Nicolas Logue's page
Contributor. 3,418 posts (3,461 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.
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Aloha Paizonians!
Hope you are all doing wonderfully!
I've been absent from the boards for waaaaay too long - my quest to achieve tenure ate my life!
Now that I'm a professor, I am beginning to branch out into new and interesting projects and this improvised action film I'm kickstarting is truly something unique.
Not to mention all proceeds go to a very good cause.
Have a look at our kickstarter - the project speaks to the young gamer's heart in all of us, and is making a young man's dreams come true.
Order of the Black Arrow
There are some pretty hilarious Pathfinder easter eggs in the movie as well.
Thanks you for checking it out!
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UrJac wrote: Just signed up for the course. I probably have no time available and this will end up being a huge mistake but I don't care and I'm really looking forward to it.
Luckily I'm not binge-watching anything right now....
Nick, I'm going to review the outline you provided and scan the thread for any other tips; trying to prep as much as possible, so hit us with any further suggestions.
No worries, UrJac. If you fall behind, the material will stay up for ages. I'll be contacting you all before the weekend with some tips for prep. :-)
To anyone else thinking of registering: TODAY IS THE LAST DAY. A few hours left to jump onboard this out-of-control freight train to adventure town. :-)
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Darran Caldemeyer wrote: I too have taken the plunge and signed up for this course. Your panels/ games last year and this year at PaizoCon were amazing and so intriguing Nic. I cannot wait for this to begin!! Excellent, Darran! Welcome to the party! I'm very excited about the community we are gathering to this course - should make for mind-blowing explorations of adventure!

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Here's an early look at our syllabus - this will definitely change a bit, with some Writing Prompts swapped out perhaps and what not, but it should give you all an idea of the arc of the course. :-)
An Online Course
Dates of Instruction: June 20th – July 7th (three weeks)
Days of “Meeting”: MTWRF (Weekends and Monday July 4th Off).
Recommended Daily Commitment: 3-5 hours each weekday.
Instructor: Nicolas Logue
Email: logue@hawaii.edu
This non-credit, personal enrichment, online course is a crash introduction to the wide and wild world of adventure design for the Pathfinder RPG. Mini creative writing prompts will be given daily – these will literally only require a few minutes of work each. One or two larger pieces of assigned design work shall be handed out weekly. Assignments will be posted and utilized in online development jam sessions in the third week of the course.
Each week, live chats will also facilitate the learning, and in the third week shall help the class focus on the creation of an exclusive PDF one-shot adventure of a handful of encounters to be designed and developed by the instructor with input and assistance from the students – this completed short adventure will be sent to all students as a memento from the class for their own personal use, and never be sold or shared publicly.
Students will interface with the course through Eliademy online course management software (https://eliademy.com/) where assignments will be posted and design jam sessions will take place in Discussions. Additionally, Blackboard will be utilized. Enrollees will be invited to Blackboard sessions for the live chat sessions listed below.
Smaller breakout symposiums and seminars will occur via Google hangouts each week. None of the above software requires any kind of fee on behalf of the student (the free version of Eliademy is all that will be required). You will need to have an email account and access to the internet that is fast enough to allow for video streaming.
The Discussion Topics are listed below. Details will be provided online for each posting. The Handouts, also listed below, will be available as PDF files that can be downloaded through the Eliademy site.
Learning Outcomes of this Course:
1. Construct and script strong and interesting PLOTS for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Adventures.
2. Develop compelling and atmospheric SETTINGS for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Adventures.
3. Conjure and color interesting VILLIANS and SUPPORTING NPCS for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Adventures.
4. Craft balanced, exciting and multi-faceted ENCOUNTERS that escalate in challenge to a capstone climax in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Adventures.
5. Exercise an understanding of the opportunities and methods of achieving PUBLICTION of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Adventures.
WEEK ONE (Plot/Setting/NPCs): June 20th – 24th
MONDAY June 20th
Introduction to Eliademy
1st Assignment – Self-Introduction and Personal Goals in Design Worksheet
(DUE Tues June 21st)
Posted Discussions
What is an “Adventure”?
