
Prof. Wat Sun's page

28 posts. Organized Play character for nosig.


The Exchange

"Baba Yaga vs Irisien how did she do it in 24 hours?"

hmmm - I think I have to give a classic answer to this question...


And "How did Razmir do it?"

that would be "A Wizard did it..."

The Exchange

so - I would not have guessed that most people think Antiquarians can use scrolls to cast spells, but that seems to be what posters are saying... unless I am mis-reading again.

I mean, (IMHO) that's one of the major differences between Wizards and Alchemists. But I guess we have come full circle.

Wizards craft and use scrolls, and can use wands.

Alchemists lose Scroll use, but pick up potions (crafting) - but can only use scrolls to copy spells to their formula book. They can use Wands, but seem to lose the ability to craft them.

Investigators are like Alchemists in that they lose Scroll use, but they also lose Wand use. But can still copy scrolls to their formula book.

I surprises me that the consensus is that Antiquarians, a type of Investigator, gains the use of both Scrolls and Wands. Can they then take the Feats Craft Wand and Scribe Scroll?

The Exchange

I have a couple questions on the Investigator/Antiquarian and how they relate to spell usage...

Can they use Wands? or Scrolls? (Spell trigger or Spell completion items).

Can they "Copy" spells from a Scroll to their "trinket-formula-book"?

The Exchange

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upon encountering a pair of Snake swarms, with a good Kn(Nature) roll I ask if they have Scent ability - they do, so I get to use an alchemical gimmick I have been wanting to try and toss a Flask of Noxious Aromatic and catch both swarms in the area! yeah! They both miss their Fort save, so the one I hit is Nauseated and the other is sickened....

(that's when I learn an important thing about swarms)

So - Nauseated - the swarm only gets a move action while it's puking....

(they don't have to roll an attack to hit you, just "swarm" over you!)

so the swarm moves over me - damage is done and I'm distracted (nauseated) too... all I have to say about it is....

"I didn't realize they were SPITTING Cobras"!

The Exchange

locate object spells to find something it has already taken. Also, it might be a good idea to uniquely mark (say with an arcane marked or etch) items it is likely to target for theft. Then track/locate where it is hiding at least some of the loot (it may be planting fire bombs in several locations/building around your town).

Dogs are a good idea, but also to track (by scent) the stolen items. Yeah, it flew away with the oil - but the oil left a scent trail in the air when it did. Have the dog follow the scent of the item stolen.

When you know it is around, Summon swarm (bats) combined with the spell hide from animals - so that the bats will swarm the creature they can detect - which isn't anyone with hide from animals on them. This can be used to "clear a building" that you know it is in. Have nets put up to block windows (so the swarm doesn't attack townsfolk) - and wander thru the building opening doors to have the swarm search the entire building (duration of summon swarm is Concentration plus 2 rounds).

The Exchange

Prof. Wat Sun wrote:
Nohwear wrote:
Prof. Wat Sun wrote:

2) Underworld (as in criminal gang) setting. Gritty city - with vigilantes and all that. Maybe the PCs are the crime fighters, or the criminal gang... or both? Perhaps pitted against a Halfling crime lord and his family. Picture Al Capone and Untouchables...
I was thinking of a band of wandering, whatever the correct term for "gypsy" is, but that idea is a good one as well.

Sure! a "floating" campaign.

Say a riverboat/barge on a big river. I'd call it "The Driftwood" and put it sailing "the Big Muddy River" from something like St. Louis to New Orleans... Tied up at the dock for a few months, then taking on cargo and heading down to the sea port. Spend a month or so there and then sail back up river...

Maybe a paddleboat with "Magic" to run the paddles ("Zombies in a box"? or actually magic."

the PCs could be crew or passengers... or it could be a "family" operation.

this would have the advantage of a "fixed" map (the riverboat) that stayed the same, that the PCs used as a base of operations, while still letting you move it from location to location.

