Son of Perdition

Nestor's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 42 posts (244 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


ok did not catch that, ill re-work this

Ok guys recruitment is closed.

I appreciate all who applied.

I will be running other scenario's in the future.

Here are the players:

Hawkwren Agricola
Kargen Hapspring
Zacarias Omoroi
Janiya اللبن والعسل Sandborn

here is the Gameplay thread

here is the discussion thread

I posted a sample battle map, and some notes on posting frequency in the discussion page please make sure that you can open the battle map, if not send me a pm so i can work something else out.

I will use your avatar pictures as tokens, if you want to use a different one send it to me please.

Do we not have about five people willing to sign up now?

Virnal Markov wrote:
Sooo I'm going to be a noob and ask how exactly you get a society number :P. I read through the FAQ and I am still unsure on what I'm missing out on :P

Ok follow this link

also, characters must be legal for Society play, guidelines can be found here HERE

Characters have not been selected yet

submit legal PFS character, with background

I will announce the party members probably monday and we will start play Tuesday or Wed

Male Human

This is the discussion thread.


Here it is...

Please Make sure you post your society numbers on your profile.

I have been reading over crunch blocks, here is an example of a good easy to read one:

His is set up just like mine:

The main reason I like it is that I can see exactly where AC, attack, save, bonuses come from.

I am opening up a discussion thread for this campaign where I will list some basic guidelines.

This is my 1st PbP game and I will also monkey around with how to do post some maps

Here is the character I would like to submit:


Half-Orc Barbarian

Background to follow

I am interested in this.

I think tat a month is two short but I will go with the flow.

This was touched on in previous posts, when a new GM takes the yoke I think the old GM should have th option of rolling a new character. Or use his old one.

If the party is to big perhaps we could split it?

Just a thought

The event is posted with Paizo.

Judging from the submissions, it will be tier 1-2.

Character submissions with detailed backgrounds will be given preference.

I will post the player list on Wednesday November 7th. Sometime in the evening.

I hope to start the campaign on the 8th.

Here is paragraph on Xander's motivations.

Mental State and modivations:
Xander is a natural Summoner, he was born with a link to an evil Outsider (Handsome Jim). His exposure to the outsider and the physical/emotional abuse and mental stress he lived under from such a young age turned him into a high functioning sociopath. Xander is codependent on Jim and has developed an appetite for the blood games they play. Xander is intelligent, calculating, and very goal oriented. He is also ruthless and without empathy for others. He understands the moralities of society but does not feel compelled to follow them in the least.

remember this is a Society Game, legal characters with a Society number only will be accepted!!

Yep they added Aasimar, Tengu, and Tiefling to the mix. I picked up the Advanced Race guide just now

cool beans

D-Kal wrote:

You can't play a goblin without a special boon given to you at an event. Since you weren't aware of that, it seems obvious that you have no such boon. Thus, you can't play a goblin.

Have you considered Tengu? I think they would offer a very good non-traditional ninja option for you.

@Luccinus - I see now. Thanks for updating. And nice AC.

Tengu are playable now? I need to look Guide again, lol

I want to Submit My Summoner:
Xander Hemis

and of course his not so nice Eidolon:
Handsome Jim

The above are links to the following:
Character sheet for Xander
Character sheet for Jim
Character background

all in PDF form

I am happy to submit character sheets in any other format you wish

Thanks for the consideration

If you have not already posted character sheets, or stat info please do so.


Doc, I sent you:

character sheet
Hero Lab .POR file
character token and Background via Private Message

thanks for your consideration

I have a lvl 3 fighter - trip/disarm build with a shield

I will send info tonight


Character creation rules can be found in the PFS guide here:

Players Guide.
please submit as many characters as you wish, but you can only play 1

I am the 1st to admit that I may not fully understand what I am doing here.

I am trying to set up a RSS feed for this thread:

When I add the rss feeds url to Google reader, or my rss feed reader in MS mail it does not give any posts.
here is the rss feed url: zs2p3y9&xml=atom

As an experiment I set up an rss feed for the recruitment section of the online campaign's, located here:

it worked both in google reader, and in MS mail

here is the RSS url: l=atom

What am i doing wrong? I cannot get it to work on any individual threads.


There are several ways this could play out for you.

If we play Tier 1-2 then you can use your lvl 1 character.
If we play Tier 3-4, or 6-7 then you can use a pre-generated character, then when your lvl 1 character reaches the correct lvl you can apply the chronicle sheet.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Society has sent a group of Pathfinders to to the secluded town of Railford to establish a new lodge. The lodge master's words echo in your head as you travel the disused roads and paths.

