![]() So the other two Geniuses are at Gen Con and will have limited Internet access. Following in Owen's footsteps, I'm going to give product away to whoever posts to this thread with a new product idea you'd like us Geniuses to do, or something that's missing from one of our existing product lines and the PDF you'd like. To get your PDF I need you to send me a PM with your email address and a reminder of what you'd like me to send. So Paizoians, what's missing from the Genius Portfolio? ![]()
![]() Marc Radle wrote: what happens if they decide a class is maybe 95% OK to use in PFS but they don't like, say one or two aspects. Would the class just be 'denied' or might they ask for a small revision to the class? Given the number of potential submissions they'd have to go through and approve, my bet would be they'd just deny it and move on to the next product. ![]()
![]() I'd love for 3pp material to be included as part of PFS, but I don't really see it happening. The main reason is the workload it would put on the Paizo staff, since regardless of who does the editing, Paizo is going to want to go over the book to make sure nothing is too out of whack with the goals of PFS. And they would have to, since a good percentage of the hardcore PFS players are really, really good at finding that one hole no one saw and then driving a Mac truck through it. :D ![]()
![]() If you don't mind giving me your email address I'd be happy to send you a free copy of "The Genius Guide to the Harrowed", which you can read about here: The Genius Guide to the Harrowed I think it fits pretty well for what you're looking for, you'd just need to tweak the effect to be the result of the ressurection spell. ![]()
![]() Learn how awesome ancient secrets and fighting techniques can be when you get to learn what fits your character, instead of choosing from a present list... With The Genius Guide to the Talented Monk you can make your monk so much more than flurry of blows and unarmed strikes... ![]()
![]() The first product from new to Super Genius author Will McCardell is now up. Get your copy of "The Genius Guide to Apeiron Staves" here! Ok... But what in creation are "Apeiron Staves"? Glad you asked! Apeiron (pronounced a-pay-ron) Staves are, simply put, to spellcasters what a magic sword is to a fighter. They are magical implements whose most basic function can be used without draining the magical reserves of their owner. Awesome! Now tell me why I need one. Need is such a... subjective word, but I can tell you that no self-respecting spellcaster will be seen in public now without one! And here's why! In the core rules, staves are treated as “spells-in-a-can” – a delivery mechanism for a specific number of abilities the user likely already possesses. So yeah, "normal" staves let you create some impressive effects, but at the end of the day they're little more than a different way to cast a spell. And frankly, we already have potions, wands, scrolls, and a multitude of command-word items to do this, which is why you can now get an apeiron staff. Since I already own "The Genius Guide to Rune Staves and Wyrd Wands", what's the difference between Rune Staves and Apeiron Staves? The two books are actually very different. Rune Staves are for the most part incredibly generic, giving flat bonuses to spell damage and they might include a special ability that makes specific spells or spell types more effective. On the other hand, Apeiron Staves always have a specific effect (such as summon a spectral hero at a location within 50 feet) and each staff also lets you enhance that effect in defined ways by spending charges (like giving the spectral hero a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round at the cost of 1 charge), with each staff having at least 2 of these "augmentations". Now we're talking! Alright, one last thing. Apeiron sounds like a word you made up and used to name you your 18 in all stats, elven fighter-magic user-bard who has listed under items "Everything in the PHB" and under spells "Everything in the PHB, x2" character from Jr. High. Be honest, did you just make that word up? Nope. The word apeiron is Ancient Greek for “infinite” or “unlimited”, and maybe its most famous user was a 6th century B.C. Greek natural philosopher named Anaximander, which he used in his response to the Pre-Socratic natural philosophers of his age who were debating which element, Earth, Wind, Air, or Fire, was the basis of reality. He proposed that the universe was a creation of the infinite, or as he would say it, the apeiron. Which is why we think the name “apeiron staves” is appropriate for a type of magical staff that can continuously create a basic magic effect, infinitely. Besides, it just sound cool when you can have your incredibly mouthy character say "Stand fast foul creature of the Abyss or feel the wrath of my Greater Apeiron Staff of Force! Take one more step and not only will you suffer (roll 5d4 + your caster level + your casting ability modifier force damage) massive damage, but by spending but 1 charge I can cause you to trip over your own hellish feet!" ;) ![]()
