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Maps: Segang Expedition
The waiting room is much like you always find it, full of other pathfinders awaiting the assignment. The doors to Valsin's office are closed, but you can hear some muffled conversation happening. It's too hard to make out the words, but there are definitely negotiations happening on the other side. For now you're expected to wait until the Venture-Captain calls you in. There's a small table in the middle of the room with a small placard that says: Icebreakers
This is a recruitment thread for The Segang Expedition which is one of the scenarios I've enjoyed playing and DMing the most. Party Selection will be done First Come First Serve Any PFS First Edition PC between levels 1-5 may apply. Given that this is a last minute addition to Gameday, recruitment will stay open until September 10th or until we reach a full table. GM expectations are listed on this alias, please review before signing up. This game does not appear on the list yet but is in the process of being submitted.
So, the CRB says that Shirren only speak outloud in Formal situations. Their telepathy is limited to 30ft. This would be severely limiting in combat, as any ally more than 30ft would the be outside the range of a Shirrens ability to communicate. I can't find anything saying wether or not Shirren are capable of physically speaking languages other than their own. Has anyone else caught anything that suggests this. Would it be completely unlike a Shirren to shout audibly in combat? I'll probably assume they can speak all languages out loud until otherwise mentioned, but I'm still unsure as to whether or not they would.
" me! Hello! I-if I could have your attention please, Master Xynen is looking for any new recruits to the Society interested in applying to become Confirmed Field Agents. All interested please see me and add your name to the sign up sheet. I- I will be availbe to answer any questions you might have!" Done with his speech the blonde halfling steps down from the table he'd been standing on, and sits quietly in his booth, waiting for anyone wandering the lodge to sign up. Every few minutes or so he repeats his speech, trying to attract as many new comers as he can so he can complete his task as soon as possible. Alright, I am looking for at least 5, and no more the 6 players to join me on a quick run of The Confirmation scenario.
Maps: Segang Expedition
Please provide the following information: Player Name:
Please double check that this is a Core character. Also, please read over the expectations listed under this Alias Profile so you know what to expect from this game.
Maps: Segang Expedition
Please provide the following information: Player Name:
Please double check that this is a Core character. Also, please read over the expectations listed under this Alias Profile so you know what to expect from this game. Obviously we still have quite a while before gameplay starts, but having everyone checked in ASAP will make it easier to start the game on time.
Maps: Segang Expedition
Please provide the following information: Player Name:
Please double check that this is a Core character.
Maps: Segang Expedition
It's been roughly one week since Barzillai Thrune arrived and started to squeeze the life out of Kintargo. The days of being able to conspire in the Longroad Coffee House are quickly coming to an end as aggressive action from various "Thrunie" organizations become more frequent. There was indeed a protest in Aria Park earlier in the week, but it was small, and quickly scattered by the Hellknights of the Rack the Paracount imported from the south. A few other protests have popped up here and there. Most were diffused by the dottari, sometimes harshly but more often simply through intimidation. Just two days ago the Chelish Citizens Group nearly beat a man to death, eager to please Barzillai and somehow tensions have grown even thicker. Many people whisper that something must be done but few enough seem willing to do it, whatever it is. Then word starts to spread of an even bigger protest back where it all began, in Aria Park. "This biggest one yet!" You hear, and at first you assume it's just an exaggeration. However you hear it again and again from different sources, soon it seems that everyone in the Silver City is going. It's hardly an opportunity you can pass up. Finally, it's the morning of the protest. Even with the cobblestones of Argent Avenue and the foliage of Aria Park still wet from the morning’s light rain, dozens of Kintargans have gathered along the facade of the opera house to protest the city’s new lord-mayor, who received his position in the wake of the previous lord-mayor’s sudden flight from the city— an event that still has local rumormongers whispering furiously. In a scant seven days, Paracount Thrune has instituted martial law, a curfew, and seven outlandish and polarizing proclamations. There’s been no sign yet of Barzillai Thrune himself, and the opera house’s doors remain tightly closed—as they have since the man chose the landmark as his new home—but judging by the growing sound of the protesters, he surely can’t ignore the scene on the streets below much longer.