“This mission is easy,” he said, “All you need to do is travel
to Railford, find the son of Iodon Railford and convince him
to let the Pathfinders use part of his distillery as a lodge. We
have finances, we can protect him, and if nothing else, we can
help him honor the work of his father, who after all, was one
of us.”

This will be my 1st attempt at a PBP game so bear with me.


- PFS legal character
- Society number
- If seclect to play I will need all chronicle sheets for your character.
- ability to post 2 times or more a day (i will not be a nazi about this)

Recruitment will stay open until Nov 7th, at that point I will pick the party.

Tier of play will be determined by applicants, feel free to submit multiple characters (you can only play one though). Tier's are 1-2, 3-4, 6-7.

Party size will be no more than 6.

I will be using maps with coordinates for battles.

We will have a short discussion about game protocol and ground rules when the players are picked

thanks, looking forward to the game!!
I will set the event up with Pazio before the weekend.

I would be very interested in a Pathfinder VT. Here are some features that I would like and also my 2 cents on how pricing should work.

1.) Option to make rules PFS legal, RAW, or home-brew

2.) Ability to import home-made maps and tokens.

3.) Ability to key custom NPCs

4.) PC url importer, so character creators/managers like Hero Labs, and PC Gen can be used. Herolabs and PC-Gen are very good at creating export functions for other VT's and should do it for Paizo as well.

5.) Some sort of Roll (Attack/Damage/Skill/CBM/CMD/AC/saves) check/explanation where rolls could be quickly verified by GM or players.
[i.e. D20(13)+BAB(3)+Weapon Focus(1)+Str(3)+Magic Weapon(+1)= 21]
This will speed play and it also helps new/old players learn the game.

6.) Allow parser tools, either paizo created or community created to help import/key npcs and modules

7.) Players should be able to log into the VT and create/update characters in between game sessions.

My 2 cents on Pricing:
1.) I think it is important that Paizo make money on the VT.

2.) I think players should not be charged.

3.) I think GM's should pay for a monthly/quarterly/yearly GM license. I would say about $50 per year. This should include some basic maps and tokens.

4.) Pathfinder Society Scenarios, adventure paths, and other modules purchased should be available (when available) for GM's to use on the VT. I doubt they will all be available at the VT's launch. But the community can actually key these for Paizo, just give them credit towards a similar size product, or extend VT license. (It takes me about 3-4 hours to enter a PFS module into FGII, I would expect it to be about the same for Paizo's VT)

5.) An a la carte system where you can buy maps/tokens should be available.

6.) I think a system where purchased content can be used/viewed by anyone present at the VT should be enacted. i.e. If Joe is playing in Bill's campaign and Joe has a map he legally purchased, as long as Joe is present at the VT the map should be available for everyone to use during that session.

Goblin Squad Member

I am holding out hope for mechanics like trip and disarm. With the 6 second "rounds" or cycles this seems to be more of a possibility.

Fighters with improved trip and disarm feats are lots of fun to play.

Goblin Squad Member

I think trail rations and water should be a requirement.

WOW did not go far enough with the cooking profession, but temporary buffs would be good in my opinion.

Goblin Squad Member

I am willing to guess that when you chose an archetype at character creation it will give you a set amount of skills in various areas right off the bat. Then you will be free to branch out into what ever area you desire.

for example, if you choose a rogue:

you start with a character with some better than average stealth capabilities with higher than average damage but sub-par defensive skills that lend themselves to dodging and mobility.

for example, if you choose a fighter:

you start with a character with less than average damage abilities, better than average defense and armor skills, and low stealth capabilities.

and so on

I have used Fantasy Grounds II, and recommend it.

Goblin Squad Member

Am I missing something? I thought that when no state of war is declared and a member of player group 1 attacks a member of player group 2 in a NPC controlled area. I thought the instigator would be labeled a criminal, and then be subject to an L.A. Style beat down at he hands of the local NPC guards.

That would keep griefing to a minimum in NPC controlled areas.

In Eve you learn quickly to take precautions. Activities in low and null sec do indeed continue, you just need to learn to be careful.

factions will be born out of necessity. Resources and territory will be worth fighting over. Join or start a clan, guild or whatever they will be called. When someone griefs one of your members, group up and make them pay. There is no such thing as a fair fight.

Goblin Squad Member

Mbando wrote:


you haven't offered any reasons for why you are proposing this--I presume this is not an utterly arbitrary list. You might want to link your proposal to warranted outcomes it would help us make sense of, well, your 2 cents.

My main reason is that I think such a system would make Pvp more risky, and make Pvp battles more desivisive. Also in my mind it just seems to flow better.

