Jack in the Box

Nykrat's page

Organized Play Member. 47 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:
@Nykrat: what are face down and face up HP’s?

Face down hero points: use them as a reroll then give it to GM

Face up hero points: Use it ONLY BY MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS…then flip it face down

This makes it so you get a possible 3 HP situation to build a session with (along with the alchemy/talisman/Item card)

Hooboy, so sorry you have to go through this. Bad-faith players make me go a rubbery one.

Every couple of sessions I try to gamify the distribution of HP around recaps.

My current favorite is:

1) 5 players recap one bullet point apiece then receive face-down hp

2) 5 players say something meaningful they noticed or liked about another player’s character in previous session then receives face up hp

3) Players trade face-up hp if desired

4) 5 players decide if they want to trade face-up card for random item from alchemy deck (per Garden of Wonders in Treasure Vault)

5) Players trade items if desired

6) Any hp after that is Rule-of-Cool disbursal at GM discretion with the understanding that scene-tones shape the frequency/infrequency of distribution

Gamification on the front end lets them feel like they can manipulate the hp cards in a way that doesn’t just make me want to pack up and go home.

I really hope you find a solution that works for the needs of your group.

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Love the Bridgerton-in-Absalom bit.

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You folks keep telling us to speak up when we like something you do so this is me speaking up:

This is my new favorite kind of blogpost.

The last one (Sea Hag) had me smiling for days.

Is this a Bounty or a blogpost?

Either way, I’m here for it!


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As an unabashed dice goblin, I have to say I really appreciate how readable these seem to be compared to many of the AP specific sets put out over the years (which I also own and adore…just can’t use) — Love the progress.

Kudos to QW!!!

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Seven dooms of Sandpoint is an unusual cat in this particular product line, so I need to ask: since the paperback is volume one of one, and the hardback is a compilation of a single volumes worth of material…is the plan still to strip all of the backmatter articles and toolboxes for the hardcover treatment per usual?

"They eat people, and besides, they started it" is not a case for justifiable homicide once the danger has cleared.

My mother taught me that.

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Really looking forward to rejoining the SF side of things once 2e comes around!

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I would love love LOVE to have a plushy/funko pop of every figure in LO: Legends & Monsters of Myth….

I’m guessing every major city has something like this…?

Who would you put on this list for the city of Absalom?

I’m less interested in nation-breakers like The Whispering Tyrant & Nex than I am “normal” bad guys.

A- and B-list villains.

Portlander here! Public gaming in the Pathfinder realm has plummeted since Covid. I’ve been checking in with all the game stores for about a year and a half and it’s only just recently started coming back thanks for the efforts of the folks on Warhorn. I haven’t re-joined society play, myself, but I’ve been flirting with the idea of slipping back into Starfinder once GM variability finally happens. Are you looking for PFS-style one-offs or an actual group to slip into?

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Back when APG first hit, a friend of mine challenged us to create high-level characters where each of us was one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse for his homebrew thing. No daemons.

I chose Pestilence (Plague).

Enter C’thnos, the Undying…17th level Ysoki Alchemist (Toxicologist)

We were a sort of evil superhero team trying to bring about the end of the world and falling spectacularly short. Think The Tick but for bad guys.

I was a geriatric Skave…er…YSOKI professor of chemistry at the University of Lepidstadt. But when we put on our bad guy suits, I’d climb into the marsupial pouch of my huge-sized naked mole rat and dig my way to the secret base.

My god that was so much fun. The world never new that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were put down by environmental hazards, a white dragon, and some crappy die rolls.

Oh, and I had a tail.

It did nothing.

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Dancing Wind wrote:
Nykrat wrote:
Whoops…I made the blind purchase thinking that all the back articles would be included. Jokes on me, I guess. Looks like Im purchasing this AP twice. I’m going to take a wild guess and say Kingmaker, Dead Suns & Abomination Vaults are all without the articles contained in the back of the softcovers?

