Kutholiam Vuere

René P's page

Organized Play Member. 164 posts (179 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 29 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Does the Limning magic weapon special ability have SR? The base spell of Faerie Fire does but the wording in the weapon description speaks differently.


Price +1 bonus
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th; Weight —


When a liming weapon is wielded, a pale glow outlines it.

On a successful strike against a creature affected by a means of magical concealment, the weapon outlines the creature in faerie fire (as the spell) for 1 round. Magical means of concealment include blur, displacement, invisibility, and similar effects, whether from a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural means, but not those provided by extraordinary abilities . A liming weapon has no special effect against creatures merely hiding or concealed by non-magical means, or those hidden by environmental conditions (even magical) such as darkness or fog.


Craft Magic Arms and Armor, faerie fire; Cost +1 bonus

Hey gang, I'm looking to make a dedicated Aspis Consortium assassin and am wondering which scenarios would give my toon opportunities to do so.

No big spoilers please, just if you can think of any let me know. Cheers.

My -9 character is absent from my profile. May I have it returned please?

I'm interested in adding Produce Flame as a spell known on my Sorcerer. Does anyone know of a PFS legal way to do so?

Can a character take a favoured class bonus (FCB) that increases or improves a class feature that they have yet to reach? For example: An Elf Life Oracle takes the revelation increasing FCB for channel energy at level 1 but doesn't select it until level 3.

Grand Lodge

Yarr can I be drinkin that there potion and make me claws, teeth, beard and me horns all goodie good for tearing apart dem dere demons and the like?

Can we purchase potions that contain spells with a range of personal? If not, why? Seems like you should be able to personally drink a potion of a personal nature, personally.

Player admits to reading the scenario before sitting down to play it. Cool or not cool?

Would a Rogue with greater invisibility get sneak attack on both shots of a 'double tap' with a double-barreled pistol?

Can I re-GM tier 1-2 modules for credit? I know players can replay them but can only play them once with a level 2. Does this also apply to GMs? Can I only assign the credit to one level 2 character but can re-GM it to other level 1s?

If I have character with one xp to go to level up and apply a 3 xp module can I put him on slow track after he levels up?

How much does a scroll of restoration cost in PFS? 800 or 1,700 pieces of gold? Are both options available?

We have rules for improvised weapons but how about improvised shields? Say a character picks up a wooden table and employs it like a tower shield or a bench for a light/heavy shield? This is certainly a trope that exists in fiction can we pull it off in PFS?

Looking at giving my cleric heavy armor and tower shield proficiency. So either a 1 level fighter dip or maybe the Crusader archetype. Recommendations?

...I'd play that.

Maul, Demon of Battle

PFS legal build submitted for your critique:

Classes Archetypes
1 Barbarian Brutal Pugilist
2 Barbarian
3 Barbarian
4 Barbarian
5 Barbarian
6 Monk Martial Artist
7 Fighter Savage Warrior
8 Fighter
9 Fighter
10 Fighter
11 Fighter

Alternate Racial Traits
0 Prehensile Tail
0 Claws
0 Fiendish Sprinter

0 Adopted
0 Tusked
0 Beserker of the Society

1 Power Attack
3 Raging Vitality
5 Celestial Obedience: Falayna
7 Lunge
9 Snake Style
11 Feral Combat Training: Claws

Rage Powers
2 Lesser Fiend Totem
4 Strength Surge

Monk Bonus Feats
1 Improved Grapple

Fighter Bonus Feats
1 Final Embrace
2 Hamatula Strike
4 Weapon Focus: Claw

Anaconda's Coils 18,500gp
+1 Furious Amulet of Mighty Fists 16,000gp

Bite 1D4+18 Hamatula Strike Grapple(grappled) Constrict Grab(Pin) Constrict
2x Claw 1D4+18 Hamatula Strike Grapple for damage Constrict Grab for damage Constrict
Gore 1D8+18 Hamatula Strike Grapple for damage

Questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, damnations, persecutions?

"Hey guys I just leveled up, what feat should I take?"

Any way I can get a tower shield under 20 lbs? Can a medium sized person use a small tower shield for full benefit?

Any ways I can get my toon either of those feats... without having to use a feat? Items, classes, archetypes etc.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi! Um I need some advice. I'm like totally going to have to fight a big scary dragon soon and um well I don't want to get eaten!