If the PCs were part of a "large family" they could start the game being "sent out to the boat" as a "coming of age" type thing. "All of us Packrats spend a few summers making the trip on the old Driftwood..." kind of like kids going off to school... yeah, that could be fun!

now it's infecting me! aaarrrrg! I don't need another campaign!

The Exchange

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Nohwear wrote:
Prof. Wat Sun wrote:

2) Underworld (as in criminal gang) setting. Gritty city - with vigilantes and all that. Maybe the PCs are the crime fighters, or the criminal gang... or both? Perhaps pitted against a Halfling crime lord and his family. Picture Al Capone and Untouchables...
I was thinking of a band of wandering, whatever the correct term for "gypsy" is, but that idea is a good one as well.

Sure! a "floating" campaign.

Say a riverboat/barge on a big river. I'd call it "The Driftwood" and put it sailing "the Big Muddy River" from something like St. Louis to New Orleans... Tied up at the dock for a few months, then taking on cargo and heading down to the sea port. Spend a month or so there and then sail back up river...

Maybe a paddleboat with "Magic" to run the paddles ("Zombies in a box"? or actually magic.")

the PCs could be crew or passengers... or it could be a "family" operation.

The Exchange

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here's a couple Off the wall ideas...

1) Fighting giants. The valiant PCs are members of a tribe of Ratfolk who live in the walls/basement/tunnels under a Giant Castle/Village... Maybe with Megafauna tossed in for seasoning.

2) Underworld (as in criminal gang) setting. Gritty city - with vigilantes and all that. Maybe the PCs are the crime fighters, or the criminal gang... or both? Perhaps pitted against a Halfling crime lord and his family. Picture Al Capone and Untouchables...

The Exchange

QuidEst wrote:
Replace all traps with haunts. All problems solved!

or with Tech traps.

Judge: "Anyone have the Technologist Feat? No?"

The Exchange 5/5

crashcanuck wrote:
Angel Hunter D wrote:

If you're switch hitting, look at these: s-deliquescent

8000GP for Acid on whatever weapon you use (including claws) is pretty good when you have more than 2 weapons.

Even if you only use 2 weapons it at least breaks even instead of enchanting it on both weapons.

I'm looking at it for my Claw/Claw/Bite PCs... but it would only work for the 2 Claws right? not for the Bite?

The Exchange 5/5

Pete Winz wrote:
Thomas Hutchins wrote:
The alchemist and investigator's bonus doesn't apply to day jobs since it doesn't cover every use of the skill.
Aside from crafting alchemical items, which application of the Craft (alchemy) skill do you propose is used for day job checks?

I could see an Alchemist charging for or making money doing:

1) Potion identification, (or the ID of other alchemical items),
2) the buying (discounted) items second hand from adventurers (or others who have "recovered" them) for quality checking and re-selling at full price,
3) Representation of the local Alchemist Guild in City Council meetings or other political events, (this one might not be a use of the Craft skill - unless he had to "pass muster" to the other guild members to ensure that "he's one of us"...)
4) Teaching the skill to students (realizing that everyone doesn't "learn by leveling" - or do they? do we only learn or get better at something by adding in skill points when we level, and thus never really need to study anything?)
5) Consulting for the local Cops - Examining something (dead body? local pet? door frame?) to see if an alchemical substance has been used on it.

just to name a few...

The Exchange

Chess Pwn wrote:
Prof. Wat Sun wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:

Since the brawler specifically says it does, and the Bloodrager FAQ says it specifically would have to say it does like the brawler to count, it's pretty easy to see that the "rule" is that it doesn't. I asked a similar questions about barbarian items and the raging fighter/ranger/skald and Mark confirmed that unless it said it counted as such for items it doesn't.

The item says alchemist and an investigator isn't an alchemist. If you allow an investigator to use it what stops an GM from saying any class can use it using your same justification? You say you feel they should qualify, well I'll say I feel a barbarian or sorcerer should qualify. Since there's nothing saying you can, you can't. Basic rule of pathfinder.
interesting view.
Well give me your reasoning of why the investigator can do it and I'll tell you how I'll reason them using it.

sorry - what? I do not understand your reply. Please expand on this...