If you really want to stop that purchase, send an email to customer.service@paizo.com with a subject line something like

"Order #XXXXXXXX: Duplicate Error"

Staff might be able to handle your request if you move quickly.

I appreciate the suggestion. It was an FLGS purchase in meatspace.

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Whoops…I made the blind purchase thinking that all the back articles would be included. Jokes on me, I guess. Looks like Im purchasing this AP twice. I’m going to take a wild guess and say Kingmaker, Dead Suns & Abomination Vaults are all without the articles contained in the back of the softcovers?

I’m not alarmist by nature but damn, my hackles are dancing. I have a question for those with any kind of background in US law: how far into the current release cycle would we have if the worst case scenario were to present itself? Educated guesses are welcome.

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This is my group’s sweet-spot and if every 3- or 6-volume AP went levels 5-15 until the end of days, I would be a happy GM/Player.

keftiu wrote:
Do you already know about Rage of Elements?

Yep, and I’ll be high-fiving you in line as we wait for our copies!

I guess the reason why I phrased my question the way I did is because I’ve seen a lot of teasers supporting Airbender and Planescapey Inner Planar stories and there’s even the wonderful eastern elements of wood & metal warming us up for more Tien content…but nothing in the vein of Arabian nights that I’ve (for wholly subjective reasons) expected?

I sort of assumed there would be some post-Legacy of Fire related genie content…maybe you could point me to an article?

None of this is intended as a complaint…more of an “I’m not sure how to manage my expectations of this particular release given how many different genres it can dip into” sort of thing.

Does that make sense?

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PerseusRex, I dearly hope you’re right. An Own Voices approach with native-born PCs in the Golden Road is the one thing I want to see more than the darklands. More genies, please.

I’ve always had a soft spot for Legacy of Fire and Howl of the Carrion King remains my favorite AP volume to this day. I know we are raging with all the elements in the upcoming months and just had an Impossible Lands release…so all this is making me wonder if we’re going to see a post-2e treatment of Scheherazadean themes at some point? Are we waiting for the team to set their sights on The Golden Road, first?

Is there any community/developer interest in bringing a Legacy of Fire type story (module or mini AP?) into 2e or are we done with genies and corsairs for a goodly while?

Have you poked around in Mimic Fight Club? I find my encounter maths are constantly shifting to account for last-minute player cancellations and have to adjust my 5-PC Moderate encounters down to a 3- or 4-PC Moderate encounters without drastically changing the look n feel of my monster groupings…all within a couple of minutes.

It’s quite brilliant and mostly up-to-date. You can even adjust an encounter mid-combat if the mood/inspiration strikes. I’ve turned more than one throwaway encounter into a bossfight in this way due to awesome player roleplay.

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This is exciting news!

I started using Quests & Bounties a few years ago as introductory PC stories where the setting & NPCs are redressed to reflect whatever Deep Background-type stuff my players give me so the players gets to actually play out parts of their Deep Background.

This way, every player enters an AP better able to intuit who they are without all the new character awkwardness that AP #1 volumes bring.

Quest/Bounty-as-Prologue makes me a happy GM and my table less awkward.

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I’d like to take a shot at this!

My Mythic storythot would include the following:

• One of Asmodeus’ early contracts that is not as ironclad as his later ones

• Grandmother Spider’s discovery and exploitation of this contract to embarrass him (always punch up!) in order to…

• …aid a divinity (Cayden Caylean is my vote) who wishes to reverse their divine nature and become mortal again

A mythic story about a god shucking their power has good mouthfeel to me.

“Let us know if you enjoyed this adventure, and in particular, enjoyed the format of reprinting, revising, and expanding classic adventures in hardcover format.”

I will purchase every updated hardcover compilation of old product you folks want to throw at us.

Every single one.

Thanks for taking the chance on a left-field product like this. I especially enjoy the creator’s commentary all these years later.

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I’m thankful for Golarion and all of her stories.

I’m thankful for Unions and of the hope they inspire.

I’m thankful for living in a golden age for this particular hobby.

I’m thankful for those among you here who’ve helped me understand this heartbreaking series of events that continues to reinforce why I should never meet my heroes.

