![]() Like it says on the box, help me understand. Is it that whatever divine touch that overloads the poor oracle, giving her a debilitating curse, also marks her as holy, so people are drawn to her even if she jeebs them out? With my historical and folkloric understanding of traditional western oracles, I’d imagine higher WIS than CHA, unless it’s the CHA that comes with intimidation (picturing the smoke and corpse filled caves of Delphi). I’d almost be inclined to swap their casting stats with clerics, who ostensibly have to preach their faith some of the time. ![]()
![]() Erpa wrote: the stone Oracle passes out stone skins and then links to take half their damage and heal himself in the back! I was just reading about how your stone Oracle hides the bodies to avoid Outrage at the training camp. Genius. Did the druid continue to clean up in the next books, or did being indoors present more issues? ![]()
![]() Two-Bird Nakano, a human ninja originally hired as a protector by the wealthy parents of: Haakon Coalbreaker, a young rich dwarven dark tapestry Oracle slowly going mad, but calmed by the presence of: Esky, a sylph fighter devoted to Gozreh and always trying to convert: Siegfried Enroi, a gnomish mesmerist and children’s entertainer who was in Trunau working Ruby’s birthday party. Great Stealth scores across the board. Infiltration/hit-and-run mentality for the most part. ![]()
![]() In the section “Feuding Factions,” the book explicitly suggests options for how to Yojimbo the uneasy alliance of orcs, ogres, and giants at Redlake Fort and turn some or all of them against each other. At the end of this section, it says that should all-out hostilities break out, the PCs might find themselves targeted by both sides “unless the PC’s have already formed an alliance with one of the factions.” The book lays out pretty clearly the way the PCs might ally themselves with the Twisted Nails, at least for the short term, but am I missing an opportunity to align oneself with the Gorb family? As written, you interrupt the ritual and Gutterunch & Co attack. TL;DR: anyone else got a creep-o party that would prefer to work with the ogres against the orcs? How did you manage it, and with what did the PCs entice their putative comrades? ![]()
![]() Thread Necromancers' Guild wrote:
As much as I can. ![]()
![]() It occurs to me I still have a few more months while the best actors I know are unemployed: has anyone ever tried mounting a fully-realized production of “The Six Trials of Lazarod?” It’s certainly a silly thing to consider doing, but that’s a feature not a bug for some… what, apart from the fight choreo, atypical length, and references to Golarion an audience might not understand. would you think might make it difficult to pull off as a piece of theatre? For those of you who have taken a whack even at acting it wholeheartedly, does it work as a play? Is it moving? Scary? Is Tybain funny? ![]()
![]() Just rereading the back of Council of Thieves #1, where the iconics are Lem, Seltyiel as a Level 1 Fighter, Seelah, and Seoni, and it got me thinking what an odd combo Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Sorcerer would seem to me as a GM about to run the AP. Has anyone still on the forums run or played any of the APs with the “recommended” 4 iconics? Did it feel balanced? ![]()
![]() Hi y’all! Thinking about playing a melee combatant, likely a Warpriest or Fighter, and I’m wondering (assuming a GM running the AP loot as is, what weapons (only if you can try to tell me without spoiling the plot) might I wanna look at? Don’t wanna Favored Weapon Bardiche, por ejemplo, to discover they don’t make them in Ustalav. Thanks in advance for the tips. ![]()
![]() Kasoh wrote:
Ok, I roffled, thanks. I actually love this trilogy idea, and I just got Azlant, so thanks for that also! ![]()
![]() zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Ooh! Thanks fellow-traveler: I'm fascinated. Can you talk about what you perceive as the connective tissue? Is it related to Aroden as mortal? ![]()
![]() While part of the genius of the writing and design of these APs is that they are meta-plot light so you can pick up any AP and enjoy it fully without having to buy others, I personally LOVE those meta callbacks, or those moments of frustration when a PC from CoT, say, finishes HV and shakes her fists at the uncaring heavens... it’s such a nice payoff for seasoned campaigners. So my question to the seasoned members of this forum, what are the metaplots you have found? Rise-Shattered-Return, sure, but there’s also: Rise-Curse-Darkness-Carrion-Shattered-Wrath-Return-Tyrant Council-Rebels-Vengeance What else you got? And which are the three APs most INDEPENDENT of metaplot? ![]()
