavor and wish to remain secretive. A compromise has been reached: a 'scouting' unit of androids will be sent to observe the crusaders to see what, if anything, the Technic League can offer. It's been decided to build 4 androids, with a human control to help integrate the unit into the crusaders' army (and keep an eye on them).

'Your' Role in the Campaign:
You (whoever you might be) are one of the andorids built by the Technic League. Your mission is to infiltrate into the crusader ranks, integrate with them, observe for a few weeks to 2 months, then come back to Numeria for a final report and shutdown. Once in Kenabres, you and the other units in your group are to separate and find pockets of military units to join. You will be telepathically linked to a control; a human magic user who can extract you in case of an emergency. His code name is 'Archimedes.' It has been indicated in your programming that this is not locked, and the mission parameters may change over time, depending on your group's situation. Your group has reached Kenabres during some kind of holiday when the campaign begins.

Character Creation:
    *25 point buy, no stats below 10 (or 8 for Charisma): you have been built with endurance in mind and superior parts. This is more of a 'max/max' style campaign. To offset this 'penalty,' no stat will cost more than 5 points (i.e. to go from 16 to 17 costs only 5 points; same for 17 to 18).
    *2 Traits, plus 1 campaign. The campaign traits are designed to be part of your background. In this case, we can state that the 'event' that grants you the campaign trait is an implanted memory. This will, however, be used as a plot hook for your character later on.
    *This will use the Mythic Adventures ruleset, plus the Mythic Mania rules as they become available. In the short run, if it is on the pathfinder srd website (yes, including Mythic Leadership!), then it will be valid here. Expect to reach your 1st Tier around level 6.
    *Race Available: Android, that's it. If your character dies during the campaign, you can at that time, create a 'normal' character, with one of the races from the Core Rulebook.
    *Classes NOT Available: Gunslinger, any gestalt 'hybrid' character from the ACG playtest or book, Godlings.
    *3rd Party Addendum: Most classes from 3rd party sources are allowed, including the steampunky 'Technomancer' types. Keeping in mind the limitations in place from your Charisma penalty as an android, some classes will work better than others. I reserve the right to say no to a 3rd party class (if it just doesn't make sense in the given campaign, i.e. the Godling, then don't expect me to say yes to the idea)
    *Max hp at 1st level, roll (in the discussion thread) for every level beyond 1.
    *Max wealth at 1st level (the leadership has no idea what a low level 'flunkie' would need to survive, so there are no 'standard' packout lists available from the League).
    *As androids, some believe that you may be called upon to stay out in the field for longer than originally expected. As such, you are designed to grow and 'evolve' over time. The next spoiler will explain the 'advanced android' template, specifically designed for this AP by myself.

Advanced Android template:
These are the bullet points for your character as you advance in levels (NOT tiers):
    *At 2nd level, and every even level beyond, you gain 1 evolution point (as per the summoner class) that you may apply to your character as you wish. If you decide to take a body part or some equivalent (i.e. claws, wings, etc.), the body part in question will glow in a similar manner to your body and look semi-metallic (think organic metal).
    *At levels in which you normally gain a stat point (i.e. 4th, 8th, etc), you also gain an additional evolution point.
    *To reflect your anticipated growth over time, at levels 8, 15, and 20, you gain an additional stat point to use as you wish. You do not, however, gain an evolution point at these times.
    *You gain an additional use of your nanite surge ability every 4 levels. At 12 level, your skin glows as if daylight was cast on your skin. This effect lasts for 1 round.
    *As a racial bonus option when you level, you may add an additional 1/3 evolution point, rather than a skill or hit point. In this fashion, you will have, at most, 21 evolution points to use at 20th level, if you take advantage of this, along with the points already allocated.
    *As you gain experience, it is expected that you will learn how human(oids) work and behave. Advanced processors can take this 'wisdom' into account. At 7th level, and every 4 levels beyond, your penalty to Sense Motive drops by 1 point. At 19th level, your penalty will be eliminated.

