
R. Hyrum Savage's page

Super Genius Games. Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 727 posts (1,044 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

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Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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So the other two Geniuses are at Gen Con and will have limited Internet access. Following in Owen's footsteps, I'm going to give product away to whoever posts to this thread with a new product idea you'd like us Geniuses to do, or something that's missing from one of our existing product lines and the PDF you'd like.

To get your PDF I need you to send me a PM with your email address and a reminder of what you'd like me to send.

So Paizoians, what's missing from the Genius Portfolio?

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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I'd love for 3pp material to be included as part of PFS, but I don't really see it happening.

The main reason is the workload it would put on the Paizo staff, since regardless of who does the editing, Paizo is going to want to go over the book to make sure nothing is too out of whack with the goals of PFS. And they would have to, since a good percentage of the hardcore PFS players are really, really good at finding that one hole no one saw and then driving a Mac truck through it. :D

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Having only a desktop PC with which to read .pdfs, I have to say I wish I had every one of my Pathfinder, both core and 3pp, in book form. You hear me, Super Genius Games? :)

We're working on it....;)

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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The first product from new to Super Genius author Will McCardell is now up. Get your copy of "The Genius Guide to Apeiron Staves" here!

Ok... But what in creation are "Apeiron Staves"?

Glad you asked! Apeiron (pronounced a-pay-ron) Staves are, simply put, to spellcasters what a magic sword is to a fighter. They are magical implements whose most basic function can be used without draining the magical reserves of their owner.

Awesome! Now tell me why I need one.

Need is such a... subjective word, but I can tell you that no self-respecting spellcaster will be seen in public now without one! And here's why! In the core rules, staves are treated as “spells-in-a-can” – a delivery mechanism for a specific number of abilities the user likely already possesses. So yeah, "normal" staves let you create some impressive effects, but at the end of the day they're little more than a different way to cast a spell. And frankly, we already have potions, wands, scrolls, and a multitude of command-word items to do this, which is why you can now get an apeiron staff.

Since I already own "The Genius Guide to Rune Staves and Wyrd Wands", what's the difference between Rune Staves and Apeiron Staves?

The two books are actually very different. Rune Staves are for the most part incredibly generic, giving flat bonuses to spell damage and they might include a special ability that makes specific spells or spell types more effective. On the other hand, Apeiron Staves always have a specific effect (such as summon a spectral hero at a location within 50 feet) and each staff also lets you enhance that effect in defined ways by spending charges (like giving the spectral hero a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round at the cost of 1 charge), with each staff having at least 2 of these "augmentations".

Now we're talking! Alright, one last thing. Apeiron sounds like a word you made up and used to name you your 18 in all stats, elven fighter-magic user-bard who has listed under items "Everything in the PHB" and under spells "Everything in the PHB, x2" character from Jr. High. Be honest, did you just make that word up?

Nope. The word apeiron is Ancient Greek for “infinite” or “unlimited”, and maybe its most famous user was a 6th century B.C. Greek natural philosopher named Anaximander, which he used in his response to the Pre-Socratic natural philosophers of his age who were debating which element, Earth, Wind, Air, or Fire, was the basis of reality. He proposed that the universe was a creation of the infinite, or as he would say it, the apeiron. Which is why we think the name “apeiron staves” is appropriate for a type of magical staff that can continuously create a basic magic effect, infinitely.

Besides, it just sound cool when you can have your incredibly mouthy character say "Stand fast foul creature of the Abyss or feel the wrath of my Greater Apeiron Staff of Force! Take one more step and not only will you suffer (roll 5d4 + your caster level + your casting ability modifier force damage) massive damage, but by spending but 1 charge I can cause you to trip over your own hellish feet!"


Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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Rachel F. Ventura wrote:
Also when you email a 3PP give them your rate card up front. That is always going to be the first question we ask.

Double true. Without fail my first reply will always be along the lines of:

"Nice work! What are your rates? Please understand that our budgets are small and we put out at least a book a week, so we need a lot of art and can't spend a lot on individual pieces."

And please don't reply with "reasonable" because I'll tell you right now that my Super Genius definition of "reasonable" is going to be very different than my publicly traded computer game production day job definition of "reasonable" and both are going to be different than your definition. :)

And while we're at it, can we get rid of "full page-1/2 page-1/4 page" etc? With Photoshop those definitions don't mean a whole lot anymore.

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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I second what LPJ said.

We're always looking for artists and our budgets are small, but if you're reliable, you'll get a lot of work thrown your way.

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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Thanks Liz!

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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If you're looking for good 3pp material, you can't go wrong with using the reviews written by Endzeitgeist as a guide.