Please make your introductory posts. We have some mechanics that we can delve into once everyone is 'dotted' in, but feel free to roleplay a bit before we get into it. You're each on your own, or at least, not with the rest of the party members, though you may recognize them from your conversations at the coffee house just a few days passed. Lastly, at the end of your post please finalize the Reason For Protest you have chosen from the Players Guide in ooc tags. Thank you, I look forward to playing with you all!
Hello everyone! I am currently recruiting for two open party spots for a Hell's Rebels Campaign that I'd like to start roughly a week from now.
What I expect from my players
~ Read every post. Things will be missed, misinterpreted or accidentally skipped over, that's just human nature, but I expect that everyone is here to play for a good story and a good time and paying attention to your fellow party members is a pivotal part of roleplaying both at the table and in PbP. So please, read everything. ~ Voice your opinions. I am GM, not a dictator. Sometimes I may make rulings you disagree with, let me know. Sometimes I may make a mistake, let me know. This is a collaborative effort and we all want to have fun, part of that is crafting a gaming environment we can all agree on, I prefer my players to be proactive in this regard. ~ Read the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide. There are of course, other supplements you can read to craft your PC, that may add flavor, but that is not necessary, the players guide should provide significant information for this AP. ~ Have fun! That's why we're here, if at any point you feel there is something that you do not enjoy, let me know. I am a flexible person and will do what I can to accommodate the needs of the group. If you can commit to all of the above then here are the Character Creation Guidelines:
~ Max HP 1st Level, Average +1 every subsequent level ~ Background Skills ~ 2 Traits - 1 must be from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, though you may re-flavor the text with my approval. A single drawback may be taken with approval from me first.
~ Alignment: Any non-evil. ~ Races: Core races are all available. The Player's Guide also suggests a number of other races, of these I will also accept Tieflings and Tengu (though you would really need to sell me on the Tengu). ~ Classes/Source Books: As this is (for the next few days anyway) the most recent AP, I see no reason to limit the selection all that much. Anything Paizo up to and including Occult Classes will be considered though I reserve the right to veto anything that looks like it may cause trouble. In that event you will be given an opportunity to convince me otherwise. ~ Starting Wealth: 150gp When making your PC, please focus on personality, background, fluff, etc., before your crunch. I don't much care what your are in relation to Pathfinder as long as I know who you are in relation to Kintargo and the fight for it's freedom. I expect to have recruitment open for about a week or so, depending on interest and quality of submissions that may change but that should be sufficient time. I'll consider a submission complete when I have received the following:
If you have any questions feel free to ask. Roleplaying in this thread is encouraged, but not required for consideration. If you do choose to roleplay the setting is as follows: ________________________ You find yourself, for one reason or another, in the Longroad Coffee House at about midday. The normally relaxed and inviting atmosphere is instead tense and the main room is full of whispers and careful glances as the regulars size up anyone they don't recognize. Last night a number of fires broke out in Kintargo, destroying many well known establishments and rumors have already started making their way through the streets. The most credible ones suggest that Barzillai Thrune is responsible, that they were calculated attacks, but on who and for what reason, no one is quite sure. In any case, it's obviously taken it's toll on the population. Despite this, however, Laria, the proprietor, greets you with a smile.
Maps: Segang Expedition
Well here it is, my Hell's Rebels Discussion thread! At the moment there are three of you, I still have one unanswered PM that may turn into a player, but there's no reason not to move ahead and get those of you who have accepted into your PC's and prepped for the adventure ahead. Once you three are prepared I will open a recruitment thread to fill out our roster. What I expect:
~ 1 Post a Day at Minimum: I can accommodate more posts than that, and we will likely be picking up pace after a little while but one of our players has requested a slower pace for now. ~ Read every post. Things will be missed, misinterpreted or accidentally skipped over, that's just human nature, but I expect that everyone is here to play for a good story and a good time and paying attention to your fellow party members is a pivotal part of roleplaying both at the table and in PbP. So please, read everything. ~ Voice your opinions. I am GM, not a dictator. Sometimes I may make rulings you disagree with, let me know. Sometimes I may make a mistake, let me know. This is a collaborative effort and we all want to have fun, part of that is crafting a gaming environment we can all agree on, I prefer my players to be proactive in this regard. ~ Read the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide. There are of course, other supplements you can read to craft your PC, and they may add flavor, but that is not necessary, the players guide should provide significant information for this AP. ~ Have fun! That's why we're here, if at any point you feel there is something that you do not enjoy, let me know. I am a flexible person and will do what I can to accommodate the needs of the group. I am a fairly relaxed GM. I prefer a good story over rigid mechanics and I encourage my players to get creative with their solutions. I'm open to interesting/fun/unusual suggestions. Don't ever be afraid to suggest something. I have little experience with PbP GMing, though I've jumped into those waters recently, but I have a lot of experience as a table GM and all the improvisational skills that come with it. Test me, please! A little side tracking never hurt anyone and often provides fun stories to look back on. Character Creation Guidelines:
~ Max HP 1st Level, Average +1 every subsequent level ~ 2 Traits - 1 must be from the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, though you may re-flavor the text with my approval. A single drawback may be taken with approval from me first.
