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![]() One way to get it pending DM approval to use a alternate casting system from UM. If you have a caster using the new Word of Power system there is the power called 'Borrow Future' (time). This can also be grabbed for a caster using the 'Experimental Spellcaster' feat to learn a few wordspells but otherwise remain a conventional caster. These are both in Ultimate Magic. The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes either a standard action and a move action or a full-round action immediately after a wordspell with this effect word is cast. The target skips its next turn, but any effects that would occur on its turn or spell effects that would expire on its turn occur normally. The target is not helpless on its next turn, but can take no actions. Boost: Instead of losing its next turn, the target of a wordspell with this effect word is staggered on its next turn. Target is selected, which can be boosted (+3 lvl) to pretty much affect all allies within 30ft. So as lvl 4 spell - full round to one ally losing next turn
![]() I suppose I use d20pfsrd pretty much exclusively for the rules and then refer to the pdfs for all of the campaign settings books and adventure modules. Have every pathfinder book sitting in storage on shelf behind, most of them never actually opened and read even once. Run the games using Maptool (VTT software) and d20pfsrd. Find d20pfsrd much nicer than using books as gives me a single source for all rules rather than juggling multiple books. Will usually also print off a copy of whichever adventure I am running at the time to read and famaliarize self with prior to sessions. When I have sufficient time all the monster/encounter/room information from the adventure paths is entered into Maptool for play so I don't ever really need to refer back to AP pdf or printed hardcopy. ![]()
![]() Erik Mona wrote:
This is one I would love to see and would be my favorite of the Monster revisited series. Only one I would like to see replaced is the Couatl but a superb list. ![]()
![]() therealthom wrote:
I DM a VTT game on Tuesdays that meets about 3 times a month. So I suppose it on online only but I choose to count it still. We are approaching completion of Curse of the Crimson Throne and will be starting Kingmaker in another 4 weeks or so. I also play in a Second Darkness VTT game that is near the end of the campaign. I find a virtual table top game with Skype and friends to be very enjoyable and quite a bit similar to in person game. It does lose a bit, but it keeps a game moving with friends that move around for work and school. ![]()
![]() In the most recent adventure path there is a devil that gets killed and is described as: pathfinder adventure path # 28, page 53 wrote:
I would imagine that under pathfinder that this is typical for other demons as well, but don't recall seeing anything that specifically spells this out. ![]()
![]() azhrei_fje wrote:
If you do find a module like that in Dungeon please let me know. I quite like the City of Brass and would look forward to another adventure based there. Paizo does also have a adventure path that ventures into the City of Brass, Legacy of Fire book #5, but I haven't read it yet as I do not know whether I may get a chance to play in it or run it following my current Curse of the Crimson Throne game. ![]()
![]() azhrei_fje wrote:
Well I don't know if this will help at all, but an index of Dungeon magazine adventures available in spreadsheet format: http://thentao.com/dungeon-index.html It's been a enormous help to me so far, but as I look at the list of Planar adventures listed, they do not relate to elemental planes as I can see, though perhaps you can still grab some inspiration from them.Issue - Page - Title
107 38 Test of the Smoking Eye
108 16 The Iron Satyr
116 40 Asylum
123 56 Quicksilver Hourglass
128 70 The Fireplace Level
136 66 Gates of Oblivion
144 68 Diplomacy
147 48 Into the Maw
148 52 Wells of Darkness
149 40 Enemies of my Enemy
150 60 Prince of Demons
This online filter may also help you out, but I prefer the spreadsheet: http://www.intwischa.com/dungeon/ ![]()
![]() jreyst wrote:
I also quite like the expanding menu of the left hand side like the Sovelior Sage page had, it seemed more convenient to me than how d20srd was set up. I mostly used d20srd since it had a much better search though. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
1. lvl 13 to 18 2. The characters are really starting to come into their own at these levels, lots of interesting things the characters can do. So many options and abilities for the players/DM that I find things all stay interesting. Often at lower level I find I am just going through motions of battles because it is required to get to at least lvl 5. 3. City of the Spider Queen. One of few adventures actually set up to let players stay in higher level ranges for entirety of combat. The battles remained challenging throughout. ![]()
![]() Hunterofthedusk wrote:
There doesn't appear to be any limit to the number of spells on a Pathfinder scroll, but it does mention that for each additional spell (pg 358) that it is a foot longer and that scrolls with more than 3 spells are typically fitted with reinforcing rod. In 3.5 edition the DMG has Major Scrolls listed as 1d6 spells, which is the closest I can find to a limit. ![]()
![]() Haldir wrote:
I personally use Map Tools v1.2 myself though I use it with a projector it would be excellent for online play (its intended purpose) as well. It allows you to use vision and automatically reveal sight to the players. I suggest you take a look at it and if you have any questions the people on the forums are very helpful. http://rptools.net/doku.php? Robert |