
NameShortage's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts (1,298 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.


Congrats! Have fun! I had fun building my character and will definitely keep him as an idea any future campaigns.

This sound interesting! I'm currently applying for another game, but I'll roll here so in case that falls through, I can have an idea going:

1d10 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Woof. 18, 17, 12, 9, 8, 8. This'll be fun to build around.

Presenting Zerduinledir, the Chronomancer Wizard Gnome! Good luck to everyone!

Zerduinledir doesn't mean to be short with people, it's just that he feels his mental energy is better spent elsewhere. He's cordial enough to those he needs to earn favor with, but the shorter the conversation the better. His focus has been on continuing his late-father's work, and it's fairly easy for him to turn any casual conversation into discussion of schematics and theories. All that aside, Zerduinledir tries to find time at the end of each day for at least a few moments with a warm mug of tea.

Image for reference

While on the shorter side for a gnome, Zerduinledir's large bright blonde hair gives him at least two or three more inches. Too busy with his studies to keep up with grooming, his beard, mustache and eyebrows have grown quite bushy, surrounding his piercing blue eyes. For Zerduinledir, snacking and tinkering go hand-in-hand, and his body has grown outward accordingly. His well tailored clothing often ends up covered in grease and oils, but he always cleans them for any important outings.

Zerduinledir - Gnome Wizard (Chronomancer) lv1

ECL: 1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Small
Land Speed: 15 ft / round (red.)

HP: 8
XP: 0

STR: 8 (-1)
DEX: 14 (+2)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 17 (+3)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 11 (+0)

Fortitude: +1
Reflex : +2
Will : +1

AC Normal : 13
AC Touch : 13
AC Flat-Footed: 11
Armor : -
Shield: -

BAB: +0
Initiative: 6
CMB: -2
CMD: 10

-- Attacks --
* Crossbow, Light (+3, 1d6, 19-20/x2)
* Dagger +0 (1d3-1/19-20x2)

-- Items in Backpack --
* Crossbow, Light (x1, 2 lb.)
* Bolts (x10, 1 lb.)
* Dagger (x1, 0.5 lb.)
* Outfit, Artisan's (x1, 4 lb.)
* Backpack (x1, 2 lb.)
* Bedroll (x1, 5 lb.)
* Belt Pouch (x1, 0 lb.)
* Flint and Steel (x1, 0 lb.)
* Ink (x1, 0 lb.)
* Inkpen (x1, 0 lb.)
* Iron Pot (x1, 4 lb.)
* Mess Kit (x1, 1 lb.)
* Soap (x1, 1 lb.)
* Spell Component Pouch (x1, 2 lb.)
* Waterskin (x1, 4 lb.)
* Spellbook, wizard's (x1, 3 lb.)
* Rations (x5, 3 lb.)
* Torch (x10, 0 lb.)

-- Items in Storage --
[no items]

-- Carrying Capacity --
Light Load : 19 lb.
Medium Load: 41 lb.
Heavy Load : 60 lb.

-- Money --
0 pp, 11 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp

-- Magic Items Worn --
Head : -
Headband : -
Eyes : -
Neck : -
Shoulders: -
Chest : -
Wrists : -
Hands : -
Ring #1 : -
Ring #2 : -
Body : -
Belt : -
Feet : -

