
PathfinderEspañol's page

357 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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KaeYoss wrote:
Chef's Slaad wrote:

(a single phone wouldn't really be any use - who would you call?)?

The main problem is that a cellphone without aerials and all that stuff is useless. :D

Not in the future, and it prolly wasn't a cellphone but a Universal Personal Communication Device from year 3000 or so.

Believe me, it's all part of the big conspiration.

RunebladeX wrote:

first how do you advance a peon? i got quite stumped on this. say i want to use the advanced templet which adds +1 CR. if i apply that to a 1/2, 1/4, or 1/8th CR monster. WTF is it's CR?! o_O

+2 to CR should double the XP award, +1 to CR is something in between. It doesn't work well for those CR's.

Do the following: Calculate the CR of the group of creatures with fractional CRs, then add the +1 to CR.

Humans can have 24 Str without carrying any magical gear: permanent Stat enhancing books/tomes :)

Old women make great time-travellers.

Is that a (class) Fighter? Are you going to take Critical feats in the future?
Then go for big threat ranges.

If you are a Barbarian and you don't want to spend your precious feats in that, then go for larger multipliers and take that rage power that allows you to autoconfirm crits when the possible.

james maissen wrote:
DSRMT wrote:

My second question is, can the enhancements listed under Celestial Armor's base statistics (+6 to max dex, -15 spell failure, -3 armor check penalty) be applied to other Armor's (like platemail)

Not really. Whatever your DM will allow, of course.

But in any event I wouldn't have it be a linear addition to max DEX, ASF, & ACP but rather relative to the heavy armor that you want to put on it. Likewise it would need to be much more pricy than mithril full plate lest not to make it useless.



Magic item prices come from comparing to existing items, Celestial is similar to mithral and thus mithral is the best reference.
A custom light Celestial armor should be cheaper, while a custom heavy Celestial armor should be more expensive.

You are prolly safe using the same price for any other customized Celestial medium armor (i.e. Breastplate) even if it makes a slighty better armor.

Celestial armors are often demanded by characters with High Dex, I do hope Paizo adds examples of light and medium Celestial armors to any one future Accesory, with balanced prices of course.

roguerouge wrote:
How do archers spot targets 800+ feet away given range penalties to perception? How do you rule on that?

Very good point.

I make 20 an automatic success for Perception checks if the target isn't hidding, because makes sense. You may fail to see someone walking in a rural area for a while, but after a minute you should be able to spot him.
Of course it is a House rule.

zombiemaster86 wrote:

Okay so just to be honest I'm the new guy in this equation, anyhoo, I just joined a group who has been gaming for a few years, several people have had to move and so when I asked if I could step into one of the vacant slots they said yes immediately.

Now comes the problem, I am getting screwed by the rest of the party in a sort of haze the new guy way and i can't do anything about it. I'm a healer and I tend to have everyone leaning on me to survive only to be dropped in the last round. Then they will leave me stable but unconscious while they loot everything, this last time the GM laid out cleric specific items for the loot and when we made it to town the loot was sold and I got 10 gold while everyone else got 20000 that's right 20000!

Out of character I was pissed and I said something, they all just go that that is just something their character would do and I was lucky I was getting anything at all (same from GM).

I'm tried talking to them out of character but that doesn't work, I'm thinking of withholding healing, something which would go against my character's core, and probably result in a TPK but What else can I do?

Why should your character provide free healing to the party when they stole your part of the loot and you can use those spells for your own benefit? Nobody heals someone that stoles him, no matter who, do you heal the enemies too?

And how do they expect you to heal them if you don't get the magic items needed to do so?

You are going to do one of the following things:
1. Since they are not going to fix it talking to them out of character, stop wasting time with those guys.
2. Memorize a lot of combat spells, and just a few healing spells for your own use. When you are asked for healing say that your equipment sucks and you can't afford to memorize a lot of healing spells, which is true and what any character would do. Repeat until you get your loot back.

Do you fancy?
Edit: Double post removed

My list (Core Classes only)

Not based on how hard or difficult to play it is, but how complex, as the topic says, it is still 100% subjective.

