Bjorn and I have talked it over, and we would be willing to escort these people to where they were going. That way the rest of you can continue on your journey.
I've been having a hard time playing my character, especially now that I'm going to be switching characters. Is there a possibility of switching out sooner?
"If someone would please take the lead and navigate us back to town, that would be great."
Rianna does one last search through the place and then find Bjorn, grasping his hand and looking up into his face, she smiles at him, "Let's go dear, and start our new life together." She then waits patiently for the group to begin heading back to town.
I'm not quitting the campaign, it's just that if Bjorn is done when we get back to town, so would Rianna. She would stay with her husband. I've got a new character that will join the group if the GM okay's him.
Well, I see everyone got a good nights rest. Shall we head back to town? Maybe collect our reward? Rianna looks at Bjorn as if hinting at him to say something, but he just ignores her. Turning to the rest of the group, Bjorn and I were talking. Perhaps its best if we head back towards our homelands and meet with family and make this marriage official in our families and clan's eyes. We'll go back to town with you, but from there we'll head our separate ways.
Rianna finds Bjorn and helps him back to the manor. Let us get some rest and then return back to the city. We've done what was asked, that should be reward enough. Maybe if we are lucky we will see Lucien again and lop his head off.
Ugh, what happened? We were walking along, when all of a sudden I got struck from behind. I tried to move to safer ground, but didn't realize how hurt I was. Rianna rubs her back where the javelin struck her.
The manor sounds like a good idea for the night. We need to regroup and head back to town. We at least accomplished our mission. We disrupted the talks.
Bjorn has the magical bandages. I'm only down -2, so they may get me up to the point where I can use the wand. I won't be fatigued from armor when I get up.
I'm down, so unless I get some healing, I'm out. But as soon as I get some healing, I'll either go into healing mode with the wand or daze on the enemies.
Unless you folks find something that needs to be deciphered, I'm gonna visit with Betony...I mean I'll watch the outside with Betony until you folks finish searching the place.
Rianna steps outside acknowledging Betony and Thist before she begins dancing around on the porch, idly spending her time lost in her dance.
If possible, maybe Bjorn and Rianna can assume ownership of the manse and live here comfortably. It could also be a home away from home for the rest of the group. Just a thought.
Hello Roslyn, Silar. Sorry we didn't meet in better circumstances. My names Rianna. And I don't forget a face, so this must mean you helped us out after I got knocked out?
Rianna uses the wand on herself.
Cure Light: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
One charge for me thanks!
Well, that's better. I really don't want to go traipsing through the underbrush after that group. Besides a good story needs a good antagonist. Rianna gives Dieredon a sly grin at the last statement. We'll see him again. We accomplished the main goal of our task, and it will net us some good profit.
Rianna gives the mansion a quick glance, as if she hadn't noticed it before now. She whistles at the sight. Looks like there is a lot of rooms in there. Plenty to go around. She gives Bjorn a wink at the last statement.
I'm not sure. What do you think the group needs? I'm open to pretty much anything. We've got a cleric, ranger, rogue, wizard (illusionist), cavalier, and fighter. (Divine, archer/melee, thief, arcanist, and two front line fighters) The bard thing worked well with the group, though I'm not sure how well I handled it. Any suggestions? I guess another caster would probably help, as there is only two right now. But which one? Thoughts?
I prefer medium as well. Though I have rarely played a high level game, but fear that the excess amount of power might be difficult on a PbP. It seems to me that every time I get about 3rd or 4th level, the characters and encounters start to get interesting, but the campaigns die. Basically I agree with Dieredon.
Rianna wakes up groggy. OW! That hurt! Rianna rubs her wounds, still showing pain in her movements. So, we going after them, or are we cleaning out the mansion? If we are taking off after them, I should take the cure wand and be a healer for the rest of the day.
I thought he was going to die. If he had, it would have been an easier decision. But...Rianna would go with Bjorn. But I don't want to leave the game. Would it be possible to bring a different character in at the same experience as Rianna when she leaves?
Pour the potions down Wesh's throat. Both if need be. We won't survive, more importantly, Betony won't survive if we don't get him up now. We've also got the bandages which may stop Betony's bleeding.
I also have one, and I thought you had one as well Dieredon. Actually, I thought yours was a Cure mod. But I can't access my loot sheet at the moment so I don't know for sure.
I'm definitely down. -7 However my lingering performance may help Dieredon for a couple more rounds. I could have used a wand of cure too if I had stayed up. Oh well.
Stabilize 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Yeah, a level up would have been nice, just 60 points short.
Rianna moves a little closer, then seeing an opening, Rianna tosses the fireball at the cleric trying to get as many bandits in the blast as possible without harming her friends.
Move to U17 then through fireball at opposing cleric.
Sorry for the delay folks, been away from the internet for the weekend. Thought I would get a chance on Saturday or Sunday, but didn't happen.
Rianna holds the fireball tightly waiting for a better chance to get the taskmaster and possibly a couple of other heavier hitting goons with it.
I'll hold off till we see a stronger group. Until then I will try to sing for Bjorn so that he may be less visible to the enemy.
Rianna moves closer trying to stay out of everyone else's way. double move to Y21
Rianna will wait to see what the firework does before she uses the fireball. If the firework does a good enough job, she will hold off with the fireball until a more appropriate time.