![]() And The Genius Guide to the Talented Rogue is now live! ![]()
![]() Kolokotroni wrote: What is guile pool? and ambush? If guile pool for instance works similar to a ninja ki pool but is themed for the rogue, you could include it as an edge that can be chosen. Now that it's been uploaded to Paizo and our other sales venues, you won't have to wait long. And if you've got Dungeonaday.com access you can get it now. :) ![]()
![]() Don't know how accurate the info in these links are, but it's a place to start getting info to show to your GM. :) Apparently you can make an AK-47 out of just about anything :) ![]()
![]() Not all Houserules are created equal.... ;) The 38-pager Houserule Handbooks: Spell Points Compilation is available now in pdf! (POD coming soon!) This collects and reorganizes all 3 of our Spell Points pdfs (and makes editing corrections in the very few places we found them). ![]()
![]() greg mallin wrote: Here are some ideas: Dragon Ride/Dragon Knight/Paramander - paladin/mage cross. The Genius Guide to: The Dragonrider ;) Not to mention a few other base classes available here and at d20PFSRD.com ![]()
![]() Rachel F. Ventura wrote: Also when you email a 3PP give them your rate card up front. That is always going to be the first question we ask. Double true. Without fail my first reply will always be along the lines of: "Nice work! What are your rates? Please understand that our budgets are small and we put out at least a book a week, so we need a lot of art and can't spend a lot on individual pieces." And please don't reply with "reasonable" because I'll tell you right now that my Super Genius definition of "reasonable" is going to be very different than my publicly traded computer game production day job definition of "reasonable" and both are going to be different than your definition. :) And while we're at it, can we get rid of "full page-1/2 page-1/4 page" etc? With Photoshop those definitions don't mean a whole lot anymore. ![]()
![]() SF 7 Airdrops are short, cheap PDF's for Savage Worlds, similar to the Bullet Point line we have for Pathfinder. This first release focuses on five new pieces of equipment to help members of Strike Force 7 retaliate against agents of Skorpion. Or vice-versa.... The 5 new pieces of equipment are:
![]() If you're looking for good 3pp material, you can't go wrong with using the reviews written by Endzeitgeist as a guide. Since you're running Reign of Winter I'd like to offer you a free copy of The Genius Guide to Ice Magic. Just PM me with your email address and I'll get it sent to you. And depending on the level of your PCs, our Loot 4 Less line gives GMs access to magic items that are appropriately balanced for low level PCs. Like the product text says, each item is generally under 2,500 gp and the vast majority of the items aren't one-shot (or even two- or three-shot) magic items or scrolls, potions, talismans or fire-and-forget tattoo magics. Every magic item is a legitimate permanent magic item, free of charges and able to be used in adventure after adventure. Finally, a number of our Mythic Menagerie books might be useful as well. Thanks for looking into 3pp! ![]()
![]() Think you have enough Fighter Talents? Do you even know what Fighter Talents are? Wait.... Fighters can have talents? I thought only rogues get talents? And while we're at it, what kind of party has a cavalier, a barbarian and a ranger, but no fighter? Not to mention a GM who hands out awesome magic items at first level? (And does that mean Uni is the ranger's animal companion?) Anyway, hot on the heels of the Genius Guide to the Talented Fighter (with four 5-star reviews!), comes the Genius Guide to More Fighter Talents, which adds over 25 new talents for you to chose from! The Genius Guide to the Talented Fighter (did I mention it has four 5-star reviews?) rewrites the classic fighter class to use talents rather than static class abilities alternating with bonus feats. Rather than require all fighters be brave and balance their efforts between armor and weapon bonuses, each fighter can custom-fit the classes abilities to match a player’s specific concept. This greater flexibility allows the fighter to be the default combat-oriented character without limiting it to just one or two styles of fighting. Like a rogue, a fighter character can pick and choose from a range of similarly-powered abilities appropriate for the fighter’s role without making the class overpowered. The talented fighter still fills the same role in the party but can customize his combat style and abilities to fill a much broader range of concepts. ![]()
![]() Is your fighter talented? If not, why not? Sick of boring old static bonuses and lame feats you end up taking because you have to and every other feat bores you to death? Well cheer up! Crunch Master Owen has put together one of his finest masterpieces to date. So pickup your copy of The Genius Guide to the Talent Fighter before Biff the Walking Feat Bot goes on strike! ![]()