House Rules/Expectations:

    *Rolls of nat 1 are NOT automatic failures; your just having a bad day.
    *Please do not metagame. I am aware enough to know that I'm not the only one who bought the books, and I suspect that many to apply will have read up on the AP and are likely to plan out their characters. I am fine with that, just don't make it obvious in my campaign.
    *Maps - I like them, but my iPad Mini, where I do the bulk of my posting and gaming these days, does not. I am open to ideas (no, Google Drive/Draw is not a big fan of my mini computer either, I've already tried), and even to people who want to draw out the maps for us. Until we get a good permanent solution, we'll be doing combat in a cinematic style; I'll explain everything with enough detail that no one is likely to get confused.
    Leveling Up Characters - I ask that hit points be rolled in the discussion thread, mainly to keep it separate from the campaign, but also to see how good (or bad) your rolls are. If you're rolling a 1 and I can see that you can't seem to roll above a 5, I'm likely to cut you a little break. Also, I ask that you post a minimum of HP, AC, CMD, and saves on the toolbar below your character's name. Anything extra I leave up to you.
    Overall - I am not a rules lawyer by trade, but I do have a fair understanding of the rules of play. I don't like to argue over minutiae about obscure rules in the European version of PF, posted on a BBS forum back in 1982. IF you have made it this far, and can figure out what my inspiration was for that last statement, the first person who posts it will get a +1 stat bonus. I prefer to have fun in my games, as you might be able to tell.
    Plans Beyond WotR - IF this group stays together long enough to finish the campaign, I have a few ideas for continuing play beyond Book 6. Perhaps a siege on a not so slumbering city called Tsar, per chance...or terraforming the Sarkosis plains...or just taking over the planet. But I do believe that there will be plenty of playing opportunities beyond reaching 20th level.

Posting Times:
My present job affords me the normal opportunity to post 2-3 times per day during the week, mainly in the morning. This won't be a 'fast' campaign; I learned my lesson from the last time (it was nice having ~4500 posts in 4 months, but an abrupt change to my life killed it, and several dropped out from the game moving too fast), but I can respond fairly quickly during the day as needed. At night and on weekends, I do some side consulting work, and my wife keeps me 'distracted,' respectively. Weekends in particular, I can average maybe 1 post between both days. I don't expect people to really move heaven and earth to put in a bunch of posts at 2am local time (I'm CST for the record) on a Sunday morning. Go pass out like the rest of us from alcohol poisoning, for crap's sake.

As for combat, I'd like to keep it to 1 round per day, tops. If you can't post during that time, then the assumption (unless told otherwise) is that your character is holding action. If you are being attacked, and you're unable to post, I'll DMPC your character until you are out of immediate danger. If you have issues that will keep you from posting for a few days (for example, I will be out of the country in early August, and unless I want to pay 20 bucks per day for internet access, I won't be online), then just give enough advanced notice (if you can) and we can work something out.

I believe that I have covered the highlights, although I'll always remember something just after the 1 hour mark on a post, so if you think I've missed anything, please just ask. I'd like to see some kind of background for your character, i.e. what made your AI decide you wanted to be class X for example. That being said, I'm not looking for dissertations on War and Peace, you've only been around for about a month, afterall. I look forward to seeing all of your entries.

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10


Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10

House Rules:

    *First off, I am very flexible in how you build your characters. If you're unsure about something, just ask here or via PM.
    *A nat 1 on a skill check is NOT an automatic failure. However, I do reserve the right to poke a little fun in your character's direction when you do so.
    *Speaking of, nat 1s in combat, whether by you or one of my NPC's/enemies, will feel the blow of my Fumble Deck! On the flip side, Crits will also take a visit to my Critical Deck. I use them both pretty regularly (but not all the time).
    *Perception is considered a class skill in my campaigns: If you have taken the skill and did not apply the +3 modifier, do so to your character. Logically, it ought to be a class skill for everyone; you perceive the universe. About the only way to not take this as a class skill would be for me to lob off your tongue, nose, ears, and hands. Not much fun to play after that, in my opinion.
    *Max hit points at every level beyond 1.
    *Anything else, we will cover as we go.

Hello everyone!!