The Exchange

Chess Pwn wrote:

Since the brawler specifically says it does, and the Bloodrager FAQ says it specifically would have to say it does like the brawler to count, it's pretty easy to see that the "rule" is that it doesn't. I asked a similar questions about barbarian items and the raging fighter/ranger/skald and Mark confirmed that unless it said it counted as such for items it doesn't.

The item says alchemist and an investigator isn't an alchemist. If you allow an investigator to use it what stops an GM from saying any class can use it using your same justification? You say you feel they should qualify, well I'll say I feel a barbarian or sorcerer should qualify. Since there's nothing saying you can, you can't. Basic rule of pathfinder.

interesting view.

So you feel that a sorcerer should be able to use a Formula Alembic to allow her to scribe a spells formula into her formula book. But wait, she doesn't have a formula book. How does this work then? I mean, if you said it would allow a wizard to scribe the spell to her SPELLBOOK (which is not a formula book) I could see that. But a Sorcerer or Barbarian? Doesn't strike me as useful. I mean, they don't have a formula book to start with, and even then the spell would have to be one that was on their list right? I mean, they couldn't scribe Mage Armor any more than an Alchemist could, right? Not on their list. So it couldn't go into their book.

Unless you just want them to spend the money to scribe it, and then tell them "Oppsy! you can't learn that formula after all. Too bad!" Seems silly to me. But sure. If a sorcerer had a formula book (which they don't) and could scribe formula into it (which only Alchemist and Investigators can), and had the spell on their class list (Sorcerer maybe do - barbarian not), then maybe.

This would be like a Sorcerer or Barbarian using a Pearl of Power. They can't. (well, I mean they don't have spells memorized to recall - so how could they use the PoP?) But a new type of prepared caster? More than likely they could. Unless there was an FAQ or rule against it.

The Exchange 5/5

Talonhawke wrote:
J. Wilfong wrote:
Bruce Leeroy Jethro Gibbs wrote:
Profession Shipwright?
Technically shipwright isn't a profession in Pathfinder, instead it is Craft (ships).
While that might be appropriate for the guy doing small boats on his own as a profession it covers all the day laborers involved and the broader range of things they need to be able to do.

agreed. I also think the Profession would include the ability to read blue prints, how to interpret government requirement contracts, and possibly (depending on location) how to negotiate with the local Druids Circle/Fey Leadership for supplying raw materials.

The Exchange 5/5

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I realize this is silly, but every time I read the title of this thread, I get the image of it being about repairing Clockwork Familiars.

You know, buying tiny gears to replace broken ones...

The Exchange 5/5

wait. If this change is done, and a person doesn't get the information that it changed - what is the down side? At worst, they don't get to use a faction reward when they actually could have.

This change would be more like "you can take 10 on day job checks" - (something I am still being told is "not allowed").

Heck, I am already being told at more than one table that we CAN'T use the older season Reward cards. Just last Thursday I was told I couldn't check off a "recruit an NPC" box because it wasn't on the new Season 8 Reward Card.

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here's a fun one....

Ms. Paladin goes down.
Mr. Wizard rushes forward and pulls his scroll of Infernal healing. Casts the spell on it... and then asks the Paladin Player to buy a replacement.

The Exchange 5/5

Nohwear wrote:
If it helps, Tengus can get claws.

So can Tieflings...but I know some people who just have spiked gaunlets on both hands...

The Exchange 5/5

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I'm hearing this second-hand (as I do not have a copy yet).

If I don't have the source material, how could I reasonably be expected to apply it either as a GM or as a player?

But additionally, during the Year of the Sky Key, wasn't there a big thing with Technologist as a Feat and it kind of fizzled, too? I don't *think* I was in any scenarios where it was an issue?

I actually had it come up enough to have to re-train a feat to get it.

I first built my my "Technologist" PC (actually an Investigator) - built his background, played him up to 3rd level... And the Tech book come out and I found my Trap specialist/Skill monkey specializing in "Tech" couldn't do any of the things he had been built for...