Complexity is based on= Time used to write all your info and calculate your stats, number of Excel sheets used; ammount of feats, abilities and spell descriptions you need to remember when playing the game, number of sheets you need to carry, ammount of options for a given character, etc..

(Less complex)
(more complex)

Main points:
*Barbarian: Unless you go fancy many abilities give passive bonuses, you have so few feats that you can't get too many "modes" (Maneuvers, Power attack, Expertise, etc..), Rage isn't complex.

*Fighter: Many feats and abilities that give passive bonuses, nothing more. Get an excel to calculate when it's best to use Power Attack/You favorite feat. It takes some time to make a competitive build.

*Monk: Many abilities, but most of them passive, you don't have too many choices. Search for Treatmonk's guide to Monks, write the data in your character sheet, roll initiative, use Flurry of Blows when possible.

*Paladin: Few feat choices, few options at all to be honest. However you have many special abilities and spells.

*Ranger: Many feats, skills, options and abilities, plus spells. You may need another sheet for your companion's stats.

*Rogue: Lot of skills, in combat you need a tactic to get the most from Sneak Attack. It takes some time to make a competitive build.

*Sorcerer: 9 levels of arcane spells and some abilities. It takes some time to make your choices. Spontaneous casting makes things simpler.

*Cleric: 9 levels of divine spells, some special abilities and a few fighting features. It takes some time to make your choices, prepared spellcasting is always a nuisance but at least you know all the cleric spells.

*Bard: 6 levels of spells, many complex special abilities and a few fighting features. It takes some time to make your choices. Spontaneous casting makes things simpler.

*Druid: 9 levels of divine spells, some special abilities, a few fighting features, Elemental Shape and a Companion. It takes some time to make your choices, prepared spellcasting is always a nuisance but at least you know all the druid spells.

*Wizard: 9 levels of arcane spells and some abilities. It takes some time to make your choices, prepared spellcasting is always a nuisance.

Nebelwerfer41 wrote:
Cold Napalm wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Shackling someone with manacles doesn’t cause someone ‘harm’ (unless they try to strain against them or get out of them).
Umm...as somebody who has seen actualy medieval shackles...yes they DO cause harm if they are put on tight enough to prevent escape. They cause bruising and chaffing at the very least. They can cause necrosis at the worst. Hell even modern handcuff hurt when they put placed on tight enough to prevent escape. Ask anyone who's ever been arrested, those handcuffs hurt, even if your not struggling.
By those definitions, 99% of Cold Napalm's posts cause harm.

*claps hands*

Temporal increments don't give all the benefits of a permanent bonus, the Glossary tells you what you get from temporal bonuses.

Note that decrements in your ability scores can render your feats useless.
I.e. You have Int 11, get a Headband of Int+2, Wear it more than one day and get Combat Expertise (req Int 13).
Then some spell/ability gives you a temporal penalty of -1 to Int, you can use Combat Expertise until you remove that penalty.

So, being too dependent of magic items isn't a good thing.

Wir sind Paul !

EWHM wrote:
I've seen some EK's have success with the American football 'quarterback' approach---they use reach weapons with enlarge and often lunge and pack the squares in front of them with summoned monsters and other melees who try to dance appropriately to trade off giving soft cover to the EK's opponents vs keeping the lines adequately tight to discourage any melee focus fire on them. Abraham's approach of just eating the still spell on a lot of your spell preps and going the full plate without any arcane armor training or the like works nicely also, and really reduces the pressure on your swift actions. You could go the QB route and use your healing occasionally to prevent the designated victim from dying every now and then (very very situational until you get heal, which is pretty much the only generally useful combat heal in pathfinder or any of the 3.x editions). The problem with the QB though is there's no reach weapon I'm aware of with a good crit range, which makes it harder to get spell critical going (usually want a falchion or the like to make that work), so you'd have to settle for only 15' range. 25' reach is a lot nicer---it's like having a nicely protected pocket to lay the smackdown with your polearm of choice.

The EK in my campaign uses reach weapons successfully, he can also polymorph in dire animals, dealing ridiculous ammounts of damage per round.

For what it is worth I don't know what MOB means.

Iirc the game works ok in 3D, at least if it makes some sense.

About the second question, I want to know why are you asking about "a creature mounted on you", the scene disturbs me.