Food for the Creative Mind
When/Where/How to Create
The Plot Thickens, Bubbles, Boils and Troubles
Suggested Viewing/Reading/Playing for Plots
#1 Plot Structure According to Aristotle and Others
#2 Nick’s Tricks for Hot Plots
Writing Prompts
#1 – High Adventure in Three Quick Sentences (DUE Tues June 21st)
#2 – Do the Fairy Tale Twist! (Due Wed June 22nd)
Welcome Live Chat – 2pm – 3pm Honolulu Time
Nick-at-Night Chat – 10pm – 11pm Honolulu Time
TUESDAY June 21st
Posted Discussions
Every Story is a Mystery
Rising Action – Complications and Pushing the Action Forward
Revelation and Information Flow
Non Linear Adventure Plots/Sandboxing Your Adventure
Best Chat Times for You All
Writing Prompts
#3 – Genre Mash-Up Theatre (Due Wed June 22nd)
Live Chat Jam Session PLOT: 3pm – 5pm Honolulu Time
Posted Discussions
Magnificent Vistas and Wild Frontiers
Atmosphere and Interactive Environments
So Many Dungeons…So Few Reasons For Their Existence
Designers as Writers/Producers/Directors/Casting Agents
Maps for the Incompetent Cartographer
#3 – On the Set with Nick Logue
Writing Prompts
#4 – Re-imagining Real Life Adventure Locales (DUE Thurs June 23rd)
#5 – When Worlds Collide (DUE Fri June 24th)
#6 – Nonsuch Palace: Dungeons Beyond Imagination (DUE Fri June 24th)
Live Chat Jam Session SETTING: TBD (Based on response to best times for chats)
Nick-at-Night Chat Session: 10pm – 11pm
THURSDAY June 23rd
Posted Discussions
The Seed of Evil
Villains we Love to Hate
I’m Evil. I Get It. But, What’s My Motivation?
Archetypes, Foils and Raconteurs
The Ties That Bind
#4 – Logue’s Gallery of NPC Design
Writing Prompts
#7 – He’s/She’s A Baaaaad Man/Woman (DUE Fri June 24th)
#8 – Twisted Origins (DUE Mon June 27th)
#9 – My Friend, the Villain (Due Mon June 27th)
#10 – Ten NPCS Tweaked Twisted Shaken and Stirred (Due Mon June 27th)
2nd Assignment – Dramatis Personae (500 – 1500 words, due Mon June 27th)
Live Chat Jam Session CAST OF NPCS – TBD
FRIDAY June 24th
Posted Discussions
Making a Plot, Setting, NPC Sandwich or Rolling It All Together
Bait the Hook For All Manner of PCs
Foreshadowing in Adventures
#5 – On the Hook: Feel-Good Encounters to Draw the Party In.
3rd Assignment – Adventure Background, Synopsis and Hooks
(1000 – 2000 words, DUE Tues June 28th)
Live Chat Jam Session: Week One Reporting Out TBD
Nick-at-Night Chat: 10pm – 11pm
WEEK TWO (Encounters): June 27th - July 1st
MONDAY June 27th
Posted Discussions
Mixing It Up: Types and Balance of Encounters
Pacing The Adventure
Let the Heroes be Heroes
Best Encounters of Your Gaming Life
#6 – An Encounter to Remember
Writing Prompts
#11 – Favorite Scene Re-Designed! (DUE Tues June 28th)
Live Chat Jam Session on Memorable Encounters – TBD
TUESDAY June 28th
Posted Discussions
Interactive Elements in Combat Encounters
Complicating Combat Encounters
Monsters Made New
Monsters and Minions Matched Mercilessly
#7 – Uncomplicated Complications and Interactive Environments
Writing Prompts
#12 – We Fight, But Also… (DUE Wed June 29th)
#13 – Monsters Have Bad Days Too (DUE Wed June 29th)
**Schedule Hangouts for Breakout Discussions on Week One Work**
Posted Discussions
Engaging PCs with Non-Combat Encounters
Choices and Consequences in Later Encounters
Mini Game Encounters
Writing Prompts
#14 – Dance for Me! (DUE Thurs June 30th)
#15 – Re-skin Non-Combat Scene (DUE Thurs June 30th)
4th Assignment – Combat Encounter (500 – 1500 words, DUE Tues July 5th)
5th Assignment – Non-Combat Encounter (500 – 1500 words, DUE Tues July 5th)
Live Chat Jam Session on Non-Combat Encounters and Mini Games – TBD
Nick-at-Night Chat: 10pm – 11pm
THURSDAY June 30th
Posted Discussion
Something for Everyone
Connecting the Dots
Misunderstanding and Misinformation
Points: Recognition, Reversal and No Return
Obligatory Scenes
Climaxing Hard
Epilogues and Cliffhanging
#8 – Plot Flow Chart Sample Worksheet
Writing Prompts
#16 – The Skeleton of Your Adventure (DUE Fri July 1st)
#17 – Bait and Switch (DUE Fri July 1st)
#18 – The Tide Turns (DUE Fri July 1st)
#19 – And They Lived Miserably Ever After (DUE Tues July 5th)
#20 – JUMP THE SHARK CLIMAX! (DUE Tues July 5th)
Live Chat Jam Session: Our Exclusive Game Jam #1 TBD
FRIDAY July 1st
Two Live Chats Scheduled Throughout Day
Google Hangouts Scheduled Throughout Day
WEEK THREE (Development/Publishing/Wrap-up): July 4th – July 8th
OFF…well except for one fun assignment
Writing Prompt
#21 – The Tree of Liberty (DUE Wed July 6th)
TUESDAY July 5th
Posted Discussions
Design and Development…Difference?
