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Silver Crusade

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I have messaged Customer Service regarding this issue, with no help, as should be expected now, but while I was charged, I never received my order of the physical copy, and the tracking number provided no information. I am currently without my money and without the product I ordered, so i would appreciate you handling this in a timely manner.

This is being posted to the forums in the hopes of raising awareness that customer support is failing at its job.

Silver Crusade

About how long do you think it would take someone to do enough damage to cause a stone bridge to collapse? Running a game involving a battle throughout the city, and was thinking that one encounter would be them defending someone/trying to stop someone from dropping a bridge, to cut off one of the possible avenues of attack.

Silver Crusade

Not really a question just for 2E, but how do you think the altitude for magic is discovered in fledglings? I know that sorcery is "in the blood", but how about a person who can be a wizard? A Cleric? Bard or druid? I had an idea for a character who spent much of his down time teaching others the basics of magic to spread the glory of Nethys, but how do you figure he can find the ones with potential?

Silver Crusade

Order 36607606

I was curious as to why it was determined to upgrade the shipping from standard postal to priority, as I hadn't authorized any rush shipments for my subscriptions. I originally noticed when I saw that shipping costs were over twice as much as normal.

Silver Crusade

Hey, it's been 23 days since I placed my order. Acording to the tracking information, it's been sitting in Georgia for the last 2 weeks. Williams be recieving the package, or is it lost?

Silver Crusade

Wrote to customer service email a few days ago, no response. Still waiting on my order of Rise of the Runelords, Horror Adventures, and book 5 of Extinction Curse.

Silver Crusade

Just wondering how people think Nethys' clerics would handle people seeking dangerous knowledge? I know it's really going to be a cleric by cleric basis, but there should be some ideas.

Would they hand out knowledge when asked, since their exemplar was rather infamous for his curiosity?

Would they make a seeker demonstrate why they want the knowledge? Yes, Nethys teaches us to seek knowledge, but as his experiences teach us, we may not be ready for that knowledge.

I don't see them as hording knowledge in the sense of not sharing it, that's for gods of Secrets.

Silver Crusade

As the title says, why is Quicken literally useless? In exchange for one action, I remove one action I get to cast one action quicker, if it's already 2 or more actions to cast. Is it an ingame intelligence test, if you take it, you're too dumb to be a wizard?

Silver Crusade

Trying to build some NPCs, is the Orc Brute from the Bestiary the baseline orc? It doesn't seem to have class features, so I guess it's basically as if they still had just a basic warrior class.

And second, more of a pointed question for Paizp, why didn't y'all release the monster building rules in the Bestiary, considering you SPECIFICALLY called out these rules in, at least, the Vqmpire monster entry? I seem to remember a post saying that a preview of the rules will be released before the Gamemastery Guide, but I haven't seen it yet

Silver Crusade 1/5 Venture-Agent, Louisana—Denham Springs

Just wondering if we've gotten the pregens yet for Society play, I'm running my Lodge's first 2e game tomorrow and wanted to have some extra characters on hand for walkins

Silver Crusade

Okay, first build in 2e, wanted to check if I have this right: say I'm a rogue and want the sorcerer multiclass. Starting character, level 1, Cha 14 so I meet the prereqs. I can take Sorcerer Dedication in place of my 1st level rogue class feat, and get immediate access to the 2 sorcerer cantrips via the Dedication feat, right?

Silver Crusade

Granted, I haven't read everything for it, but at a first glance it looks like a fighter makes a better monk than the monk. A monk is trained in unarmed attacks, while a fighter is expert. Surely, if anything, you've got this backwards? Yes, a monk deals 1d6 vs the fighter's 1d4, but a fighter has a +2 to hit, which is much more effective than a +1 to damage. Then there's Flurry of Blows, which doesn't seem to do anything. You get to make a 2nd attack, but it's at the same penalty as the 2nd attack everyone can get.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay, is anyone else a bit disappointed with how this adventure path ends? I mean, yes you fight a fully powered Tar-Baphon, but you can't beat him, and the incredibly intelligent lich ends up accidently nuking himself and you?

I understand that he's too powerful, generally, to go down easy, but so was Demogorgon, and Paizo made beating him suitably epic in Prince of Demons.

It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that the last adventure in Pathfinder ends with a no-save you're-dead-and-no-one-remembers-you-existed button.

Silver Crusade

I understand that very few people will see this and even fewer will care, but I want to express my current disappointment with Paizo. My issues are twofold, I have subscribed to the adventure path for a little while now. I recieved a damaged product, and while they have agreed to replace it, they are holding off until 2nd edition begins to bundle it with another 2 books. I had also put in an order through my FLGS for the pocket editions of both Occult Adventures and Ultimate Wilderness back in mid-May. The game store and I are both STILL waiting on Paizo to fulfill the order. I know everyone's gearing up for 2nd Edition, but it's still a slap in the face to those of us who are still supporting 1st Edition until 2nd comes out.

Silver Crusade

Okay, had an encounter last night where our party went up against a Living Apocalypse. My technomancer started the fight with a disintegrate. Nat 20. After reviewing some info after the fight, the ooze has an interesting immunity, it's immune to critical hits, unless it affects ooze. Would you consider Disintegrate as being able to affect oozes with a critical hit?

