
Odentin's page

Organized Play Member. 245 posts (1,463 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 7 aliases.

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CN Sylph Sorcerer 3 HP: 17/17 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 10; CMD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Effects: None | Daily Abilities: Elemental Ray 8/8 Daily Spells: Lv.1 7/7

I'm here. I've been here, just quiet.

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CN Sylph Sorcerer 3 HP: 17/17 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 10; CMD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Effects: None | Daily Abilities: Elemental Ray 8/8 Daily Spells: Lv.1 7/7

"Yeah, yeah, heaven. Been there done that..."

Tempest takes the clothes and armor and goes over it all with her spell, cleaning out all of the sand. Unfortunately, the spell takes a while to clean so much, so Tucci is probably stuck in his skivvies for a bit, but when she does return the clothes, they are as clean as they day they were made.

Once that is done, she wanders off to enjoy some solitude under the sky for a bit, to connect to the sky as part of her nightly ritual. Of course, this also grants her insight into the weather for the day to come.

Weather Savvy to predict the weather for the next day.

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CN Sylph Sorcerer 3 HP: 17/17 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 10; CMD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Effects: None | Daily Abilities: Elemental Ray 8/8 Daily Spells: Lv.1 7/7

"I already di- Wha- GYAAH!" Tempest reels from the momentary feeling of being a sylph smoothie, long enough for Veronica to finish off the swarm and for MacLaren to channel a heal. She stands frozen, staring at the good Brother for a long moment, as a storm of conflicting emotions plays out across her face.

Finally, she takes a breath and sighs, "I appreciate the concern, and I don't necessarily mind the tactical movement. But was it REALLY necessary to put that thing on my head?!"

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CN Sylph Sorcerer 3 HP: 17/17 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 10; CMD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Effects: None | Daily Abilities: Elemental Ray 8/8 Daily Spells: Lv.1 7/7

Fortitude vs Disease: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Fortitude vs Distraction: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Fighting through the nausea and pain of the biting insects, Tempest falls back slightly before blasting off another wide arc of lightning.

Force lightning
Electricity Damage: 3d4 ⇒ (4, 3, 4) = 11*1.5=16
Reflex DC 17 for half damage

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CN Sylph Sorcerer 3 HP: 17/17 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 10; CMD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Effects: None | Daily Abilities: Elemental Ray 8/8 Daily Spells: Lv.1 7/7

As MacLaren steps back, Tempest steps up, getting a less obstructed view of the choker attacking Tucci. Again, she forms a lance of electricity in her hand, then launches it hoping to bring it down.

Casting Snowball, converted to Electricity
Touch Attack vs Green: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Electricity Damage: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 4) = 9
Fort Save DC 17 or be Staggered for 1 round

Editing to add, with GM confirmation the attack kills.

Tempest sneers as the choker drops, but the smile fades immediately as she sees Ellie's fate, "Come on, now, Tucci! On your feet, Ellie needs your help. Don't make me regret saving you instead of her."

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CN Sylph Sorcerer 3 HP: 17/17 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 10; CMD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Effects: None | Daily Abilities: Elemental Ray 8/8 Daily Spells: Lv.1 7/7

Tempest sighs and shakes her head as Tucci gets himself grabbed. She takes a moment to focus her magic, coalescing an orb of electricity in her hand. She squeezes it, collapsing it down until it springs out either side of her fist, forming a crackling rod not unlike a javelin. She smirks at the sight of it before looking back to the creature currently strangling Tucci. Raising her new bolt above her shoulder, she hurls it at the Vine Choker.

Casting Snowball, converted to Electricity
Touch Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Electricity Damage: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1) = 6
Fort Save DC 17 or be Staggered for 1 round

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CN Sylph Sorcerer 3 HP: 17/17 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 10; CMD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Effects: None | Daily Abilities: Elemental Ray 8/8 Daily Spells: Lv.1 7/7

Level Up!