So he spent most of his PP to retrain a feat to "pay the feat tax" that had not existed when he had been built (originally played).

The Exchange 5/5

GinoA wrote:
what FLite said, with two add-ons. Two boosts to craft(alchemy) apply to day-job checks. Your Alchemist/Investigator level and Crafter's Fortune (if you have it in you formula book).

I was under the impression that the Level boost did NOT apply to day-job Checks, but did apply to crafting items...

The Exchange 5/5

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same thread, different year ...

The Exchange 5/5

Investigators can't use wands? I have not encountered that yet... Time to do some more research!

(drat - if true I guess it's a good thing I got a really good UMD)

The Exchange 5/5

Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Thanks Paz. Now to wait and see what's approved. :)

Gee, I wish they would do this for Clearear from Adventurers Armory (set a crafting DC for it I mean)...

The Exchange 5/5

encountering a pair of Snake swarms, after a good Kn(Nature) roll I ask if they have Scent ability - they do, so I toss a Flask of Noxious Aromatic and catch both swarms! yeah! They both miss their Fort save, so the one I hit is Nauseated and the other is sickened....

So - Nauseated - the swarm only gets a move action while it's puking.... so the swarm moves over me - damage is done and I'm distracted (nauseated) too... all I have to say about it is....

"I didn't realize they were SPITTING Cobras"!

The Exchange

Lux Lucian Caulfield wrote:

I'm not a big fan of things that provide 20% miss chance, as they're too unreliable to work for me. Also, I think it prevents me from using sneak attacks, but I'm not sure.

After looking some more, I think Bastet is an ideal deity for me, as she gives access to the Protection domain, and the Defense subdomain. The subdomain power is only once a day, but it does give Shield, which is another +4. Still not sure if I want to multiclass, but it's appealing. Too bad a Theologian can't choose both, as it clearly states If the inquisitor has cleric levels, one of her two domain selections must be the same domain selected as an inquisitor, so if I choose one of the two domains as my Theologian domain, my Inquisitor domain must be the same, so that's only 1 Shield per day.

Cry Challenge is nice, but it requires Antagonise, and I was planning on dumping CHA for more damage, so it's a bit of a waste, but it's certainly an option. Also, the Giant Hunter's Handbook is not yet PFS legal, I think, but I'll keep it in mind. Requires some reworking, but it's certainly doable. Stacking that with Mobility means a +8 to AC, that's awesome. Hmm, I can see this work. As a Half-Orc, my +2 to Intimidate will negate my -2 to CHA, but if I'm a Human, I get an extra feat and all these feats at level 5, rather than 7. Then again, I don't need to use the feat, it's just a dumb prerequisite, but it's kind of a waste if I don't use it...

actually, Mistmail gives you concealment (YMMV), so they don't get Sneak dice, but you can use Stealth, which would give you sneak dice. You get yours, they don't get theirs.

Also, the 20% miss chance means they can miss on a die roll of '20' (1/5 of the time the crit just didn't hit you). I combine it with a high AC from other sources, it actually gives a good return... No mater what the monster has as a bonus to hit, 1/5th of the time it misses.

But to each his own... whatever you are comfortable with.

(I have a Cleric in Full Plate and Tower shield, that still uses the Love Domain Power to prevent many things from swinging that first swing...).

The Exchange

If you don't mind the "no armor" problem (work with mage armor) check out Mistmail. The 20% miss chance can be sweet. (saved me a few times....esp. great when it was an X3 Crit that misses...)

The Exchange 5/5

DesolateHarmony wrote:
Michael Eshleman wrote:
Muser wrote:
Accordingly bardic knowledge, Breadth of Experience, the knowledge domain ability, etc are real life savers in PFS, and the recent Technologist debacle only highlights this. Assuming you can circumvent Technologist with these abilities, that is.
Check out this spell from the Technology Guide.

Alternate source for Technomancy

drat! I may have to take a level of Wizard to use this...

The Exchange 5/5

5th level Investigator here...