
Nailo's page

61 posts. Alias of Irulan.


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The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Only on the New Jersey Turnpike will you see the following:

On my way down to Baltimore, I passed a bet-up, mud-splattered Subaru Outback, which was being driven by what appeared to be Rasputin, or possibly Charlie Manson. The driver's eyes were popping out of his head, barely visible between his wild hair and even wilder beard. The back of the car was plastered with a bizarre assortment of bumper stickers, including stickers from THREE of the presidential candidates in the past election.

The car's interior was crammed with junk; cardboard boxes filled with clothes, at least two television sets, McDonald's bags, packages of ramen, and most prevalently, musical instruments. I counted a French horn, a guitar, two violins, a trombone, and a clarinet, all in battered cases plastered with even more stickers (the clarinet was the only loose instrument).

Stranger still was the fact that strapped to the roof with duct tape and bungee cords was a FULLY STRUNG CELLO, sans case, the wind making the stings vibrate eerily.

The dude was driving like a bat out of hell, and passed me quickly, but the sheer oddity of the image burned itself into my mind. Who is this guy, and why did he need to get out of New Jersey so badly? Wait, never mind, he doesn't need a reason. Still...

Ohhh.... How could you possibly do that to a cello?


One day, I had to vacuum a parking lot. Apparently, my employer wanted to paint new parking lines on the pavement, and the paint wouldn't stick on top of years of pavement dirt. So I got to stand there, vacuuming a parking lot all day long.

I got some seriously weird looks from people driving by.

since you mentioned Ray Bradbury,

Have you read Dandelion Wine? It is one of my favorite books of all time. I don't remember if it has anything to do with autumn, though....

I thought it was pretty good, but it scared me to death. I really like how they made it scary without showing all the gross blood and gore stuff. All of the violence happened in your imagination, which I thought made it even more scary. It was kind of Hitchcock-ish in a way.

My grandmother just passed away, so we are going to her funeral.

The only problem is.....

She lives right by the gulf coast in Louisiana, and she got hit big time by hurricane Gustav. So we are going to fly down there, and walk around in knee-deep water while trying to help relatives empty all the water out of her house. Her town doesn't have the power back on yet, and I don't think there is a grocery store within a ten mile radius that is open. I have no idea what we are going to eat while we are down there.

Something tells me this is not going to be a fun trip.

One by Niel Gaiman that I really liked was Stardust. They just made a pretty good movie out of it as well.

One I was really disappointed with was Michail Chritons Andromeda Strain. Most of the book was pretty good, it was just the ending that really annoyed me.

Okay, so they spend the entire book figuring out how to beat this virus. At the end, it turns out the virus mutates into something that won't harm anybody. What kind of ending is that? It was like the whole book was spent setting up for a big climax that wasn't even there.

Joey Lafyatis wrote:
Nailo wrote:
Did I reach this thread in time? I would be glad to play whatever the party needs.
Sure, can you play a more forceful character to balance the group? (Barbarian, fighter or ranger)

No problem. I'm currently working on creating a fighter, who might multi class into rogue or swashbuckler later.

Did I reach this thread in time? I would be glad to play whatever the party needs.

Addis Hellfire wrote:

Probably a homebrew, named Gothica. Lol, one sentence pretty much gives the theme:

. . . and he looked into shadow and saw the future and it was as darkness forever . . .

And, er, it was going to be a sit-down group, not a PbP. Although I am trying to arrange one on a dragon themed forum I'm on (the problem is, hardly anybody there plays D&D)

*sigh* Okay, my mistake.

*slinks off to find another PbP*

Arctaris wrote:
This just gets weirder and weirder.

No kidding.

Me me, pick me!! I am 16, and I have been looking for another PbP for a long time.

August Rush.
I really liked watching Robin Williams in a somewhat serious role, and the music in it was amazing.

Dang, I missed this one! I might thread-lurk for a while though, this looks like an interesting thread.

Where is the eye bleach........

I'm wondering if they published that as a joke.


after some training, he

of the big tunnel which winds through a big

I thought it was amazing how the animators can make you fall in love with Wall-e five minutes into the show, without him saying a word. I thought it was really cool how they got him to display emotions when he doesn't really have a face.

Overall, I really liked it.

Arctaris wrote:
Nailo wrote:
Arctaris wrote:

Transvestite goth faeries.

Well that was random.

Actually it's not; mother went to the Rennisance Fair this weekend and they saw a transvestite goth faerie.

That sound like it was an interesting day.

Arctaris wrote:

Transvestite goth faeries.

Well that was random.

Blockus is a great game that takes about 3 seconds to learn. Taboo is also a lot of fun.

I work with a guy who spray-paints his head. He is one of those middle-aged balding guys who just cant stand the fact that he is losing his hair. The bad part is, he covers up his bald spot BADLY. It looks so stupid, I have to try not to laugh every time I am talking with him.

I just got a deviant art page! I don't have much on it yet, but here it is.

Arctaris wrote:

Yay for everyone whos in good health!

In about ten minutes I'm going in for an interviev for an internship.

I want the whole story when you get back. Oh, and if you're wearing dress clothes, I WANT PICTURES!

Blue_eyed_paladin wrote:
Michael Donovan wrote:

Three years into a five year rehabilitation program to rebuild your damaged left upper hamstring tendon, you blow out your left knee - the pain from which causes you to limp in a way that aggravates the hamstring injury.

Unfortunately, I can relate to this one.. not as bad, I just tore the meniscus (the cartilage between your knee bones) a few years ago, and it's mostly better now, but DAMN, knee injuries suck.

