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![]() Hey all, I'm going to be playing through Rise of the Runelords with my 10 year old brother shortly, with a few tweaks. This is going to be his introduction to Pathfinder, and I want to make it special. It's just going to be him and I, so we'll be starting at level 2. My question is, how would you go about building a Chaotic Neutral Cleric that worships Anubis, the ancient Egyptian God, and wields a bow? I'd also like to work in a level of Cavalier for the mount. Also, the Domains for Anubis irl, would be as follows- Death, Judgement and Burial Rites. Idk what equivalents there are in Pathfinder... I've never actually played a Cleric. ^_^ 20-point buy, and my brother will likely be playing Pali. Thanks for the help everyone! ^_^ ![]()
![]() This is kind of an odd topic for this site I suppose, but it's something my group always tries to do, as we all have a strong love of music, and quite frankly I'm stumped. See, whenever we design a new character, we find a theme song for them. Sounds pretty simple, right? Right now, I'm playing a CN Cav/Sorc who is working to restore a deposed 10 year old girl to the throne of his home nation, as he is her sole surviving bodyguard after an assassination attempt on her entire family, and she is the only surviving member of said royal family. So, what I'm asking you, is what songs happen to strike a bell in your mind as fitting for this character? I do have to mention, instrumentals are not allowed. The lyrics are what count. I'm very eager to hear what you guys come up with. ^_^ ![]()
![]() So, looking through all the Teleportation Subschool spells, I saw some really fun things you could do. I'm not going to bore you with the details, but in our current campaign, we're very likely to each wind up in control of our own kingdom. So, I'm here to ask you, were you to have all the powers of a 20th lvl Teleportation based Sorcerer in control of an entire kingdom... What creative things could you come up with to do? ![]()
![]() So, I'm looking at the aforementioned feat, and it would appear as it would be most useful to a melee build. So, my question, is there a way to consistently use this with a non-melee Sorcerer? Should I be focusing on touch attacks? If I do need to focus on touch, how would I even go about making that work? Thanks for the help. =3 ![]()
![]() So, I've decided to have my Sorcerer specialize in the aforementioned spell-types. What spells of these types are most effective/you would recommend learning? Also, what feats should I be taking? I am at a total loss as to what feats a Sorcerer should take, having only played melee up until this point. Thanks for your help! ^_^ ![]()
![]() So, SCP Containment Breach is a horror game. I'm not going to bore those that don't wish to know with details about the game, as they are irrelevant. However, it is an excellent, and free, game that I highly recommend. Now, I am trying to create 1 of the "SCP's," or monsters from the game, as a player character. To try to give you an idea of what the character is like, here is a link to all the information known about him- http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-049 Now, I was thinking either a Cleric or a Sorcerer would do well in this role. I would love ideas on how to make each of those classes fill this role well. Thanks everyone for the help! ^_^ ![]()
![]() So, I've never played a spellcaster before. I would, however, like to give it a shot. I plan to do so by making a Sorcerer. Now, what I ask you is, what are some must-have spells for each level? This is what I have for my level 1 Sorcerer thus far- 0 level- Mage Hand, Ghosts Sounds, Detect Magic, Message
Anything there you would replace? What spells would you recommend as I level? Any other tips for a 1st-time spellcaster? Thanks! ^_^ ![]()
![]() So, I was toying around with the Arcane Trickster Prestige class, trying to see if I could come up with a solid build. Here's what I came up with- 3 Levels of Ninja
I was thinking I'd go for the Protean Bloodline with this, high CHA and DEX. Does this sound like it would be pretty solid? =3 ![]()
![]() So far in Pathfinder, I've played a Barbarian, a Samurai... Melee tank-ish people. I'd like to try something with a little more... Flair. So I'm looking to make a stealth based character... Preferably 1 that pockets everything he possibly can. From what I understand Rouge is underpowered, and honestly looking at it I'm not a fan of it's mechanics. That said, I pretty much hate magic and would prefer to avoid it if possible. We're playing the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Addition, and I'd like to play a Kitsune. So, any advice for someone who has never delved into stealth thus far? I'd like to make a very solid character out of this. =3 Thanks! ^_^ ![]()