Silver Crusade

Starting a one-shot tonight, a team of 3 18th level characters. Currently have a power armor soldier, an envoy, and myself, a human technomancer. I would like opinions as to gear, because I purchased most of what I think I'll need, I have a laser rifle, a shock rifle, a dagger (all, if not top of yjr line, 2nd best), light armor, personal upgrades for both intelligence and dexterity (+6 and +4, respectively), aeon stones to grant a +1 caster level and negate my need for food/water. I have the official Starfinder society backpack, I even got the cybernetic Darkvision eyes,and the complete leg replacements for double my move speed. I have roughly 5-600000 credits left, so could use some suggestions. If it fits my character idea of a veteran starfinder, lately a professor of astromysticism and astrophysics, so much the better

Silver Crusade

I recieved my shipment of the Adventure Path subscription and it was damaged out of the envelope. I have written to customer service days ago, and received no reply. I know everyone's busy with 2nd Edition, but please don't use it as an excuse to screw over the people who are supporting what's out now.

Silver Crusade

Is there any way, barring just casting the spell multiple times, to get multiple Unseen Servamts? Preferably with one casting. Looking at some of the new Magic Tricks in Chronicles of Legends, and would enjoy being able to use them.

Silver Crusade

I want to say yes, but figured I would check on here for more opinions: Disguise Self can do minor features, and it further states that it can not be used to disguise as another type, but that it can be used to disguise subtype. Given that halflings are humanoids, and Strix are humanoids with wings, would I be able to give myself illusory nonfunctional wings via Disguise Self or a hat of disguise?

Silver Crusade

Doing a little world building and came up with a moderately interesting idea for q twist on certain monsters, which evolved into a new monster ability I want to give to ogres. What kind of CR boost, if any, would you think is fair for an ogre with the scent ability, but only towards magic within 30 feet. They can smell creatures with spells or spell-like abilities, or magic items. The logic behind it would be they are the male equivalent of hags, or rather they are male hag-children, undergoing the change that turn their sisters into hags.

Silver Crusade

Is there a way for a sorcerer to be able to cast metamagic versions of their spells without increasing the casting time, apart from the arcane bloodline? I'd like to make a thematic sorcerer, specializing in some of his spells, but I don't want the arcane bloodline unless his theme is supposed to be more for raw magic

Silver Crusade

Bit of a strange question, but here we go. Say I have a caster with Polymorph Any Object. They take an imp and turn it into devilskin armor, basically an opposite alignment version of angelskin armor. I think that would qualify for permanent change, being same kingdom, lower intelligence, and related. Do you think the imp would still have access to its change shape ability, now treating the armor as its default form?

If I did a Dretch instead, would the armor possess the telepathy ability?

As a side question, PaO can't be used to make magical armor, but what does everyone think of having the newly created armor enchanted?

Silver Crusade

Okay, got a rather interesting question here. I'm building a character modeled as a shard of Shiva from Final Fantasy, and wanted to see about how certain abilities interact with the environment. Specifically they are getting a Frost Giant feat that allows them to deal 1d6 cold damage with a look. The question is, how this would work when around water. For argument's sake, let's assume freshwater, as it has a higher freezing point. According to environmental rules, supernatural cold, -20 and below, deals 1d6 lethal damage per minute, the feat allows cold roughly 10x as devastating. Studies have also found that at -40°F, water freezes spontaneously, so I think it's fair to say that an ability that deals cold damage as such would freeze water when it either is used directly against the water, any disagreement? And how much ice do you think would form? I'm in favor of a 5ft cube, since when dealing with larger masses, water or earth generally, that's the scale usually worked in. What does anyone else think?

Silver Crusade

Okay, I just started running the game last week. My group captured one of the Azlanti cadets, took him back to the ship, and set the colonist they rescued over him as a guard. I'm trying to decide the most likely outcome, and would like suggestions. The way I see it, either the colonist will, shortly after the pcs are gone, shoot the Azlanti for invading the colony, or the Azlanti will get the drop on the undisciplined colonist, kill him, and either escape or try and sabotage the ship. What does everyone think?

Silver Crusade

I was thinking about this, and wondered if there was any reason it wouldn't work, as an alternative to the class templates.

Silver Crusade

Trying to make an order for the Going Going Gone sale, items are in my cart, but when I click place my order, it either kicks me back to View My Shopping Cart or to the paizo home page.

Silver Crusade

How do the two interact for prerequisites? I'm looking at altering a medium fire elemental, which has 4 HD, and giving it Eldritch Heritage, which requires character level 3.

Silver Crusade

Have they released a reference sheet for the new rules? Looking to run some playtest at a convention, and that would be beneficial for new players

Silver Crusade

It looks like it would work, but I wanted other opinions on it; would Ascetic Style allow a character to apply an Amulet of Mighty Fists to a monk weapon, say a Temple Sword?