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A much needed breath of fresh air. My thanks to everyone who helped to actualize this.

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Portland, Oregon.

All the FRPGD stuff was spread out across three tables. You had to roll a d20 to determine which table you could select from. If you rolled poorly (and who here doesn’t) you couldn’t pick from the Path/starfinder table. If you rolled well (and who here does) you had to choose between the Pathfinder & Startfinder modules.

I drove across town to the OTHER participating gamestore and nabbed them both.

Good thing I saved that Hero Point...

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Avonathalanthalasa Caldon wrote:
I am really excited for this. I have a Mwagangi elven wizard in PFS 2E. She is a Cascade Bearer. I hope that this will have options for them.

My Halcyon Speaker of the Emerald Boughs shares this hope.

Interactive Special...this one is new to me.


Are you looking for a FoP player's guide, specifically, or a collection of Isgeri goodies to keep your PC relevant to the addy?

Yep, my players will be super-stoked to finally see some actual xulgath artwork on the battlegrid as well as some key NPCs.

Pruana, Jellico, and the bile-bearers in particular.

Great start, for my money.

I’m looking foreword to seeing a more diverse array in future waves based on the various human ethnicities in the LO:CG...in particular the Erutaki, Jadwiga & Thassilonians.

At this point in my collecting, I’m most interested in a sculpt’s attention to fashion.

I think it would be cool to be able to look at two sculpts of a female barbarian and be able to tell which one hails from Whitethrone and which from Nantambu just by looking at their hair & clothes.

One dude’s opinion.

I wonder if the gobbos will be more nuanced given all the great material we’ve seen since 2e was released or if it’s going to play like a Spielberg movie, again?

I’m 100% in, either way.

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Magaambya Tower Defense AP

The Magaambya have weathered the passing of a great many disastrous centuries from their University in Nantambu protecting their way of life and passing their halcyon knowledge from one generation to the next as the grow in power.

They have made many enemies along the way.

I’d love to see a multiple-org teamup attempting to eradicate the Magaambyan from the Expanse.

Brilliant minds among the Aspis Consortium and the Whispering along with the Gorilla King, and Walkena all scheme in concert to assault the Academy and remove them from the continent.

Players would be members of/representatives of/or allies with the five branches of the Magaambya.

Each branch is under attack from without as well as within.

Each branch has special skills/approaches/powers that will resolve threats in ways that could alter story outcomes from chapter to chapter.

The BBEG? Grandmother Spider.

You see, she’s teaching the Halcyon Wizards a deadly lesson regarding hubris.

It seems the Magaambyan have been carelessly (unknowingly?) trampling on her Edicts and Anathema for a goodly long while so she’s pitting the Magaambyan organization against the Axis of Evil so they’ll knock it off

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You know, I enjoy pretty much all these blog posts but this one truly made me smile.

Thank you lot for helping me refill the well from week to week.

Good enough for me. I noticed you didn’t include Kingmaker.

Not sure where to post this so forgive me if i’m in the wrong place.

I saw preorders for this on Amazon but have been unable to learn more about it. Where can I do so.

Are 1e APs going pocket? I’m a hard yes, if so.

Dramatis Personae:

The Vagabond Vasham al-Farouk, a shaman and Ancestral Caller, is a crusty vagabond with celestial blood and a penchant for heated conversations with a certain dead relative.
The Brass Serpent Desert-Zephyr, a cross-blooded Taninam sorcerer of wish and flame, is a loyalist from the City of Brass on a guardian’s mission and hungry to claim a name greater than his own.
The Dying Man Wilfram, an alchemist, is a dhampir from the Ustilavian north seeking salvation where he believes Sarenrae’s scrutiny burns brightest and her judgment is most fierce.
The Ioun-Eye Muriel, a rogue, is an elven miscreant with a third eye and the desire to move about in a world faster than that of her homeland and which her heritage would allow.

"Do what you will, but do not interfere with trade."