Evil Genius Prime wrote:
PathfinderEspañol wrote:
Evil Genius Prime wrote:
voska66 wrote:
The higher the Point Buy I found better the MAD classes got. It's really hard to play MAD class with 10 PT buy.
Whats an "MAD" class? I'm still not up to date with the new lingo.

Multiple Ability Dependent or something like that.

Applies to characters that have class features and niches that work with too many Ability Scores. Usually the Monk is a MAD class (in spite of getting AC from Wisdom, making Dexterity less important), it is a bit subjective.

Thanks man. Yeah, I'm getting too old for all this crazy lingo. Someone needs to post a sticky with all the most used terms and what they mean. Of course, I blame video games for a lot of this language creep in. I actually had a player once talk about attacking MOB's. And she didn't mean groups of peasants with torches and pitchforks.

Uhm, thanks, but I suck at explaining things, I'm gonna make an example so it gets clear because I don't understand what I wrote lol


A class that isn't MAD is the Fighter, you can use that for comparisons. He usually needs a lot of Str, furthermore Constitution (as anyone else), and Dexterity for AC and Reflex Saves (as *almost* anyone else). Wisdom is useful for Will Saves. Int isn't really important, Fighters don't relly on skills, as many other classes. Charisma is almost useless.

For a Ranger the same abilities count, he doesn't get more benefits or penalties from any ability... except Wisdom, he does need Wisdom to cast his spells. It isn't that bad because you want to have a high Will Save anyway, but you prolly need to draw 1-2 points from Str and put those in Wisdom, it makes the Ranger a bit MAD.

Evil Genius Prime wrote:
voska66 wrote:
The higher the Point Buy I found better the MAD classes got. It's really hard to play MAD class with 10 PT buy.
Whats an "MAD" class? I'm still not up to date with the new lingo.

Multiple Ability Dependent or something like that.

Applies to characters that have class features and niches that work with too many Ability Scores. Usually the Monk is a MAD class (in spite of getting AC from Wisdom, making Dexterity less important), it is a bit subjective.

Edit: Removed Edit after being too late

Martial character/spellcaster/EK is better than just Martial character/spellcaster IMHO.

Without EK levels you will have a low Caster Level and BAB, you won't get a few nice things, that's true, but the Prestige Class does it better than multiclassing imo.

Aretas wrote:
Kilbourne wrote:
Yes; a Combat Maneuver roll can take any attack roll, such as at the end of a charge. The conditional modifiers of the charge also apply.
Does the tripper get an AO if they don't have improved trip? I know if you charge you don't get an AO even from a reach opponent.

The fact of charging doesn't draw an AO, but anything else do or should, it has been discussed before, but I think that you will understand it when you read that small piece of text: Corerule Book, Pag 183, Table 8-2, Note #1.

Btw Note #6 in that table also tells you that you can perform that kind of maneuver when charging.
I know, it is hard to notice, but it isn't an error.

KnightErrantJR wrote:

I love a lot of you guys. I love this community. There are some people here that are a pain, and seem to revel in arguing and turning any discussion into a chance to prove they are right. That is sad.

On the other hand, I'm seeing some stuff that bothers me. I know some people can be annoying as Hell. But I'm seeing a lot of good people degenerating into vigilante trolling. I get the temptation, believe me.

But think about someone brand new to the boards . . . they aren't seeing the annoying guy being refuted by the great people on the boards. They are seeing an annoying guy being set upon by a lot of people that are being snarky back to him.

I know its hard, but I'd rather new people to the site get to know the awesome people I know by how they normally act then by them trying to run off a few bad elements.

Thanks all.

I love your post and good intentions.

However, imo, the great people shouldn't refute annoying guys, because it doesn't prevent the annoying guys from spreading hate all over the boards, ignoring the ignorant is the best way to deal with this situation imo.
In any case, chapeau.

StabbittyDoom wrote:

The ironic thing is that the rogue is better served going full strength with a high crit or high crit-range two-handed weapon and treating the sneak attack as a nice bonus.