Silver Crusade

Okay, I had an idea for a character I thought would be fun, and wanted to get people's opinions on if it would work. I wanted to build a shadowdancer who utilized parasols, tossing them into the air and teleporting through the shadows they cast. I figured they would be about javelin size, for fitting into aan efficient quiver. What do you think of the idea, particulaly for a monk or aether Kineticist who won't be too hampered by having an arm kept in use.

Silver Crusade

I was wondering what the issue was for these orders, I made the first order on the 2nd, it states that the items are in my side cart, but when my subscription went out yesterday the second order, it says it is one item, so that after I paid for them, it looks like I have to wait even longer for the Pathfinder pins.

Silver Crusade

Okay, I'm working on a conversion for Temple of Elemental Evil, I decided on doing three little subquests for getting them up to level 2 before going to the Moathouse, I'm taking material from the computer game, the module, its sequel, and other things. One subquest involves a skeletal champion, and I wanted to get people's opinions. 3rd level wizard, Necromancy specialist, enchantment and abjuration opposition schools. I'm a little worried he might be too powerful for a 1st level party, His 2nd level spells are Scorching Ray and Shared Suffering,with Spell Specialization in Shared Suffering, bringing his caster level up to 5 with it. It seemed like a good spell for him, a devotee to the god of madness and entropy, but I worry that a 4d6 Scorching Ray might be a bit much for the party to take, and Shared Suffering deals 3d6+4, while also healing him 3d6. He's meant to be the boss of that subquest, but I don't want him to be a tpk.

Also, how does a template modify the treasure? As a 3rd level Heroic, he should have 1650 for gold, but skeletal champion increases the CR, and I'm not sure how it affects treasure.

Silver Crusade

Has there been any information on Tabris, the angel who composed the Book of the Damned? I have both sets of the books of the Damned, the 3 books in the chronicle line and the hardback version, but I was hoping for some more. I think he might make an interesting opponent for high level characters, either trying to get info from him or if he finally snaps.

Silver Crusade

Okay, I've been reading through the adventure paths, Society scenarios, etc adding NPCs to Herolab, and I was noticing a recurring theme with the treasure, that it actually doesn't add up to the suggested WBL. One named npc from Return of the Runelords has about 4300 less than the standard, while the final boss has roughly 4k gp more than standard. What do you all think, should some of the treasure from NPCs be redistricted to various troves in the dungeon, or as quest rewards? I don't want to shift the treasure around to other NPCs too much, but I can see where it can be logical, equip a fighter, then use some of the extras to buy goodies for the wizard he's working with, things like that.

Silver Crusade

I have received an email listing this order as pending nearly 3 weeks ago. Still hasn't been shipped. Should have just ordered the PDF since you couldn't even deliver that by the street date. Also curious as to why part of the order was placed in the side cart, when nothing in the store indicates it is unavailable.

Silver Crusade 1/5 Venture-Agent, Louisana—Denham Springs

It's been almost a week since I ran the scenario in question, an interesting look at the direction the Society is heading in, and I thought I would tell you all the story of a group that truly earned the title of Murder-Hobo. I was GMing our area's first (as far as I know) open playtest. A few groups have done home games, but I was running the first game for our lodge. I got there early, provided the pregens and miniatures, since I had actual models for all of them except Fumbus. I had been a little worried, because only one person signed up for the game, but expected walk-ins. We ended up with four players, choosing the characters of Valeros, the fighter, Seoni, the sorceress, Amiri, the barbarian, and Fumbus, the alchemist. They received their orders from Venture-Captain Valsin, and chose to begin with Puddles, hearing a plea about a missing person. After the initial introductions, they found themselves at the manor, and went in. Very quickly, Amiri and Fumbus took exception to the building, Fumbus because Amiri tried helping him up the steps, and ended up aiding him in performing a face-plant into the wall after a failed Fastball Special (she failed at her aid another, he failed his Acrobatics check to get up the stairs). Karma had it out for Amiri, who tried climbing up the termite-ridden stairs, failed multiple acrobatics checks, and ended up losing a quarter of her HP through putting her legs through the floor. The things trying to kill her didn't do as well at injuring her as the house did. After finding a few clues, and overlooking the treasure, they filed out of the house, and Fumbus, being a proper lil' goblin firebug, decided to hurl a fire bomb into the house as they left. Amiri, who had been trying to tempt Seoni towards similar pyromantic endeavors earlier on, decided this was her chance, took the torches she came with, and started running through the Puddles, hurling lit torches through various windows, likely ensuring that what could have been a reasonably easily contained fire would expand in a similar manner as the Great Fire of London. I believe the comparison was actually brought up at the table. They found the woman who had asked them to look into a disappearance, started telling several different versions of the story at once, before calmly suggesting she may want to see about running. Slightly later, they repeated the performance of giving contradictory stories to Valsin, who came to the decision that since, A, they had started a fire that threatened to burn down at least one district of Absalom, B, they were such terrible liars about it, and C, they were only pregens, that they should be turned into the guard and quickly executed, except for Valeros, who quietly left the group as they went on their rampage. After all, they were supposed to catch the Rose Street Killer, not top his score. So, in my report to the Society, I have to say that this is what comes of bringing goblins in. Should have kept it up with the kobolds.

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