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Organized Play Member. 63 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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So to avoid my whole integrate the pdf thing. I can now just order the deluxe. Hooray!!! But it will mean I will cancel my society subscription

Is this also on FB FoundryVTT?

why does waiting on all of this feels so terrible????

thanks for another beautiful product.

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nice to hear from you all here in a blog. it is surely well deserved. and like a spoiled child I do enjoy all the work that is already done in foundry.

Finally I also have to admit Steel_wind couldn't have said it better! so thanks to all in the blog but also the community.
(freeing up time so I can help a little bit coming summer, for those afraid to help out the guidance and patience is amazing even if you really help out on small things)

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Oooh I saw mentioning of a Starfinder game. Would love that setting as a crpg or something. At the moment I don’t play in it because my group has no interest. But would like to experience it sometime.

I like it…( but I do like Diablo kind of games too) and I understand the choice of AP and why this is the first thing of the 2 to come out with. But pretty please tell us, your community, that the second part of the deal will be a pf2e crpg ( ideally not based on an existing AP) and that this will take more time and thus we will get the specifics of that later.

Tea4Goblins wrote:
Leon Aquilla wrote:
Would love a Collectors Edition
Especially if it came with a Harrow Mat and/or carrying case.

Before I pre order this I want to be certain no collector’s or deluxe edition comes out soon because I would rather go for that indeed.

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redeux wrote:
michael3105 wrote:

Are there plans to bring Stolen Fate to Foundry VTT? If so, any best guess when?

(Our current campaign is ending soon and I would love to convince our group to continue with SF .. but chances are slim to convince the GM if he has to create all ingredients manually)

Hello, yes Stolen Fate will have premium Foundry VTT modules, and they will be released on the release day of each book.

Just wondering if that would hold a nice map of Absolom with a lot of info also. Already got the map but a interactive official map in foundry would be priceless.

Nice to get the team introduced.

Montis wrote:
GM Hmm wrote:

I've also considered it. Like you, Alex, I have some name recognition as a GM. But I've been leery of turning my hobby into a job, and changing the relationship that I have with my players.

Weird aside: I do this for free, but when I looked at the cost the GMs were charging here, my thought process was: that cannot be a living wage. I hope all those GMs have another source of income.

I spoke with a few other GMs and the gist of it is that you need somewhere between 7 and 15 weekly games to make a living out of it. Which I honestly don't know if I could do.

Also I tried to start small with only one campaign (Age of Ashes) to earn a bit of extra spending money, but so far no one has signed up since I posted the campaign 2 weeks ago. Well, I guess session 0 is Monday, so there's still a bit of time, but well ...

Is that the one done at 3pm (I am guessing then that’s EU time zone) if so I was interested but 3pm sucks as time point I still need to work till 5 and we eat here around 6.

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When dreams come true and are even better! Hoping it has the same cultural real feel as the mwangi expanse.

Buying it to run as soon as I can. Normally I will run AV AP but thinking of presentingy players to switch to something else maybe
( especially since it has foundry support also).

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Just wondering if there is a possibility that there will come a EU distribution hub? At this moment I am for the most part buying the pdf products, because shipping them to Belgium is just too costly. (And because I rather use pdf at a session than a book.
But I do like to have the books nonetheless. Just to appreciate and leaf through. So I was hoping with new growth and intrest their might be a possibility that an EU hub comes along to lower those shipping taxes and I can start taking subscriptions.

Will this now also get a foundry vtt treatment?

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Wondering if there is a kind of ORC funds setup. For those that want to do supporting stuff for this. So there are more ways that the community support too.

All for the idea. I do support already by buying pdf’s mainly. But would love a pin or sticker.

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What would be nice is something to buy that would ORC that you can wear like a pin, t-shirt or patch or something
Or like mentioned before a sticker or something.

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William Ronald wrote:

Also, I would love to see a new iconic orc character from the Burning Suns tribe. I think that a certain cabal of wizards has been badly burned.


I already have reoccuring ideas for an NPC in my campaigns every time an evil wizard is involved.

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....Sorry I meant WAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!