I know that DM Grimmy is running his own Lost Lands recruitment and I wish him all the luck in running that campaign. For me, I'm going to try to be a little more specific. I would like to start a Lost Lands campaign, starting with Stoneheart Valley, and working our way north from Bard's Gate to the city of Tsar. My last campaign worked specifically in and around Tsar, and went through 5k posts in 8 months before I had to quit, because of health and family issues. I state this because I know there are some discerning players out there that would like to know one's DM'ing credentials before signing up.

As stated, my plan is to start in Stoneheart Valley, end up in Bard's Gate (briefly) before heading back into the valley and, based on information gathered from the latter quest, head up immediately into the Desolation, Tsar, and quite possibly beyond, in order to stop a maniacal threat to the planet, and quite possibly the universe. The PC's will find themselves to become legendary people as they help the Gawds Thyr, Muir, and others in stopping Orcus from gaining a foothold on their world (i.e. welcome to Mythic Adventures!!)

Currently, I have the Stoneheart Valley supplement, along with Tsar, plus all the stuff we need to run PF. What I am currently missing are the Tome of Horrors books, which I will be finally picking up on my next paycheck. On the mythic side, I have Mythic Adventures and Mythic Origins, and have recently KS-backed the Mythic Mania sourcebooks that were funded just this morning. Those three books will be integrated as we go along (hopefully starting in early March of next year).

So with all that wall above me, let me give you some specifics that I am looking at:

Campaign Needs - People wise:

    * No more than 5 people/characters in the threads. I will be playing a pre-genned 1st level sorcerer to get the group started. I'm not married to him, however; if he dies after the first couple of adventures, I'm not going to be completely upset about it.
    * I would like to request that 1 person be willing to play a LG cleric or paladin of Thyr or Muir. Although the party could get by without one, it will make things a LOT easier at certain points.

Character Creation:

Stat Points: 20 point buy. IF you really want to play the stat drop game to min/max your character, I will want a good reason as to why, and I will be expecting you to play that disability in character throughout the campaign.
Traits: 2 as per any readily available sourcebook, with the exception of Campaign specific.
Starting Level: 1
Classes: Paizo + PFSRD. I like some steampunk dunked into my fantasy, so to get the questions out of the way: Yes, Machinesmith and Tinkerers are allowed. So will anything from the Numeria sourcebooks be allowed as they become available. If I can find it on the PFSRD website, then it will be allowed. That means that the Theurge class from the New Paths Compendium is unfortunately out, but everything else from that book is okay.
Archetypes: Any normal (standard rules apply).
Races: Core + ARG + Android from Bestiary 2 (I believe). Yes, drow are allowed, but only the standard model, the luxury "noble" line is currently out of stock. :)
What is NOT allowed from above: Gunslingers are out (too broken IMHO). Psionists need not apply (old school Grognard here; never was impressed with the PP system from 1st Ed. Please save your arguments about how great UP from Dreamscarred Press is. I am aware that it is a better effort than what has come before, still not changing my mind). Any non-specified race not previously mentioned. There are just too many to choose from and I would like to KISS on this one. Also, on Traits, no Rich Parents (if you come from a rich background, you have no business trying to be an adventurer, just so you can lord over all your 'friends' who had to start out with 40-50 gp).
Character Background:Yes, please. Bear in mind that you just starting out as 1st level characters, so I really don't think that there should be a WoT for your background.

Words of Warning/Expectations:

    * I will be able to post on average 1-2 per day. I am okay if you can do the same. I won't be able to keep up the pace that I had with my last campaign, because...
    * During the day, at least, I will be posting from my iPad mini, while I am at work. The bosses get fussy when I use their bandwidth to make personal posts. :P
    * I still have not mastered the art of making maps (especially combat maps) accessible online. Now that I am starting this campaign, I am hoping that I can slowly change that, but don't expect it to happen overnight.
    * In return, I will try to be as descriptive as I can, while also giving game mechanic stuff, like room dimensions as an example, in ooc format.

I will leave this thread active for the next week or so, and can answer questions pretty quickly, as my workload is rather light this week. If your building a character, I would like to see it in your post as you can; it is easier for me to look at upfront, rather then tapping back and forth across several tabs on this little tablet o'mine.