Goblin Squad Member

I think I read where there will be as many as 3 NPC settlements when the game launches. I also read somewhere that the buy/sell orders will be linked. I am not sure if this will extend to player owned settlements or not. I think that if handled in the correct way it could be done in an immerse way that does not force the suspension of belief.

my ideas on linking trade hubs in a iron age/magic culture. a tier system should be set up, unlocked by skills

- player to player transaction - (no link/update, no tax, no broker fee, inventory on hand)
just one player buying an item from another, anyone can do it w/o skill restriction.

- trading post - (daily link/update, minimal tax, minimal broker fees, able to order )
player or npc small trading post, they get market updates from a major trade hub daily via courier. items posted for sale will be linked when trade hub is updated (when the courier makes it to a linked hub) taxes will go to who controls the region, brokers fees to pay for the trading post upkeep, both are minimal. accessible with minimal skill investment.

- Market - (twice daily link/update, moderate tax, moderate brokers fee)
market link is updated twice a day, via messenger bird. Taxes are higher, as are brokers fees. takes a moderate skill investment

- high traffic market - (hourly link/updates, high taxes, high brokers fees)
Updates are made via magic remote viewing spells every hour. I think that the NPC trade hubs should be set here. High taxes, and high fees to pay for casters/ spell components. very high skill investment

- Trade hub - (continuous link/updates, large upkeep costs and maintenance fees)
Large, wealthy player settlements will eventually get these. highest lvl skill investment

Distance will be the great equalizer with a system like this, delivery will become a profession all to itself.

Goblin Squad Member

I have been reading the blog and I want to voice my opinion.

I think that the death mechanic should more closely resemble the tabletop game, with some modifications.

1.) when you die, you become an incorporeal spirit who can communicate with other PC and NPC but not physically interact.

2.) you can choose to re-incarnate to become another playable race, with a skill penalty.

3.) a player or npc can resurrect you. (all sorts of mechanics can be employed for this, your spirit can contract someone to retrieve your body and gear, or perhaps you leave some hair, or other part of yourself with a local temple that specializes in resurrecting dead adventures)

4.) i think gear should remain with your body and be loot-able, but a decent chance it is broken.

I am looking forward to this game and I do want it to be as imersive as possible.


I play on line using Fantasy Grounds II, while there are some mechanics for dice rolls and effects, the checking of the legality of character sheets has to be done by hand.

I usually check everyone's AC and main weapon attack and damage bonus's, if there are problems with those i usually find problems in other area's.

On my character sheets I always make good notes on how everything is calculated so i can answer GM questions. I also keep all my chronicle sheets in a zip folder that I can e-mail or drop in skype to send to a GM.

I have encountered mistakes on character sheets (including mine) but I have not found anyone trying to cheat as of yet.


We play using Fantasy Grounds II

here is a link to the Yahoo Groups page where we are organized:

Most GM's have a Full license, which require you to purchase a lite license to be a player (one time charge of about $20.00 for the software)

A few have an ultimate license that allow an unregistered player to play.

We generally have a few games a week, and we are actively looking for GM's and players.


One of my players ran a lvl 4 pre-gen last night. I do not have all that much experience as a gm and need a quick clarification.

The Scenario was run at sub tier 3-4. His options to apply credit for the chronicle sheet are:

1.) I issue the Chronicle sheet and he can apply it to a character when it hits lvl 4.

2.) He can apply the chronicle sheet to a lvl 1 character now, but he must take the lower tier (1-2) gold and item reward on the sheet.

Are there any other options?



that's what I thought


Can a character lvl in the middle of a Sanctioned Module?

or only when the chronicle sheet is awarded?

Ok thanks

I stumbled across PFS a few months ago, and have been running some games online using Fantasy Grounds II and having a blast.

I want to get some advice on some consumables for my two main characters right now, a lvl 2 bard and a lvl 1 fighter.

They both have 3 potions of cure light wounds, and i just realized they could get a wand for 2 pp, so they both will do that.

A wand of Mage Armor, is pretty tempting, especially for the Fighter.

What other wands should I pick up? (i do see the need for a few CLW potions, and some nifty stuff like bulls strength, enlarge, ect)

Also, my understanding of how the wands work is:

1.) if my fighter has a wand of CLW, he must let another party member who has CLW in his/her spell list cast it, or the fighter must take skill points in Use Magic Devise and then roll and make a DC 20, or the charge is lost.


If it was me, i would kill all the horses, but i'm an a~@@!+~.

if you are not an a*&@~$$, then....

Have the bandit kill all the horses except for the Cav's mount. He should steal the Cav's mount, then the mount should throw the bandit at some point, and return in a session or two.