
Nickademus42's page

Organized Play Member. 447 posts (1,344 including aliases). 1 review. 3 lists. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.

Augmented Core

The base principle of the Core Set is to offer a set of cards that cover most of the generic boons and bane so that any Adventure Path can be added to it and not have to duplicate and reprint the generics, instead focusing on card more unique to the story of the AP. This is a great idea, in theory, but the reality of printing costs and card count prevented the Core from having all the desired standards and enough extra cards to host the plotline of the adventure The Dragon’s Demand.

Therefore, many of the cards in the first Adventure Path: Curse of the Crimson Throne would seem to fit this concept of a generic card that could be used in any AP. As such, I present to those making their own custom Adventure Paths to idea of a Core Set augmented by some of the cards of Curse, without including the entire AP and all the boons and banes that are flavored specifically for that story.

I hereby encourage new content makers to consider this Augmented Core as a base for their Adventure Paths. It will create the need for the players to own a copy of Curse of the Crimson Throne in addition to the Core Set, but it is highly likely that a group will purchase the first expansion with or after playing Dragon’s Demand.

What follows is a list of cards from the Curse AP that should be placed in the vault with the Core cards of the same level when building the vault for various adventures.


Level 0:

Spider Nest

Support Cards

Level 1 Scourges:


Level 0 Boons and Banes

Level 0 Boons:


Acid Burst
False Life
Frozen Touch
Infernal Healing

Quilted Cloth Armor
Studded Leather Armor

Holy Symbol
Holy Water
Magnifying Glass
Spiked Gauntlet


Level 0 Banes:

Story Banes:
Monstrous Spider
Jigsaw Shark

Dire Rat
Guard Dog

Cutpurse Gang

Level 1 Boons and Banes
Level 1 Boons:

Cold Iron Greatsword
Elven Curved Blade
Flaming Shortbow

Frost Ray
Remove Disease

Magic Chain Mail

Helpful Haversack

Gentleman Explorer

Level 1 Banes:

Story Banes:

Hell Hound
Spider Swarm

Concealed Hatch
Tangle of Debris
Flank Attack

Level 2 Boons and Banes
Level 2 Boons:

Disable Mechanism
Vampiric Touch

Mithral Chain Shirt
Magic Mithral Chain Mail

Ring of Evasion

Level 2 Banes:

Smoke Slayer
Dire Crocodile
Vampire Spawn
Infantry Devil
Orc Rager

Symbol of Agony
Treacherous Tunnels
Foes on all Sides

Level 3 Boons and Banes
Level 3 Boons:

Chain Lightning
Divine Fortune
Ice Strike
Magical Mansion

Level 3 Banes:

Story Banes:

Inquisitor Devil

Symbol of Fear

Level 4 Boons and Banes
Level 4 Boons:

Acid Rain
Death’s Touch

Belt of Physical Might
Fireball Beads

Level 4 Banes:

Bloodbug Swarm
Emperor Scorpion

Level 5 Boons and Banes
Level 5 Boons:

Breath of Life

Broach of Protection
Headband of Mental Superiority

Level 5 Banes:

Sentinel Devil
Skeletal Minotaur

Cursed Statue

Level 6 Boons and Banes
Level 6 Boons:

Meteor Swarm

Ring of Energy Resistance
Staff of Greater Healing

Level 6 Banes:

Ancient Black Dragon
Toad Demon
Warlord Devil

Varisian Adventures
For those making an Adventure Path set in the nation of Varisia that wish to include the flavor of the fortune-telling cards known as the Harrow Deck, feel free to also include the following set.

Harrow Cards:

Level 1 Blessings
All of the Harrow blessings

Level 1 Spells
Minor Harrowing

Level 3 Spell

Level 5 Spell
Major Harrowing

Level 1 Item
Harrow Deck

Level 6 Item
The Lost Harrows

Level 0 Allies
Card Caster


I put pen to parchment to write this, the foreword to what will become my life’s work and gift to the world. As the years go by, I come to appreciate more the value of writing and those that spend their precious moments with quill in hand. For a labor of love is never a waste of time.

My name is Captain Roland Arthur, though a war wound left me not much of a captain. They say those that can’t do, teach. I’m not much of a teacher either. Reminds me too much of my childhood and time spent avoiding learning at all cost. But there is one thing I can still do: tell a good story.

They also say to write what you know about, but a book on military drills and hiking through endless swamp isn’t all that appealing to most. No, my stories simply aren’t worth the telling. Thus I seek out the stories of others, so that all may enjoy the triumphs and failures of those in this world that aren’t afraid to risk all in the name of something they believe in.

While it is true there are the occasional heroics and close calls of the brave and foolish soldiers, the stories of my fellow military men and women pale in comparison to those of another. A type of person compelled so strongly by greed or glory or righteousness that they will throw themselves into the worst of situations without the backup of any troops or army. A group that thrives on the adventure of new places and new challenges, all in the name of a reward, whether it be gold, fame, the salvation of the innocent, the will of a deity, or whatever reward drives them to risk life and limb. I speak of the adventurer, the mercenary, the sellsword.

These brave men and women work independent of any nation or military, offering their services to anyone with a reward to offer, fighting against the tide of chaos that would grip a lawless land, working to clean up the messes of the wicked, and perhaps causing a few of their own.