One last thing: if anyone from my previous campaign wants to get in on this, you will have priority, as long as you can prove to me your credentials: Send me a PM telling me your character's name and what your interactions were with Lucky. Also, tell me in the PM who I am referring to and a good description thereof. I can verify it rather easily as needed.

See you all in the funnies!

EDIT: For those wanting to make casters, the spell lists from the Deep Magic sourcebook are available, minus the ley line magic.

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10


Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10

The building itself looks as if it has been rebuilt at least several times over the years. Built more like a mostly-enclosed open pit of some measure, the bottom third of the building is covered by fieldstones all the way around. The rest of the building is covered in pitch, wood, and mud, with several chinks in the structure, each letting steam and smoke out into the night sky. Walking in, you get hit with a combination of wood smoke, a little coal, and the smell of stew over an open fire in the middle of the large room.

The inside of the tavern, other than the aforementioned camp pit, is an L-shaped room, selling most manners of alcohol and some field dinners (i.e. venison, rabbit, etc.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Well I must say that it was more by accident than anything. For you see, in my younger years, I was a bit of a...shall we say, unfocused. I had been drinking my way steady for several days and I ended up in this harbor town. I don't even know which one it was now, that is how bad I was then. When I began to sober, against my will, I might..."

Nguyen was interrupted by a knock on the hidden door. "Who the devils could that be," he replied. Opening the door

Raelc was standing there with another person. The cook said "I'm sorry about this," in Common, "but the courier says it is important. He wishes to see your friend about a note from an important person." It takes a second for the tone to sink in, but then Nguyen realized it. Perhaps it is time already? he thought. The courier came forward and passed along a note to Nguyen, mistaking him for the true receiver of the message. He turned around and left before Nguyen could say anything. Nguyen nodded to the cook and shut the

door. Nguyen looks at you and says, "I believe it is a note from the Society. I shall read it to you." He then opens the missive and reads the following out loud:

Greetings, Young Adventurer:

I am writing this to invite you to have a conversation with some esteemed persons about an expedition into the wilds of the Worldwound, to be more specific could be harmful to those entrusted with this letter. The gentleman in questions wishes to speak to you and several others in one hour's time about this potential arrangement. To meet with him, please walk four blocks to the South of this establishment that you are presently in, and then wait to hear the following phrase: 'I though' I saw A puddy tat.' It may sound crude, but several of us this far North do speak with a bit of a broguish accent. Please respond with the following phrase: 'I did in fact see such a cat." You will then be led to a Respectable establishment and we will have our meeting in peace. Please be prompt as we do not have time to dally.

Good Evening to You,

Macavity, please make a Perception check.

Male Elf Wizard 1

"One of the worst places to get drunk in all of Nerosyan!" - "Queen" Gallifrey

"How did I end in up in this unhappy place?" - Doctor Who-something (I dunno, he just kept calling himself the Doctor)

"Where are all the little duckies?" - Bonar the Barbarian

Welcome to our little hole in the ground, where the food is served up proper on sticks of bread, the ale is made from the finest rice, and the service is to die for (or maybe just died, who knows).

Come on in and sit for a spell, or cast a spell and sit on a hand!! We are not picky :)

As the subject line implies, I am looking to start an ST campaign, with the city sitting on the edge of the Worldwound, as opposed to somewhere else. I can handle up to 8 players/characters at once and, given the harsh nature of this campaign, I will likely re-open the recruitment thread on a semi-regular basis to bring in new blood. Let me give you some of the particulars of what I am proposing before we get to the crunchy stuff:

About Myself:
I am 5’9, a Capricorn (on the cusp) and I like long walks on the beach. OK seriously. I am an accountant by day and a gamer/lover by night. :P I am also a 1st edition grognard, Blue Box bandit. That’s right, I said blue. An extra point towards your buy if you can tell me what was so great about the blue box. I have been playing for over a quarter of a century; if the company made more than two books, I have probably played it at some point (hmm, Car Wars….). I have also been a DM for the last fifteen years or so, spliced evenly between Rifts, 3.0/3.5, and Pathfinder. While I have played in a few PbP campaigns over the years, this is the first time that I have actually run one.

