♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky’s eyes start to tear up at the whispered words. “Oh, I will definitely not forget that.” As sentimental as the moment is, it appears Pocky is trying not to laugh.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Oh, right! You’re not on Discord. Delmoth talked me into Planescape, but I wanted to finish the current area first so it would make sense narratively.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Wholeness of Body x2 + sleep: 2d8 + 24 + 12 ⇒ (8, 8) + 24 + 12 = 52
Pocky can get herself to full HP the next day. Pocky gladly accepts the hug, and she takes Ci-Ci’s hands. Ci-Ci can feel something being slipped into her palm—a sapphire ring. I won’t leave the game with party loot. “This ring may have made the difference between falling in battle and not.” Had I not jumped, the sheep’s spell would have had me at 1HP or -8. “And you fly a lot.” She’s worried Ci-Ci will get shot down from midair. And if Boomhand tries something funny, Pocky won’t jump off a cliff to avoid her. She says of the Dawnflower. “Yours is a beautiful faith, Mara. I believe the Dawnflower and the Cloud Sisters would get along very well. Iris and Nephele, anyway. Aella is more the avenge-your-sisters type. “For Boomhand’s sake, I hope she does not try to betray me.” She smiles at Dervak when she says that, but Pocky is genuinely confident she will not be easily fooled by a fellow monk, and she thinks Boomhand would stand even less of a chance without falchions intervening. (Dervak’s as well as Cracknail’s, to be fair.)
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Exiting Pocky from the game… “It may be a fool’s errand, but I’m willing to chance it. Sleeping will be the tricky part, so I’ll do very little of it.” Lv.12/Ki Metabolism “But if I succeed, she will be instrumental in freeing slaves. She knows the business. And if my hunch is correct, she lives for the fight, not the cause. Even so, the question that remains is whether she’ll want to avenge her sisters. I know I would.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
“Oh! That feels very nice. Is that a new trick, Ci-Ci?”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky smiles as Mara speaks. “Oddly, this was my thought when she landed a punch dead-center in my nose. “Please pray to the Dawnflower for me… I do hope Hunter Boomhand will accept what I have in mind.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky says, “It will be a burden on me as well… a coup de grace would save me a lot of trouble. And she could refuse, which would make me regret waking her. I will kill her if she would rather be with her sisters. “I would hope I’d make that choice if my convent were attacked, and I was the sole survivor. Boomhand may be blind to the evil in this.” She gestures to the courtyard, surely where slaves kill each other for fun and profit.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
up to 28hp now Pocky thanks Mara, and is relieved at Dervak’s approval of taking Boomhand alive. “It’s Boomhand’s choice as well. If any of you doubt her word to me, please warn me so I know to end her. “I just couldn’t bring myself to kill her after the exhilaration of dodging her blows—all but one. It was weak… but in perfect form.” She looks down at the sleeping foe, and at the two giants who did not receive mercy. “I know I said all slavers must die… and maybe when she awakens, her words may confirm I had it right the first time. “But I have to know… can a slaver be redeemed? Should it even matter, after how mistreated the people here clearly are?”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky returns, bloodied as hell. “Sorry for the flying leap. I anticipated you had things under control.” She stands over Boomhand. “I spared the monk. Her style is inferior to mine, which means I can handle her, and she knows it. Her choice is cooperation and atonement through servitude… or death. “I think she can earn her right to live by successfully helping us move the slaves out without any other gnoll slavers or authorities making trouble for us.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky: @GM, just gonna RP. (Not sure how far I can get, but 80ft move with Haste could probably double-move me back in one round. I still am near-dead though and would rather not eat the party’s remaining CSW. I think the party can win this in two rounds which is what I’d need to move up and heal.)
Pocky quietly assures the slaves, “Only Biting Lash and remains standing, and perhaps she has an invisible friend. I am badly hurt, but I am in the worst shape of our group. Surely Biting Lash already senses her defeat is inevitable.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Weak from battle, surprised she’s still standing, Pocky contemplates how to get out of this alive without abandoning her teammates. The looming giant will hurt Dervak or Allegra—but with the giant toppled, Allegra can get Biting Lash. As for the flying ones, surely they won’t desert their leader to chase a halfling who, as far as they know, will die from the fall. This Sapphire ring and that demon are my escape. “Allegra, in case these words are my last, kill the leader.” Kick Green, Stunning Fist, Hero: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (18) + 23 = 41
Kick Green, Hero: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (19) + 23 = 42
Kick Green, Hero: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (13) + 23 = 36
Kick Green (Haste), Hero: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (8) + 23 = 31
Kick Green, Hero: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20
FLYING KICK Flying Demon, Hero: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
Pocky doesn’t care if she hits the demon or not. As long as the demon and the hawk know to protect Biting Lash, they have no reason to chase me!
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Will: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
Pocky spits blood as she replies, “I spared her, Slaver.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
“Pray that mine is the face you see when you awaken, Hunter Boomhand.”