Thanks guess i only the once that are in then.

Edit:actually only going to buy the pfs pdfs that I planned and buy the pockets locally at Amazon ( that way I have more money to support them with since I need less for shipping.

Was planning to do some support buy today and go for some pocket editions (I normally only do pdf's to avoid shipping costs, but thought what the hell) I very much wanted to include the pocket version of this but then it would split the shipping costs in 2 bundles. do I best wait then till it is officially out?

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
I'll be honest, part of me's just wondering how much panicking I should be doing right, on the one hand they HAVE to be seeing the amount of negative press this is producing and want to mitigate that, yes, but they also have to be aware that even their most successful competitors don't have the money to go to court, so they may just bullishly go for it anyway, damn the lost sales.

If I am not mistaken some Star Wars rpg also falls under the old ogl. I don’t see them waging war with Disney.

I am recently new as a gm to pathfinder ( not as player). And although I was a bit afraid at the start about I want to thank you guys for this an all the other stuff you done in foundry for pathfinder to make this a smooth and enjoyable process for me and my players.

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CULTxicycalm wrote:

This makes my day!!! So happy with the ease of foundry that I and my players don’t want to play non foundry anymore

Just wondering but is this AP going to get a foundry module when it comes out?

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Bought the AV pdf and foundry module. Goblin king ( sadly no foundry),lost omen’s pdf and some pfs ones. It is a bit double thought I wanted to buy some more AP’s ( fist of ruby..and agents of…) but could withhold myself mainly because they don’t have a foundry module. On the other hand good thing they didn’t because I would start to overspend even more otherwise.
But I do hope there future AP’s will get foundry treatment at least.

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Pdf’s also !! I tomorrow begin on my list then and start spending. And since 1 of those is also a VTT afterwards that discount works for me.

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even though I should be working now, I couldn't wait till this evening.
bought it installed it and spend some time to be amazed.
This more worth than they are asking for. Not that I am not glad they didn't ask more :)

Great to get previews! but, man I have a hard time waiting for it.

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Stolen fate will arrive perfectly after my AV sessions.

It starts at the perfect place to pick up on and I like the fact it will be a more travel AP after a dungeon one.

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Since my daughter is in her last year of marketing I learned that marketing in the current day and age is no small feat. So thumbs up for you guys!

Jam412 wrote:
Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
Pinktiger wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
One is digital and the other physical?
Yes but how can a physical product be cheaper than a digital one?
For 4925th time: "the price of a product does not reflect only production costs; it reflects dozens of other factors". In this case, the factor is likely that Paizo wants to get the books out of the warehouse as they're taking up space, and with PF1 dead, there's little prospect of this moving faster under the current price, so it got discounted.
I'm pretty sure CotCT started off at $30 though. Is there any other precedent that a PDF is more expensive than the physical product?

Have to admit that usually makes. For EU GM that even might temp me to buy it even with all the extra shipping costs, if I didn’t decide to go fully digital these days. Still I found the difference great in this one.

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When I was only a player my dm only played long campaigns. And although they are great, we always noticed that by lvl 11/12 we wanted a change of scenery and get a taste of a different class and such. So now that I DM for mostly the same group, I very much welcome 3 parts ap’s. We run AV now. Afterwards planning to run a different 1-10 AP and then continue with PC’s from AV to a 11-20 AP. Probably indeed the one that starts in Absolom.
I do believe it makes sense that there are more 1-10 AP out there to give introductions to certain places and themes. But just has to be a bit in balance. As for the big ones from 1- to 20 I would say 1 every 2/3 years that is really polished and does have some variety in it.

Still want to know if we can expect this ( and future AP’s) to also be released in foundry at the same time?

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Cori Marie wrote:
One is digital and the other physical?

Yes but how can a physical product be cheaper than a digital one?

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also hoping that all future AP's always would get released for foundry too

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looking forward to dwarfs and darklands
but have to agree that with that many 1-10 AP's around more 11-20 are needed. or even small 11-15 ones would be great.