~ Alignment: Any non-evil. ~ Races: Core races are all available. The Player's Guide also suggests a number of other races, of these I will also accept Tieflings and Tengu (though you would really need to sell me on the Tengu). ~ Classes/Source Books: As this is (for the next few days anyway) the most recent AP, I see no reason to limit the selection all that much. Anything Paizo up to and including Occult Classes will be considered though I reserve the right to veto anything that looks like it may cause trouble. In that event you will be given an opportunity to convince me otherwise. ~ Starting Wealth: 150gp When making your PC, please focus on personality, background, fluff, etc., before your crunch. I don't much care what your are in relation to Pathfinder as long as I know who you are in relation to Kintargo and the fight for it's freedom. So, check in, say hi, and then take some time to craft who you are for this AP. If you'd like to collaborate, include each other in your histories, bounce ideas off each other, or role play to get a feel for your PC, this is the place for it. The timeline I'm looking at right now is to give you a week (if you need it) to finalize your character sheets. Once you're all done I will make an open recruitment thread for the remaining spots on the roster (currently 2). From there I will take your input (through PM's) and we will hopefully start, officially, no later than March 5th.
Maps: Segang Expedition
Discussion is open! Please post
And any scenario you want to play, as I've never gm'd everything is free game.
Just a quick 'about me': I discovered the Paizo pbp forum on July 21st this year, and have been a daily visitor pretty much since then. In that time I've discovered that I want to GM a host of different scenarios, modules, adventure paths and dice systems using the play by post format, but decided to wait until I'd put a bit of time playing in pbp games first. Well I've recently passed 1000 posts and decided that as far as markers go, that seems to be a good one. I've started a private Skull and Shackles game with friends that's moving along (if slowly) but it's largely informal and likely not a good way to develop my pbp GM skills (other than NPC tracking anyway). What I'm looking for: I'd like a handful of players with a number of Pathfinder scenarios/modules/AP's under their belt (preferably a few players who have GM'd as well) who are willing to take a level one PFS character and play through to level two (at least) in the same group. My goal is to get input and criticism from the group as we play through a few different scenarios together, so I can figure out what works and what doesn't, and to answer any questions I may have as well. Why PFS? The short length of scenarios opens up opportunity to GM different styles of play and narrative in a quicker time span than a module or adventure path. From Under Ice is different from The Segang Expedition is different from The Confirmation, etc. What scenarios we play, at this point, does not concern me, I just want to see if I can get enough interested players to help me out. Once(if) I have 4-6 interested individuals I'll open a discussion thread and we can figure it out from there. That being said, feel free to post if you'd prefer Core or Classic and maybe a scenario you've been itching to play. Lastly: I'd like to play with frequent posters who care about their characters and aren't just looking to hit the next chronicle sheet. I've seen a number of PFS pbp's with posts that are just "skill check, dice roll: did I pass?" or players who remain largely silent during anything but combats. I accept that it is how some would like to play, and as a player I can shrug it off, but as a GM, particularly for this group, it's not what I' looking for. I'd like to flex both my roll and role muscles and I don't mind taking the scenic route.
The Wormwood
Gameplay thread, to be kept mostly in character. This is where the game will be run for the most part.
The Wormwood
This here is a discussion thread. For discussing. So, I suppose that's what we'll do here, most likely. |