![]() The Genius Guide to 110 Spell Variants vol. 4 is now available! Spell variants are based on the idea that there are a lot of interesting effects you can make with fairly minor changes to how a spell works, or by combining effects of multiple spells, or a spell and magic item or even a class ability. While a lot of spell variants are fairly obvious, such as having a major magic missile spell that deals 1d8+1 per missile rather than 1d4+1. This book brings 110 spells variants that are slightly more complex, and are designed to show how it’s possible to create new spells without too much work. Or, as my favorite djin likes to say Phenomenal cosmic power, ity bity living space. ![]()
![]() While still in the throws of the Great Plague, the amazing "Mr. He Doesn't Known How To *Not* Produce Amazing Content, or as I like to call him, "Mr. You're Not Going To Let Nurgle's Rot Break 112+ Straight Weeks Of Product Releases Are You?", sent me a 20 page letter via snail mail that was clearly written while deep in a fever dream, but luckily (for him) the snail was well trained and managed to dictate this week's product: #1 With a Bullet Point: 8 Animal Feats. If "Mr. You're Not Going To Let Nurgle's Rot Break 112+ Straight Weeks Of Product Releases Are You?" heroically keeping the streak alive doesn't pull your heart strings, then I'll have to play rough, because without your $1, I can't guarantee that Timmy* won't find a giant cave under his house after falling into the abandoned well his parents told him to stay away from, but Timmy just ignored them because they're stupid parents who don't know anything. And which, after being rescued, Timmy's parents (Jack and Diane) will ditch him during the opening night of Man vs Vole. When no one comes to claim Timmy, he'll be sent to boarding school. But, after burning down Buck's School For Not Gifted Youngsters, he'll be sent to, and eventually break out of, Sam's Sanctuary For Horrible People Society Hates. Then, after eluding the people looking for him, Timmy will fall down the old well again, but this time he'll make the cave his new home. With little other than the many mushrooms growing in guano he'll stalk (insert your town name here) as the Vole-man! Finally, you better get this PDF or any of your characters with a familiar, animal companion, and/or trained pet will get eaten by said animal once they find out you deprived them of one of these amazing feats. Without further ado, the eight feats (that will make your animal friends even more awesome than they were before you bought this) included are:</p>
![]() There's also our line of Houserule Handbooks that, as of now, are entirely devoted to spellpoints. You can check them out and read some of the reviews here: http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/s/superGeniusGames/pathfinderRPG/houserule Handbooks ![]()
![]() Have you ever wanted the power to cloud men's minds? I know I have - and now my characters can to! Anachronistic Adventurers: The Sensitive is now available, rounding out the 6 "base" classes for Modern characters that are 100% compatible with Pathfinder. What is a Sensitive and what does it do? Glad you asked!
![]() These might be too close to standard Pathfinder for what you need, but have you checked out any of our Anachronistic Adventurer products? There are currently 5 base classes (Daredevil, Enforcer, Investigator, Luminary, and Tough) and we'll be releasing the 6th one, the Sensitive, later this week. There's also a short, cheap PDF called "6 Anachronistic Armors", which covers using modern armor in Pathfinder as well. You can see them all here: http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/s/superGeniusGames/pathfinderRPG/anachroni sticAdventurers ![]()
![]() The Pope announces his retirement ... the first in nearly 600 years. Asteroid 2012 DA14 comes within 17.5k miles of Earth -- the closest ever observed by modern astronomers and to top it off, fire rains from the sky over Russia. Is it coincidence that Super Genius Games has just released their new "Genius Guide to Chaos Magic"? We report, YOU decide. And just what is The Genius Guide to Chaos Magic? I'm glad you asked!
![]() The latest no-frills option for Death themed characters is now available! Get your copy of Bullet Point: 8 Death Knight Feats now! High Concept: Eight feats designed to augment the options and utility of death knights (from The Genius Guide to the Death Knight), or any death-themed combatant (characters with classes that have death in the class name, have an archetype with death, killer or slayer in the name, or that grant access to the death or repose domains or true death inquisition—using their appropriate class levels as death knight levels for prerequisites) or character that has already taken a feat with “death” in the title (then using character level as death knight levels for prerequisites). The eight feats included are: