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Male human bard (court fool) 2; HP 17/17; AC 15; Perception +4; Initiative +3
![]() Okay, I'm back. So, long story short I have been homeless the last 10 days. The house my housemate and I had previously rented was purchased and we had to leave with little notice, but we were able to find a place where we were supposed to be able to move in on August 23rd. However, as it got close to the end of the month I was informed that we wouldn't be able to move in until September 10, today. To make it worse we had some internet issues the last few days of the month, so I wasn't really even able to give the warning I'd hoped I could to my players and GMs. It isn't as bad as it sounds, I was able to find friends and family that would let me crash on couches and spare rooms during that time, but I have not had the opportunity to post. That said, today I was able to get moved in to the new place and I finally have an office again. So, barring any other disasters (which, based on the way this year is going for me, are likely), I should be back to normal. I'm sorry for any issues I caused. I'm still interested in playing Tanglefoot, if you'll have him. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1/Investigator 5; hp 52/52; AC 20, Touch 11, FF 18; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4; Init +1; Perception +9 (+11 traps); inspiration 5/5
![]() Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (16) + (4) + 7 = 27 "Yes, some kind of evil outsider for sure, I agree," Drexel quietly replies with a smile, "I think we should do what he says, just to see where this goes." Drexel steps forward, and bows down on one knee. "What is thy bidding, my master?" Bluff to feign allegiance (maybe with some bonus for kneeling?): 1d20 + 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (10) + (3) + 9 = 22 ![]()
Mummy's Mask~Kingmaker ~Strange Aeons ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name I ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name II ~ Border of War
![]() Xander Saren wrote: Xander kneels over by the child. "What else do you remember, child?" The child shrugs. "Wash your face. Eat your vegetables. And always say your prayers, or Rovagug will gobble up the whole world from the inside out!" She laughs, a rather frightening giggle given the context of her words, and then runs off to try to go play with some of the other children. "Don't worry about Maeve, she says some strange things sometimes, but I'd say she's pretty well adjusted, after what she's seen," says Winter, as the child alternates between trying to convince a couple of the other children to join her in her play. One, a little boy shakes his head over and over, clutching a a shadow lantern and refusing to leave his corner. The other seems like he might like to play, but he seems to be wracked with frequent mini-seizures and a young Varisian woman who is sitting next to him gently discourages Maeve from dragging him to his feet. "Little Brenton there," she says, gesturing to the boy holding the shadow lantern,"He was brought here with his brother. They lost their parents. During the disaster he was separated from his brother, and hasn't said a word since." "Then there's poor Bates," she continues, pointing to the boy with the seizures, "His seizures are getting worse and worse without his medication. Not to mention what happened to him during the riots," She lets out a shiver, "I don't know what to do for him. At least Mura is taking care of him. She is mute, so it’s hard for me to communicate with her, but she seems to be very protective of him." Mashiki Malbourne wrote: "Wait she suddenly blurts "We need to find the janitor and Shield and bring them back here! Maybe Winter can help?" Grimm John wrote: "Going back for the others will mean we have to go back down into that body pit." Cage hesitates. Alico Destane wrote:
Winter looks at Alico strangely, and raises an eyebrow, but says nothing. "Vaustin, take your best man and go down there with them to find those two," Winter says, her voice suddenly going from soft and kindly to completely authoritative. The group, along with the guards, makes their way back down to the basement and brings Shield and Campre Linweigh back to the chapel, and both are taken to a side room to recover. Shield has to be carried, as he is still in his strange, conscious coma-like fugue. Mashiki Malbourne wrote:
Xander Saren wrote: "Does anyone here know where the patient records are kept?" "Yes, I’d assume a place like this has a records room. I’m not sure where that would be, but I have an idea of someone who might. I’ll introduce you to a few of your fellow survivors in a moment," says Winter. Mashiki Malbourne wrote: Having started, Broom excitedly continues talking "And what was the Accusor investigating? Could this strangeness be what he was looking for? Where is he? What are the pictures of that Ulvar painted? "Haserton Lowls, the count of Versex, appears to have abandoned his duties as one of the nation’s rulers. Accuser Omari had reason to believe that Lowls had regular business here at Briarstone. She sent me along with other associates to investigate the asylum while she went on to Thrushmoor." "As for Ulver Zandalus, I’ve said about as much as I know. Some of the former staff might know a little more. Speaking of that, let’s do some introductions." She points to a bookishly handsome young Garundi man kneeling at the shrine of Shelyn, "That's Tolman Leolies, a nurse, and apparently an aspiring amateur artist." Tolman smiles, and nods. She introduces a twitchy man cutting carrots over a large stew pot as Denman Wenoparess, a member of the kitchen staff, and the man gives a little wave. She points to a couple of the guards that escorted you into the chapel, over by the door, both Varisian women. "The younger, smaller woman is DaNae Foulkes, a former patient who had anxiety issues that basically disappeared with the recent trauma. The older, full-figured woman is Naysa Walika, one of the more experienced nurses here, though she hadn't been working here long." "And of course, I believe you met Vaustin York already," she says, pointing to the portly, bald Varisian with whom you negotiated entry, "He was an orderly here, but he has some military experience, so I made him my 'captain of the guard,' per se." She walks over to where a Kellid woman is lying unconscious on a cot. "This is Airwynn Savoia. She was part of the support staff, and Vaustin says that she has probably more knowledge of the asylum than any of the other survivors. If anyone would know where the records are kept here, it would be her. I’ve done what I can to help her, but she suffered a lot of broken bones during the earthquake, and now she has a fever. I think she might have an infection. She needs medical care that I can’t really provide. Can any of you help? Also, while you’re at it, could you take a look at Bates? His seizures, as I said, are beyond me, not to mention all the bite marks one of the lunatics gave him during the riot." So this is the first of a bunch of minor tasks that Winter asks for you guys to attend to in the chapel. They are meant to earn her trust and build your reputation among the survivors. However, this first one doesn’t make a lick of sense. Basically you guys can do a Heal check to provide long-term care to to each of the two injured patients. It says it takes one hour per patient. But it says that alternatively you can use healing magics to do it immediately, and that’s where it stops making sense for me. Why didn’t Winter just use her channel energy ability? Couldn’t they have been healed by the channel energy that she just did to heal you guys up? Maybe she’s testing you guys to see what you can do, but if that is the case then she has just been letting these people suffer for the sake of an experiment that she can’t have already planned since she hadn’t met you. Anyways, I’m going to run it as written. Heal check or healing spell will work. Thankfully the other tasks make slightly more sense. "Come to think of it, I have several other things I could use help with as well if you guys don’t mind. Then you can join us for dinner and get some rest." She points to where splintered furniture and fallen support beams lay heaped in one corner of the chapel, sitting next to a stack of firewood. A handax and crowbar are lying on the floor nearby. "We can always use more firewood, first off." If you succeed at a Strength check and spend an hour working at the heap, you produce enough scrap wood to keep the fires burning for the night. Additionally, if you succeed at a Survival check or employ a two-handed slashing weapon to break up the scrap, you produce an excess of firewood, and might impress the survivors. "Can any of you cook? Denman is good at chopping carrots and firewood, but he isn’t that great of a cook." There are several small fires set up about the chapel with cooking implements, collected water, and basic foodstuffs. Some of the survivors are trying to prepare meals, but their methods are amateurish and wasteful. You can attempt a Profession (cook) or Survival check to help prepare a meal. Just then, from the corner of a the room one of the survivors starts wailing loudly and miserably, and struggling to get past the other people nearby. One of the nurses, Naysa Walika, seems to be trying to calm and restrain the middle-aged Varisian man, but failing. "Oh, no. Loic Ulsohnen is having another one of his fits. He has hallucinations, apparently, of his twin sister who died when he was eight. Looks like he is refusing to take his medicine. Can one of you go and try to help calm him down?" You can try Bluff, Intimidate, or Diplomacy to calm down the patient. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1/Investigator 5; hp 52/52; AC 20, Touch 11, FF 18; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4; Init +1; Perception +9 (+11 traps); inspiration 5/5
![]() Looking around and not seeing any of his allies taking up the podium so to speak, Drexel decides to provide the introductions. "Ladies any gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce our group. The most dangerous gang in Numeria, perhaps on all of Golarion." He steps forward, and gestures to each of his teammates as he walks down the line. "Here we have Ting-Tang, The Terrible Tengu, a peerless swordsman, whose accent is just as likely to cut you as his bastard sword. Next we have Mylvwara, the Mad Mage, an elf who has forgotten more spells than most men will ever learn in their lifetimes. Don't judge our next fighter for her size, because she is just as medium as you or me. Brallanera, ladies and gentlemen, is a barbarian dwarf with a rage that could melt the Silver Mount. Next we have Nemesis, a priestess of an ancient cult so secretive that if I told you what it was I would have to kill myself and then kill you afterwards. I'm told she can cast ghostbane dirge. And last but not least, we have me, Drexel Santangelo, warrior-poet and a better announcer than I would have given myself credit for being. Together, we're the guys who are about to steal your lunch." ![]()
Mummy's Mask~Kingmaker ~Strange Aeons ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name I ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name II ~ Border of War
![]() Velinov wrote: I don't suppose there's an option to negotiate a treaty with both? Haska has the right of it. The way the scenario is written, and based on the reporting notes, you have to either side with Ungala or Novaria. Ungala won't smuggle for you if you don't hand over the pilfered goods, and Novaria won't smuggle for you if you do hand them over. Normally I'd push for a vote, but I'm enjoying your argument so much that I think I'll let it simmer. ![]()
Mummy's Mask~Kingmaker ~Strange Aeons ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name I ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name II ~ Border of War
![]() Sorry about the slowdown, had a spill on my bicycle Monday (the day I started a new job, which was fun -- always nice to make a first impression with blood on your jeans and a torn up hand and elbow) and it's been painful to type, but I think I will be able to get going again later today. ![]()
Mummy's Mask~Kingmaker ~Strange Aeons ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name I ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name II ~ Border of War
![]() Sorry about that, I will get those out as soon as possible (when I have time to go to the library and use a printer/scanner so I can sign them). ![]()
Mummy's Mask~Kingmaker ~Strange Aeons ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name I ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name II ~ Border of War
![]() Realistically you wouldn't be able to meet with Lady Morilla before seeing Ziralia at the rendezvous point. You don't think that Ziralia is working with her father, however. Their two operations to test the convoy's defenses (with the Pathfinders and Aspis respectively) seem to have been independent and for opposite reasons. In fact, Ziralia seems like a prime candidate for a group like the Sovereign Court, because she seems to support the general good over any particular city-state or nation, unlike her father who seems to be bent on trying to dominate all of Thuvia. ![]()
Mummy's Mask~Kingmaker ~Strange Aeons ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name I ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name II ~ Border of War
![]() Spoiler:
Longsword attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 131d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 I'm going to have Tanto delay down to where the rest of you are in initiative. The tent was done by Zzorn, by the way, I don't know how to do that. The remaining Aspis soldier steps up to fill the gap filled by his fallen co-workers. It would be dishonest to say that he was thinking of avenging them, rather all he could think about right now was how much bigger his cut was going to be. With that, he took a cut of his own at Huni, which doesn't live up to his expectations. Zzorn came storming out of the tent, and attempted to rush through the Aspis leader's space, knocking her down if she tried to stop him. However, she did not try to stop him, wisely, simply stepping aside as he passed through like a freight train. Sorry about that Zzorn, but she is intelligent and tactical enough not to try to resist an overrun attempt. You can keep your reroll though, because she would have avoided you, so you wouldn't have ever even rolled for the attack. GM:
Green- -3 /14 HP (2 bleed), AC 20; unconscious Blue- -3 /14 (2 bleed) HP, AC 20 ; unconscious Red- 13/14 HP, AC 20 Leader- 22/23 HP, AC 15 Tent- 27/30 HP Recap:
Surprise Round Tanto (did not act), Pai (moved), Guards (did not act), Zzorn (moved), Huni (cast spell), Kiaru (moved), Yoon (moved), Aspis Leader (did not act). Round 1 Tanto (moved and drew weapon), Guards (attacked, moved, drew weapons), Zzorn (holding up tent, readied action), Pai (missed with blast), Huni (hit with unarmed), Kiaru (moved), Yoon (moved), Aspis Leader (moved and drank extract). Round 2 Tanto (missed), Guards (moved, missed, shields up), Zzorn (documents), Yoon (blasted fire), Pai (zapped, ZO’d agent), Kiaru (missed), Huni (KO’d agent), Aspis Leader (threw alchemist’s fire at tent). Round 3 Guard (missed), Zzorn (overran Aspis leader), Tanto (up), Yoon (up), Pai (up), Kiaru (up), Huni (up), Aspis Leader (not yet up).
