Rat King

_Rocket_'s page

490 posts. Organized Play character for Revvy Bitterleaf.

Current Campaigns

OutPost 1: GM Kate's Sanctuary of Drowned Delight, Table 1 (inactive)

[RD][SFS] 2-06/2-08: The Stumbling Society (inactive)

[SFS-OutPost II 2019] 1-25 The Beacon Code Dilemma, Table #1 (inactive)

[SFS-PBP Gameday-GM Skeemo] 1-99 The Scoured Stars Invasion (inactive)

Map Slides

Skill Rewards:

  • Once during the adventure, each of you can requisition a weapon with an item level up to your level +1 and a non-permanent-effect consumable with an item level equal to your level for the duration of one mission. The group must use this ability prior to starting a new encounter, and this ability cannot be used during the final encounter. The weapon comes with a fully charged battery or full magazine.
  • You can roll twice on any one Computers check during a starship combat encounter, take the better result, and add a +4 bonus to the result. Alternatively, one of you can use this code on a ground mission, allowing that PC to count as being trained in Computers for one check (with the double roll and +4 bonus applied).
  • During a starship combat encounter, select any one successful starship weapon attack to count as a critical hit if it hits, even if the die result isn’t a natural 20.
  • Once during the adventure, when you use an Aid Token, they get two benefits instead of one, although cannot choose the same effect twice.
  • Once during a single starship encounter, you can force the crew of an enemy ship to take a –2 penalty to all Engineering and Piloting checks made during the round. The use of this ability must be declared at the start of the starship combat round.
  • You can reroll one check to recall knowledge about any creature you encounter within the Scoured Stars. Alternatively, once during the adventure, you can instead activate this reward to gain a +2 bonus to each of your initiative checks for that encounter. You can choose to do this after rolling initiative but before the combat begins. If you use this reward against a creature you've identified with a skill check to recall knowledge, each PC gains a +4 bonus to their initiative check instead of the +2 bonus for activating this reward.
  • [SFS/Shifty] #1-11 In Pursuit of the Scoured Past (A) (inactive)

    [SFS/Shifty] #2-23 The Edge of Cadascon (A) (inactive)

    [SFS/Shifty] #3-02 The Subterranean Safari (B) (inactive)

    [SFS] SFS103 Yesteryear's Truth (inactive)

    [SFS] SFS104 Cries from the Drift (inactive)

    [SFS]1-13 On the Trail of History (Author Run), Table #1 (inactive)

    [SFS][RD] SFS 01-23 Return to Sender [Tier 5-6] (inactive)

    [SFS_Aerondor] 01-15 Save the Renkrodas (inactive)



    [dice=Dr Creed Morvius]1d20+1[/dice]

    Esowatch Explorers:

    Huge land vehicle (10 ft. wide, 20 ft. long, 6 ft. high)
    Speed 20 ft., full 400 ft., 45 mph
    EAC 14; KAC 18; Cover partial cover
    HP 50 (25); Hardness 5
    Attack (Collision) 6d6 (DC 11)
    Attack (Turret) merciful aphelion artillery laser (3d8 F
    nonlethal, ammo 40, usage 4)
    Modifiers +0 Piloting, –2 attack (–4 at full speed)
    Systems autopilot (Piloting +10), planetary comm unit;
    Passengers 4