I'd argue that it depends on how the GM is interpreting this singular law of Katapesh. Slave merchants involved in matters of trade are off limits unless you want to go up against the Pactmasters and their Zephyr Guard...in addition to all the monsters you're already slated to fight in the AP. But then again...no guts, no glory...

The Legacy of Fire Player's Guide has some sobering things to say on crime and punishment in Katapeh involving the noble cause of slave-freeing and slaver-pouncing.

The Ability Score Descriptions table in DoD is STILL my favorite table and I'd like to use it again but it's second edition AD&D...any ideas on what the new scale is or should be (as pertaining to Ravenloft and/or Golarion)?

Table 39: Ability Score Descriptions
Ability Score General Description
0 - Not applicable to the character
1 - So low as to be almost unmeasurable
2 - Below human minimum
3 - Functional human minimum
4 - Impaired in a major fassion
5 - Impaired in a minor fassion
6 - Well below human average
7 - Below human average
8 - Low human average
9 - Human average
10 - Human average
11 - High human average
12 - Above human average
13 - Well above human average
14 - Among the best in the village
15 - Among the best in the city
16 - Among the best in the region
17 - Among the best in the nation
18 - Among the best in the world
19 - Beyond the limits of normal man
20 - Beyond the limits of heroic man
21 - Surpassing superhuman levels
22 - The equal of the demigods
23 - The equal of the lesser gods
24 - The equal of the gods
25 - The equal of the greater gods

DrDeth wrote:

Kender should be killed on sight, along with their players. ;-)

Tinker Gnomes aren't much better.

I think we've all had trouble with players mangling playable races. If I ever were to run a DL game, again, those two would be non-playable races...and only ever encountered singly. I did, however, enjoy the Lisa Smedman treatment of Kender vampires in When Black Roses Bloom. I ran Navrolina just prior to that one and made her a mother figure to the tribe.

I'd like to add the Kender Vampire to our list of lamentables.


Those little spiral-bound adventures. Psionic's, psionics, psionics. The Nightmare Beast. Pterodactyl-riding Man-eating cliff-dwelling halflings. Thri-kreen hives. The Mul character race. Calhouluks. Defiler/Preserver magic. ceramic currency. Sorcerer kings. Half-giants and their alignment shifts. The vast scale in power between the character and everything else.

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Harbinger House. Referring to Baatezu and Tanar'ri without having to dumb down my language. Sigil as Babylon 5. Factions and their metaphysical roles in the outer planes. The Lady and her mazes. Berk, bone-box, and other jibber-jabber.


Native characters that never, ever, ever, EVER hear the names Eliminster, Raistlin, Mordenkainen, or Rikus spoken by an NPC. Anchorites and Dark Powers checks. Greater Wolf-weres. Greater Dopplegangers. The illithid god-brain. Darklords as a concept. Reality wrinkles. Stu Turner's campaign (I ran every one of those adventures). Feast of Goblyns. Sinkholes of evil. Sithicus. (John is right...all of it)


Kender. Age category 13+ dragons that warp the very land around them just by being there. Tower of high-sorcery martial law on use of magic. Dragon-steed aerial combat. Tinker Gnomes. Draconians that kill you in ridiculous ways as they die. Kitiara, Kitiara, Kitiara.


absofreakinglutely nothing.


absofreakinglutely everything.

Olde Foe, Lowblight, Veritas, Judicium Angelis, Prudentia,
Charisma Carisma

Burnt Offerings: Festival and Fire

Gor - a barbaric perspective pt.1

Gor decided to sit out the wait for his companions, dockside, at the Hagfish tavern, exactly as he had these three years past. While there, he listened in on some quality yarning from practiced locals and watched a lot of piss-poor gambling, all the while eyeballing Norah’s tank with the shudder of one acknowledging the steepness of cost but ready to pay it, anyway. After drawing up the requisite courage--and the silver coin for the winners purse--Gor attempted to finally earn the right to carve his name into the ceiling beam by drinking a ladle-full of putrid piss-water from Norah’s tank. He failed but good old wood-legged Jargie Quinn had the puke bucket ready and mopped up what little had missed. After a good laugh had by all, Gor decided he should go outside to clear his head and lungs.