Same rogue, but with 28 str, 14 dex (not TWFing):
To-Hit: +9 (Bab) + 3 (Magic) + 9 (Str) + 1 (Weapon Focus) - 3 (Power Attack) = +19
Damage: 2d6 + 3 (Magic) + 13 (Str) + 9 (Power Attack) + 6d6 = 53
Average number of hits: 0.55 + 0.30 = 0.85
Total: 0.85 * 53 = 45.05
So before criticals (which this style of rogue can take much better advantage of) this rogue does much more damage than the other one. After criticals, VASTLY more damage (as 32 points multiply instead of 8.5).
Downside is that they will not be nearly as good at stealth or disable device (the two big skills for rogue). Upside is that their damage will be more consistent from situation to situation.
They can replace their first TWFing feat with power attack, their second with a skill focus to make up for lacking dex, their third with armor proficiency (medium is nice) and weapon finesse can be replaced with skill focus as well. Skill focus at 10+ is +6 which mostly negates the difference between 14 and 28 dex.
Heck, you could probably even drop your damage by 7 by one-handing the weapon (average drops to 39.1) and pick up a shield and be tank-rogue (note that a mithril heavy shield has no armor check penalty which means proficiency is pointless).

So there you have it: You can be a better rogue with high str than with high dex through simple feat reallocation. You probably won't be as good out of combat early, but you'll be better in combat early to make up for it. Eventually you catch up on out of combat and are still better in-combat.

You also need a feat to have proficiency with a good two handed weapon or maybe a fighter level.

Overall I agree, you can be a rogue with Str and two handed weapons, you can even go for weapon+shield (for high AC builds)

It's funny how any discussion about Paladins ends up as a discussion about comics, movies and TV shows.

Interesting, for a sand-box game we had the characters wanted to customize his wagon with flying, dimension shift, etc..

Thanks god it was only a low level campaing, they just added a basic trap in the rear of the wagon and a secret door in the floor of the wagon. Both things saved their lifes in one encounter.

Yep, unless the victim gets some kind of defense it is a quick death.

Barbarians and rogues have that kind of defense, Blind-Fight also works.

It is like a political discussion.

Some jerk comes and says "the right-high-green party is useless because I say so, and I won't bother providing the information needed to support my point because I'm right and your are wrong".

As I said, too many posts in the boards seem to fall into that category, sadly, but at least many people cares to word it in a non-hostile way.

Wot? No Chuck Norris? Bah!

Crafthing magic items while adventuring is 4 times slower, and you can't accelerate it, so it can be up to 8 times slower.

LazarX wrote:
PathfinderEspañol wrote:

I always thought that borderline, fanatic and intelligence were almost antonymous, specially after reading posts from some specific guys in the boards (not speaking about anyone here), well, the moar you know...

Watch some episodes of Caprica sometime. :)

Funny, one of my friends has been trying to convince me to watch that show (and Battlestar Galactica) for months, but my program of pacific resistance and civil disobedience is working, for now.

I wathched FlashForward, I won't commit the same error twice :D

LazarX wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
So what you are saying LT is that the feat lets you spend 1/2X instead of X on an item, but the WBL guidelines say you have to spend the 1/2X you saved on ale and whores instead of other equipment? How is that mechanically different from spending X on the item?
I never ever ever allow people to use item creation feats to fudge the Wealth By Level guidelines. It's an entire subversion of the formula and just asking for trouble. If it's a one shot... I follow the PFS guidelines and ban all item creation feats period.

It is what we do in our current game:

Most of the treasure are magic items, potions, scrolls, etc.. few actual money. We don't want to abuse magic shops and the rules seem to encourage that kind of treasure. Many items, what is left of the treasure budget will appear as money/gems/etc...
Since the rules give a 10% of their wealth as money to new characters we try to put at least 10% of the treasure value in coins, but it is arbitrary.

Of course the character will eventually get more money selling items, etc..

The item creation feats are also limited by the time needed to craft items.

It allows him to have an increase in the wealth per level, but not a big increase.

Well, the guy that plays the Wizard thinks that it is a balanced approach and makes the item creation feats worth it but not broken.
Looking at the bonus he gets with the extra wealth it looks ok.

LazarX wrote:
PathfinderEspañol wrote:

Interesting outcome.