![]() That’s right, Hook Mountain Massacre wasn’t enough, and the time of year is fast approaching where I need my most gruesome, terrifying, and maybe just terrifyingly funny horror adventures. One shot preferred, but any creepy or gruesome adventure starring ogres, that could be done between 1-4 sessions, would be very appreciated. ![]()
![]() Deadmanwalking wrote: I'd strongly argue that, for WotR, Iomedae should be the #1 deity, followed by Desna. Sarenrae's focus on redemption is certainly appropriate, but Iomedae is by far the most relevant deity followed very closely by Desna. Not in theme, but both for extremely specific reasons that would be spoilers to reveal. But seriously, it's Iomedae and Desna. This is EXACTLY the kinda insight I’m paying the big bucks to post in this forum for. Gives me what I need to know without going over the edge. My sheet has been updated. Thank you. Deadmanwalking wrote: I'd also argue that, while Abadar certainly features prominently in CotCT, and later books are debatably about preserving the rule of law, the initial incident that the PCs get together during probably actively violates his anathema, and so do a lot of their actions during the first few books. I'd argue he's an actively bad deity for a PC to worship in that AP for that very reason. Would you put Shelyn up-front then, Deadman, or Iomedae, as the most tolerated in the city? Or Milani, as our antennaed friend suggests, but others have explicitly warned against? Or Zon-Kuthon...? ![]()
![]() Yakman wrote:
Though I don’t agree with all your reasoning (though I appreciate it all), these two are PARTICULARLY helpful fixes that I’m making to my list toot sweets. ![]()
![]() James, your work is so consistently impressive... thanks for all the hard work. Soul’s for Smuggler’s Shiv is easily my favorite low-level sandbox of all time. I’m in pre-production with some friends of mine on an actual-play podcast. Rule system is TBD at this point, as I’m home brewing much of the world and I want to work with the system that best allows us to realize this world, and for the most part, I will be generating my own adventures. But I wonder, good sir, would it be possible for me to use the framework of your astonishingly good AP chapter, bent and renamed a hair to fit my overarching themes... I promise I won’t do you a disservice: we’re a good group of performers. C ![]()
![]() I’m coming in early on: they've only just completed Chapter 1 of Book 1, but it’s clear to the GM the tone is broadly comic evil, not gross or nasty. So far they are: Tyrant Champion (Asmodeus)
What do y’all think? Some kind’ve evil Druid, to help tank and heal? A rogue to get that sweet sneak? Curious both for optimizing the team as well as for a class you know is fun, or relevant, in this AP. ![]()
![]() Yakman wrote:
Ha, yeah this was the one almost deliberately chosen to ruffle some feathers, as Giantslayer is almost perversely non-religious as an AP. And of course Gorum has the magic weapon and Erastil fits the theme, as you say above, but human tribesmen from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords (quite close to Belkzen) worship Thremyr as Chaotic Neutral clerics. So this savage strength-worshipping cleric is in Trunau and it’s attacked. Of course he fights back. Then you have the amazing opportunities with the wolves and the statue in book 4, and all kinds of diplomatic options in 6... I’m sticking with Thremyr. And Gozreh, well, he doesn’t fit at all thematically, but story wise he’s all over, especially if you add the extra encounter in... book 2? 3? ![]()
![]() Ok, y’all. With some STRONG help here and on the individual AP forums, in addition to a few other sites, I feel confident I have a strong first and second choice for each of the APs I plan to play in (and thus won’t read). And since my last two spaghetti-against-the-wall attempts, I’ve now actually READ all the APs I plan to run someday. Helpful, go figure. So here’s my third and probably last attempt at this... I hope some would-be-cleric gets some help from this one day: Rise of the Runelords: Desna (or Erastil)
Thanks to everyone who let me pick your brains: really appreciate it. ![]()
![]() Super appreciate the necro, actually. Another AP is still wrapping up, so I've not begun the build. Certainly love Shelyn as a deity, although I'm puzzled (and excited to find out) how her faith will manifest in a jungle romp... perhaps the Azlant connect? Shimye-Magalla and Achaekek are INSPIRED ideas, DM- and group-dependent. Thank you. ![]()
![]() Are they planning on doing the 2e APs in hardcover? I know I've got to print my 1e hardbacks myself (although interesting so many more are available in France... anyone know why that is?), sadly, but I sure do love the ease of use of a hardcover and it'd be great to see those happen for 2e at some point, now that they're pot committed to the new system. ![]()
