
NameShortage's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts (1,298 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

As your vision comes back from the sudden blinding white light, you find yourself in a dark, damp stone room. The musty smell hits you, and you taste mold in every breath. Those of you with darkvision look around and see four strangers, all of you in a four-walled 10 by 15 foot room, sitting along the walls with no doors. The irregularly cut stone on the floor shows a few small puddles, into which the occasional waterdrop from the eight-foot ceiling falls.

Before you can fully take in your surroundings or acknowledge the strangers, a stone in the center of the floor lifts as if on a hinge and a pedestal with a perfectly spherical orb resting on it rises up, eventually replacing the floor stone. The intricately carved pedestal stands about three feet high with three delicate fingers sticking up to hold the approximately two foot orb in place.

A few moments after the pedestal comes to a rest, the orb emits a soft glow, lighting up the room and revealing all the details to the rest of the party without darkvision. Everyone looking at the orb sees a blurry vision in the orb slowly coming into focus. You see an old frail-looking human with pale skin and a balding head of white hair. He's sitting in front of a wall of books and what you can see of his desk appears to be in disarray with papers strewn about. He looks up from his desk, seemingly noticing he's being watched and, with a slightly taken aback look, adjusts his glasses up his nose and clears his throat.

"Ahem! Welcome, welcome to our dungeon," he says in a high pitch nasally voice. "We have asked you here because, well, I suppose 'ask' isn't the right word. Uh, we have brought you here because we feel you are uniquely suited to not only survive, but to thrive here! Let's see, who do we have this time…" He shuffles some papers around. "Yes, yes. Marcos Mundstock. The honorable Sim Calinean. Khali Salist. Shiv'Raston," he raises an eyebrow, "and his dwarf caiman. And, ah yes, Lash Vaeledi. We have been expecting you, specifically." He chuckles while adjusting his glasses again.

The man taps the papers into a stack. "You will need to work together, so make friends quickly. I shall give you some time to introduce yourselves before sending you on your way. I do hope to see you all in the near future. We are awaiting your arrival! Best of luck!" With a dainty wave of his fingers, the image in the orb dissipates, but the glow remains.

This is going to be a classic dungeon crawl with fun monsters and traps around every (not every) corner. Each floor will get more difficult with you leveling up after each floor.

Each floor will have a boss blocking the way to the next floor. We're using Automatic Bonus Progression as that will fit with the gameplay, as opposed to buying and enchanting equipment.

90% of the role-playing will be within the party, though you may find the occasional person or thing in the dungeon that wants to talk.

There will be a map to reference to help with exploration. It will get a battleship-style grid overlaid on it during combat to be able to say where your character moves.

When posting, use 3rd person present tense, bolding speech. Put rolls on a separate line.

Ex. John walks over to the chest and kneels down. "This lock looks fairly simple. I should have it opened in no time." He pulls out a roll of tools and begins tinkering with the lock.

Disable Device: 1d20+9 -> 2+9=11

Skill Checks: Make them when you think you should and I'll take them into account if I decide it's necessary. I'll also rollover high skill checks to help keep things moving, especially Perception or Stealth.

Detect Magic/Evil/etc.: If you have that ability, I'm going to assume you're always running it unless specified otherwise.

In combat, separate out what your Standard, Move, Move Equivalent, Swift, Immediate, and Free actions are. That way it helps clear up any confusion. Type out attack and damage at the same time. I'll roll initiative for all the PCs and monsters at the same time so we don't have to wait. Example:

Move: 20ft from C7 to B3
Standard: Fire light crossbow at Goblin 2
Attack: 1d20+3 -> 15+3=18
Damage: 1d8 -> 3
Free: Reload crossbow

Post rate: I'll be checking in multiple times a day and posting at least once a day. I want everyone to check in once a day, as well, and post within 24 hours of your character being prompted (whether it's your turn or another character addressed you). I really want to keep this moving along so we can get to the top of the tower!

I'll keep updating this as more things get worked out!

Hello! Welcome to an old school dungeon crawl with fun monsters, traps around every (not every) corner, and lots of lots of loot! Can you and your party defeat each floor's boss and climb your way to the top of the tower?

Each floor will have a boss blocking the way to the next floor. There will be an opportunity to buy some supplies or enchant weapons and armor between floors using gold collected along the way, though stock may be limited.

I'm looking for 4-5 players to form the group. Your group of strangers will magically appear in the bottom floor together.

Character Creation
Starting Level: 1
Starting Gold: 1000gp
Advancement: Will level up after every floor
Race: Any non-monstrous except Orc, Svirfneblin, or Kasatha. No 3pp
Class: Any (use Unchained). No 3pp
Abilities: 20-point buy, nothing below 8 before racial mod
Hit Points: Max at level 1. On level up, half+1 or take the higher between a player and GM roll
Traits: 2 traits, any category
Free Feats: Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Weapon Finesse

Post Rate: I'm EST time zone and can check in the morning and evening and will post at least once a day, so at least log in each day to check in. Post within 24 hours of your character's turn or being prompted to help keep the game moving.

About Me: I've been running an in-person homebrew campaign for a year that is currently on hold due to Covid. I've played in two short-term PbPs, but this is my first time GMing one.

Applying: Put your character idea, your experience with Pathfinder/PbP, and what your interest in playing this is. I'll select the applications in a weekish or sooner if we get good characters quick.

Thanks for your interest!