Tanto, Yoon, Huni, Pai, and Kiaru can act. ![]()
Mummy's Mask~Kingmaker ~Strange Aeons ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name I ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name II ~ Border of War
![]() That works! Yeah, Zzorn would be able to get all of that stuff out of the tent in a round, no problem. ![]()
Mummy's Mask~Kingmaker ~Strange Aeons ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name I ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name II ~ Border of War
![]() Graxzos Glyphkeeper wrote:
For what it's worth, I'm leaning toward just running the two scenarios. ![]()
![]() DebugAMP wrote: Horn of Aroden is a part of an arc that is heavily involved with Season 5's plot regarding the Wound. Library of the Lion (Tier 1-5) leads directly into it and Assault on the Wound (Tier 3-7) is the conclusion to that whole arc. If you're looking to flesh it out a little I'd recommend including those as bookends before moving onto the Season 9 scenarios, and possibly include some of the Mendev adventures in between. I was a huge fan of what pieces of that that arc I've played, and if you are interested in making it a bigger deal, I'd be happy to tag-team GM with you back and forth. I have played Library, Horn, and Assault on the Wound, and would be happy to GM them, but some of the intervening scenarios such as Scars of the Third Crusade (Tier 1-5) and the Wardstone Patrol (Tier 3-7) I haven't played in yet. If you're looking to pad it up a bit, I'd be happy to Tag Team GM with you back and forth to fill out the arc a bit before returning to Brevoy. That sounds like a pretty good idea. I've GMed Library of the Lion, but not played or GMed any of those others. I guess I'll see what interest is like, and what people want to do. To be fair, from reading the scenario it sounds like the horn of Aroden is important to the meta-plot of that season, perhaps, but it isn't overly important to the scenario PFS #5-19: The Horn of Aroden, other than being the macguffin. I might just want this to be the Lander Lebeda saga, and not so much the Worldwound saga. But we'll see. ![]()
Male human bard (court fool) 2; HP 17/17; AC 15; Perception +4; Initiative +3
![]() "This may be surprising, but I don't get invited very often to galas." says Tanglefoot, as he begins to strip down out of his courtier's outfit, openly in the alley-way, in front of everyone. "I'm just here for the free food, free drink, and free excitement. I will say that I certainly support the abolition of primogeniture, for what it is worth. I wouldn't be a good spokesman for it." As he gets down to his long-johns, and produces a suit of motley from a sack, he continues, "But as you can see, I have nothing to hide, at least nothing you’d want to look at. And after all, it would be rude to refuse an invitation from an aristocrat like Lady Lotheed. Propriety in social circles and pleasing the nobles is always my utmost concern, as a fool." He pulls on his rough-spun trousers and tunic, a colorful but faded array of blues, reds, greens, and yellows. Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18 "Now I'm attired appropriately for what you all must think of me." There is probably more to Tanglefoot than he is letting on, but he spends so much of his speech in jest that it's hard to tell what's what.
