
Nicolas Logue's page

Contributor. 3,418 posts (3,461 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

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Aloha Paizo Fans,

Loooooooooong time! My day job as Professor and Education Coordinator at Hawai'i Conservatory of Performing Arts has kept me out of the online game scene for awhile, but I'm breaking back in (don't call it a comeback!) with a very exciting live-streamed actual play of a new adventure - all to raise money for a good cause.

The event is called "The Red Raven" and its streaming 9am - 4pm Hawai'i Standard Time on Sunday April 2nd (this coming Sunday).

You can find out more here: Red Raven

Definitely watch the video - it's good fun.

But if you want the skinny - I'm running an adventure for some awesome celebrity guests who are playing alongside my students on live stream, and we'll be raising money for scholarships and production costs.

"Though she be but little, she is fierce" - Midsummer Night's Dream

Our tiny college's brand new conservatory is small, but we broke onto the scene last month by winning the highest honor in the nation for theatre education - the Kennedy Center Gold Medallion. We took 18 students to a festival to perform our original show "Demigods Anonymous" written by one of alumni (who got offered a tv writing slot immediately when we won this award - off and running - couldn't be more proud)!

We have almost no institutional support (we are home-grown program) and our students are drawn from the most impoverished and underserved parts of Oahu. People like to think of Hawai'i as paradise, but our students have a different experience out here, and our conservatory is a crucial life-line that gives them a shot a serious career.

"How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world."
-Merchant of Venice

If you want to watch me GM for some crazy awesome celebrities, and throw in a few gold pieces (or sp or cp, every bit helps) to support our hard-working servants, I'd be so grateful, and I think you'll deeply enjoy the adventure.

The Twitch and Youtube pages will go up on the crowdfunding site I posted above on Wednesday, the game starts at 9am HST on Sunday April 2nd.

Hope to see some of you there! Hit me up here with any questions. Good to be back on the boards!


Aloha Pathfinders!

I'm running two private exclusive PF sessions and one SF game at Paizoncon 2019 for special backers of our crazy new kickstarter.

The best thing - all the funds raised go to help a young man shoulder the financial burdens of his education.

Here's the link to our kickstarter:

Order of the Black Arrow


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Aloha Paizonians!

Hope you are all doing wonderfully!

I've been absent from the boards for waaaaay too long - my quest to achieve tenure ate my life!

Now that I'm a professor, I am beginning to branch out into new and interesting projects and this improvised action film I'm kickstarting is truly something unique.

Not to mention all proceeds go to a very good cause.

Have a look at our kickstarter - the project speaks to the young gamer's heart in all of us, and is making a young man's dreams come true.

Order of the Black Arrow

There are some pretty hilarious Pathfinder easter eggs in the movie as well.

Thanks you for checking it out!




13 people marked this as a favorite.

Aloha Everyone!

Hope ye denizens of the boards have been well in my absence - now with my semester winding to a close and thoughts of Paizocon dancing like sugarplums in my rotting, pus-filled head, I'm turning my dark musings towards my next evil endeavor...

A three week online course in Adventure Design and Development for the Pathfinder RPG.

All participants will receive an exclusive PDF adventure designed my myself...and you, as part of the process of the course.

Scope all this out at the link below:

Pathfinder Adventure Design Course

Hope to see many of you at the con this summer as well!



I just felt like giving Lou Agresta some love on the boards today - he is a fine man, and a good friend.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Alright Lords and Ladies...

Eh Hem...

Scratch That:

Alright Scurvy Dogs and Docksie Harlots,

I know I'm inviting disaster on meself, but here goes. A ferocious brainstorm off the port bow to concoct what crazed buried treasure might fulfill someone's gaming fantasy for the Captain's Parlay ($5000) Pledge Level of the Razor Coast Kickstarter.

With only a couple days to go, I'd love to see what feasible, and non-feasible, reward we could dream up.

I'll start off with some possibilities:

A video of a duel between Nicolas Logue and Richard Pett - the pledger decides the outcome and hangs with us "on set" during filming. They also get a stage combat workshop with me in single rapier (I be a Full Instructor with Dueling Arts International, I be!), and get to play in an exclusive game with Rich myself and some invited guests.