What I Expect From My Players:

  • Posting – I would like to see at least one post/day during the week, and another post on the weekends. As always, more posts are always welcome. In order to avoid walls of text, I ask that everyone uses spoilers where necessary. I'll do the same on my end.
  • Grammar – I am not a grammar nazi, but if English is not your favorite language, then please let me know. If you have read this far, let me know what your favorite color is. Also, if you are familiar with drunkenese, then let me know that as well so that I can read your posts accordingly. :p
  • Role v. Roll – This will primarily be a role-playing game, with lots of dialogue. Because this is PbP, I would like to try and not get bogged down by week long combats, but it will occasionally happen. That being said, if you are looking for a hack and slash campaign, this might not be the thread for you.
  • There are a number of threads that talk about how to post “properly” in a PbP thread. While I will not strictly enforce it, I would like to know when a person is posting “in character,” v. random sayings.
  • Dice roles in the open.

What I Will give Back In Return:

  • Posting – I will post at least once per day and often more. As I stated, I work as an accountant, so the first few days of the month, I am working closing the books for the group that I work for, so once a day is probably all I’ll have time for during that time of the month, but I will answer pm’s as quickly as possible regardless.
  • Grammar – I will do my best to minimize de grammer, bud I cn make mistakes two. I’ll keep the errors to a minimum, although my tablet does not have spell check.
  • Dice rolls in the open. Yes, even the ones that say “should be rolled secretly by the DM.”
  • Maptools – I know that a lot of PbP campaigns use this software to create maps, and I would like to do that as well. That being said, I have not had much time to use MT, so my first few maps will likely look a little amateurish. Any positive feedback or advice on this will be well received.
  • NPC’s – There are a lot of characters in ST and I plan to use them to the best of my ability. I will also be adding some NPC’s to the campaign to liven things up a bit. If you have been paying attention, then tell me who you would rather see in the White House: Tim Tebow or Peyton Manning. Some of these characters will be mercenaries, others will be more direct competition.
  • Skype – I do use the service to talk to my daughter who is currently living overseas, but due to my work schedule, I don’t have a lot of time to setup a 4-8 hour gaming session as some others have done. That being said, we can chat here and there on Skype if needed. Just send me a pm and we can setup a chat session.

Now to the good parts!

Character Creation:

  • 25 point buy. If you are going to drop a stat below 10, just to get that extra point in Dex, then I will be expecting you to play your character as such. For example, if you have a Wisdom of 8, you might be the world’s best artist, drunk or sober, but if someone asks for volunteers to do a backflip off of a third story balcony, while not spilling a single drop of that fourth stein of ale in your hand, I’ll be expecting you to be the first volunteer.
  • Allowed Sources – Anything from the PFS is allowed with minor exceptions (see below). Also any 3rd party stuff, so long as I can get a link to it or I already own it. I am a big fan of Super Genius Games (and no, you cannot play a Godling) and have a fair amount of their stuff. 3.5 is out for the most part, conversions can be a pain, particularly as part of a PbP campaign.
  • Races – ARG is fine. Let me answer the questions now: Drow=yes, Drow Noble=No (I’m a little goofy, not crazy); anything that has to be built is No, 3.5=I will consider on a case by case basis. The more complex the race, the less likely I am to approve it. Finally, if it requires XP debt, then the answer is no.
  • Classes – Anything “Core” or “Base” (plus 3rd party) is ok, with the exception of Gunslingers, and all skills/feats/weapons/whathaveyou that the class entails. I like guns (I live in Texas for cryin’ out loud) but the rules from PFS are not exactly to my tastes. Easier to not deal with it.
  • Alignment – Good or neutral characters. For those not familiar with ST, let’s just say that there are plenty of opportunities to become evil. To play one from the start, however, is something that most players (in my experience) just do not have the temperament for.
  • Hit Points – Max @ level 1, ½ HD plus 1 for every level afterwards.
  • Starting Level (that might help, huh?) – 7th level.
  • If you have made it this far without falling asleep, congratulations!
  • Starting Gold – 23,500 gp, plus a wayfinder, and 4,000 gp to use towards purchasing a ioun stone. If you are paying attention to everything, you’ll tell me what you bought with that bonus as part of your crunch write-up.
  • Skills – House rule: Perception is always a class skill, regardless of class.
  • Traits – You may select two traits, plus one from the Pathfinder Society.
  • Background – I would like to see a basic setup for your character. If I choose your character for the campaign, I would like to see additional information, including the items that I will mention further on.
  • Other Stuff – No hero points, no guns, no piecemeal armor, and no words of power. Those sound nice on paper, but it takes a lot of additional crunching to deal with, and I am already asking for a fair amount.