Mummy's Mask~Kingmaker ~Strange Aeons ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name I ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name II ~ Border of War
![]() Well, Pai already took her actions this turn. Yoon will be able to move the chains and open the secret door, no problem. And then next round someone can move in, and then with another move action disable the trap, no problem. But the guards and the remaining dog will get a chance to go before then. But they can't perceive invisible creatures with their Perception, distracted as they are, so they'll be focusing on Kiaru, Tanto, and Huni. I went ahead and moved Huni and put the area of obscuring mist on the map. ![]()
Male human bard (court fool) 2; HP 17/17; AC 15; Perception +4; Initiative +3
![]() Skill Checks:
Diplomacy to gather information: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 Knowledge (nobility) to know about the holiday: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 Knowledge (nobility) to know about Stavian: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 Knowledge (nobility) to know about Martella: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 Knowledge (nobility) to know about Eutropia: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
The last time I was dressed so well, I was an even greater fool than I am now, Tanglefoot thought as he strode confidently, almost swaggering, down the wide and crowded street. He spotted the cafe where he was to meet with Lady Martella Lotheed, natural daughter of Lord Lotheed. A bastard, I'm sure there's a bawdy story there. I'll have to learn it, the bard thought, a smile flashing across his face, But today I'd best be on my best behavior. Better pretend like I'm a politician again, if only for an hour. He wore a black suit, simple by Taldan standards but nonetheless sharp. His was nonetheless a rather comical image, as usual, due to his rotundity, his general expression, his red nose, and his beard, though he had wagered that he didn't look unlike some middling nobleman for exactly those same reasons. He sang a few lines of an old and ribald song that came to mind as he arrived, his voice deep and joyous, though untrained. Perform (sing): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 "Well she pulled off her blue silk gown
Bit of a frog in my throat today, he thought. He looked around, and finding the eyes of a serving girl, reached down to his waist, grabbed the tankard hanging there, and raised it to her, "What sort of wine do you have here? Normally I'd have ale, but today I am the landgrave's nephew!" Noticing the similarly overdressed (in his opinion, fancy clothing was always overdressing) group gathering nearby, he realized that he must be late, and that this must be his group. Giving the most exaggerated bow he could muster, a gesture that made it's way from bow to curtsy by the end, he greeted them, "Ah, Lady Martella Lotheed, it is my most sincerest pleasure to make your esteemed acquaintance." He looked over the other arrivals. What a bunch of peacocks! he thought, and a laugh burst out, though he stopped himself from continuing. "And greetings to you lovely turtledoves and turtles. I am Lord Tangle of House Foot. You may call me Tanglefoot." ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1/Investigator 5; hp 52/52; AC 20, Touch 11, FF 18; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4; Init +1; Perception +9 (+11 traps); inspiration 5/5
![]() Brallenera Thalkham wrote:
Your purchase limit is governed by your fame: Under 5 0 gp
...and so on. Page 20 of the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play 9.0. ![]()
Mummy's Mask~Kingmaker ~Strange Aeons ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name I ~ Fallen Family, Broken Name II ~ Border of War
![]() After concluding their business in Aspenthar, the Pathfinders undertake a long journey across the desert, traveling with the camel caravans, until they finally arrive in Pashow, in southern Thuvia. It is a large town, but the smallest of the Thuvian city states, and the most vulnerable. The adventurers divide into two groups and make their way to their respective targets. The Workshop, Day One:
Building the transport requires dozens of engineers, spellcasters, and laborers. Each build team designs only one discrete portion of the transport, preventing anyone but the overseers from seeing the complete layout and learning its secrets. The facility where the transport is built consists of several workshops surrounding a central courtyard, where the unfinished structure resides. Each workshop contains crates of machine parts or arcane grimoires, and just one shop is active each day. A single main office where overseers coordinate the transport’s construction takes up much of the northern workshop. The Emir’s artificers spend the first day completing the transport’s interior. Many of the transport’s walls and floors were constructed on a previous day, but they have not been fitted together. Some of the artificers focus their efforts on assembling the walls into a finished structure, while others construct and animate the altar to hold fake vials of sun orchid elixir. As a potential investor, Zzorn is given a full tour. He is able to identify the characteristics of the animated altar that guards the elixirs. He also notices that Temeera ordered a few of the workers to take turns walking around the transport’s interior in circles for some unknown reason.
