
Nickademus42's page

Organized Play Member. 447 posts (1,344 including aliases). 1 review. 3 lists. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and the glimmer of hope that things aren't set in stone yet. There may be a chance at a bright future yet. But it always gets darkest before the dawn, so they say.

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From the bits and pieces I've seen since joining the community, I've come to understand that there is going to be a long break after Core+CotCT before any major content is made. Also, I don't expect to see a lot of add-on decks as the gaming stores were complaining about PACG products being released too often. I imagine the production schedule is on hold right now and when it resumes, it will have far less releases.

I came into this recently and wondered if it was a dead game, but I'm not seeing that as the case yet. The devs are still active and Society content is being released on schedule.

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Brother Tyler wrote:
I went through the Community Use policy and packages again, so I'm fairly confident I haven't used anything inappropriately (which will only make it more embarrassing if anything is used inappropriately).

Forgive me for being new and not knowing exactly how this works, but I looked through the Community Use Policy and I saw some things that seemed to make projects like this a violation. I highly doubt this is so, especially when Paizo releases things like the card templates. Nevertheless, when I read the CU Policy, I saw this bit:

Community Use Policy wrote:
Don’t do anything that might hurt or damage Paizo... You agree to not use Paizo's trade dress—that is, you may not make your material look like ours.

It appears like making assets that look similar to the actual assets in the PACG is against the policy. So something such as the following wouldn't be allowed?

Brother Tyler wrote:
I've changed the swirl at the top of the sheet to brown, matching that used on the official sheets.

Yet we are given card templates so we can make cards look like the official cards. How do you tell where the line is in regards to 'Paizo's trade dress'?

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I sent an email, but I'm not sure if the covid things has the email service backlogged. I would like to cancel two of my pending orders as it is faster to buy the products at the store.

Orders 3608360 and 3936565

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Nah, give him the Catch Off-Guard feat. Then he can not only use the limbs, but get some flat-footed attacks as well.

Besides, with the feat description of:

"Unarmed opponents are flatfooted against any attacks you make with an improvised melee weapon."

... you will be able to hand out the 'unarmed' puns.

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A helmet with a sheet of lead in it should shield you from all mental detections without the need for magic.

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Chris Mortika wrote:

Practices I use as a classroom teacher carry over into Pathfinder Society play.

I have found that having the Venture Captain stop in the middle of his briefing and then spell out the name of the person or place he just mentioned, has been enough of a hint.


I love subtlety.

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John W Johnson wrote:
Callarek wrote:
John W Johnson wrote:
Nickademus42 wrote:
Mists of Mwangi** spoiler omitted **
My normal location ran 2 tables of it tonight, the "larger" table had 2 level 6s (including my Gunslinger) and a level 5...we were done in under 2 hours, I think a record for my location.
Isn't that a Tier 1-5 scenario? Having any Level 6 PCs in it is sort of overpowering it, even at subtier 4-5, then...
I didn't set the table up, I just killed everything.

Spoken like a true Pathfinder.

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For those of you who are arguing for Getting Found and think that this thread has sucked the life out of concept, I want to assure it has done some good. I changed the way I play some of my characters after reading the original post. I've also started to identify other players in my group that are hindering people's fun by not being found. It was eye-opening. I'll pass on the wisdom to those that'll listen.

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Callarek wrote:
Painlord wrote:
EDIT: p.s. Matthew Morris has it right.
Let's just say that, from your point of view, he is correct. From other points of view, not so much.

No, I think Painlord would be the best authority on whether Matthew Morris understands what Painlord was trying to say. You would be hard-pressed to get me to believe that someone else's point of view has more weight to determine Painlord's meaning than Painlord's.

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My vote is for We Be Goblins, but I understand if it has to be removed from the sanctioned modules and treated differently (perhaps like a novel/holiday chronicle the first time you play it). It doesn't really fit in with the other modules anyway.

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I'm going out on a limb here, but from what I've seen from M&M, a masterwork tool is:

1. a generic item that has no other description
2. grants a +2 circumstance bonus when used and has no other game mechanic based on appearance
3. must be activated as part of the skill check action and thus is 'not an action'
4. must be retrieved to be used just as thieves tools or a healer's kit, unlike how spell components are used in spellcasting.
5. cannot be used for an immediate or reflexive action as they don't allow the time to retrieve the item.
6. must be retrieve each time the skill is used (don't really agree with this, but it's assumed you put them away after each use).

Not very realistic, but simple for easy mechanics. I've heard tell that more specific items and mechanics will be in the Ultimate Equipment book.

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In absolutely every case that I've seen on these forums where something other than a dairy product was called cheese, the word has been synonymous with "use of strategy". Some people my disagree with it meaning this, but nevertheless that is how I've seen it used. I've started to read 'cheese' as 'good job on finding a good tactical use of resources'.

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Matthew Morris wrote:
Ok, off to heal some Paladins! ;-)

You're my hero. :D

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Humans of Golarion page 23 wrote:
Thus, if a half-orc is closer to his orc heritage, he can choose to take the feats and traits listed in Pathfinder Player Companion: Orcs of Golarion. Alternatively, if he identifies more strongly with his human heritage, he can choose the human feats and traits from this book or from other sources.

Obviously the half-breeds aren't just black and white. Paizo expects you to have access to your blood.

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Chalk - I love leaving editorials in dungeons.

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As an outsider, I'm happy to see that there is a process for this that works so well. I would expect more red tape and reluctance on the part of the larger company. Paizo's (and Liz and Lisa's) attitude are quite refreshing.

I might head down this path myself in the future...

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Is she a rogue? Never trust the rogue.

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I see a recurring theme of people on these boards calling any intelligent use of strategy as 'cheese' or 'cheap'. This really rubs me as I see no problem with actively looking to shore up your weaknesses, work together as a team, or having the means to helping someone else out with their primary abilities.

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Nimon wrote:
Most important thing to read on 402is that GM are the law of the game, pg 402 for those of you that want to go by the book when it comes to rulings against you, then throw the book out when it doesnt suit you.

One thing I'd like to point out, and I'm sure Nimon already knows but is neglecting to apply. In Society play the GM is not the law of the game, the Society guidelines are. A GM does not have the authority to subtract or change any of the rules that exist in the core assumption, only make judgement calls when something comes up outside the rule set.

While there are no rules about what circumstances mounts of various sizes can navigate, there is a rule called Play, Play, Play! It is the theme of this rule (and I believe the responsibility of the GM) to make sure the players all have fun. If making a ruling against a player inhibits their fun, was it really worth it for an added sense of reality? Is a medium sized mount's mobility such a crucial part of the game system that a player such receive enough conflict to come post here about it? If a player walks away from the table because of the GM's attitude, then the GM has broken the first rule of Society play.

Now if you feel that cavaliers are over powered and that their mounted combat doesn't belong in dungeons, feel free to bring that up with Paizo. But since they deemed the cavalier balanced and didn't see the need to specifically state the mobility of mounts, I don't think one's going to break your table.

This is a fantasy game with magic and divinity and epic heroes that battle against the powers of ev... well the Aspis Consortium actually. But still, I don't see the need for a GM and player to ever be arguing over such a minute part of the game, especially when Society games typically have a limited amount of time to finish.