Eating Your Constructive Feedback
Networking and Freelancing in RPGs
Develop Student Adventure Background/Synopsis/Hooks #1
Develop Student Adventure Background/Synopsis/Hooks #2
Writing Prompt
#22 – Twisted Sisters
6th Assignment: Partnered Development Exercise (DUE Fri July 8th)
Live Chat Jam Session: Our Exclusive Adventure Jam #2 TBD
Nick-at-Night Live Chat: 10pm – 11pm
Posted Discussions
Playtesting? Nah…PLAYSTORMING!
Alpha/Beta Testing and Your Content
Develop Student Encounter #1
Develop Student Encounter #2
Breaking the Publishing Barrier
To Kickstart or Not to Kickstart
Freelancing and Networking
#9 – Nick’s Sample Kickstarter Plan
Writing Prompt
#23 – Encounter Hijack!
7th Assignment: Kickstarter Design (DUE Fri July 8th)
Live Chat Jam Session: Getting Published – TBD
Nick-at-Night Live Chat: 10pm – 11pm
Posted Discussions
Breaking the Publishing Barrier
To Kickstart or Not to Kickstart
Freelancing and Networking
Five Live Chats Scheduled Throughout the Day to Jam on Our Exclusive Adventure
FRIDAY July 8th
Posted Discussions Related to Our Exclusive Adventure
Five Live Chats Scheduled Throughout the Day
Writing Prompt
#24 – Reporting Out (DUE Monday July 11th)
CODE OF CONDUCT: Professional Etiquette shall be expected of all students at all times. Anyone engaging in hate speech of any kind, making personal attacks on other students or the like shall be expelled from the course with no refund. Please let’s all behave and make great games together!

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Brian Perlis wrote: Nick,
Do you have any favorite modules and adventures that you love because of their writing?
Any works that inspire you?
Oh yes! A fine question, Brian! To be honest I tend to go to other media for my inspiration often (and I'll have a lot of fun creative prompts for you all about this when we get underway), but there are a few designers whose work I truly adore.
It goes without saying that James Jacobs is my idol. I've been enamored of his works since long before I began designing, he's my mentor in every way. Here's a list of other game designers I adore in no particular order:
Tito Leati - A master of merging plot and action, and reaching for subtle and interesting ideas in his adventures.
Amber Scott - I had the deep pleasure of working on one book with Amber for Eberron ages ago, and have loved her stuff forever.
Keith Baker - He reaches the thematic level more successfully than any other designer I've read - except maybe Tito. There's a very good reason that Eberron was my favorite playground. I miss it so muchly.
Tim Hitchcock - A fellow madman...we walks, and writes on the edge of a knife. I love every word Tim has put his twisted mind towards.
Richard Pett - As much as it pains me to admit it, Pett is my most hated foe for good reason. He's a genius, and far more subtle and brilliant than me.