I fly to your neck of the woods and run a game (or a few) for your home group for an entire weekend - any game you like - any way you want it. I am the inventor of Iron DM (now Iron GM under Lou's steady hand) afterall, and ANY who have played in a game of mine will let you know how unique and entertaining they can be.

I help you write your next home campaign. A Nick Logue exclusive (in collaboration with you). I am your on-call brainstorm/creative design monkey/b&@~*pig for one week of skype chats and email back and forths as we mind-meld and create a campaign experience unlike ANYTHING your players have ever experienced/suffered before. I clear my plate to be on call for the whole week (no other commitments), and I also hang in for follow-up coaching sessions as the campaign develops, on call until the campaign finale for you to bounce ideas off of, and to help you trouble shoot.

I eat an entire boat (like that guy did the airplane in the guiness book of world records), and then I poop out the manuscript to the next Rikard Prett adventure.

CAVEAT EMPTOR: I have discussed NONE of ANY of the above with Blonde Frog or Frog God Games. I am just trying to get a discussion started here, and any and ALL wheeling-dealing would have to happen through official channels...

Though I'm pretty sure Bill and Rachel wouldn't mind if you picked the boat-eating-Prett-pooping option.


Check it out here: Sinister Minds At Work


You only think I'm kidding.

Anarchist Gamemaster Cookbook is CURSED!

Ask anyone who pre-ordered it - they are already afflicted.


Announcing the Anarchist Gamemaster’s Cookbook: Recipes for Games That Don’t Suck!

Peer into Nicolas Logue’s demented mind and taste his darkest sanity-shattering gamemaster tricks from a decade teaching theater in NYC, China and London. These forbidden fruits come screaming through the interwebs straight to your home gaming table. For use with any game or system.

Anarchist Gamemaster’s Cookbook is packed full of terrifying advice on gamemastery that Nicolas Logue has never dared share before with man or beast. Secrets that will transform novice gamemasters into towering Gods of Gaming and supply even the most grizzled veteran storytellers with new tricks to slip up their sleeve before the next time the dice hit the table.

Put your humanity at risk with lessons including Improv by the Skin of Your Teeth, Murder Death Kill, Ultimate Climaxes (you know what I mean), Soundtracks, Romance, Redemption, God Like Powered Player Characters, Why Dragons Should Always Win and more collected here in one master tome.


Also, don't forget to check out Dark Vistas (now available in Pathfinder Compatible and Savage Worlds Compatible versions as well) - Also available for a low low pre-order price at present.

Besides being a veteran game designer and adventure writer for DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS (3&4), DUNGEON magazine, and PATHFINDER, Nicolas Logue is a Professor of World Theater in London, a full instructor with Dueling Arts International, a produced playwright, award winning stage director, and has taught improvisation and acting all over the world. Anarchist Gamemaster’s Cookbook combines Nicolas Logue’s most potent techniques from over a decade in theatre and his demented weekend RPG ramblings into one very extreme tour de force of gamemastery. A must have for any gamemaster of any system, novice or veteran.


Legends of the Razor Coast abound...



Check out the overview map of the Razor Coast, now up on Sinister here:


You can pre-order Razor Coast now and save $10 off the release price. This huge adventure/mini-campaign is available in several adaptations - PATHFINDER COMPATIBLE, OGL 3.5, SAVAGE WORLDS

Order the book, get PDFs of all versions for free, then choose which version you want printed when the book is ready to ship. Pre-order customers will be emailed to determine which version they want printed and shipped.

Scroll down on the blog if you want to see a preview of one of the premiere villains of Ebon Shroud and more Dark Vistas previews.


Sinister Adventures LLC, purveyor of dark demented adventures and supplements hereby announces they will be offering Savage Worlds adaptations of both their Dark Vistas line and their sci-fi Dark Horizons line.

All books in these lines are available now at a special low low pre-order price. Order now, and you receive PDFs of every version of our adventures (OGL 3.5, Pathfinder compatible, Savage Worlds, etc) and when the books are ready to ship we'll email you to get your preference of which version you want printed and shipped to your door.