-- Skills --
Acrobatics : -1 = 0 + +2 + -3
Appraise* : +7 = 1 + +3 + +3
Bluff : +0 = 0 + +0 + +0
Climb : -4 = 0 + -1 + -3
Craft* : +3 = + +3 + +0
Craft (alchemy)* : +9 = 1 + +3 + +5
Diplomacy : +0 = 0 + +0 + +0
Disable Device : -1 = 0 + +2 + -3
Disguise : +0 = 0 + +0 + +0
Escape Artist : -1 = 0 + +2 + -3
Fly* : +1 = 0 + +2 + -1
Handle Animal : +0 = 0 + +0 + +0
Heal : -1 = 0 + -1 + +0
Intimidate : +0 = 0 + +0 + +0
Knowledge* : +3 = + +3 + +0
Knowledge (arcana)* : +8 = 1 + +3 + +4
Knowledge (engineering)*: +9 = 1 + +3 + +5
Knowledge (history)* : +4 = 0 + +3 + +1
Linguistics* : +3 = 0 + +3 + +0
Perception : +1 = 0 + -1 + +2
Perform : +0 = + +0 + +0
Profession* : -1 = + -1 + +0
Ride : -1 = 0 + +2 + -3
Sense Motive : -1 = 0 + -1 + +0
Sleight of Hand : -1 = 0 + +2 + -3
Spellcraft* : +7 = 1 + +3 + +3
Stealth : +3 = 0 + +2 + +1
Survival : -1 = 0 + -1 + +0
Swim : -4 = 0 + -1 + -3
Use Magic Device : +0 = 0 + +0 + +0
[total mod = ranks + ability + misc.]

-- Class Features / Racial Traits --
* Academician (Knowledge (engineering))
* Cantrips
* Eternal Hope
* Forewarned
* Keen Senses
* Languages
* Low-Light Vision
* Pyromaniac
* Rewind
* Shift (Su)
* Summoner's Charm (Su)
* Temporal Pool (Su)
* Weapon Familiarity
* Wizard's Weapon Proficiencies

-- Feats --
* Improved Initiative
* Scribe Scroll

-- Traits --
* Artisan (Craft (alchemy))
* Scholar Of The Ancients
* Tireless Logic

-- Spells --

- Wizard -
Arcane Spell Failure: 0%
Specialization: Teleportation (Conjuration)
Forbidden School(s): Evocation, Necromancy
Prepared Spells
Cantrips (Cantrips per day: 3)
Acid Splash [Acid] [Unlimited]
Detect Magic [Unlimited]
Mage Hand [Unlimited]
Spell Level 1 (Spells per day: 2)
Color Spray [Mind-Affecting] x1
Heightened Awareness x1
[S] Summon Minor Monster x1

Known Spells
Acid Splash
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Read Magic
Dancing Lights
Ray of Frost
Ghost Sound
Haunted Fey Aspect
Disrupt Undead
Touch of Fatigue
Mage Hand
Arcane Mark
Spell Level 1
Mage Armor
Summon Minor Monster
Anticipate Peril
Heightened Awareness
Color Spray

-- Languages --
Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Sylvan

-- Appearance & Background --
3' 3", 42 lb., Age: 48
Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Fair
Deity: Brigh, Homeland: - Whistledown

I tweaked my Desna Cleric Rafael Pillion to fit the build. The other PbP I'm in seems to be slower than expected (post frequency-wise), so I'm looking forward to a potentially faster paced action heavy game.

DeathQuaker wrote:

With apologies for "well actually"ing...

The targeting system in Fallout 1 & 2 was just that... an unnamed targeting system that, in the fully turn based system, used more AP to use in hopes of achieving a better result or specific sort of crippling effect.

No yeah, thanks for the clarification. I haven't played FO1 and 2 in a while. I forgot it didn't actually have a name, I just knew the mechanic was the same/similar.

If they do away with it, I'm fine if it leads to a better full multiplayer experience.

E3 made me realize that my friends and I all have different consoles and that it's going to be a big investment for us if we want to play together again. We used to all have Xbox 360, but now one has Xbox One, one has PS4, my brother has PS4, and I only have a gaming computer, and none of them have gaming computers.

I wish cross-system play was more popular/viable.

Wonderstell wrote:

Arcane Bond:

Familiar (Valet archetype)

So from the Magic Items for Animals table, choose one small-sized familiar capable of Grasp/Carry and equip it with a Tower Shield.
(The Dodo gives you +4 to Initiative)

The visual of crouching, hiding behind a bird that's standing stalwart holding a shield (and probably doesn't really know what's going on) is hilarious.