![]() Shisumo wrote:
Totally, Shisumo, I was being hyperbolic. Based on my own idiosyncratic experiences, I’m uncomfortable with someone who gets blackout drunk being a good god of freedom. Seems like he’s plenty shackled. But nice that he’s got some clergy doing addiction recovery treatment. I get why he was created; most of us have booze at the table. Just not a fan of the concept myself... though again, I’ll keep him in mind. ![]()
![]() OctopusMacbeth wrote:
That’s Nocticula, when spelled correctly. The Player’s Guide also mentions that deities focused on Time might be of interest here... whaddaya think? Brigh? Pharasma? Groetus? Yog-Sothoth? ![]()
![]() necroing to ask how your run went... did cayden cailean fit the AP? were there any plot hooks that tied your priest's faith to the story? also, for everyone who's tried (or DMed the AP): how does an evil-aligned norgorber cleric fit the plot? are there conflicts with norgorberites that would make this choice challenging? ![]()
![]() kevin_video wrote:
Bing, bang, boom! Thank you so much. While I’d hoped for someone to do the work for me of creating a level and plot appropriate campaign path for me (through respectively Garund and the Planes), it’s a super-selfish ask, and the information you’ve provided will allow me to put in the work (guhhhh!) of doing it myself. Appreciate the info and the response time. ![]()
![]() The PFS ones are: PFS1 #01-11: The Third Riddle Show:
The VC’s briefing is in flashback, then you immediately begin the race against Aspis. PFS1 #02-13: The Throaty Mermaid Show:
The VC’s briefing is in flashback, and aquatic elves begin boarding before the PCs act. PFS1 #08-13: Hrethnar’s Throne Show:
The VC’s briefing is interrupted by ballistae breaching the hull of the Grinning Pixie. PFS1 #10-01: Oathbreakers Die Show:
The VC’s briefing is interrupted by his own poisoning. If I were willing to go beyond a one-shot, any of the modules start mid-action? ![]()
![]() PFS1 #01-11: The Third Riddle Show:
The VC’s briefing is in flashback, then you immediately begin the race against Aspis. PFS1 #02-13: The Throaty Mermaid Show:
The VC’s briefing is in flashback, and aquatic elves begin boarding before the PCs act. PFS1 #08-13: Hrethnar’s Throne Show:
The VC’s briefing is interrupted by ballistae breaching the hull of the Grinning Pixie. PFS1 #10-01: Oathbreakers Die Show: The VC’s briefing is interrupted by his own poisoning. ![]()
![]() zimmerwald1915 wrote:
I dunno Z, this feels like the PERFECT adventure path for the boys to get their mustaches waxed, their butt-flap onesies on, and head down to the “Dark Continent” to strip an ancient people of their goodies, what? ![]()
![]() This one is interesting. Mostly religion-free, although you’d have the most connections (of the standard 20) with Gozreh, and there’s a weapon for Gorum. A good argument could be made to go deity-free in Giantslayer and choose to be a Shoanti shaman or the like instead. Or join the ranks of the 999 oracles in this AP. HOWEVER. If you can square it with your backstory (Kellid nomad from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords with a trade mission to Trunau?), the deity you’ll get the most mileage of is... Thremyr. Playing as a non-giant, CN worshipper of Thremyr would put you in the most number of interesting positions regarding your faith and its virtues than any other deity of the game. Second choice, though, definitely Gozreh. ![]()
![]() Looking for adventures starting in medias res. Now, obviously the first book of Serpent’s Skull starts Serpent’s Skull Spoiler: , which is close to perfect, but I’d love something that wraps up in a single session, not the start of a major AP. Anything in PFS that would work? Anything else written at Paizo? mid-toe-eating ![]()
![]() So far we’ve got two swaggering Taldan tourists: A human brawler (going Pummeling style most likely)
And we want two “locals” as well: A human cleric of Nethys (Protection, Divine) from Wati
What d’y’all think, balance-wise? Is Occulist a crazy option? ![]()
![]() My only fear with both Anubis and Pharasma, which otherwise do both seem like perfect fits, is the former finds it ANATHEMA to: “desecrate a corpse, rob a tomb, trap a soul,” while Pharasma’s definition of ANATHEMA is: “create undead, desecrate a corpse, rob a tomb.” Yeah, you could do some ethical self-justification, but much of the plot early on is about taking things of inherent value from tombs and assigning them market value, so... I think Nethys is winning for me now. Although arguably he requires a lot of adaptation as well (no spoilers).