Stunning Fist (Hero/Shaken): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24
Leg Sweep: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (15) + 21 = 36
Kick: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24
Kick: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36
Kick: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
DC20 Will: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
She bows slightly to her foe. “You have potential, Hunter Boomhand.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky flies at the big wounded gnoll!
Flying Kick, Hero: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (6) + 23 = 29
Pocky jab-dances (northeast) so she can attack Boomhand as soon as Backscourge falls. Kick, Hero: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (8) + 23 = 31
Her first strike vs. Boomhand is a trip, and her first damaging attack is a stunning fist! Trip, Hero (if Boomhand): 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (2) + 27 = 29
If trip succeeds:
Pocky is a dick about it. “More like Boomland.” AoO, Hero: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (10) + 24 = 34
Kick, Hero: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (8) + 18 = 26
Kick, Hero: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky will gladly follow, and even more gladly accept a potion of invisibility. Stealth, Hero, Invisible: 1d20 + 27 + 3 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 27 + 3 + 20 = 67 I assume we move when the group is ready.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky was going to say something about the element of surprise, but the archon is quick to obey. She waits for it to leave before saying, “Potions of invisibility might help a couple of us guess close to an enemy that may be otherwise unapproachable.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
“You handle your beast well. Unfortunately, I am a beast you cannot handle. “Die.” Pocky flying kicks the rider, and beats the crap out of him. If he falls, she takes out the mount, too!
Kick: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (3) + 23 = 26
Kick F1: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (6) + 23 = 29
Kick F2: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (15) + 23 = 38
Kick Extra Attack: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (5) + 23 = 28
Kick i1: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky glares at the hyena! “I’m going to kick that grin off of your face. It won’t be pretty.”
Kick: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (4) + 23 = 27
Kick F1: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (15) + 23 = 38
Kick F2: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (13) + 23 = 36
Kick Extra Attack: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (19) + 23 = 42
Kick i1: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (7) + 18 = 25
Pocky wonders if her proximity to the other animals will cause chaos, or will the riders keep them under control?
Warded Against Nature: Animals do not willingly approach within 30 feet of you, unless you or the animal’s master succeeds at a DC 20 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check. Animal companions, familiars, and mounts granted by your class abilities are immune to this effect.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky moves swiftly. She trips the red gnoll, and adds injury to insult.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky is ready to kick some asses!
Kick: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (15) + 23 = 38
Kick F1: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (2) + 23 = 25
Kick F2: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (14) + 23 = 37
Kick Haste: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (12) + 23 = 35
Kick i1: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
That’s exactly why I started that first surprise round with Lightning Leap. It’s what you do when enemies align like dominoes. Are there three floors?
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Would that end up in Pocky’s square? If so, there’s a 95% chance improved evasion will save me!
If so: Reflex Save vs Lightning (success negates): 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (6) + 23 = 29
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky rushes up to a gnoll. “Boo.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky points to the mind fog and says, “Twenty feet up from the center of that fog should be safe.” She’ll walk, so Mara and Ci-Ci can zip around it with Theo.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky gladly accepts: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky moves swiftly and silently through the fog. (25ft stealth speed) Stealth, Hero: 1d20 + 27 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 27 + 3 = 46 Once at the door, she checks for traps. Perc, Hero: 1d20 + 20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 20 + 3 = 41 When everyone’s ready, she’ll gladly open up!
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky takes what she can carry for survival then heads down through the mind fog. GM:
Will: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
I nat.20’d my will save, but in case that doesn’t count due to where I ended up, here’s a re-roll. She tells the others, “Twenty gnolls. Do we attack, or shall I lure them to chase me through the fog?”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky moves through the door that leads to the mind fog. If no enemy is there, she looks around. Else, she gets a head count and floats through the floor immediately. Either way, she dares herself to breathe the fog. Will Save vs Fog: 1d20 + 14 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 3 = 37
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
True! Normal-sized Allegra’s tall enough to lift Ethereal Barbie through a 7’6” high ceiling. Pocky steps onto Allegra’s enormous palms. She imagines herself as one of those dress-up dolls the human children at the convent would play with. “I suppose you won’t feel me, but when you see me tap my foot, please take me down.” Once lifted, Pocky becomes Ethereal. -3 ki She will peek through the ceiling from Allegra’s hands, or jump through if the ceiling is too thick.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky asks, “Shall I take a peek at what lies ahead? The fog cannot reach the ethereal, can it, Theo?”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky repeatedly kicks the petrified gnome’s shoulder until the stone arm snaps off. She uses the severed arm holding the key to open the cell doors. She is aware the gnoll could have been saved. She is also aware it is a slave-driving scum.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
If holding the bars and breaking the cell doors is working, Pocky keeps it up! Else, she stays still and assures the slaves, “Eyes shut. Live to taste freedom!” Since GM is fast-forwarding, I won’t bother rolling.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky keeps her eyes shut tight. While keeping her hands on the bars, she kicks the hell out of the door! She reminds the slaves, “Ladies, no matter what happens, keep your eyes shut tight!” Kick: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (17) + 23 = 40
Pocky works on one door until it falls, then uses the bars to her left to volley herself to the next door.