Werthead wrote:
VATS is still present but no longer slows down or freezes time.

I wonder if there will be some sort of "pop-up wheel" that will allow you to select the body part you want to shoot, then every shot will attempt to hit that body part, maybe giving you bonus percentage if you're actively aiming at it.

For example, you're shooting at a dude. You hit the VATS key and the VATS Wheel pops up. You pull the selection down to "legs" and release. Shooting at his body will give you a 40% chance to hit his legs, but ADSing and aiming at his legs pumps that up to 80%.

VATS definitely worked best in the turn-based combat of FO1 and FO2.

Lathiira wrote:

I am merely reminded of a great quote that I'm going to deliberately garble a little:

"What's that?"
"That's now. You're looking at now, sir."
"What was that?"
"That was then."
"I want to go back to that."
"You can't sir. You just missed it."
"When will then be now?"

Or in this case, not soon enough!

Love me a good Spaceballs quote!

What I'm hoping for with TES:VI is seamless transitions from world to city and dungeon. Making it feel more of a unified world than separate areas will help immersion. Also, make the cities feel more alive. More NPCs, even if you can't interact with them. Looking online, it says there at 73 people in Whiterun. That's like nothing.

A few years ago for Christmas, I did beer and cheese baskets for my family. There was a, I guess, craft cheese shop in town and my wife and I spent all day trying different cheeses from around the world.

The best day of my life.

- Name: Rafael Swallowtail
- Race: Human, 26
- Class: Cleric (Devout Pilgrim) (Desna)
- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Link to Sandpoint: A compulsive gambler, Rafael is quick to make enemies. Supporting himself by being a cleric for hire, he usually only has enough coin for a drink, some food, and a hand of cards. After a particularly sour night, he hitches a ride out of town with a caravan, and ends up in Sandpoint a few days before the events of the campaign.
- Livlihood: He heals for coin, which he then turns around and either booms or busts at the card table.
- Rollplay vs Roleplay: In combat, Rafael will be the healer and support. The "Caravan Bond" ability with the Luck domain will help turn the tide. Outside of combat, his penchant for finding trouble (or trouble finding him) can create fun moments.
- Progression: No plan yet. Might dip into rogue to support his gambling habits?
- Background: Growing up in Ilsurian, Rafael's family taught and healed in the Temple of Erastil, which is where he learned his healing ability. As he grew, he began straying away from the church, finding comfort with the low-lifes and working class. He discovered he had a knack for games of chance, eventually finding faith in Desna to keep luck on his side. Rafael started out healing the those in his company for free, but as his gambling got worse, he started charging. Combine the gambling and healing-for-profit, and Rafael was never in one place long as many did not look positively on him.

One night, after a couple bad hands and some poor alcohol-influenced choice words, Rafael found himself hiding in a crate from some less-than-savory individuals. The next morning, he used the last of his coin to hitch a ride on a caravan, and a few days later was walking into Sandpoint. Now he sits on the docks, healing those who have the coin, a drink never far from his side.

- Timezone: EST. I'll be able to post at least once a day, mostly twice a day.
- Experience: I'm currently in my first PbP, though I used to roleplay fantasy on other forums. In my current PbP, I'm playing a monk in an "undead survival" setting. I had to sneak onto the roof and throw a shuriken undetected to hit a door and save survivors from walking into certain death.

Commenting to come back to this. I think the PbP I'm in is dying, so this is perfect timing!

I don't think it does, unless there's a plug-in or something.

As far as myself, I'm new to the Pathfinder RPG (I've played the ACG), so I'm up for trying out a different kinds off character creation rules. Along those same lines, I have no experience with any of the APs, so I have no strong feelings towards any of them in the RPG sense (I've played RotRL and S&S in the ACG).

As for my character, I'm thinking a Barbarian built around charisma to "convince" people to do things her way.

I like the idea of how leveling will work.

With running it on Facebook, will it be Facebook messenger in one/multiple groups?