Ringeirr Malenkov

Red Harvester's page

34 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Full Name

Micah Scott Babcock




Rogue 3, Monk 2, Wizard 8, Druid 4, barbarian 4, Lavender Dragon Desciple 1, Ranger 3, Bard 0 (though not for lack of trying),


Male until June of 2012




They say you're as old as you feel. I feel pretty.

Special Abilities

Forgetting which end of the pipe goes into your mouth, also I can grant pregnant oppossums the ability to fly


slightly to the left in humid weather


The Mason Dixon line


heading them off at the pass


fluent in American, British, Canadian (not french canadian though), Austrailian, and Siberian Tiger


I'd love one

Strength 18
Dexterity 18

About Stark Contrast

Stark Contrast was originally born as the LSD induced voice that convinced Jimmi Hendrix that burning his guitar on stage would be, like, the most far out thing in the history of obvious health concerns.

After the Russian government killed the guitar legend, your humble friend and narrator settled down with Percilla Prestly. There he learned the secrets to active mental quantum disassociation, and April 9th, 1394
uninvented the drinking fork.

Strengths: Acting, writing, exaggerating his talents, skipping fancifully, listening to problems, chopping up kittens, playing ybgur backwards,

Weaknesses: self control, self inhibition, forethought, afterthought, duringthought, class, manners, caring about any of the aforementioned, Sewing kittens back together, regular sewing, chocolate, and Super Chocolate

Favorite racial slur: douchebag

Favorite french racial slur: Douchebaggette

3rd favorite song: Ave Maria

Final Smash: I grow black bat wings and horns and cause 300% damage to all players on screen, then I foreclose your mortgage and legally marry you to Fred Savage

1st favorite song: F%*k Me Like You Hate Me

Hardest Failed comeback: I don't make diapers I eat them.