Since you're running Reign of Winter I'd like to offer you a free copy of The Genius Guide to Ice Magic. Just PM me with your email address and I'll get it sent to you.

And depending on the level of your PCs, our Loot 4 Less line gives GMs access to magic items that are appropriately balanced for low level PCs. Like the product text says, each item is generally under 2,500 gp and the vast majority of the items aren't one-shot (or even two- or three-shot) magic items or scrolls, potions, talismans or fire-and-forget tattoo magics. Every magic item is a legitimate permanent magic item, free of charges and able to be used in adventure after adventure.

Finally, a number of our Mythic Menagerie books might be useful as well.

Thanks for looking into 3pp!

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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The Pope announces his retirement ... the first in nearly 600 years. Asteroid 2012 DA14 comes within 17.5k miles of Earth -- the closest ever observed by modern astronomers and to top it off, fire rains from the sky over Russia.

Is it coincidence that Super Genius Games has just released their new "Genius Guide to Chaos Magic"?

We report, YOU decide.

And just what is The Genius Guide to Chaos Magic? I'm glad you asked!


Chaos magic is the eldritch force of pure, churning anarchy, outrageous coincidence, and unrelenting entropy. It is more than spells that draw on the chaotic element of the alignments that define the morals of creatures throughout the multiverse, it also is a way to dip into the pure stuff of madness and creation. Chaos magic requires its practitioners to embrace a lack of control, and accept that what they want isn't always going to be what they get. In return, they can create effects far beyond their normal level of power… though that isn't always a good thing.

Chaos magic is often considered evil by society, and while this isn't true, it’s an understandable position. Those who draw on chaos magic are often power-mad and, only slightly less often, just plain insane—and thus are high-profile troublemakers. And even among those who embrace chaos magic for scholarly pursuits, or as the only means to oppose powerful enemies, or because they have no choice, the unpredictable nature of chaos magic often causes them to do as much collateral damage as real, lasting good. No one wants a chaos mage living in the center of town, and while the power she represents isn't malevolent, it’s certainly antithetical to the goals of any organized society.

Even so, rare examples of chaos magic as an heroic power source do exist—mostly in lands suffering under crushing tyranny and merciless laws that protect only the rich and powerful. In such kingdoms, anything that disrupts the status quo may be embraced as a form of heroic independence and liberty. Such praise is generally short lived however—once the tyrant is overturned, the confusion and random mishaps caused by chaos magic is as mistrusted by the new regime (however evenhanded it may be) as it once was by the original oppressors.

Despite its questionable reputation, the power of pure anarchy is often sought after by those who simply desire power, and sometimes thrust on those who would prefer a more orderly kind of magic. Chaos is a natural part of the universe, and chaos magic cannot be contained or eliminated, no matter how many kingdoms would prefer it.

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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Huzzah and congrats! Surely there is space in Valhalla for the many review demons you have slain. ;)

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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Wow. Thanks for letting us know. Our thoughts and hopes for a speedy recovery.

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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Kolokotroni wrote:
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

lots of interesting things... micromissile gyrorifles.

If i could post pictures on this forum there would be a picture of fry saying shut up and take my money...

I fixed your post for you. ;)

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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Rathendar wrote:
Ariel! Ookla! We Ride!

Lords of Light!

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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Thanks everyone! It's good to know that keeping Owen chained to his chair and the succubus with a whip on speed dial has been so well received.


Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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I went ahead and resent the latest batch of coupons based on the info Owen sent me. If by the end of the day you still haven't received an email from us, let me or Owen know and we'll get it to you ASAP. :)

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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In the words of the always wise Dungeon Grrl, "The BRILLIANT Super Genius spell point system by Owen Stephens just got better!"

I couldn't say it better myself. :D

This product adds a series of feats for use with Houserule Handbooks: Spell Points, and are designed to both give spell-point spellcasters access to the same kind of mechanical, numeric bonuses characters that use other limited-resource powers enjoy, and to showcase how the flexibility of the spell point system can be used to add interesting options to a campaign and its traditions of magic.

The feats included are:

    *Cooperative Casting: You can help other spellcasters fuel their spells.
    *Eldritch Aspect: You can channel spell energy directly into your aura to take on the aspect of a magical totem.
    *Eldritch Blending: You have learned to call on multiple sources of magic to cast spells.
    *Eldritch Focus: Your deep understanding of one spell makes it easier to cast.
    *Eldritch Strike (Combat): You can use spell points to increase the magical boost you give your weapons.
    *Extra Spell Points: You have an unusually large reserve of mystic energy.
    *Magic of the Wild: You can draw power directly from the forces of nature.
    *Mystic Resilience: You are less likely to tire when you draw upon your reserves of mystic energy.
    *Spell Eater: You can absorb eldritch energy used against you.
    *Tantric Magic: You can turn the energy of physical intimacy into mystic energy able to fuel your spells.

