
Nicolas Logue's page

Contributor. 3,418 posts (3,461 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

What are the odds that racial archetypes are added to the new book? I play only PFS and my thing is that I only use racial archetypes. Does anyone have an idea on it or should I save my breath?

So I am making a stonelord for the Rise of the Runelords PFS, and I was wondering what racial traits would be better for it? If I should take wyrmscourge or take Giant Hunter and other racial traits? Any help would be appreciated and any more advice for this build would be great!

Grand Lodge

The question is in the title. I am a battle Shigenjo and I weapon mastery in my claws along with feral training, yet I am afraid it will not increase much from 1d3+3 which I am doing now as a level two. I would get monk robes but that won't till be for much later due to how expensive it is. How do I fix this problem without switching to a different weapon?

Also note this is for PFS.

I want to make a Shigenjo that uses unarmed attacks as his main form of attacking and to be able to qualify for ki strike. Can I take the alternate trait for claws and use them instead of the unarmed attack? Or are claws not considered unarmed attacks

I was wondering if I could go over 20 when a spell asks for my oracle level and I have a skill that says I add 5 to my level when it asks for it.

How much do Undead enemies come up in PFS? I am making a Dhampir Kinslayer (don't worry I am trading for the boon) and I am worried that he will be too focused on undead to be useful. I mean, if undead show up every other adventure that wouldn't be too bad since that means I shine everyother module but I just want some advice from people who have played more than me.

And on a side note, any general advice for a Kinslayer in PFS?

1. Can I gain boons by playing at tables that occur at cons or anyway by playing or is it restricted to GMing?

2. I read that I can get the Dhampir boon by GMing certain society games? Is that true? And if so how do I do it?

3. Can I get boons by attending local events that are happening at my location but are not cons? For example my local society is having a big get-together that will be having "special" games for pathfinders to participate in.

Thank you to anyone who helps me answer these questions.

I have played one of my characters online so he received an online chronicle sheet. However, I do not like him and I have OCD about the number the character is and what class he is (it's weird don't ask). How can I delete him? Because the option to delete does not appear next to his name anymore.

So I have a quick question regarding Versatile performance. When I create a character, can I put two skill points into two Performs so I get the +3 class skill boost, and then when I get to level 2 can I add another perform and then use versatile performance for all three perform skills?

Hey guys. I was thinking of making my first real PFS character to be an Ancient Lore Keeper, due to the fact that I like skills and being a character that talks a ton. Does anyone know the best revelation for a Lore Keeper that focuses on the skill aspect of the racial archetype. My goal is to make the most optimal Lore Keeper. Can anyone help with spells? Right now I am thinking Time due to the rerolls and the general great revelations. Maybe wood to create an archer Mage? Please note this is a repost from the PFS page, because I was told this would be a better place.

Hey guys. I was thinking of making my first real PFS character to be an Ancient Lore Keeper, due to the fact that I like skills and being a character that talks a ton. Does anyone know the best revelation for a Lore Keeper that focuses on the skill aspect of the racial archetype. My goal is to make the most optimal Lore Keeper. Can anyone help with spells? Right now I am thinking Time due to the rerolls and the general great revelations. Maybe wood to create an archer Mage?

I am creating some characters for PFS and I wanted to know people's opinions on their favorite/the best racial archetype that can be used in PFS. Personally, I think I will be doing a Bonded Witch that uses dexterity as well as intelligence to support and hurt. But if anyone knows a good racial archetype for a first time player, it would be much appreciated.

Grand Lodge

I made a wanderer monk for my first character and played a pathfinder society campaign only to not like him. Can I redo his class, archetype, race, faction and everything else? Because I want to make a half-elf bonded witch with a different faction. The gm hasn't written a characters name on my chronicle sheet either.

Grand Lodge

I am trying to build a bonded witch that is a debuffer but also can do damage. He will be using his bonded weapon a lot.

Str - 14
Dex - 14
Con - 12
Int - 18 (16 + Racial Modifier)
Wis - 12
Cha - 7

I will be using a bonded spiked gauntlet so I can not be disarmed, using evil eye hex for my 1st level and I don't know what patron to do. Any help would be appreciated.

What is the best bonded weapon for a bonded witch? I was thinking a spiked gauntlet because it can not be disarmed but I am really new and wanted to know if anyone has advice for me. My character would be for PFS, if that matters at all.

I am really new to this so I do not know if asking this question is allowed, but does anyone know of a play by post that I could start to learn how to play pathfinders. I have the beginners box and my core rule book is coming soon, but I actually haven't played a real game with other players yet. It is mostly due to the fact that no one I know in real life will play the game. Can anyone help me?