Don't forget to check out exciting behind-the-scenes previews of our upcoming books on our Sneak Peeks Blog


Hi All!

Grab a sneak peak of one of Ebon Shroud's villains.

Cruciata Navaar

Ebon Shroud (scroll down to view) is a mega-adventure/mini-setting by Richard Pett and Nicolas Logue.

The supplement will come out in OGL 3.5, Pathfinder Compatible and other systems as well. Ordering gets you PDFs of every version and print version of whichever you choose (you tell us when the book is ready to ship).

Pre Order the book now and save $10 (the Pre Order price is only $29.99).


Now on Sinister's Sneak Peek's Blog: Check out the Wave Riders, Razor Coast's has-been adventurers - are your PCs hero enough to step into the vacuum they've left behind, or will the Demon Below crush them in the deeps. Or better yet, can your party bring these wayward wash-ups back into the fold and join forces with them against the Krakenfiend?

Order your copy of Razor Coast today and save $10 with our special pre-order pricing. Order the book, and you get PDF copies of OGL 3.5 and Pathfinder Compatible versions. You choose which one you want in print when the book ships. Get you some Sinister!


Check out Sneak Peeks Blog for a quick preview of one of Razor Coast's sinister villians. Stay tuned to the blog this week for more on his unwholesome plans for the coastal city of Port Shaw.


Nicolas Logue wrote:

Check out some more previews for the upcoming Razor Coast on our Sneak Peeks blog and get a glimpse at one of the sinister villains behind the Shark God's new rise to power along the Razor.

Pathfinder Compatible versions of Razor Coast are available as soon as the book releases in November.

More Previews for Razor Coast are up on the blog today - in fact, they'll be up everyday from here on out.

By the by: You can now pre-order if you want a Pathfinder Compatible version. Just pre-order and when the product is ready to ship, I'll email all the pre-orders to figure out which version they want in print. You'll get ALL the versions in PDF as well (OGL 3.5, Pathfinder Compatible, True 20 and probably more).

I only mention this now, because the pre-order price is staying solid at $29.99 for Razor Coast, but when it releases it will go up (the book is a monstrous tome). So get it now while it's hot...and cheap, if you want to.


Hi All!

Just dropping in to let everyone know that Sinister Adventures new dark sci-fi series Dark Horizons series is starting to move toward some finished products.

The Known Universe Gazetteer will be coming up before the year is out and Cold Black should be out not too long into next year.

Check out the Sneak Peeks blog for a few teasers.

We are also working on adapting these OGL Future adventures into something resembling a Pathfinder-compatible update of OGL Future. So how do you like dem apples?



Hi All!

Just dropping in to let you all know that Sinister Adventures will be adapting every single product we put out to be Pathfinder compatible. In November a Pathfinder Compatible Dark Vistas #1: Razor Coast will be available as well as Pathfinder Compatible versions of all our past and future Indulgences.

Get you some Pathfinder!

Also keep an eye out for a new line of products on Sinister focused purely on Pathfinder goodness - as well as a line of GM supplements good for all gaming madness.


Hi All!

The Sinister Adventures website is functioning again (people can log in and post in the forums). Also there are some updates about the Razor Coast schedule and some more announcements on the site.

Also, there will be a BUNCH of crazy-sexalicious announcements, blog posts, and all manner of teasers and fun next week. Stay tuned! Or have your soul eaten by demon-maggots.


Hey all!

I just did a really fun interview with the Animalcast guys, and it went live today. Listen as we rap about Sinister Adventures, werewolf rape, 4E, my man-crush on James Jacobs (and its tragic outcome), and Zen and the Art of Icy Death.

Scope it!

ANIMAL CAST EPISODE #60, Nick MFing Logue Episode!


Just saying.

Check out one of Razor Coast's deadly NPCs named Old Fish, a vicious old fisherman with a dark past who might end up backing your PCs' play or spitting them on dagger point in the dark.

He's got some sinister tricks up his sleeve, and your PCs can buy em for the right price.