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fancy wayfinder mainly

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was thinking of buying (it is even pay what you want... but I believe for that work he should receive a fair pay) the conversion on infinte and pdf (yep, I switched to pdf's only) here. but what is holding me back a bit is that the pocket edition is cheaper than the pdf??? What is the actual difference then?

personally, I am not an accessories man, aside coins :)(was hoping on the digital kind of discount more)...but since there were already some very nice humble bundles after each other I actyally don't have the right to complain :)
for those who do like accessories...go plunder that store!

Since I live in Belgium, I applaud this! this give international players also a bit of access to this all. I understand most of it will be held in US time zone schedule. I do hope small things are setup for those at the other end of the world :)

ooh....and almost forgot. but i would love an AP where they would work together with an escape room creator (like post curiousor Jack Fallows) to create something that would give more real puzzles to solve (even with objects that would come along that players can keep as memento but that have to be used to solve a puzzle)

classes:tattoist, shaman and some asian tinbted classes (see regions)
and additional support for existing classes.

regions: Tian Xia, like mentioned somwhere here before (the ocean side of world), the darklands

AP:I would actually like an AP(11 to 20) that would go from the concept of the pathfinder society aspect. I know they all have smaller ones to run. But would love the idea of that whole concept into the world a bit more and giving you a bit of mix of adventure styles and regions to explore again.

Finally I would love to see some expanding on skill feats.

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just checking in, because I forgot when the pdf buy is active (living in EU, so print is a no no for me thanks to shipping). Was hoping a pdf subscription option would come available after the pdf price changes, so I wouldn't have to check (for AP and lost omens mainly).

:D not really, but made me search up and play this again.

captain yesterday wrote:
The map in the map pack is bigger but this book also has a zoomed in map of each district at the beginning of each chapter.

I just go with the book then.

I don't need a bigger resolution PDF map. I would consider it if it would have more details then the one in the book or extra layers; like a sewers/tunnel layer. Just strange that a pdf version of that map pack doesn't have anything that differentiates it. as a print version sure, bigger is very, very nice. But digital version at that price. But again maybe I don't understand correct what the digital version really holds.

keftiu wrote:
Cassi wrote:
I'm happy this continent is getting some love. In my head, I've just been Homer Simpson style drooling over the potential foods. My very food adventurous Paladin of Mazludeh will go on a quest for snacks.

There's an East African restaurant in town here that also hits up the farmer's market as a stall, and their food is killer. The standout favorite? Jerk chicken served over french fries, your choice of sweet or spicy. Their sambosas are divine, too, and I always eye their vegetarian curries.

So I'm imagining all of that, plus magic, plus even more South Asian culinary influence via Jalmeray, plus whatever weird crops grow in the Mana Wastes and Geb... it's quite the mix.

How I would love you mentioning now that is a place in Antwerp now....

Can't make my mind up about what to order here (PDF's)...
I mainly want a good map but info about places and people are always super. However I can't envision the difference between the map-folio of absalom (which is kind of pricy, but maybe with reason) and this pdf with a map(doas it have a page then with an extra map with details??)
Just don't want to buy 2 things to only find out that they contain almost identical map content.
could someone explain the differences between the maps here please?

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even with having the last bundle and the beginners box in foundry already this was still a buy. Thanks always nice to buy something at a discount and support a good cause.

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Berhagen wrote:

Crappy service from Paizo. Complete disregard for international customers - after delayed completion of the Kingmaker crowdfunding you are now selling the product before delivering it to your backers. No message on delivery in Europe yet.

About the crappiest service of a gaming company possible. I love some of your products (Mwangi expanse, and impossible lands looks promising) - but this project is truly horribly managed.

To be honest that is a bit of an unfair opinion in my personal view.

I have done way too much kickstarters in the past and shipments are 70% of time always the step where things get delayed or cause other trouble. Especially the last couple of years in EU. Actually, why I stopped doing crowdfunding of things that are physical is because the added taxes are ridiculous most of the time (which is maybe a good thing because I was spending too much money on KS at times).
The only thing that I do dislike at any company is when the communication about the progress of everything is not done well or not done at all. but I don't believe that is the case here.

Of course, that is my opinion and you are allowed to have yours :)

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