+5 HP
+1 Fort
+1 Ref
Feat: Precise Shot
New Spells: Snowball, Burning Hands (from bloodline, damage type is Electricity)
Bloodline Power: Stormchild (Resist 5 Sonic/Electricity)

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CN Sylph Sorcerer 3 HP: 17/17 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 10; CMD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Effects: None | Daily Abilities: Elemental Ray 8/8 Daily Spells: Lv.1 7/7

Tempest claps her hands, looking around at her companions, "So! Who wants to step inside the creepy stink tent first?"

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I'm not surprised that you, of all people, has something like that, Dudemeister. :) You seem to be the fairy godparent of Kingmaker GMs the world over. I will be reaching out, for sure.

My original point stands, though. The official maps, printed by Paizo, should line up, at least vertically. The horizontal overlap makes sense (thank you, LordClammy for pointing that out), but the vertical offset shouldn't exist. Hoping future printings can correct that.

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Posted over on the Kingmaker 2e forum, but it might be good, here, as well.

The four Stolen Lands maps included in the Poster Map Folio don't line up properly, either length-wise or width-wise. Width-wise, there is a slight overlap on each side, meaning that if you wanted to lay them out together, you need to lay the maps partially on top of each other. This would be easily forgivable, but...

They don't line up vertically, either! Each one needs to be slightly offset in order for the hexes to line up, even with the horizontal overlap.

At first, I wanted to forgive this, too, since the four maps were, originally, in the 1e version, released with different books, so some discrepancy might be understandable. Until I realized that the full map exists in big core AP book (pg 56-57) AND in the Kingdom Tracker (pg 4-5), without any discrepancies. So, Paizo absolutely has the full, combined image that could have been cut up to make the Folio maps, but instead, they printed four disconnected maps that don't line up.

It isn't a huge thing, but it does negatively affect me, since I'm going to be framing the four maps together for my players. I'm disappointed, more than anything. Just needed to get it off my chest, and maybe bring it to the attention of someone at Paizo, so that it can be corrected in a future printing, maybe.

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The four Stolen Lands maps included in the Poster Map Folio don't line up properly, either length-wise or width-wise. Width-wise, there is a slight overlap on each side, meaning that if you wanted to lay them out together, you need to lay the maps partially on top of each other. This would be easily forgivable, but...

They don't line up vertically, either! Each one needs to be slightly offset in order for the hexes to line up, even with the horizontal overlap.

At first, I wanted to forgive this, too, since the four maps were, originally, in the 1e version, released with different books, so some discrepancy might be understandable. Until I realized that the full map exists in big core AP book (pg 56-57) AND in the Kingdom Tracker (pg 4-5), without any discrepancies. So, Paizo absolutely has the full, combined image that could have been cut up to make the Folio maps, but instead, they printed four disconnected maps that don't line up.

It isn't a huge thing, but it does negatively affect me, since I'm going to be framing the four maps together for my players. I'm disappointed, more than anything. Just needed to get it off my chest, and maybe bring it to the attention of someone at Paizo, so that it can be corrected in a future printing, maybe.

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CN Sylph Sorcerer 3 HP: 17/17 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 10; CMD: 12 | Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2 | Effects: None | Daily Abilities: Elemental Ray 8/8 Daily Spells: Lv.1 7/7

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Tempest takes her meal and ration with a smile, heading to eat with her new friends. Though she does note Scourge and Plugg watching them.

"Yeah, I noticed that, as well. Wonder what other nasty tricks they have in store for us next."

If there's any other RP that needs to be done, I'll do it retroactively. It's STORYTIME!

Once she's finished eating and drinking the transmuted poison rum, she sets her plate aside and stands up. She walks over to wherever the nightly entertainments are starting, and clears her throat.

"Greetings! I come to you again, with another tale of the sea. The tale of the Voice of the Storm. This one, you may have heard before, and that's because it actually happened! But the version told these hundred years in the taverns of the Shackles is only half complete. Only the faithful of Gozreh know the true ending. But tonight, I'll let you in on it.