So I finally put a new blog post in my Sinister Minds at Work blog. This blog post also has a sneaky peeky at Pele, Goddess of the Volcano in Dark Vistas #1: Razor Coast...Potentially not so safe for work, if you consider the goodness from Ye Olde 1st Edition Dieties and Demigods BAD BAD BAD! :-)

Check it out here: Sinister Minds


Find your inner ocean, or become the fiery fury of the volcano.


Sharks off the port bow!


This adventure is no good...obviously...Pett wrote it!!! ;-)


Fog ahead captain...shall we press on?


Sinister Adventures, LLC, an adventure publisher dedicated to delivering the very finest RPG modules is pleased to announce that their Second Wave of of INDULGENCES is now available for download at

Newly appointed as Paizo’s Organized Play Coordinator, Nicolas Logue is elated to offer his adventures and articles through their web store.

The Second Wave includes the following PDF adventures and supplements:

Mysteries of the Razor Sea
by Nicolas Logue
14 page PDF adventure and supplement

Unspeakable terrors and rancorous gods hold sway over the turbulent waves of the sea. The Razor Coast swallows ships and souls by the thousand, and terrible secrets the oceans keep haunt the dreams of every salty mariner who plies their waves. This PDF kicks off with The Tale of The Seabear, a 1st level adventure of survival horror aboard a mysterious ghost ship cursed by dark gods. The Tale of the Seabear is the perfect opener for any campaign of mystery, horror and adventure on the high seas, and a great way to ensorcel your PCs into the murky evil of Dark Vistas #1: Razor Coast. Besides, The Tale of the Seabear, this PDF also includes other mysteries of the Razor Sea, a series of encounters, adventure hooks and nasty surprises for any sea-faring campaign.

Still Waters
by Richard Pett
16 page PDF adventure

Blacksink Marsh has always had an ill reputation. The thorns that grow there are poisonous, beasts and changed things rove the waters, lurking in wait for foolish travelers, and the twisted descendants of an accursed tribe hunt beneath the dark canopy of black willow trees. Explorers tell of strange crumbling buildings suddenly happened upon at dusk and vanishing with the last red rays of the sun, and gators who walk on two legs and drown men from a far with a mere glance. Something has risen from the mire and walked clumsily onto the lands of men. This broken creature from a bygone age of slaughter, wants to praise its dead god the only way it knows how – by drowning the children of his enemies in a mournful temple sunk beneath the bog – a stinking wet hell of weed, silt and slime where hungry things crawl and the dead refuse to lay buried. Still Waters is a harrowing adventure into the mires of Blacksink marsh suitable for four to six 6th level PCs, and includes two new monsters.

Shrine of Frenzy
by Brendan Victorson and David Posener
14 page PDF adventure

A recent earthquake churned the waters and left them changed, the seas seem swelled with a frenzy not known in recent history. Strange rumors of a shrine risen from the depths of a forbidden cove put the Tulita tribes of the Razor on edge. Some say a sleeping god has woken and set its red gaze on the Razor once more. The sea whirls with serrated teeth and coarse fins, sharks circle by the thousand, as if something is calling these killers to the coastline. A time of great slaughter is at hand. Shrine of Frenzy is an aquatic dungeon crawl for four to six PCs of 7th level and features a new monster, the winning entry of the Create the Spawn of Dajobas contest.

The Warrior’s Way
by Nicolas Logue
7 page PDF supplement

The Tulita of the Razor Coast were born where the fire meets the sea, and they possess both in their hearts...the burning power of their mother Pele, and the ancient changeless wisdom of the Great Eternal Ocean. The warrior tradition of the Tulita is a mystery to most foreigners. They wield no steel, scorn the foul-smelling smoke of gunpowder, and many carry no weapons but their bare hands, simple scrimshaw knives or koa wood clubs, and yet the few foreigners who have witnessed a Tulita’s hamala’kal, or heart of fire, knows just what these proud warriors are capable of. The Warrior’s Way is evolved from a thousand years of warfare, self-cultivation, and quiet observance of the raw and unforgiving power of the Earth itself. Those trained in its mysteries are no longer men or women; they become a force of nature instead. This PDF supplement offers players and gamemasters alike a bevy of new combat options for their martial characters, including 12 new feats, alternate class features, new weapons, and a new basic attack option.

