Kutholiam Vuere

René P's page

Organized Play Member. 164 posts (179 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 29 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Agreed on the Channel Force feat line. Maybe something that uses variant channel?

This is the coolest thing I've seen in a long while.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

HP could represent how much positive energy your body/soul can store.

Why is it that a simple cure light wounds spell can take a commoner from KO to OK but only closes a 2 inch cut on the high level badass?

In fact it takes about 10 CLW spells to completely heal the high level badass after he got KOed. Why does it take that many?

Easy; the high level badass has a internal well of positive energy that protects him from harm. Not quite a forcefield but it does toughen him up from the inside out. Starting with his bones of course. As he will always be able to walk away from a fall from a great height without any bones being broken unless that fall also KOs him.

Similarly the undead are powered up by negative energy. And well objects are just that tough to begin with (hardness and HP).

Maybe the PDF of the Player's Portfolio will count for rerolls?

Ms. Pleiades wrote:
Let's just cut to the really important question, can we take Profession (Cannibal) as a skill?

Is Profession (Vegan) a skill?

Dinosaur eats Human = ok
Human eats dinosaur = ok
Intelligent Dinosaur eats human = ?
Intelligent Outsider eats human = ?
Intelligent Native Outsider eats human = ?

Is cannibalism in this case the ingestion of any intelligent creature or simply of the same type as the eater?

Select low Fortitude save targets. Stuff without con scores for example. Undead, constructs etc.

Aim at the ceiling so they also take falling damage afterwards. Having to pick a target creature and target to throw at both within 30' is kinda tough sometimes.

What is the approximate run time for this one? Is this a 4 hour scenario or would it take longer?

Does the Limning magic weapon special ability have SR? The base spell of Faerie Fire does but the wording in the weapon description speaks differently.


Price +1 bonus
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th; Weight —


When a liming weapon is wielded, a pale glow outlines it.

On a successful strike against a creature affected by a means of magical concealment, the weapon outlines the creature in faerie fire (as the spell) for 1 round. Magical means of concealment include blur, displacement, invisibility, and similar effects, whether from a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural means, but not those provided by extraordinary abilities . A liming weapon has no special effect against creatures merely hiding or concealed by non-magical means, or those hidden by environmental conditions (even magical) such as darkness or fog.


Craft Magic Arms and Armor, faerie fire; Cost +1 bonus

The Aspis Consortium wrote:
I may know of a few...

Thanks! ...why do I feel like this is a trap?

Hey gang, I'm looking to make a dedicated Aspis Consortium assassin and am wondering which scenarios would give my toon opportunities to do so.

No big spoilers please, just if you can think of any let me know. Cheers.

Ioun Stone Opalescent White Pyramid, Cracked for 1,500 pieces of gold. Turns any one exotic weapon into a martial.

Just throw some Vicks vaporub on your upper lip and carry on. I guarantee this won't end well.

This recently happened when I GMed the Sky Key Solution. Everybody pitched in equally for his raise and restos. The killer purchased a Clear Spindle Ioun Stone on that chronicle.

You chose core, you live with core.

What is the hardness and hit points of the mindblade? Same as the weapon it emulates?

Well done Mike! Thanks again for GMing Bonekeep 1 for us Winnipegers those years ago. Enjoy your Seeker status :)

Can someone please fix this?

I've GMed this a couple of times. No one died. Players can see and identify them well before combat is initiated. They don't get up until a living thing gets within 20'. This gives players a chance to rocket tag them. A cure light wounds wand is very useful for the dark room for sure. I wouldn't recommend running this for 0 xp characters played by raw recruits to PFS. Each time I GMed it I made sure my players knew that it was a dangerous sweep and clear mission that should be approached with a very tactical mindset. Nothing stopping players from declaring initiative at a door before opening it after all.

Cracked and flawed ioun stones are often better to just jam into your skin somewhere under your armour. Pick a star constellation pattern if you'd like. Or if you probably needed to retry that check (not applicable in PFS I know) they are likely somewhere random on their body and have like 20 scars for each stone for all the failed attempts...

How long did your group take to complete this module?

Can I have that one restored? I have a bio to make!

Well that needs to be fixed.

...did I stump you guys?

My -9 character is absent from my profile. May I have it returned please?

I'm interested in adding Produce Flame as a spell known on my Sorcerer. Does anyone know of a PFS legal way to do so?

Thank you!

Can a character take a favoured class bonus (FCB) that increases or improves a class feature that they have yet to reach? For example: An Elf Life Oracle takes the revelation increasing FCB for channel energy at level 1 but doesn't select it until level 3.

Seeing how you can only flurry of blows with monk weapons that only gives us Wushu Dart, Shuriken and Rope Dart as viable throwing options. Narrow choices.

My Invulnerable Rager Barbarian hasn't worn armor since he was 4th level and has routinely waded into melee with AC 0.


Jimcon this weekend in Winnipeg Canada. 30 tables of PFS.

I always figured the minimum ability scores (7s across the board) and the 20 point buy system for PFS were the entry requirements. Oh you want to be a Pathfinder Field Agent (10 point buy) sorry you don't make the cut. Got a 4 Wisdom? Nope. 5 Strength? Only if you're a Halfling, Humans that weak don't get the job, etc.

Any recommendations to help Marl defeat DR/Good with his natural attacks?

I recently had a player do this at a table I was GMing. Being familiar with the feat as one of my characters has it I was simply impressed with the creative application and permitted it. None of the effects listed under the power components are game breaking after all, so why not.

Can we purchase potions that contain spells with a range of personal? If not, why? Seems like you should be able to personally drink a potion of a personal nature, personally.

I agree. If buddy is reading it for no good reason. Then he’s bringing the table down. Poor teamwork and unsportsmanlike.

Unknown reason as to why he read it before hand. He has extremely limited GMing experience to my knowledge so I doubt it was for GM prep.

Player admits to reading the scenario before sitting down to play it. Cool or not cool?

The Eldritch Scion from the Advanced Class Guide! Thanks Paizo!

Thanks guys. So no rule for or against it otherwise? Excellent, shooting people in their vulnerable areas is fun.

Would a Rogue with greater invisibility get sneak attack on both shots of a 'double tap' with a double-barreled pistol?

Thanks Doug!

So a person can have a tier 1-2 module on two level 2 characters? Once GMing and once playing?

Can I re-GM tier 1-2 modules for credit? I know players can replay them but can only play them once with a level 2. Does this also apply to GMs? Can I only assign the credit to one level 2 character but can re-GM it to other level 1s?

Ah that settles it then. Thank you.

"At character creation and each time your character gains a level, you decide if you would like your character to be on the standard or slow
advancement track for the entirety of that level." - Guide to Play

Doesn't talk about exact xp amounts. Just when they level. In this case he would level after getting the module credit. Although it puts him at 1 xp from leveling again. Rather break that up into two games so I don't level out of tier for a certain scenario.

If I have character with one xp to go to level up and apply a 3 xp module can I put him on slow track after he levels up?

I played that scenario once and GMed it 7 times. It’s really easy to run with minor prep despite the module not having complete stat blocks printed in it. You can download the PDF for it for free and see where else he went wrong if you’d like. If he really went way off then I’d recommend speaking to your VC.