Long ago, a mighty thunderbird made her nest in the Eye of Abendego. She was powerful, stronger even than others of her kind. It was said, and the Gozrens still believe, that she was the daughter of the Sky Father himself. She was certainly capricious enough to fit the bill. All the seas around the Eye were her domain, and her favored prey were the ships that sailed it. It wasn't long until captains started taking notice. Some would send offerings into oncoming storms, hoping to appease the beast. Others decided to take the risk, sailing through gales and hoping to never hear the shrill cry, over the thunder, which heralded their coming doom.

The Apsis Consortium put a price on the Voice, as did the Hurricane King. Cheliax, in all of their 'wisdom,' sent warships agaist her. And she laughed at all of the would-be hunters, and sent them to the depths. For how can man, bound to the surfacce, hope to compete against a foe in the air, who commands the wind itself? Well, one Free Captain of the Shackles figured it out. Captain Lara Blackblade.

She wasn't the first hunter to use magic against the Voice, but her magic was...different. Of a type the Voice hadn't seen before. Blackblade bound the Voice's wings, forced her into the sea, onto a level playing field. It wouldn't hold her forever, though, and Blackblade knew that. She hda brough three more ships with her, in addition to her flagship. Each one fitted with a ballista that had been modified to fire a giant harpoon, connected to the ship by an iron chain. As the Voice surfaced, she was pierced by the harpoons, the chains pulled taut to prevent her taking to the skies, no matter how hard she fought.

And oh did she fight. Sunk one ship, and escaped the bond of another. Blackblade had to make a choice. And before the giant bird could lift off, she turned her flagship towards the beast, and rammed her at full speed. This proved to be the fatal blow, which ended the Voice of the Storm. And that, my fine friends, is where the story would end, if it were being told by someone from the Shackles. But as I said at the start, the true ending is known only to followers of Gozreh. In particular, the Storm Kindlers.

The Voice of the Storm was Gozreh's daughter, remember. Or, at least, that is what Gozrens believe. They heard His call when she fell, and set out, on His orders, to retrieve her broken body, and perform the rites to return her to life. The ritual worked, of course, and her soul was returned from the Boneyard, but her body was too broken, too far gone, to support it. So they needed a new vessel. As it so happened, the previous day, they had received a miracle, wrapped in unimaginable tragedy. A baby girl, born without the breath of life in her chest, and whose mother had succumbed shortly after. The small body was offered up to the spirit of the Voice, who took it as her own.

What happened next is known only to the Gozrens of a century ago. Perhaps the power of the Voice was too much for the human body, or perhaps she regained her form and flew off in search of a new hunting grounds, having grown bored of her time at sea. But maybe, just maybe, she's still out there, building her power in preparation for her glorious return..."

Night Action: Perform (Oratory): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

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HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

The night before.

Tamesis frowns at the suggestion of taking McCleagh with them, "We could, but it's dangerous. Even if we do it in good faith, and that's not a given, it's dangerous out there. He could get legitimately killed in battle by an enemy, and Agasta might just up and break off our arrangement for it."

She takes a moment, her face brightening (or darkening, depending on how you want to look at it) as the circumstances of that dawn on her, "In which case, we would just take the tower by force and kill them all, like I wanted to in the first place."

She nods suddenly, the smile on her face providing no warmth or merriment, "I love this plan! Let's do it!"

The next day.

Tamesis has Buhayra stay in the tower, for now. She keeps the lugger anchored in the cove, for now, until she can decide what to do with it. To Sven, she nods, and provides a true smile, "Aye, life is good. I want to try out that farglass, if I'm honest. See if it's all it's cracked up to be. Besides, we probably should stay at least a couple of days, get the locals used to our presence. I am of a mind to kick the lady out of her bedchambers and claim them. Maybe she can share the sergeant's bed. That would certainly make him happy..."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

It's official. Sven is the best hype man ever.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

Dragonhide is pretty cool, and you talked about wanting it a while back. Plus, there IS something to be said for aesthetics. If that's what you want, go for it.

Personally, I want a darkwood bow. It's expensive and unnecessary, but I'll still do it. We're pirates! We should indulge!

