![]() HP could represent how much positive energy your body/soul can store. Why is it that a simple cure light wounds spell can take a commoner from KO to OK but only closes a 2 inch cut on the high level badass? In fact it takes about 10 CLW spells to completely heal the high level badass after he got KOed. Why does it take that many? Easy; the high level badass has a internal well of positive energy that protects him from harm. Not quite a forcefield but it does toughen him up from the inside out. Starting with his bones of course. As he will always be able to walk away from a fall from a great height without any bones being broken unless that fall also KOs him. Similarly the undead are powered up by negative energy. And well objects are just that tough to begin with (hardness and HP). ![]()
![]() Does the Limning magic weapon special ability have SR? The base spell of Faerie Fire does but the wording in the weapon description speaks differently. Limning Price +1 bonus
DESCRIPTION When a liming weapon is wielded, a pale glow outlines it. On a successful strike against a creature affected by a means of magical concealment, the weapon outlines the creature in faerie fire (as the spell) for 1 round. Magical means of concealment include blur, displacement, invisibility, and similar effects, whether from a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural means, but not those provided by extraordinary abilities . A liming weapon has no special effect against creatures merely hiding or concealed by non-magical means, or those hidden by environmental conditions (even magical) such as darkness or fog. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Magic Arms and Armor, faerie fire; Cost +1 bonus ![]()
![]() I've GMed this a couple of times. No one died. Players can see and identify them well before combat is initiated. They don't get up until a living thing gets within 20'. This gives players a chance to rocket tag them. A cure light wounds wand is very useful for the dark room for sure. I wouldn't recommend running this for 0 xp characters played by raw recruits to PFS. Each time I GMed it I made sure my players knew that it was a dangerous sweep and clear mission that should be approached with a very tactical mindset. Nothing stopping players from declaring initiative at a door before opening it after all. ![]()
![]() Cracked and flawed ioun stones are often better to just jam into your skin somewhere under your armour. Pick a star constellation pattern if you'd like. Or if you probably needed to retry that check (not applicable in PFS I know) they are likely somewhere random on their body and have like 20 scars for each stone for all the failed attempts... ![]()
![]() I always figured the minimum ability scores (7s across the board) and the 20 point buy system for PFS were the entry requirements. Oh you want to be a Pathfinder Field Agent (10 point buy) sorry you don't make the cut. Got a 4 Wisdom? Nope. 5 Strength? Only if you're a Halfling, Humans that weak don't get the job, etc. ![]()
![]() "At character creation and each time your character gains a level, you decide if you would like your character to be on the standard or slow
Doesn't talk about exact xp amounts. Just when they level. In this case he would level after getting the module credit. Although it puts him at 1 xp from leveling again. Rather break that up into two games so I don't level out of tier for a certain scenario. ![]()
![]() I played that scenario once and GMed it 7 times. It’s really easy to run with minor prep despite the module not having complete stat blocks printed in it. You can download the PDF for it for free and see where else he went wrong if you’d like. If he really went way off then I’d recommend speaking to your VC. |