![]() So, I've been thinking about some sort of character that is based around controlling time and space, and nothing else. Jus some sort of caster or whatever would work well that focuses on things like Haste, Dimension Door and Reverse Gravity; space/time spells. Any ideas on how this could be accomplished? I don't want any spells that aren't time/space related. So no fireball guys. XD ![]()
![]() So, I've played an Inquisitor once, and it went disastrously. I'm not looking to make another 1 currently(though I'm certainly not letting this failure deter me) however I would like to know; what is the point of this class? What role/roles does it fill, and how can 1 effectively use it? This is all out of curiousity, but I appreciate any input you're willing to offer. Thank you. ![]()
![]() Alright, so I'm currently GMing a game. This is my 2nd attempt at GMing. We all gave up on my 1st attempt as APPARENTLY it's a bad idea for a new GM to design a campaign from the ground up... Especially if he's new to Pathfinder as a whole. Go figure. Anyways, the current campaign is going pretty well from my viewpoint, and the players seem to agree. However, 1 complaint we have all had so far, myself included, is that there's not enough RPing. I know for a fact that the bulk of this is my fault... I always forget to, say, have the characters sleep/keep watch/etc. when they say they're sleeping. Or have a conversation when they're talking to an NPC. At the same time, however, my group always forgets about this stuff til after the session is over. And are always quick to complain about it. So I've decided to compile a list, which I will keep in front of me at all times, of RP rules that need to be enforced. This is what I have so far- 1- Our characters need to sit down and eat, which we’ll need to RP 2- Same with sleeping, we’ll also need to post a guard for this 3- Enemies can attack us during these times 4- Anyone who sleeps in their armor/sleeps without a bedroll or some such thing will suffer penalties Does that seem fair? What else can I add? Any other tips/strategies you guys can offer to help me increase the amount of RPing being done? I'm pretty desperate here; if I can fix this I think this campaign will go smashingly. So, please help? Thanks. =3 ![]()
![]() I've decided I'd like to play a Monk. I've read Treantmonk's guide, and I think I have a pretty good handle on how to make it work. However, said guide only details what is needed to effectively use the basic Monk; I'd like to try the Weapon Adept. I was wondering if any of you had played said archetype, and what your experience doing so was. I'm not asking how to optimize this; I am well aware how futile such an attempt would be. XD I'd just like some ideas on how to make this a contributing character. Note that none of the other members of the party will be optimized; heck, 1 of them is a Ranger based on thrown weapons. XD Thanks ahead of time. ;D ![]()
![]() Alright, so in pretty much everything I do, Pathfinder or otherwise, I play Chaotic Neutral with a tendency towards Good. It's just who I am. At least, up until recently. I just haven't been feeling it. And I'd like to try coming over to the dark side. Because I most certainly have been feeling that. So I'd like some advice on being Evil. I don't know what sort of Evil I'd like to be, what class I'd like to be, or anything along those lines. I just know I'd like to make a foray into the dark arts. And I'd like some advice on how to do so. Anything you can offer, I would greatly appreciate. ![]()
![]() So, Alchemy items. I'm looking to create a list of feasible *nonmagical* Alchemy items that would be useful at higher levels, and could realistically work in the Pathfinder world. This will obviously all be homebrew. Credit goes to The Quite-big-but-not-BIG Bad for the idea to post a thread about this, and the thread title. Thanks! ![]()
![]() So, 1 of my characters is taking the Nemesis Story Feat. However, I need to work out who this Nemesis is. The character is the human adopted son of an elven count. The characters mother is dead, and he has a younger elven brother, who is not adopted. I'm not open to the idea of making his brother his Nemesis. So, can you guys shoot me some ideas? I've already got a few but it's always great hearing what the community thinks. ^_^ ![]()
![]() So, my friends putting together a 1-time adventure where we play as monster characters. I need some help finding a fun 1. I'm looking for monsters with no racial HD to use as characters. I'm looking for monsters jam-packed with flavor; I can make a build around whatever they come with, I just want something super fun. I appreciate any ideas you can throw at me. ^_^ ![]()
![]() 25-Point Buy Class- Alchemist(Preservationist Archetype)
STR- 20