It is these individuals that seek out the greatest aspects of our world, from grand sites to monumental events. It is their stories that I strive to bring to you, so that you may experience the victory and sorrow, the excitement and majesty, everything this world has to offer. It is their stories that I tell, written in my chronicles for the enjoyment of all.

Relive the great deeds perform by these freelance adventurers in…
The Sellsword Chronicles

The Sellsword Chronicles is a set of games that will be ran for the PACG, featuring a healthy amount of homebrew material and mechanics, as well as a universal character and reward system. Games will be offered both as live games online utilizing TTS and as forum Play-by-Post games for those with less cooperative of schedules.

Look to the Flaxseed On Deck Adventure Card Guild Lodge for more information about using TTS or the forums to play PACG, and check out the PACG Community discord server to find the listings for games outside of Organized Play such as these Chronicles.

Welcome. Feel free to use this thread to discuss party composition, loot preferences, and tactics.

A playtest of a new repeatable scenario designed for any level, with an emphasis on end-game play.

Section 1 of the CUP contains "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game books." Many of the rulebooks for (1E) Pathfinder contain the phrase "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" in their titles on the Paizo webstore. I don't know if they are still referred to as being in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game product line or not.

My question is whether the entry in Section 1 of the CUP is referring to all PF books for the RPG, of all product lines, or just the PF books that have "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" in the title?

A month ago I ordered something (Order 36265295). It shipped a few days later and stopped on Nov 17th in Kansas City. Tracking says 'Package enroute to USPS for induction'. It has not moved since then. What can I do to jump start the process so it continues to me?

Starting a PbP game of Curse of the Crimson Throne for PACS Organized Play. Two spots are still available at this time. Message me with your ACG name and any characters you wish to play (or whether you are open to playing whatever is needed).

Welcome. Feel free to use this thread to discuss party composition, loot preferences, and tactics.

We currently have a fighter and sorcerer.

This Pathfinder Adventure Card Society game will be playing through the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path. It is recommended that you use the Paizo Campaign Tools (PCT) offered in the Online Campaign General Discussion sticky.

Solo play through Dragon's Demand first scenario or two.

Seoni (Arcane, Occult, Support)
Merisiel (Finesse, Support, Alchemy)

This game is solely for me to test the format of a pbp PACG game.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I sent an email, but I'm not sure if the covid things has the email service backlogged. I would like to cancel two of my pending orders as it is faster to buy the products at the store.

Orders 3608360 and 3936565

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Upon looking through these spells, UA 1 to 3 looks fine. But UA 4 doesn't seem to fit in. It only modifies Tiny and Large forms and throws the numbers out of whack. According to current RAW (I couldn't find any errata), here is the bonuses for each form size.

Dimin: +6 Dex, -4 Str, +4 natural AC
Tiny: +8 Dex, -2 Str, +3 natural AC
Small: +2 Dex, +1 natural AC
Med: +2 Str, +2 natural AC
Large: +6 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, +6 natural AC
Huge: +6 Str, -4 Dex, +6 natural AC

According to this, a huge and large undead have the same Str and armor, yet a large has the only Con buff. A diminutive undead has more armor than a medium and less Dex than a tiny...

So what are the changes in Undead Anatomy IV supposed to be?

Spider Climb spell wrote:
...The affected creature must have its hands free to climb in this manner.

This is a bit too general. I ran into a situation in a game the other day where some more description was needed.

1. Does the creature use both hands when climbing as the spell would seem to indicate?

2. Must the creature keep both hands on the wall/ceiling when not climbing but still stuck to it? If not, must the creature keep at least one hands on it?

3. Are the creature's feet affected by the spell? If yes, can the creature stand up upside-down on the ceiling?

4. Does the spell create a form of adhesive on the hands that would interfere with other actions?

As a new GM, I'm considering getting some of the older scenarios to fill in the tables. My only concern is that I see some of them have been retired. I'd hate to get a scenario and spend the time preparing it (I use a lot of visual aids for myself and the players) only to have it be made unusable the next week.

So my questions are:
1. Why does a scenario get retired?
2. Is there any warning that I scenario will be retired?

So I see people with titles next to their names for subscriptions, publishers, contributors, awards, Paizo-slaves, etc...

I was wondering what I had to do (who I had to bribe) to get Rules Lawyer to appear next to my name. :D

I've looked through all the books that I own, which is more than a few, yet a bit less than exists. I'm looking for a piece of gear that lets me store and draw potions, scrolls and wands from my belt, sash or bandoleer as a move or swift action. The iconic alchemist has potions all over him, so I know the idea is out there.

Which book would I find it in (preferably a Society-legal source)?

I had a few technical questions about how catching on fire interacts with fire resistance. Let's see if I can keep away from any rabbit holes...

If a character takes fire damage (that can result in catching on fire) but his/her fire resistance negates all the damage, can the character still catch on fire?

If so, the resist energy spell states that it protects the character's equipment, but he/she "could still suffer unfortunate effects". Does this mean that fire is actively dancing on the character's equipment and body but not burning it?

If so, does being on fire grant bonus damage in a grapple or against natural attacks? :D