Paladins are more "playable" each day, Coups de Grace, Poisons, Caltrops and more important, they are allowed to use common sense instead of playing like they were borderline fanatics.
Now, being serious, I'm gonna try to remember that situation for future adventures.
Paladins ARE and should be borderline fanatics. (in some cases not so borderline:) But they can be borderline fanatics with savvy, intelligence, and good sense.

I always thought that borderline, fanatic and intelligence were almost antonymous, specially after reading posts from some specific guys in the boards (not speaking about anyone here), well, the moar you know...

It is possible to use Solo monsters, but only a few monsters can fit this role. You need creatures with many resistances and/or inmunities.
Elementals do ok, i.e.

Overact or play characters prone to be overacted, works for Nicolas Cage :p

I.e. a Dwarf barbarian has got that "stereotype" label: speak loudly, drink beer, etc.. not original, but works.

About the natives attack, maybe the DM just wanted to put you in a situation where you have to think and realize that you have to flee.

The worst thing, imo, is that people talk about the classes as if all the campaings are played only after 15th level and nobody plays encounters with low level characters. That makes 99,9% of the information given useless.

Interesting outcome.
Paladins are more "playable" each day, Coups de Grace, Poisons, Caltrops and more important, they are allowed to use common sense instead of playing like they were borderline fanatics.
Now, being serious, I'm gonna try to remember that situation for future adventures.

Have you already emailed to "Ulisses Spiele"? ( http://www.pathfinder-rpg.de/)

I suspect that there is a legal pdf version but I can't find it.

jemstone wrote:

I am at once intrigued, amused, disturbed, and full of the aforementioned "Dawwwww."

It's a weird feeling.

I don't know why I readed "I am at once intrigued, amused, masturbed[...]"

I miss AD&D simplicity, by my main problem are micro-movements (5' steps, teleporting 10' when someone fails an attack against you, etc..) and the huge ammount of different rules for similar things, ability bonuses aren't a problem for me.

Things like Mutant & Masterminds are great imo, and iirc there is a fantasy version, altough sometimes they go so minimalistic that all D&D feeling is gone.

An attack that isn't an action (AoO description says "An attack of opportunity is a single melee attack", not an action, otherwise an AoO would be a standard action, which cannot be taken after your round has finished and thus you couldn't make AoOs) and an attack action isn't the same thing.
But you can argue that "making an attack or a full-attack action" means making and attack (period) or a full-attack action.

I wouldn't allow it because I don't want people to make AoOs and out-of-turn actions more complex, I don't want to give more love to characters with reach weapons and other abilities that relly on AoO, in 3.5 is was more clear that it was not possible, It doesn't seem to be the intended use and my interpretation of RAW doesn't allow it.

I agree that the rules are vague.

"Change Shape (Su) A creature with this special quality
has the ability to assume the appearance of a specific
creature or type of creature (usually a humanoid), but
retains most of its own physical qualities. A creature
cannot change shape to a form more than one size category
smaller or larger than its original form. This ability
functions as a polymorph spell, the type of which is listed in
the creature’s description, but the creature does not adjust
its ability scores (although it gains any other abilities of the
creature it mimics). Some creatures, such as lycanthropes,
can transform into unique forms with special modifiers
and abilities. These creatures do adjust their ability scores,
as noted in their description.
Format: change shape (wolf, beast form I); Location: SQ,
and in special abilities for creatures with a unique listing."

I can only see the problem with the size limitation, which is unnecessary when you have a custom list of creatures.

APG Adaptation ability for the Infiltrator (Ranger's Variant):

Just the link to the thread by SirUrza explaining the problem with Favored Terrain, Camouflage and HiPs.


Maybe It is the intent (to replace FT, Camouflage and HiPS), Adaptation isn't as circumstancial as the abilities related to FT, but I don't know.

IMO It should be errated or clarified, I'll click the FAQ button.

A question:

Wizards, Clerics and other spellcaster that are not spontaneous casters have that magic item that allow you to recover some of your spells used. Unexpensive compared to ring of wizardry, specially at low level of for low level spells.
Pearl of power, 1000 gp for each 1s level spell per day, 4000 for 2nd level, etc..

What's the equivalent item for spontaneous spellcasters?