Greg Vaughan - I love him, because his style is the polar opposite of mine, yet every adventure he writes absolutely sings to me - that's mastery - the transcendence of style to pure goodness. I love Greg's adventures the way I love The Wire - I usually DESPISE realism, but The Wire is my all time favorite show. I usually am not a fan of old school, but Greg's old school captures me in a way the best of old school always did when I was young. It transports me back to being 10 years old and playing Isle of Dread, or White Plume Mountain. His best adventure still in my book is Tammeraut's Fate - get your hands on it.
Brandon Hodge - Bradon's one of the best. A master who knows his material inside and out and whose best work is unpublishable (the mark of any great designer).
Crystal Fraiser - I adore her style and her gift for weaving narrative with player action. Never not enjoyed something by her.
Erik Mona - He never ever gets the time, sadly, but The Whispering Cairn is a modern classic, that is one of those rare adventures that is not only incredibly fun to read, but even more fun to play.
Jason Bulmahn - Often swept up into rules (cause his brain is so potent), but every adventure of his I've read has blown my mind!
Michael Kortes - A lost master and a blast from the past. I remember coming up with The Kortes and loving every adventure he put his mind to. He was top of my short list for writers for the first Pathfinder Scenarios waaaaay back when I was charged with charting the course of Season 0 (in another life).
I'm actually boning up on some new comers as well in prep for this workshop. I'm very interested in Robert Brookes, his passion for the form is second to none, he loves designing games fiercely and it shows in his work. Looking forward to reading more of his stuff, and discovering some new masters who will no doubt leave my paltry efforts in the dust, especially as transition from creator to educator.
Hope that's a good start - dig in and enjoy their work! ;-)
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TomParker wrote: I'll second or third the desire for a focus on designing for publication.
I'm taking this out of idle curiosity and my love of storytelling and gaming. I started with the blue box in 1977 or so, played AD&D 1st edition and then sort of dropped out until eight years ago when I picked up some 3.5 and then Pathfinder.
My day job is in technology at a little shoe company here in Oregon. In my spare time I do some film-related stuff—I'm on the board of a documentary filmmaking non-profit, teach some editing classes, and run the Portland Motorcycle Film Festival. I've become enamored with the Pathfinder Adventure Paths because of the great story arcs and am really looking forward to getting some insight from Nick.
Good to know! Thanks for sharing everyone and nice to get to know you all a little better! I'll go ahead and start leaning the curricula more toward publishable adventures then. :-)
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The Raven Black wrote: Cannot attend. Hope this will happen again later on :-) No worries, The Raven Black - If people enjoy it, I'm sure we'll bring it back again!
Welcome aboard, Paizonians! :-)
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Terminalmancer wrote: Interesting! Do you know what the schedule of the "various meetings" might be? And do you know about how many hours a week we're looking at? The course will take place over three weeks with assignments, online chats and forum posts each week. No required online meetings, though I'll make myself available daily in chat sessions to field questions and offer feedback on assigned work.
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Aloha Everyone!
Hope ye denizens of the boards have been well in my absence - now with my semester winding to a close and thoughts of Paizocon dancing like sugarplums in my rotting, pus-filled head, I'm turning my dark musings towards my next evil endeavor...
A three week online course in Adventure Design and Development for the Pathfinder RPG.
All participants will receive an exclusive PDF adventure designed my myself...and you, as part of the process of the course.
Scope all this out at the link below:
Pathfinder Adventure Design Course
Hope to see many of you at the con this summer as well!
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Heh. I may need to fire up Flash now, thanks Darius. :-)
Sorry, Kajehase: I'm afraid my contract precisely stipulates - its Blessed, or no one.
While I'm a great fan of both Winstone and Oldman's bodies...of work, I mean...its all about casting. Only Brian Blessed could capture my...well...Logueness, as Sissyl put a finger on it earlier.
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Yes, Rutger Hauer would make a fine Pett!
I would only sign off on my life rights if they guaranteed Brian Blessed would play me. :-)
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Oh, don't take Rich's posting here to heart.
He typed that post while I was at work yesterday. He typed it in my house - on my laptop - squatted over my stove, where he made quite a mess resulting in my stovetop being too unsanitary for use for weeks. Then he dumped my laptop in the washing machine and set it for super cycle.
All of Pett's gifts are poisoned!
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TriOmegaZero wrote: Ask me about the time my party left the loggers to their fates when you see me at PaizoCon. ;) That's awesome! How it should go, really! :-)
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Wow! Thanks so much, Duane and TriOmegaZero! As a recent resurfacer, it truly warms the dead, rotting cockles of my heart to wake up to your kind words on this post-St. Paddy's morn!