The Twist:
As ST is setup in a generic world, it makes things relatively easy to convert over to PFS. In this case, Tsar has been around for centuries, but it is perched on the edge of the Worldwound itself, separated from the hole only by some mountains that were formed as part of the rupture. Also, I would like to run this using the Pathfinder Society Field Guide as the entire group will be part of the group. Here are the additional rules/guides from that source:

  • Each person must pick a second faction that they belong to as part of the Pathfinder Society (PS), such as the Silver Crusade. Each member is considered to belong to the Grand Lodge faction (mostly to have access to that part of the prestige rewards) as their secondary faction.
  • Because you are starting out at 7th level, your characters will have had time to accrue some prestige. Each character may roll 1d10 to determine the number of Prestige Points your character has earned. If your character has used any PP, then that should be part of the initial crunch/background to determine how much Fame you have.
  • As mentioned previously, each character gets a wayfinder as part of their starting equipment. If you wish to trade the basic model in for another wayfinder (i.e. the Wayfinder of Shining), then your trade-in value is 500 gp.
  • The campaign will be starting in Nerosym, along the border of the Worldwound (to receive your final briefing and get a little role-playing in from the get go). It is expected that you will have all of your starting gear at that point, as you will not likely have a chance to buy anything before you leave the city.
  • Finally, the group as a whole will receive a few items to help them survive (at least initially) in the Worldwound as they make their way towards Tsar (via The Camp).

I am recruiting as of this posting (assuming Paizo’s servers don’t glitch again :( ) and will continue to recruit for the first batch of people until the end of the day on Halloween. I expect we will begin play the following week, as we get some loose ends (i.e. additional background, tie-ins to your faction, etc.) taken care of. I hope that everyone pays attention to everything as details are almost a must for a PbP campaign. If you have any questions...well, as Jesse Jackson always says "The question is moot!" 2 points towards your buy in if you can name the reference, and a bonus 2 points to the first person who can tell me the name of the actor that said it. Otherwise, I’ll try to answer questions to the best of my ability.


So here are my thoughts on this: I have been a DM irl for almost 20 years, and have played long before that, going all the way back to the original Red Box. My experience in running PbP however is pretty light, but I am eager to do this, and a campaign like Slumbering Tsar would definitely provide months, if not years, of fun. That being said, my current gaming group is not exactly what you would call "serious" about a 5 hour session, we usually get maybe an hour or so of actual gaming done. That's why I'm looking to do this campaign as a PbP.

I have some ideas on how I want to run the campaign (i.e. starting level=6, etc), but I am not actually recruiting yet. That's why the thread is in Advice and not over on the Online Campaign forums. I am looking to get some real advice on this one.

Here is my big one. I've never been big on using minis in my rl campaigns, which is part of the reason that PbP appeals to me. That being said, a lot of people prefer to see maps and play tactically. I'm not good at making maps, and I have seen a variety of them here in terms of quality. I could use some good advice on how to create/manipulate maps online. Any advice in this department would be handy.

I've read several boards now and have started to read Aubrey's Eberron campaign. My goal of course would be to have a campaign thread that could be rationed out in volumes, but I do know how the average PbP thread goes. I'm looking for anything of interest that I should be looking out for from other characters, particularly in the recruitment category. Any other advice would be welcome as well.

I have some ideas about how the campaign itself should look (i.e. Core races plus...) and I can post them in down the line if anyone thinks that's important, but at the moment, I am mostly looking for advice. I can recruit later once I have everything in place.

Thanks in advance to everyone who send me some constructive, informative advice.