Huni’s day doesn’t go so well. Spoiler:
1d3 ⇒ 1 Meanwhile, Tanto is able to discover a secret, lead-lined compartment in the transport’s back left corner, during his supervisory duties, which he points out to the others. Perception checks
locate a small, inconspicuous “X” etched into a tile in the floor covering the secret chamber. A soft-spoken woman named Temeera manages construction of the main chamber’s defenses. A scholar who studies magical constructs, the word is that Temeera loves to teach enthusiastic students, but often forgets to instruct her creations not to attack her pupils during a lesson. If anyone would like to interact with her more closely, it might be an opportunity to gain an advantage. The Barracks, Day One:
The transport’s escorts reside in a single barracks, where they plan routes, train animals, and prepare for the harsh environment. Guldis’s penchant for teleporting elixir shipments left him with few veteran escorts, so Pashow’s current recruits are inexperienced. As a result, the senior officers are desperate for skilled fighters and take on any recruit who demonstrates talent in a required field. The barracks is a sandstone complex with thick walls and few windows, designed to shelter trainees from prying eyes. Recruits share bunks in the easternmost building, adjacent to the officers’ quarters where the Emir’s appointed overseers supervise preparations. The western building contains an armory and a mess hall, each guarded by more experienced sentries. The buildings surround a massive training field, where recruits spar and practice on dummies while wranglers train guard animals in the southeastern paddock. The first day revolves around training the convoy’s guard animals. Handlers teach tricks to a pack of barely domesticated Thuvian desert dogs—vicious beasts native to the barren wasteland—while recruits learn tactics for fighting with them. Yoon, during her time sneaking around, is able to pilfer 3 of the treats Ishyal uses to reward the desert dogs. The PCs can throw a treat as a ranged touch attack targeting a dog’s square (AC 5). If the attack roll hits, the dog spends its first round eating the treat, unless it has already taken damage during the combat. Alternatively, a PC can use a dog treat as supplemental material component, which increases the DC of any enchantment spell that specifically targets animals by 2. Pai notices the handlers shooing the dogs away from a crate of chocolate. It must be harmful to the dogs. Cargo manifests indicate that every crate containing chocolate shipped from Bloodcove and arrived in Aspenthar, where it received Prince Zinlo’s seal of approval before traveling to Pashow. At the end of the day, each worker at the barracks receives a small amount of chocolate as a reward for their dedicated work. If the PCs wish, they can use the chocolate to poison the dogs during the encounter by throwing it along with a treat. A dog that eats a PC’s portion of chocolate gains the
Both Pai and Yoon are also able to learn all of the desert dogs’ command words and develop a rapport with the beasts. These command words allow the PCs to direct the desert dogs’ actions with a successful DC 10 Handle Animal check. Guldis’s beastmaster Ishyal oversees the stables and animal training regimens. A boisterous Qadiran woman covered with scars, Ishyal sees buildings as cages that prevent living souls from reaching their full potential, preferring to train guards and animals in the desert heat. Word is that most recruits avoid her around noon, but those who join her beneath the midday sun earn her favor. Around noon, as most of the laborers and trainers make their way into the buildings for lunch, rest, and some relief from the blistering sun, Ishyal strides out into the yard again, loudly berating her charges, “You soft-skinned Thuvians can’t handle the sun? Ha! This is the best time of the day to work!” She laughs and goes about her business training the dogs. Pai can choose to interact more closely with Ishyal during the noonday training if she wishes, though the sun is indeed hot. Huni, Zzorn, or Tanto can try to get in with Temeera, if they want to risk getting close to the animated altar. |