And Madiya, you're not a spontaneous caster. Experiment! Of course, you DO get access to one of the best save or die spells, Hold Person. Since we'll probably be facing humanoids during our piracy, it's a good bet it'll be useful.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

Archer crits are nasty. And Sven is...well....Sven.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

Just something fun and piratey.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus
Sven Olaffson wrote:
Sven kinda hopes he wakes up so that he has an excuse to run in and kill Scourge in cold blood. :p

Oh, Tammy is totally gonna ask Sven to do the honors of executing the bastards...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 33/33 | AC: 21; T: 21; FF: 10; CMD: 23 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | Init: +4; Perc: +7 | Effects: None
Daily Abilities:
Arcane Pool 7/7
Prepared Spells:
Lv.2 Cat's Grace 1/1 | Molten Orb 1/1 Lv.1 Snowball 4/4 | True Strike 1/1 | Lv.0 Prestidigitation | Detect Magic | Jolt
Tiefllng Eldritch Archer Kensai Magus

What about a Guidance spell from Madiya or Sandara? That'd give him the extra +1 he needs.

And according to the Disable Device Table, he can take 20, so he should be able to get past it, right?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 12/12 | AC: 18; T: 11; FF: 17; CMD: 15 | Fort: +4; Ref: +1; Will: +1 | Init: +3 ; Perc: -1 Darkvision 60' | Effects: Aura of Evil
Daily Abilities:
Smite Good 1/1 | Burst of Speed 1/1
Aasimar Antipaladin 1

You all have no idea who happy it makes me to see this game is still going.

Please, with all haste, carry on.


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When the DM smiles, it is already too late.
Numalar Auritonius wrote:
The issue I am trying to address is that what will often happen is that one player will get N gold while another player gets N gold plus a cool item. If that happens often then party members will end up with widely varying amounts of gear, and people that aren't getting things that are useful to them will not be able to afford to catch up.

This is FAR less of an issue than you're making it out to be, just in normal play. And in Kingmaker, it's even less of an issue.

Numalar Auritonius wrote:

Of course, the simplest system is actually for all stuff to simply be held in common by the party; people take what they need and the money we find or get for selling things goes in a common party fund. I'm fine with that too, and it makes it simpler to track things; we only need to keep track of one number instead of six. It also means that if someone needs to buy something expensive they just need to ask the group.

Actually, I think this system might be the best as long as people aren't too attached to the idea of having their "own" gold.

It's a good idea in theory, but in my experience, the need to ask the party's permission for purchases begins to come dangerously close to the issue I mentioned above; in that people never buy anything and the "group loot" chest just becomes huge.

Mind you, it's better than the anal retentive "everyone gets even value!" system...

Numalar Auritonius wrote:
Considering the whole drama over the prisoners, I am wondering if I should have rolled up a CN "Vlad the Impaler" type instead of the LG character I did create. :) Too late now, but I wonder how often this kind of thing will come up?

Depends on how often you lot decide to capture your enemies instead of kill them in battle.

Numalar Auritonius wrote:

A couple of points:

The Smiling DM wrote:
...especially once you get to the kingdom building portion of the game and there are "random" magic items being created in your cities.
The party will be crafting items by that time, so the magic items being created by citizens is only significant if we don't have time to make the item or don't have the requisite crafting feat available. Usually they will get ignored.

Possible, but the fact still remains that there are TONS of options for the party to gear up, and no one will be left out.

Numalar Auritonius wrote:
The Smiling DM wrote:
I once saw a GM give up on making the cool and intricate backstories he made for his custom items, simply because they kept getting sold off ...

An item with cool fluff but little practical use should be sold off. Maybe it could be put in a museum, but it is wasting space if someone in the party is carrying it.

I am currently in a 3.5 game where the GM has created a set of custom artifacts for the party that have grown in power as the game progressed. They can't be sold, and they have to all be kept in the party for them to work. They are neat, but basically we have been forced to adjust our character builds to accommodate the artifacts instead of building our characters however we want. And that sucks.

And when did I say that the items had little practical value? In fact, most of the ones that were passed up on were rather powerful, as they were custom items, and thus had high gold prices.