He found himself on Festival Street with an eye out to see if any of his companions had arrived. While he didn’t see them, he did visit briefly with Korvut and the excitable hounds from the Red Dog Smithy about pricing and inventory issues due to a recent problem regarding trading rights. Interrupting the conversation, the massive crowds began to merge and to move as one in the direction of the new cathedral where Mayor Deverin, Sheriff Hemlock, and Showman Drokkus all gave the festival kick-off speeches. They then turned it over to the ever-humble Father Zantus. Father Zantus blessed the occasion and then released the Swallowtail butterflies signaling the official start of the festival.

Gor quickly joined in on the rock throw, stone crush, and strongman tug-of-war competitions winning most of them, but doused in mud from losing at the final tug-of-war match-up, much to his chagrin. It was during a moment of rest that he noticed one of Korvut’s hounds, one that had been barking happily nearby just moments before, was now silent. He saw the beast beneath a wagon in a pool of its own blood. Immediately after, a woman screamed directly behind him and he spun to see her on the ground in a pool of her own blood clutching at his mud-spattered shirt with one hand and what appeared to be her hamstring with the other. Not sure what to do, Gor raced for his pile of gear near the mud pits and glimpsed from the corner of his eye a small black-cloaked figure with manic eyes beneath a roadside wagon licking the length of a small cruelly shaped blade. Too small to be a man, too savage to be a child, the creature’s attention seemed to be elsewhere revealing little of its figure. The view was interrupted by the massive crowd crossing between them both, but Gor was convinced that he had just seen a goblin within the city walls of Sandpoint. He stood up, gave a test swing of his great axe, and pushed back into the crowd towards the wagon.

Adventure #12: Ravenloft Module (Present Day - Epilogue)

Rise of the Runelords: a campaign in twelve parts

Dramatis Personae:

Korien Wakeman as Que – Prior to events leading up to the Nightfell betrayal, this powerful entity claimed many names: Queen of the canals, the All-Widow, the Mother who wept. Now, this 1st level rogue remembers herself only as Que: a wandering courtesan in Magnimar, a city most mesmerizing.

Zachary Stine as Mingren – Prior to events leading up to the Nightfell betrayal, this powerful entity claimed many names: First Seer, Dream-Caught, the Westron oracle. Now, this 1st level sorcerer remembers himself only as Mingren: a novice of the Vault, a library of eldritch lore well-hidden near Wormwood Hall.

Brian Palmer as Kyros – Prior to events leading up to the Nightfell betrayal, this powerful entity claimed many names: Sweet Jack, Dream Eater, the Idyllwild Cutter. Now, this 1st level ranger remembers himself only as Kyros: cub-disciple to a great bear somewhere in the Ashwood.

John Wakeman as Gor– Prior to events leading up to the Nightfell betrayal, this powerful entity claimed many names: The Bull Prince, Lord of Mazes, He-Would-Be-UnCaged. Now, this 1st level barbarian remembers himself only as Gor: an axe-bearer and protector to Ravenmoor, east of the Churlwood.

I'm very, very new to this so please direct me to whereever I need to be. Can I post my RotRL campaign here INCLUDING the leadup and flashbacky stuff (Like Hollow's Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, Revenge of the Kobold King, homemade modules)? Or is this strictly for pure RotRL addys? For instance:

Adventure #1: Hollow's Last Hope
Adventure #2: Burnt Offerings
Adventure #3: The Skinsaw Murders
Adventure #4: The Crown of the Kobold King (as a flashback)
Adventure #5: Hook Mountain Massacre
Adventure #6: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Adventure #7: Revenge of the Kobold King (as a flashback)
Adventure #8: Sins of the Saviors
Adventure #9: Ravenloft Module (as a flashback)
Adventure #10: Spires of Xin-Shalast
Adventure #11: Ravenloft Module (as the final flashback)