Get your copy today!


Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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Pendagast wrote:

I bought a PDF yesterday called "the harrowed" because I have a player in my party that took "harrowed" as a feat from the CotCT AP, because she wanted to play an oracle that reads cards etc.

But upon buying this product, I realize it has nothing to do with the subject at all instead it's some lame undead that isn't undead creature template.

I haven't read this whole thread yet, but in defense of "The Harrowed", it happens to be the 2nd SGG PDF ever released for Pathfinder and is 3 years old at this point. When I released it (in November 2009) there was no "harrowed" term in Pathfinder yet. :)

Ok, back to thread.

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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Looking for something a little creepy this Halloween season? Then we've got you covered! The Genius Guide to Horrific Haunts is available now!

Super Genius Games

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richard develyn wrote:

As far as I can see, Paizo are reducing the size of their section 15 in their products by not bothering citing copyright for anything they own themselves and by ignoring the recursive element with respect to anything owned by anyone else which is not actually being used in the actual product.

Eminently sensible, but neither action is compliant with the OGL.

(And I bet they didn't pay a lawyer a penny before they did it ;-) ).


Having asked this very question inside the hallowed halls of Paizo, you'd actually loose that bet. They did ask their lawyer before doing it.

In essence, if you own the copyright on the rules in question, you don't have to cite the section 15 list of products, just the standard:


System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Your Product Here. Copyright 2012, Awesome Games; Author: Jack Awesome.

It's not hard, it only adds a couple minutes worth of work, and covers your behind just in case someone wakes up and is having the worse day possible and they decide to stick it to everyone with a bad OGL.

And let's not forget that if you're using the PRD, Paizo can revoke the license, but more importantly, if you violate the OGL, it's WotC you'll be dealing with. Will they go after you? Probably not. But I buy car insurance even though I don't plan on getting into an accident today, because not everything is under my complete control.

The OGL exists to give us a safe haven and just like you don't tell your dying grandmother that the sweater she just knit you is the worst article of clothing you've ever seen, don't start off your publishing venture pissing all over the standard practices that have been developed over the past 10+ years.

Super Genius Games

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Jeremy Smith wrote:
That $50 level is calling...

Jeremy.... Jeremy.... Come.... Spend $50.....


Super Genius Games

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June 14, 2012 Redmond, WA — Super Genius Games is already one of the most popular and prolific 3rd-party publishers of support material for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, but this summer they’re taking it up a notch. Since November of 2009, the company has published at least one Pathfinder-related PDF product every week, and now they proudly announce that from June 14 until September 13, 2012 they will instead release two products every week. They’re calling the event the Summer of Bullets, in no small part because a good number of the products will be part of their “#1 With a Bullet Point” line of supplements.

“Bullet Points are particularly short products,” explained Hyrum Savage, Super Genius Games’ co-founder. “Each one features just a few examples of a very specific game feature, like ’8 Barbarian Feats’ and ’4 Ghostbusting Items,’ and this summer we’re going to let the bullet points fly so be sure to check out the Summer of Bullets website!”

Each week during the course of this event, Super Genius Games will release their regularly scheduled product early in the week (generally on Tuesdays) and then a bonus Bullet Point product later in the week (generally on Thursdays).

“The bonus products will all be spell-related,” said Owen K.C. Stephens, Lead Designer for Super Genius and author of all of the Bullet Point products to date. “They’ll feature material that will let spellcasters use their spells in new and novel ways. In effect, they can gain some new capabilities without having to learn any new spells.”

Another highlight of the Summer of Bullets will be the release of three new products in the Anachronistic Adventurers line: The Luminary (for diplomat/faceman characters), the Tough (for thug/biker/bruiser characters), and the Sensitive (for high wisdom perceptive/spiritualist characters). Each of these products will present new base classes that allow you to play modern-era heroes in your Pathfinder game.

“Anachronistic Adventurers line grew out of the ideas we had a few years back,” said Stan!, Super Genius Games Creative Director. “In 2010 we ran a Kickstarter campaign we called ‘P20 Modern’—a full-fledged modern-era RPG based on the Pathfinder rules. Although the fund raising wasn’t successful, we didn’t give up on the idea completely. We just broke it into smaller parts. With these three, we’ll finally have all six of what could have been the base classes for a modern-era Pathfinder game.”