Carnival of Tears remains one of my favorite modules, mostly thanks to Tim Hitchcock's amazing work on it. It holds a special place in my cold dark heart.
Sadly, Ebon Shroud never became a thing - my fault entirely.
Who knows? Now that I'm back in the game a bit, anything could happen, but for now, I'm just delighted to be freelancing for Paizo again and working on some other exciting RPG properties: if you like sci-fi and haven't heard of it yet - you should check out Fragged Empire - great sci-fi rpg coming out this year - I've done a lot of work on it.
See some of you at Paizocon, I hope. I'll be there this year! So excited! :-)
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I shall be in atten-daaaance!
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I'm so pleased this is coming out soon! James Jacobs very kindly let me go crazy on this one, and a-crazy-I-did-go!
Can't wait to see the magic Owen and the whole crew work to make it even more demented and delicious for you all!
Thanks everyone for the shout-outs too! I've missed making modules happen, and I've missed these lovely boards, and their many delightful denizens. Paizo and her fans are some of the finest creatures to grace this earth with their dice-prints!
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GeraintElberion wrote: This is great: the semi-sandbox environment, the rep rules, the gangs...
Good work Logue.
Thanks, GeraintElberion!
As always, the development of the adventure under the Mighty Paizonians made Lords of Rust the treat you enjoyed!
They are herculean in their powers of gaming and their understanding of what makes an adventure a good time for their fans!
I'm just honored to be allowed to contribute! :-)
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Sean K Reynolds wrote: The kickstarter for my PF-compatible book Goody White's Book of Folk Magic is now live!
Please take a look! And feel free to ask me questions about it here. :)
BACKED! Looking forward to this!
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Rathendar wrote: Nicolas Logue wrote: Coltaine wrote: Nick!!!! Hey Coltaine! I am ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! :-) Is it mean of me to want to flag your post just on the grounds that you made it?
Welcome back to AP land.
We expect evil things from you. Heh. Evil things you shall have! :-)
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Ha! Good stuff! I had a great time with my disgusting paladin for that one!
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Endzeitgeist wrote: Congrats to everyone involved! Thanks, Endzeitgeist! Hope you are well and wonderful, my good man!
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Just got my copy in the mail today - beauty of a book. Its a rare honor to be among such titans of fantasy roleplaying. My name looks out of place among such starred and storied personages, but I enjoyed working on this immensely!
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Absalom has so much great urban fantasy flavor. I'd love to do a mystery set there, something dark, creepy, and decidedly back-alley. I've got a few ideas for unspeakable horrors and mysteries-most-murky that could find sick little homes for themselves in Absalom.
Ah, man! kikai13! I LOVED Hangman's Noose. One of my own personal faves of my past mods. Its one of the only mods of my own that I've run a bunch of times. Ah, the good ole days!
I second Absalom adventures, even if I didn't get to write any of em. That city needs more intrigue and danger doled out from its streets and towers, and inflicted upon players everywhere, says I!
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I am ALWAYS up for banging out modules...and I LOVE Darkmoon Vale.
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HEH! Thanks everyone! It feels good to be back in the saddle!
A loud resounding thanks to James Jacobs for letting me contribute to Iron Gods!
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The news is out!
I must say, I enjoyed contributing to this impressive Path, and for those of you hoping - there is indeed MUCH Mad Maxianess in Lords of Rust.
I'd write more, but I've got dozens of mohawk-sporting bandit lords to cut down with me trusty laser sword.
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I am most pleased to be adding fat, worthless fallen paladins (much like myself!), and terrifying new demons (much like myself!) to this delicious product! :-)

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GeraintElberion wrote: Oceanshieldwolf wrote: Anyone want to GM a Razor Coast PbP? There's a bunch of folk interested but they have no GM... Here's the link
Interest Check for Razor Coast PbP
Also a few questions:
* What is Ebon Shroud?
* Has Call of the Frog God been published? Is it a separate adventure, an add on, part of an Indulgence or other RC book?
Call of the Frog God was a KS exclusive. We'll never get to see it.
When Nick was running Sinister Adventures they had a few products lined up to write/publish.
