
Reinhardt's page

127 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I've actually seen what Create Pit can do, thanks to my wizard friend. Believe me when I tell you I have every intention on taking it. XD

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Thanks everyone for your help, you did a wonderful job explaining! ^_^

I decided to go with Lawful Evil, for any who were wondering. Thanks again! C=

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1st of all, thank you, I wasn't sure where to place the thread as this is my 1st post on this site, now I know for future reference. C=

As far as flavor goes, I was looking to make a a barbarian that's more animal than human. Strategy-wise, I want him to do as much damage as possible on his turn, with complete disregard to his AC. I want him to hit hard and move fast.

I had already planned to grab Combat Reflexes and Come and Get Me at later lvls, as they simply seemed too good to pass up.

Animal Fury is simply to add a 2nd attack.

I had planned to use a Greatsword, but the Polearm/Claws idea is interesting, I'll give it some thought. My original reason for the Beast Totem, however, was for the 2nd, and more importantly the 3rd totem powers.

The extra AC from the 2nd could certainly help offset all the reductions I'll be taking, and Pounce works perfect with the strategy I have setup. The ability to run into a group of enemies, use a Power Attack, then activate Come and Get Me? It'll be an explosion of damage, albeit short-lived.

As far as Renewed Vigor goes, you were spot on, it's very much a last resort, as we won't have a healer in the party for a little while.

Thanks again for the help, and I'll make sure to double-check where posts go in the future. ^_^