At the end of the Summer of Bullets, Super Genius Games will release the “City of Lights”, an adventure that ties directly into the Anachronistic Adventurers line and is the first in a series of adventurers and supplements that support Pathfinder games in modern settings.

Super Genius Games

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Super Genius Games

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Super Genius Games

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If you get the chance to hang out with Lisa, you should definitely do it. She's a wealth of information and stories about the industry, and an awesome person too!

Super Genius Games

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Wonder what we could do. A series of adventures building on what came before? Something like Thieves World? A book of NPCs using other folks OGL content?


Super Genius Games

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Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
The spirit of the OGL seems very strong with us...

But you are not a Jedi yet!

(Well, maybe. Probably, given your SW experience.)


Super Genius Games

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Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
I'll let Stan! and Hyrum fight over who is Willow and Xander, but John is the Dawn of your group.

Dibs on Xander!

Super Genius Games

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We recently released a fey-centric Mythic Menagerie titled Mythic Menagerie: Faeries of the Fringe. It includes 7 new fey (graveyard-swelling charnel-kin, freedom-loving cait sith or catfey, small rocky gahonga, peaceful glade maidens, deathly night swan, the massive river mother, and maddening waterbaby) 2 pages of fey specific items and feats, and 1 page of spells.

Yes it's a PDF, but if you email me at I'll send you a free copy so you can check it out.


Super Genius Games

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And if any of you email me this weekend, I'll send you a copy of "#1 With a Bullet Point: 2 Options for the Leadership Feat" for free so you can check it out for yourself. :)

Super Genius Games

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As another thank you for giving us 8 out of 10 Top Downloads From Other Companies for the 3rd week in a row, we've released another Bullet Point for free. Check out 8 Dragonrider Feats here!

And that's not all, we've also put together a few wallpapers of some of our more popular products for you to decorate your desktop with:

Ultimate Options: Grit and Gunslingers
The Genius Guide to the Time Thief
The Genius Guide to the Godling
Advanced Options: More Cavlier Orders

You can get those from the SGG website here.

Thanks again everyone!

Super Genius Games

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Vic Wertz: We are still quietly and discretely funneling funds towards our Super Secret Project for Global Peace {TM}* right?

** spoiler omitted **

Baron, did you forget that what happens at the Super Secret Project *stays* at the Super Secret Project? :)

Since SGG was mentioned above I thought I'd chime in, although what Liz, Chris, and Vic said covers most of it.

In our case we take our cut and once a month split it among the Geniuses, minus what we keep as operating capital. We try to pay all of our freelancers upon acceptance, although sometimes we'll pay earlier if it's someone we've worked with a lot in the past.

And let me say that Paizo always pays, without fail, and often earlier than they have to. :)

Super Genius Games

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I'm willing to entertain offers if someone feels up to being our Hero Lab guru. :)

Super Genius Games

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Given that she's the daughter of Ares, it's possible she could be a Mighty Godling. :)

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It should come as no surprise that I let 3pp material into my game. I generally let folks use/play whatever they want and if it unbalances the game then we find ways to tweak things.

Putting on my 3pp hat, let me say that we at Super Genius want in no way to break or unbalance your game, it's just not a smart business decision.

In fact, I've often told folks that we don't want to break your game, just make it more awesome. :)


Super Genius Games

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Matthew Winn wrote:

Oh man... now I gotta read the novels!

Can you give me a priority list of what I should read? (after Master of Devils, of course!)

For ENT books I liked the Earth-Romulan War book Beneath the Raptor's Wings, and Kobayashi Maru, which details the events leading up to the famous simulator exercise.

I'm also a fan of the ST: Vanguard series set in the TOS timeline, and the ST: Destiny trilogy. And anything by David Mack. :)

Super Genius Games

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Matthew Winn wrote:
Spoiler Snip

If you read the Enterprise novels they talk about this and all is not what it seems. :)


Super Genius Games

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I actually liked the new movie.....


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Thanks folks! :)

And the Trek references are awesome! For me it goes:

ENT, although Season 4 was getting pretty good.


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These things happen. Thanks for the kind words folks and it was a pleasure to work at Paizo and help get Season 3 off the ground.

PFS is going to be rocking and I can't wait to see what happens.

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Dragnmoon wrote:
Did someone say something? I could not tell over the screams of the player characters dying...;)

Remember, they can only die twice. ;)

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I just spoke with Jason about this in order to make sure we're all on the same page.

Paladin mounts are animals and players must use Handle Animal on them until they become Magical Beasts at 11th level.

That's the official Pathfinder ruling and we'll be making it as clear as we can in every document going forward.


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