After Razor Coast there were 'The Anarchist Gamesmasters Cookbook' (something like that) and a gothic, higher-level sandbox/campaign/setting in the style of Razor Coast.
I have no idea if anything was written for those. Nick? Ebon Shroud exists only as several pieces of art I commissioned, and three notebooks full of madly scrawled chicken-scratch. And an errant email or three between Rich Prett, and myself.
Who knows - maybe someday, but no solid plans to do anything with it - other stuff on me plate right now.
AGC is also a "no plan" carcass. I have loads of notes for it as well, but no plan to bring it into the light anytime soon.
That said - LOADS of Nick Logue written stuff coming your way next year. Promise!
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Heh. Mark outted me. Back in the game!
Truth be told though, I'll be surprised if many of the filthy words I wrote for a certain Pit are fit for print. I think I might have gone a little...too...far.
I'll keep the original draft right alongside the original Hook Mountain...in the deep, dark occipital lobe of my hard drive, where no one should ever look.
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Pele be praised! Happy to hear the Razor is slicing its way far and wide! Hope your players enjoy offering themselves up to Dajobas!
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Dragnmoon wrote: So six communities and 4 authors...
Are there going to be 2 more authors announced later or are 1 or 2 of them doing more the one town?
I mighta done a few. Wes was kind to an old washed-up has-been.
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I'm pretty pumped about this book, and the Mythic Adventures in general. The Mythic stuff brings back the whole Immortal Boxed Set feel for me. That was REAL D&D for me when I was a kiddo. That's when it all got so weird and wonderful that my brain exploded into a space no hallucinogen could ever touch.
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Heh. Didn't even realize this had been announced yet. Falcon's Hollow!?!...that would have been a good idea...oh well too late now. Maybe next sourcebook.
James? Wes? Do you think that threw everybody off the scent? Wait...am I still typing in the post box instead of a PM? Oh well, no matter, just have to make sure I delete this paragraph before I hit the submit post bu
EDIT: Damn it!
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Coltaine wrote: brvheart wrote: hedgeknight wrote: In celebration...
Went out and got a 1.5 gallon and cracked it open at tonight's game to celebrate! Announced the new campaign for 2-3 weeks after it's release. We are going to double DM it. Funn, I have been GMing "Razor Coast" for 2 years! :) Can't wait to see what the actual finished product looks like and how far i have deviated from the setting, especially with some of the major NPCs. It would be HILARIOUS if your campaign was nearly EXACTLY like the book. :-)
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Wolfgang Baur wrote: How tremendously cool and original is this weird thing! It feels like an item gone missing from the famous Mud Sorcerer's Tomb module.
This is a fun item with two good uses, not overpowered, and huge props for style. Recommended as a designer to watch.
Strong keep.
Agreed! This feels like some cool swag that shoulda been in MST. Nicely done, Steve!
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Ravenmantle wrote: It boggles the mind to consider the journey that has been Razor Coast. A journey of troubled waters that has now ended with our arrival in the calm waters of Port Shaw. As someone who preordered the original offering and who followed the progress both on the Sinister Adventures forums and here on paizo.com, I'm absolutely thrilled to see this realized finally.
I can only imagine the burden that has been removed from Nick Logue's shoulders now and that thought is heartening. Nick, I hope the success of this Kickstarter sees your creative flame reignited and that we'll see your name on the covers of many adventures in the future. You're a good man and an amazing game design talent.
I raise my glass to toast to the success of this Kickstarter. To everyone from Frog God Games. To Lou. To Knick. And to all of my fellow gamers who helped make this finally happen. I cannot wait until Razor Coast stands on my 3PP shelf of gaming goodness and I can finally release the horrors of Dajobas upon my poor poor players.
Well said, Ravenmantle!
I'm writing a formal thank you letter for all you fine backers for the site, but it won't be up until tomorrow most likely (I am in rehearsal until late today - sneaking a post here and there, bad theatre teacher).
Quick word though: You all have brought me back to life. A year ago today, I planned on never putting fingers to keyboard again to create RPG content, and now after this humbling out-pouring of goodwill, support, kindness and enthusiasm, I feel the dark urge to design horrors that must be unleashed on your players once more.
There are not enough thanks in an ocean of thanks to express how grateful I am to you all!
More to come in an official format tomorrow.
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Dark Sasha wrote: *sings*
Wooden ships and weresharks, three times three.