Feats- Brutal Throw(from 3.5, GM's allowing it), Martial Weapon Proficiency: Greatsword Heart of Fields alternate trait Spells- Enlarge Person, Shield, Cure Light Wounds, Crafter's Fortune, Polypurpose Panacea(Just for fun) So, how's this looking so far? I plan on grabbing Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot, along with Augment Summoning, Planar Preservationist, Extra Summons, things like that. Open the fight with bombs/summons/buffs, melee as needed. Sound about right? ![]()
![]() Alright, so I've decided to try out the Alchemist class. I'm mostly interested in the Preservationist Archetype. I also plan to take full advantage of bombs, and extracts in general. I know I'll need the Augment Summoning feat, and the Planar Preservationist feat. I'm quite set on getting a Grand Discovery(Namely Fast Healing), so dipping is out of the question. I've read this guide- http://pathfinder.ogrehut.com/2010/07/alchemist-build-guide/ It's been tremendously helpful, especially by showing me ways certain aspects/extracts/discoveries can work that I wouldn't have thought of. However, neither of the builds offered are exactly what I'm looking for. I'm pretty confident I could build this character decently on my own, but I would greatly value any input from the Pathfinder community as well, and so here we are. XD Any suggestions? Edit- Using a 25-point buy. ![]()
![]() Alright, so I've been playing a Barbarian for my current campaign, which is my 1st campaign ever. I love being able t just destroy my enemies and not worry about anything else, but at the same time, it's a little flat, and starting to bore me. Also, my character is by far the most powerful in the group, but, despite the fact that he has high Int, none of the other players(including myself) can take him seriously. In other words, I'm pretty much stuck RPing a dumb brute lol. I've got a new campaign coming up, and I have no idea what to do character-wise. I was hoping you guys would be able to give some input? Here's a list of likes/dislikes of mine based on past experience- Likes-
The Alchemist class seemed rather interesting, but were I to do it I wouldn't want to make any alterations to my character's body, so Idk how effective that would be. Although I kinda liked the look of the Clone Master archetype. I'm really open to anything that comes close to fitting my ridiculous guidelines, however. XD Sorry for the super-long post, and thanks for the help! ^_^ ![]()
![]() So, I'm going yo be GMing for the 1st time soon, and I was wondering if you guys could recommend a good pre-made game? I just wanna get the basics of GMing down before even attempting to create my own adventure lol. I'd love something that's centered on dragons or undead, but really anything will do. Thanks in advance! ^_^ ![]()
![]() A friend of mine wants to create a character that uses throwing axes, making throwing said weapon his main method of attack, and using them as melee weapons as needed. The problem is, neither of us have any idea how this would work. Is there some archetype we're missing, or is a simple matter of picking a general class and getting a bunch of throwing feats. I saw the Hurler Barbarian archetype, but it's really not even an archetype... It's kinda pathetic, really. XD Anyways, help? =3 Edit- We're looking for a workable character, not an optimal character. We have no delusion that this could possibly be optimal lol. ![]()
![]() So, I found a great build for a Necromancer character that uses Wizard, Cleric and Mystic Theurge lvls, and I plan to give it a shot. The problem is, I've never played a spellcaster, let alone a necromancer. So my question is, what spells should I be getting to make this work? This is the build- Human, max out Int and Wis.
I forget who came up with this build, but thank you whoever you are lol. ![]()
![]() So, I'm looking to make a character that uses a polearm and medium to heavy armor, preferably elf or human. I'm not opposed to using mounts, but as this character is hopefully going to be water-themed, I'd prefer a water-themed mount, if applicable. As far as magic goes, I'm okay with it, but I don't want to make a wizard/sorcerer etc. A support role would be preferable, as our group currently has a fighter, a barbarian, a cleric and a wizard. So... I have no idea what class/archetype etc. would fill this role and be effective. I'm willing to bend these specifications to make a character that works well, as the top priority is to contribute. Any ideas? Thanks for the help in advance. ![]()
![]() Alright so, I've never played Pathfinder before, outside 2-3 quick runs with premade characters. I'm finishing up a character for my 1st campaign, and I was hoping for some advice. We're starting at lvl 5, with D10+10 for stat rolls. This is what I've got so far- Class- Barbarian Archetype- Invulnerable Rager Race- Human STR- 22
Rage Powers-
I'm pretty sure that's all the relevant information. I was hoping for any advice you might be able to offer. I'm pretty sure this build is solid, but there's always room for improvement, right? Thanks for taking the time to look. ^_^ |