Visit Sinister Adventures today for more details about all the fine adventure products from Sinister.

Come listen to our official podcast for more news and details about Sinister Adventures at Dark Whispers.


I'm all confused. When will this be available? Thanks in advance for any help!


Sinister Adventures, LLC, an adventure publisher dedicated to delivering the very finest RPG modules is pleased to announce the release of its second wave of INDULGENCES now available for download at

Indulgences Wave 2

Get all four of this month’s Indulgences in one bargain bundle. Everything you need to kick off your Dark Vistas #1: Razor Coast campaign, or add bloody brine, the war arts of the Tulita, swampventure, and ghostly terror to any high seas campaign.

Mysteries of the Razor Sea
by Nicolas Logue
14 page PDF adventure and supplement

Unspeakable terrors and rancorous gods hold sway over the turbulent waves of the sea. The Razor Coast swallows ships and souls by the thousand, and terrible secrets the oceans keep haunt the dreams of every salty mariner who plies their waves. This PDF kicks off with The Tale of The Seabear, a 1st level adventure of survival horror aboard a mysterious ghost ship cursed by dark gods. The Tale of the Seabear is the perfect opener for any campaign of mystery, horror and adventure on the high seas, and a great way to ensorcel your PCs into the murky evil of Dark Vistas #1: Razor Coast. Besides, The Tale of the Seabear, this PDF also includes other mysteries of the Razor Sea, a series of encounters, adventure hooks and nasty surprises for any sea-faring campaign.

Still Waters
by Richard Pett
16 page PDF adventure

Blacksink Marsh has always had an ill reputation. The thorns that grow there are poisonous, beasts and changed things rove the waters, lurking in wait for foolish travelers, and the twisted descendants of an accursed tribe hunt beneath the dark canopy of black willow trees. Explorers tell of strange crumbling buildings suddenly happened upon at dusk and vanishing with the last red rays of the sun, and gators who walk on two legs and drown men from a far with a mere glance. Something has risen from the mire and walked clumsily onto the lands of men. This broken creature from a bygone age of slaughter, wants to praise its dead god the only way it knows how – by drowning the children of his enemies in a mournful temple sunk beneath the bog – a stinking wet hell of weed, silt and slime where hungry things crawl and the dead refuse to lay buried. Still Waters is a harrowing adventure into the mires of Blacksink marsh suitable for four to six 6th level PCs, and includes two new monsters.

Shrine of Frenzy
by Brendan Victorson and David Posener
14 page PDF adventure

A recent earthquake churned the waters and left them changed, the seas seem swelled with a frenzy not known in recent history. Strange rumors of a shrine risen from the depths of a forbidden cove put the Tulita tribes of the Razor on edge. Some say a sleeping god has woken and set its red gaze on the Razor once more. The sea whirls with serrated teeth and coarse fins, sharks circle by the thousand, as if something is calling these killers to the coastline. A time of great slaughter is at hand. Shrine of Frenzy is an aquatic dungeon crawl for four to six PCs of 7th level and features a new monster, the winning entry of the Create the Spawn of Dajobas contest.

The Warrior’s Way
by Nicolas Logue
7 page PDF supplement

The Tulita of the Razor Coast were born where the fire meets the sea, and they possess both in their hearts...the burning power of their mother Pele, and the ancient changeless wisdom of the Great Eternal Ocean. The warrior tradition of the Tulita is a mystery to most foreigners. They wield no steel, scorn the foul-smelling smoke of gunpowder, and many carry no weapons but their bare hands, simple scrimshaw knives or koa wood clubs, and yet the few foreigners who have witnessed a Tulita’s hamala’kal, or heart of fire, knows just what these proud warriors are capable of. The Warrior’s Way is evolved from a thousand years of warfare, self-cultivation, and quiet observance of the raw and unforgiving power of the Earth itself. Those trained in its mysteries are no longer men or women; they become a force of nature instead. This PDF supplement offers players and gamemasters alike a bevy of new combat options for their martial characters, including 12 new feats, alternate class features, new weapons, and a new basic attack option.