Kick F2: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (20) + 23 = 43
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky hears the warnings… and as she approaches she sees the statues who were once slave-girls, and the surviving gnoll. She does not pass anyone from the party. (Needed a double move to get as far as I did.) She fixes her gaze on the women covering their eyes. Pocky places her hands on the cell door and speaks to the slaves. “Keep your eyes covered. We’re going to free you, but you mustn’t look until we tell you it’s safe.” Pocky shuts her eyes. She hopes nothing will prevent her from opening them again, such as becoming a statue.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
If the tigers still live:
Pocky flies at the blue tiger (30ft flying kick) and lightning kicks it while jab-dancing around!
Attack: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (11) + 23 = 34
Attack: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (14) + 23 = 37
If she hits it more than once, her jab dance puts her in reach of the red tiger as well!
Attack (Ki Strike): 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (2) + 23 = 25
Attack: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (19) + 18 = 37
Attack: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
If both tigers are dead: Pocky moves to the cages and tells the slaves. “Eyes shut. We’re here for you!”
She can kick a door, but just that first kick I rolled. Can’t combo since flying kick didn’t reach.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky hears the roar and moves to the tigers, hoping to keep them off of Mara! Kick Red: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (18) + 23 = 41
If Red survived, Pocky kicks him again. Else, she flies to Green.
Once she fights green, she dance steps with each successful hit.
Iterative Kick Green: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (20) + 23 = 43
Iterative 2 Kick Green if he’s actually alive: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (7) + 23 = 30
Line on map is jump; flying kick happens when red dies. Pocky jab dances to blue circles each time she kicks green.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Reflex Save, Hero: 1d20 + 19 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 19 + 3 = 25
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky sinks into her stance and leaps thirty feet! +3 heroism factored in.
She dances south after her first attack.
Flurry 2: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (7) + 23 = 30
Should the enemy fall, she dances east, striking the southeastern-most gnoll. Ki Strike: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (11) + 23 = 34
Iterative 1: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (9) + 18 = 27
She ends her combo with a trip! Trip Iterative 2: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31 And if that hits, she kicks her prone opponent again with stunning force! Stunning Greater Trip Kick: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Oh! Now I see that part of the map. Right …no squeeze needed!
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky does not come up to Allegra’s knee once the transformation is complete. “Well, if you’re ready to squeeze through the door, I will gladly follow.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky thinks the summoned dog is cute. But she does not step within 30 feet of it.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky does her part to keep the cats in their cages. She suggests the slaves remain with the elder, and vows to come back for them. If I survive.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Dear Players, in case you didn’t see my post in Discord: After this mission, I will have Pocky escort the slaves out of the game, removing herself with them. There are several reasons but no hard feelings.
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
“It is draining for me to become ethereal, but I can. “Perhaps the gloves will suffice and, depending what you see, I have my way of peering into or passing into the next unknown.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky hears the voice. “Well… that answers that.” She says to Allegra, “If we move as one, we can overwhelm the remaining foes. Dervak is correct that escape is not guaranteed. The tigers may delay the gnolls’ exit, but escorting starved prisoners will be slow, whether we save one or twenty-one. And the law is on the side of Biting Lash; they need not chase us at all. A sending stone could spell our doom.” Well... several. 25 words only gets you so far, unless they just say things like ‘short nun bad.’ She tightens her little fists. “The dead cannot send magical warnings across the land.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky replies, “They are not safe. They are malnourished. I am indifferent to killing the slavers ourselves or using the tigers to distract as we escape. “I have my opinion on what course is best, but as long as we can all agree to the goal to take every slave out alive, I’m game for fight or flight.” She asks, “Which do you honestly think best accomplishes this?”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky replies to the woman, “By perish forever… you mean it is not just your body, but your soul that is in danger?” She turns to the others. “I want to kill every slaver here, but… if my riling the unleashed tigers provides cover for escape, perhaps we should consider this a successful rescue, and move out.”
♀ Halfling Monk Lv.11 ☁️| 52/92♥️ | 1/10KP | 9/11SF~DC19 | (+3)AC29~20t~21ff~33aoo | CMD:28~32trip | (+3)Perc:23 | Init:5 | (+3)Fort:16~Immune:disease, Ref:19~negate/halve, Will:14~16enchant/fear +Shake.It.Off Dmg:Magic/Cold.Iron/Silver/Law Active:Endure.Elements, Ward.Against.Nature
Pocky says to the slaves, “Let us kill the oppressors first. Then there may be a way for you to leave here safely.” She heads south to save the other. Perc: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (10) + 23 = 33 Again, she checks for traps.