I tore my meniscus about a year ago, and I still don't have the full range of motion back. Can you bend you're knee all the way? I can't, and I'm wondering how long it will be until I can.

mwbeeler wrote:

My son is doing well, at his checkup yesterday he was 32 inches tall at 11 months (he’s going to be taller than me if I don’t start feeding him coffee!), and received a clean bill of health.

I discovered that the best piece of crap I ever played (Shadowbane) is still around. Not only that, but it just had a major wipe and reboot (shame, I had gobs of stuff), is less buggy / broken / crash-laden) and is now FREE. Sweet! Especially in this economy. Now if only I had…time…rofl!

Oddly enough, I recreated my character, and within 6 seconds of login, I was getting tells asking if I was Craggin from Carnage. The last time I logged in was 2004! Apparently, I made an impression, hah.

You know, I've always heard that coffee stunts you're growth, but I think I am a living proof that it doesn't. I'm 15, and am 5'9", and I have engoyed coffee since I was about 8.

Bricks on his head might work.....

Glad to hear you're feeling better. Now you need to make up all kinds of cool stories to tell people when they ask you how you got you're scar.

Arctaris wrote:
Nailo wrote:

Okay, just a question;

Why am I getting little black dots next to certain threads? I know this has been brought up before, but now I can't find the thread where it was.

*Barely resists making a snarky comment about blondes*

They show the threads in which you've posted. Quite handy really. They don't show the threads that you've posted in with aliases though.

*Keep on resisting bucko*

Okay, just a question;
Why am I getting little black dots next to certain threads? I know this has been brought up before, but now I can't find the thread where it was.

I just saw this movie, and I loved it. The music in it is amazing. I am a musician, so I sat through the whole thing concentrating mostly on the music.

Of course, watching Robin Williams in a role that was not all slapstick was very interesting too.

anyone else seen it?

I really liked it. I thought the boy who plays the main character was really good. It was also interesting to see how they made the twins be played by one person.

I agree, the little toad goblins were pretty cool too.....

Arctaris wrote:
While escorting my younger cousins at the zoo, I managed to convince one of them to eat one of those little crackers they give you to feed to the animals.

Really? Score! I've always wanted to get someone to do that. My mom has a funny story about finding me hiding in a closet eating cat food when I was about four. Why I had some desire to do this, I will never know.

If a DM wants to have influence over what the die rolls, then he should roll behind a DM's screen. If a bad roll would completely ruin the character and wipe out the entire campaign, then the DM should be able to make up what he rolled.

I don't really know of any that I like, but I know of one you should NOT try. Do not mix Dr. Thunder and Red Tornado. Some kind of a reaction occurs, and it never stops fizzing. It ends up like one of those baking soda and vinegar volcanoes you made when you were a kid.

I'm reading A Certain Slant of Light, by Laura Witcomb. It's turning out to be pretty good. I really like her righting style, and I couldn't put it down until 4am.

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
In one eye yeah still kinda fuzzy, the other not at all.

Ohhhh, that is so annoying! Glad to hear your up and running.

(Sending warm bubbly healing thoughts.)

One of my favorite bumper stickers:

Last time religion and the government worked together, it was called the dark ages.

I'm sticking with that sentiment.

I really don't care what religion the president practices. As long as the President makes wise decisions, I don't care if he is a Muslim. Freedom of Religion should go for everybody in America, president included.

I like the 2d6+6 method. It would be handy to have the lowest ability you can roll a 8. I rolled a character with a 4 constitution once, and that was pretty lousy.

Arctaris wrote:


Sebastian wrote:
I think I'm mostly Irish Setter, with a little Cornugon mixed in.

Some people have called me a mutt. I have such a mix in my ancestry.

Arctaris wrote:
Guppy Keelhaul wrote:
Arctaris wrote:

Did it look sort of like a brown lima bean? Cuz that's what our other cat leaves.

Yes! That's it exactly. Any idea what it is?

But he wouldn't eat moles.

I've been told its the kidney. I guess its a sign to make bean salad or something. No one will know the difference, at least not at first.

Hey! I'm TRYING to eat over here!

So much for that idea.

(Throwing food into the trash)

A half-orc with short-term memory loss. Quite fun to play, really. About every five minutes, he forgets what he was doing and looks around with a blank expression. He is one on the most fun characters to role play I have ever had.

Tegan wrote:
70+ degree days & 2 hour naps on a big comfy couch with the house open & a breeze coming through.

Dude, it's February for crying out loud! Where do you live? (Packing warm weather clothes into my suitcase, eagerly awaiting response.)

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
secretturchinman wrote:
American Football is the most brutal thing you can do to your body for 60 min.
Well, aside from stepping on a land mine.

In my experience, stepping on a land mine is only marginally better.

Hmmmmmm........That's interesting. I can do it without any problems. Maybe because I'm a dancer?

Female Human (some people believe otherwise) Bard/3 Geek/1

Welcome aboard Kobold! I'm interested to see how your character plays. It sounds really interesting.

I don't generally like to play paladins, just because I always end up really limited to what I can do because of the "I will do no evil" thing. I really like the idea of the Greygaurd, though. I might try one of those soon.

Arctaris wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Arctaris wrote:
I can't think of anyone who likes both Shakespeare and Tolkien. From personal experience it seems like you either hate Tolkien and love Shakespeare or love Tolkien and can't tolerate Shakespeare (like me).

I guess I shouldn't mention that I like both, then... ;-)

Fair enough.

No one I have personally met likes both.

What about me then? :)

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