Blood in the water, across the briny sea.
Love it!

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Alright Lords and Ladies...
Eh Hem...
Scratch That:
Alright Scurvy Dogs and Docksie Harlots,
I know I'm inviting disaster on meself, but here goes. A ferocious brainstorm off the port bow to concoct what crazed buried treasure might fulfill someone's gaming fantasy for the Captain's Parlay ($5000) Pledge Level of the Razor Coast Kickstarter.
With only a couple days to go, I'd love to see what feasible, and non-feasible, reward we could dream up.
I'll start off with some possibilities:
A video of a duel between Nicolas Logue and Richard Pett - the pledger decides the outcome and hangs with us "on set" during filming. They also get a stage combat workshop with me in single rapier (I be a Full Instructor with Dueling Arts International, I be!), and get to play in an exclusive game with Rich myself and some invited guests.
I fly to your neck of the woods and run a game (or a few) for your home group for an entire weekend - any game you like - any way you want it. I am the inventor of Iron DM (now Iron GM under Lou's steady hand) afterall, and ANY who have played in a game of mine will let you know how unique and entertaining they can be.
I help you write your next home campaign. A Nick Logue exclusive (in collaboration with you). I am your on-call brainstorm/creative design monkey/b#%+~pig for one week of skype chats and email back and forths as we mind-meld and create a campaign experience unlike ANYTHING your players have ever experienced/suffered before. I clear my plate to be on call for the whole week (no other commitments), and I also hang in for follow-up coaching sessions as the campaign develops, on call until the campaign finale for you to bounce ideas off of, and to help you trouble shoot.
I eat an entire boat (like that guy did the airplane in the guiness book of world records), and then I poop out the manuscript to the next Rikard Prett adventure.
CAVEAT EMPTOR: I have discussed NONE of ANY of the above with Blonde Frog or Frog God Games. I am just trying to get a discussion started here, and any and ALL wheeling-dealing would have to happen through official channels...
Though I'm pretty sure Bill and Rachel wouldn't mind if you picked the boat-eating-Prett-pooping option.
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I think Blonde Frog will be on early morn (her time) to post all sorts of answers and some new goodies! Update coming atcha soon!
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Bears on ships. Need more of that.
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After my first experience with HeroLab at Paizocon (in which I lost an entire afternoon to the bliss of rapid-fire and fun character generation), I gotta say - we need to hit that goal. Let's sail into the horizon!
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Lou - The Coast-Maker! Lord of the Impossible, Who Has Braved Pele's Curse and Earned Her Searing Favor! Tamer of the Shark God! Vanquisher of the Demon Below!
And ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY FROG GOD! Resurrector of Forgotten Fables, Mender of Broken Dreams, Seekers of Lost Treasures, and the Ultimate Adventure Conjurers - who have succeeded where so many others did not dare to tread!
Together they have braved the Razor! Let the spoils and glory be theirs!
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Ten thousand humble thanks to ALL ye fine backers who have brought the 10 year saga of Razor Coast to a close at long last (that's right, 10 years, many of you think you know the whole story of this book, but its saga is even LONGER!).
I'll have MUCH more to say tomorrow, believe you me. I got the news while I was out at colleague's poetry reading and went out on the town to celebrate in style - now I am exhausted.
Pele is appeased. Our piratical desires shall be sated on 350+pages of evil goodies.
Now - onward cutlass swinging, grog-addled backers - onward to the HEART OF THE RAZOR! Just a few pledges more and its ours for the taking!
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Neil Spicer wrote: Nicolas Logue wrote: What is Richard Pett's true name? I'm guessing it's...
** spoiler omitted **
...or, you know...
** spoiler omitted ** Damn it. Now I need TONS of plastic surgery to repair my exploded face.
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I've only run Star Wars D20 five times, but I've LOVED every session. Wanted to play in a session for AGES...but never got the chance. A buddy on the islands may change that soon!
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I thought I smelled some ninja behind that Pirate King! :-)
6 people marked this as a favorite.
Whoa! Holy Super Paizo Support! Thanks to all you mighty Paizonians, not just for this very kind assist on the blog, but for ALL the kindness you have shed upon me for the last ten years. I love you all!
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Thanks for coming to the hangout those who could make it! Sorry for drinking my own urine on camera. Can't be helped.