Is there anything out there I can buy or learn that would make a dragon not want to eat me???

Please and thank you! lol

Kaida Veros xoxoxoxox

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Captain-Venture say I am too fat. When I join Pathfinders I weigh svelte 220 lbs and was skinny young warrior. Now 440 and muscle man. I grow but my strength grow too! Now not allowed sweets at lodge cafeteria :( Captain-Venture say can have cake when 220 pounds again. Please to explain.

Barbarian Archetype: Invulnerable Rager

Invulnerability (Ex)

At 2nd level, the invulnerable rager gains DR/— equal to half her barbarian level. This damage reduction is doubled against nonlethal damage.

This ability replaces uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, and damage reduction.

If he takes Increased Damage Reduction as a rage power does it also increase his resistance to nonlethal damage?

I'm trying to decide if taking the stalwart feat is worthwhile. By itself having crane style up for a +4 dodge to AC seems good enough but I'm wondering if having that changed to DR 4/- would be better. Opinions?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Here's my short smelly alcoholic murder hobo (PFS play) for your critique please!

Devil Kin Tiefling (Thinks he's a dwarf though...)

Alternate Racial Traits
Prehensile Tail
Vestigial Wings

Adopted: Tusked

Str 18
Dex 7
Con 18
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 5

Class Levels and Archetypes
1 Monk Drunken Master, Master of Many Styles, Sacred Mountain
2 Monk
3 Monk
4 Barbarian Invulnerable Rager, Drunken Brute
5 Fighter Unbreakable
6 Barbarian
7 Witch White Haired

1 Expanded Fiendish Resistance (retrained to Drunken Brawler @ level 5)
3 Fast Drinker
5 Stalwart
7 Raging Vitality
9 Lunge
11 ?

Monk Bonus Feats
1 Crane Style
2 Crane Wing

Rage Powers
2 Lesser Fiend Totem

Magic Item Purchase Plan
Flask of Endless Sake 4,000 GP
Furious +1 Amulet of Mighty Fists 16,000 GP
Goz Mask 8,000 GP

So we have a tough as nails (but clumsy) natural weapon using homicidal transient that gets 3 kinds of benefits from swift actioning booze down his throat once per round with his tail. Not sure where to go after level 7, Alchemist for a tentacle attack maybe?

Questions, comments concerns?

Offering: cash, favours and/or friendship.

The recent FAQ update for Ultimate Magic concerning the Qinggong Monk archetype:

Monk: Can a qinggong monk take a second archetype if the character doesn't swap out abilities the second archetype requires?
Yes. However, the other archetype takes priority over the various abilities granted at each level, and the character can't delay taking an ability that the other archetype replaces—he must allow the second archetype to replace the standard ability at the standard class level.
For example, the monk of the healing hand archetype (APG) replaces
wholeness of body (7th level)
diamond body (11th level)
quivering palm (15th level)
perfect self (20th level).
A qinggong monk who also wants to take the monk of the healing hand archetype has to let the healing hand archetype replace all four of those abilities at those specific class levels. The qinggong monk is still free to replace any standard monk abilities at the other class levels listed in the qinggong monk archetype (slow fall at 4th, high jump at 5th, and so on), so long as selecting those abilities doesn't interfere with acquiring the healing hand abilities at the correct levels.
Note that if the second archetype replaces a standard monk ability, the character cannot select that replaced ability at a later monk level. For example, the qinggong/healing hand monk can never select wholeness of body, even at a level higher than 7th. In effect, the character has selected wholeness of body at 7th and immediately replaced it with a healing hand ability; as the qinggong archetype only lets you select an ability later if the character "selects a different ki power in place of a standard monk ability" (which didn't occur), that option is not available for the character.

—Pathfinder Design Team, 05/23/13

Question: Would this qualify for a PFS character rebuild under Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play v 4.3 Page 28 "If a class, prestige class, or a class feature-dependent ability score is altered: You may rebuild your character to its current XP, maintaining the same equipment." if a person has a monk with feats and class features that are now not permitted?

My high level monk has a 10 foot vertical jump (taking 10)... does he take falling damage if he jumps up and then falls back to where he jumped from?