My concern about being magic item dependent comes from Critital Feats

Cloaks of Resistance and the "Fortification" ability give an extra defense about it.

Since eveyone can get that ability (from armor, shields or bracers) it doesn't seem to be just a Fighter's problem. However without those items looks like there is no point in playing a Fighter that can't score a stunning crit rolling 15 (for medium-high level characters).

Haste is available via potion and magic weapon enhancement, it is a basic element of the game.

I knew I shouldn't descend into the hell of OT.

Dragonspirit wrote:



Fundamentally, a melee class structured on heavy movement loses out a lot for the fact that full attacks are rewarded to those that don't move. So the only thing to compensate for that would be additional effects to that one attack. Which would seem to be something that allowed some sort of inhibitor to the victim of that standard attack (paralyzed, stunned, tripped, etc). Unfortunately, most of that is lessened by the weaker BAB.


Remember that the Monk can move and perform a Combat Maneuver (i.e. trip) with a standard action using his level as BAB.

The movement bonuses for the Monk aren't that good, not just for the Monk, for anyone with multiple attacks, but it is a small and almost exclusive bonus to have.

Senevri wrote:

Factotum has few spell slots, but only one of them can be of top level. Basically, the rest are one level lower, or 6th level slots.

And nobody's been complaining that their casting is overpowered. So... Why keep level-specific spell slots? It makes little fluff sense, even for wizards and none at all for sorcerers.

If one'd eliminate the level-specific slots, and all slots were of the highest possible level, one could get away from spells which cap based on the level. There'd also be no need for greater/lesser variants.

You know, many people says that psionics are overpowered because they can use all their power to cast high level spells only. Do something BARELY similar with Wizards and they'll prolly try to kill you.

I did it, but it is more complex in 3.5

In 4E everyone increases all their skills a bit each 2 levels. So the difference between someone focused in a skill and someone that neglects it isn't so big, everyone can fail and succeed.
However in 3.5 a mid level character will automatically succeed against a DC that other character will automatically fail.

That table shows generic skill modifiers you can expect from PC's (standard wealth per level)
PC Level 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 19 20
Null +0
Barely Trained +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +9 +10
Trained +6 +7 +9 +11 +14 +17 +19 +20 +24 +26 +28 +29
Specialist +8 +9 +12 +14 +17 +20 +23 +24 +29 +31 +34 +38
Super-Spec +11 +12 +15 +17 +20 +26 +29 +30 +35 +37 +40 +44

That other table shows skill DCs to challenge PCs of different levels (or Skill Challenge Level), IMO
LEVEL Easy Moderate Difficult
1-2 5-6 10-11 14-15
3-4 6-7 12-13 16-17
5-6 7-8 14-15 18-19
7-8 8-9 16-18 20-22
9-10 9-10 19-21 23-25
11-12 10-11 22-23 26-27
13-14 11-12 24-25 28-29
15-16 12-13 26-28 30-32
17-18 13-14 29-30 33-34
19-20 14-15 32-33 36-37
Very Difficult: DC + 1/2 level (min +1)
Very Easy: DC 4 for any level

Experience: complexity x XPs granted by a creature of the Challenge level -2.
(it is different because in 4E monster levels are higher than what you expect for CRs)

I had a small thread in the Advice forum about that, Figuring out the free hand fighter

That's what I think (summing up): The first 10 levels are ok and worth playing, but after that you can't deal enough damage of any kind (altough the AC, CMD and touch AC are nice), so you better take the Duelist PrC then.

In order to make things coherent I use NPCs with high CR. The CR comes from training (for aged characters), experience (veteran soldiers) or unusual high equipment (i.e. kings with ancient magic items and a lot of money to spend).

The usual regular soldier have CR 1/2 or 1.
Important NPCs for small regions (generals, etc..) have CR from 3 to 8.
For the usual kingdom I use NPCs with up to CR 12, and sometimes I use some CR 15 merc as the King bodyguard.
For big empires I introduce high fantasy stuff (as golem bodyguards) up to CR 20.
I don't use epic stuff for the material plane.

Of course governments employ a few wizards and clerics. Furthermore important characters use a few magic defenses.

I'm not a big fan of old videogame style 20th level guards, but I use a few high level NPCs when it makes sense.