Harrow Bloodline

Olaeus Radko Orlovsky's page

24 posts. Alias of d'Eon.


Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

I wonder what's in this box? No time to look, especially after that issue with the thrall.
Olaeus absently wanders into the bunkroom and nearly walks into the priest and paladin. "Oh, Myk-myk, sorry. Thralls take a bit out of you." He raises his injured arm, "can you take a look at this for me? That disobedient vermin got me."

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

With a paladin and cleric, I'm not terribly worried.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Olaeus tries to push the disobedient thrall away but receives a nasty bite on the hand for his troubles. After the rat is slain for the second time, he scoops up the strange box and follows the others, leaving the remaining two thralls to their orders.

Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Defy Danger: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 2 = 4

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Well the plate armor doesn't give +3 armor, it gives 3 armor. Basically you get one base armor that doesn't have a plus sign, and as many +x armor bonuses as you can get hold of. I don't know of very many though.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

It depends on the wording. If it says you get +2 armor, then it stacks with whatever you already have.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Olaeus sticks the dagger in his belt and turns to the dead vermin. He cuts out their hearts then taps his shovel against the floorstones, mimicking a heartbeat. "Arise, beasts, and obey your new master!"

As the skaven climb to their feet, the Speaker looks each in the eyes. "Let none pass."

Thrall Seeker: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 2) + 2 = 92d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 2) + 2 = 62d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3) + 2 = 11

Animating the three corpses, and giving each 3 HP. One follows orders with no issues, one has some difficulty, and the last ignores me completely to do whatever it feels like.

Khad's out, questioning and animating are mutually exclusive. After doing either the soul of the target passes permanently beyond my reach. So there's only three.

Relevant section of Thrall Seeker move:
When you command your thrall with a simple order, roll +INT. On a 10+, the thrall executes your instructions to the best of its ability. On a 7–9, the thrall has trouble carrying out your intentions, the GM will tell you how. On a miss, the thrall acts on its own impulses, for better or worse.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

"Morley, come take a look at this."

Olaeus points at the odd box.

How many dead skaven are in the room?

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Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Looting: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 6) + 1 = 81d10 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Olaeus pokes around some of the corpses with his shovel, then sits down in contemplation of the shade's answer.

"Up or down, doesn't matter to me. I could raise some of these vermin to watch our back, ambush anyone coming to investigate."

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Can I be a drider?

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Emma, what is your opinion of necromancy? I have an open bond for "______ would kill me if he/she knew my true purpose."

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Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Olaeus steps past the shaken channeler and looks over the ruined corpse of the torturer. "Hmm, you will still serve a purpose, vermin-kin." The Speaker dips his finger into the blood and gore that was once a skull and traces a rough circle around the body. "Return and confess, that the Black Gates of Death may be easy and light."

The bloody circle smokes and bubbles, and then the image of the ratman appears within. "Khad, answer me and know peace. What is the purpose behind gathering all of the instruments from the town?"

Dead Men Tell Me Tales: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 5) + 2 = 11
Khad returns as a shade to give as accurate and complete an answer as he can to a single question.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

He'd get up in spirit only to answer a question. The headless corpse isn't needed for that.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

So should I reanimate Khad as a headless bodyguard, or should I bring him back to answer a question?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Grigor, there is the Marksman playbook. It's more Robin Hood/Green Arrow/Hawkeye style though. It also has a hilarious starting item choice "a stack of posters with your picture and name, to be hung everywhere".

Marksman starting moves:

•Trick Shot: when you have time and supplies to tweak your ammo, gain 3 Quiver. You may have a max of 3 Quiver at any one time. When you shoot your weapon at range you may spend one quiver to add an effect:
•Explosive (add forceful, messy, and area tags)
•Elemental (+1d4 damage, add one elemental tag)
•Stun (does stun damage)
•Poison (target deals -1d4 damage until cured)
•Piercing (add +2 piercing tag)
•Rope (trailed a rope from impact back to you)

•Rebounding Shot
When you angle your shoot to bounce off one target to another, roll+Dex. On a 10+, tell the GM where the second hit strikes. On a 7-9, as 10+, but the GM will tell you where a third hit strikes.

•Draw a Bead On Them
When you line up a shot at your target, get +1 ongoing to Volley against them until they escape your gaze or you end this effect. Take -1 ongoing to hit any other enemy while this effect is active.

•Maybe You've Heard Of Me?
When you draw upon your reputation in a crowd, roll +Cha. On a hit, several people have heard a story which casts you in a favorable light, which you can use for leverage. On a 10+, also take +1 forward to Parley. On a 7-9, they've heard the story, but the GM will add two of the following:
•The story inaccurately attributes a major achievement of another to you.
•The story has a significant exaggeration.
•The storyteller missed an important detail.
•Somebody in the crowd asks an awkward or embarrassing question about the story.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14
Dhice Bierson wrote:
Now does anyone have a clever solution to the brutal [ and /] tag entry on mobile (android)?

I wish.

I am still around, just have a 6 month old with an ear infection :(

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

"I could get some information from these rat beasts if needed." The Speaker sets down his stew and absently rubs his pendant. "Dead rats tell tales the same as any other."

"Alternatively, I could lend some aid to Dhice when we clear the mine entrance. Surely the dwarvish defenders felled one of those rat-ogres before they died."

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

I don't see any reason Orlaeus wouldn't have a good relationship with Morley. You should always befriend the cook.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Rikard, can Orlaeus trust you with his secrets?

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

A knock on the door and the Speaker enters. "Excuse me. I have finished the rites for the fallen, and I know Morley is here, hopefully cooking something." Spotting the pot of stew he helps himself to a bowl and leans against the wall, emerald eye pendant twinkling in the firelight.

"So what else is up?"

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Hey Morley, how about this as a bond?
• The shade of Morley’s parent told me a family secret.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

I can heal too! Sort of. Well, transferring health from one to another. It's not pleasant though.

As for what style of necromancer, Orlaeus is Good; which asks him to usher the dying to peace beyond the Black Gates. So he's spooky and hangs out with the undead, but he won't be sacrificing innocents or shady stuff like that. He's basically a mortician with pets.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

So I'm thinking that Mykmyk can minister to the company's living and wounded, and the company necromancer can tend to the dead. I even have my own shovel!

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Well, for bonds I get the following:
• Death desires the soul of _______, but I have my own plans.
• ______ would kill me if he/she knew my true purpose.
• _______ is the only one who can be trusted with my secrets.
• I have seen a vision of _______’s death, and I must prevent it.
• The shade of ________’s parent told me a family secret.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Greetings all, Olaeus the necromancer here to aid souls in passing the Black Gates.