Visit Sinister Adventures today for more details about all the fine adventure products from Sinister.

Come listen to our official podcast for more news and details about Sinister Adventures at Dark Whispers.


Flee before his dread maw or face oblivion! FLEE!

Congratulations to David Posener, winner of the "Create the Spawn of Dajobas" contest!

Click the link above to view an illo of his winning entry, the dread Iku-Tursas, brought to life by Andrew Hou!

The Iku Tursas will be featured in the upcoming Indulgence from Sinister called "Shrine of Frenzy" a gritty adventure pitting PCs against the mad cult of the Shark God in an abandoned cove on the Razor Coast.


Sinister Adventures goes to the finest artist in the biz for the cover of Razor Coast.

Come check out the magnificence of WAR!


Sinister Adventures is pleased to announce two new DARK HORIZONS products available now for Preorder.

Dark Horizons #1: Cold Black
The Known Universe Gazetteer

Cold Black is a 60+ page mega-adventure set half in the cold reaches of space where a derelict hulk lost for an age returns from the distant void, and half on a frozen prison planet where an alien menace and escaped homicidal maniacs reign over an icy wasteland.

The Known Universe Gazetteer is an all new campaign setting for gritty space adventure with a dash of alien horror thrown in. In the Known Universe, the age of grandiose galactic empire is long past. The august civilizations of yester-century are sundered, their gloried technological achievements lost. Now spacers, pirates, and warlords fight over the ashes with a few systems burgeoning on interstellar conquest. The galaxy has gone to seed, and it is a time for brave heroes, or desperate scoundrels to claim the black as their own.

Come get you some Space Madness


I just finished out an amazing weekend at UBCON here in Buffalo, and I wanted to let everyone who is within driving range know that it is not to be missed next year. This little con is growing up and offering great great games and a slew of other madness to get caught up in.

I was fortunate enough to be one of their guests this year (along with Jess Hartley, of White Wolf fame, who really is too cool for words!) and the con staff is an amazing core of dedicated gamers who really know how to bring on the fun. I plan to be there every year with my new company Sinister Adventures, from here on out, running a slew of rpg events. Next year, I'll even bring a legion of GMs with me and offer all sorts of insanity (maybe even an Iron DM Buffalo!).

I highly recommend this convention to everyone who wants a weekend of gaming insanity! Under the astute eye of their Con Director Nikki Lewandowski and her wolverines, this sucker is only going to grow and grow.

Some history: I cut my teeth at UBCon when I was fifteen and I remember in my youth that this convention was HUGE. It drew hundreds of people every year and offered innumerable opportunities for fun. The con fell on some darker times several years back and barely limped along.

However, this new core of fierce and mighty SARPA (Strategists and Roleplayers Association) members are unstoppable. They are juggernauts. I literally saw UBCon rise from the ashes, reborn like a mighty Phoenix this weekend. Close to three hundred people in attendance this year, with TONS of events and activities, and with Steve Hoffman running the open gaming room for the ENTIRE duration of the con, offering all manner of evil amusements to the late night diehards. I wouldn't be surprised to see nearly a thousand people descend on the SUNY Buffalo campus for this next year. I know I'll be there and I'll be running D&D nonstop. Come check it out next year!

Thanks Nikki and EVERYONE for making my weekend wonderful!


For any of you near the Greater Buffalo area, my new company Sinister Adventures will be running some cool events at UBcon at SUNY Buffalo...come scope it! UBCON is where I cut my con teeth over a decade ago! Its a fantastic convention!


Hey All!

Wednesday nights are Sinister Adventures chat nights now on, at the same chat Pathfinder chat is held: Dmtools Chat

8pm Pacific time. Be there or be square!


Come get you some character sheet!

At Sinister Adventures!

You gotta log in to get it! So register if you haven't!


Check out our crazy Dark Challenges at Sinister. We are looking for some up and coming new designers with mad skillz to join our crew!


I am so pumped to have Kevin Yan doing art for Sinister. He's done some great work in Pathfinder too, and I snatched him up. Wildly talented. This guy has VISION!


Wolfgang Baur teaches us all a little something about drowning.


Greg Vaughan...nuff said.


Saber and cutlass! Rapier and dagger! Steel and Blood! You can get your swashbuckling Indulgence on Paizo now too!


Indulgence are now available for download here!

Check em out!

Dajobas, Devourer of Worlds
by Nicolas Logue

Blood Waters
by Greg Vaughan

Death Beneath the Waves
by Wolfgang Baur

Art of the Duel
by Craig Shackleton

Get you some sin.


Now you can get your Shark God at Paizo!!!


Come on over!


Announcing Sinister Adventures, LLC: A New RPG Adventure Publisher
Sinister Adventures, LLC, an adventure publisher dedicated to delivering the very finest RPG modules in multiple game systems is pleased to announce Dark Challenges, two new design contests offering new freelancers a chance to contribute to Sinister’s new Indulgences and Dark Vistas lines.
New York, NY, April 4th, 2008.

Sinister Adventures, LLC, an adventure publisher dedicated to delivering the very finest RPG modules in multiple game systems is pleased to announce Dark Challenges, two new design contests offering new freelancers a chance to contribute to Sinister’s new Indulgences and Dark Vistas lines.

The Dark Challenges offer competitors the chance to join the ranks of industry great authors such as Wolfgang Baur, Richards Pett, and Greg Vaughan as a freelancer for Sinister Adventures. Contributing either to the Indulgence PDF line or the Dark Vista flagship 130+ page mega-adventure, Razor Coast, by Nicolas Logue.

Visit today for more details.

Come listen to our official podcast for more news and details about Sinister Adventures at

About Nicolas Logue
Recently hired by Paizo Publishing as Organized Play Coordinator and director of the Pathfinder Society, Nick is well known for his work in Dungeon Magazine™ (Issue #150 "Quoth the Raven", Issue #135 "Chains of Blackmaw", Issue #133 "Chimes at Midnight", Issue #132 "The Library of Last Resort", Issue #131 "Campaign Workbook - The Journey: Dimension Doors", Issue #129 "Campaign Workbook - The Dungeon: Black Sheep", Issue#120 “Obsidian Eye” w/Brendan Victorson, Issue #117 “The Winding Way”, Issue #102 "Cry Wolf"); his work for Wizards of the Coast™ (Voyage of the Golden Dragon, City of Stormreach, Monster Manual V, Dragons of Eberron, Hell’s Heart); for Paizo Publishing (GameMastery Modules D1: Crown of the Kobold King, E1: Carnival of Tears, U2: Hangman’s Noose, Pathfinder#3: The Hook Mountain Massacre, Pathfinder #7: Edge of Anarchy, Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Monsters Revisited) and his Open Design project (Blood of the Gorgon) with Wolfgang Baur.


Is PRPG going to be Open License? I don't even know yet, urgh!

I really want to offer versions of all my Indulgences and Dark Vistas in Pathfinder when it's all sexified up and ready to go!



The You Decide polls over at Sinister will have direct impacts on the content! Sooooo!...if you like you some Shark God, or have tentacles on the brain, head over and break the tie!!!



SINISTER ADVENTURES = Not an April Fool's Joke...

That's right Lords and Ladies of Paizo.

I've launched my own publishing studio, nothing gigantic, but we're scrappy, and we don't disappoint. Come check us out. We've got adventures and articles by Greg A. Vaughan, Wolfgang Baur, Craig Shackleton and myself for sale right now here:


Pick up an adventure by Greg Vaughan for $3. That's also not an April Fools' Joke...I'm just an April Fool!

Get an article on adventuring under the sea by Wolfgang, or one on the dueling arts in D&D by Rambling Scribe, both for a $1.50.

Come snag a Core Beliefs style article on an all new deity - an ancient Shark God of slaughter newly re-risen from the deeps, for $2.

Or read a little bit amount the DARK VISTAS, the main event yet to come.

Or just drop by and check out the Game Designer Blog

Or listen to our official podcast DARK WHISPERS

Let the madness begin!




Now linkified:




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