The Cinderlander

Mr. Graves's page

217 posts. Organized Play character for Evil Minion.


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Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Yes, new year. Egads.

Can you mark this inactive when able? Think we're sorted.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

I don't think that's how it works... it only becomes available on the chronicle to those who've played the appropriate Aspis character.

At least the few I've seen so far, are that way. Not sure on the wording of this one.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

"I know I wouldn't mind a ride home." Graves says. "Though we should probably check in with Temel first."

He is technically our host... would seem appropriate to at least say 'bye' =)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

I prefer white box. Black box just kills toner cartridges on the printer.

Does this one have a bonus for those of us who played Rataji in the aspis scenario?

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

"Well, I guess that forces our hand, then." Graves says, with a dissatisfied frown. "Let's see if we can't keep Cyran on board, at least."

He goes to find the man, and strikes up a conversation.

"Well, it would seem this all nears an end finally. I imagine the process is quite a bit different than some planar negotiations."

"Though no less convoluted." He adds, with a slight grin.

"You've probably done well to avoid working with the Consortium. Can only imagine what sort of thing they'd get into with a solid trade route into the outer planes."

"You should be able to do just fine on your own, I'd say. Your experience will no doubt be invaluable. The Wharves will do you well there, though if you really want to move product, having the storage warehouses in Working End would probably go a long way."

"Myrosype might try to wrest that bid from you, just to force you to deal with her." He adds. "You've already invested a fair amount to acquiring both... a few more coins for the End can't do any harm, and might make cross planar trade all the more lucrative."

OK, fine. Influence bid on Cyran, towards remaining district
Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 2 + (1) + 2 = 32

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Would have rather lost the 2nd area on Cyran than Petronax's.

Darn Aspis machinations =)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

"I'm sure we can convince Vayde to ignore her offer." Graves answers, scowling. "I'm sure the Aspis can do far less damage with some undesirable warehouses, than the knowledge in the Scriptum."

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

OK then, I'm fine letting Cyran off the expenditure, and letting Myrosype getting the Working End.

Get this last day off the books, anyway! We seem to have stalled. =)

ie: no more need to influence anyone... except possibly Petronax, if Myrosype is trying to torpedo that bid now.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Could mix one up, but the conversation would likely be over before I was done. =)
Besides, a shadow couldn't drink an elixir... unless we could make a ghost touch potable, I suppose.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Seems unnecessary, to be honest, and with a high chance of making things worse for us.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

I'm torn.

I'm a little worried she might have more tricks up her sleeve, and where we think we've sewn up 4, she will manage to knock one of them off the leaderboard... which would mean we should try to go all in.

But the bit about having her with just one district, and the least desirable one, being a drain on her resources, and time, seems hard to pass up too. Given Irith's success rate, with all 5 districts, it seems unlikely Myrosype (or whoever she's bidding for) will be able to even make a prophet with just the one area, before it all goes up for bid again).

Either way, someone do something =)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LN Human Investigator 6

Graves shrugs. "Nothing has contradicted any of our information. Bracket said she was the financier. She herself has admitted to a strong connection to the Consortium... and we've seen her dealing with the bastards that killed the Master of Spell."

Not sure where Kat's getting some of this from, but its pretty much been shown that Myrosype works, or has worked, with the Consortium extensively (even her own words back this up). We've seen the Rataji fellow giving her additional support to influence bidders, just yesterday. So she is still clearly working with them now... more specifically with the lot that attacked the Lodge... who are exactly the group we were sent her to hinder. All our info checks out just fine.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

So, do we want to try to cut Myrosype out of all the districts (by further influencing Cyran) ... assuming we can get him high enough with just one more check.

Or do we wan to let her have the least desirable district, and all the overhead/costs that come with it, as per a comment made earlier in the scenario.

As it stands, there's just one person to influence, which Kat can easily do with her class bonus stuff (I'm guessing we need a double success DC for that one, if its possible at all). So not much need for the rest of us.
(Dunno if Petronax's current aggitation is a concern that might require further finessing... hopefully Ela will find out.)

So we just need to decide if we want to actually make that roll. =)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

That was to Katswiri afterwards. Not trying to draw things out by throwing such things Myrosype's way. =)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Graves snorts.

"The woman started this thing with rudeness, lead off with insults, then devolved into a petty temper tantrums when she didn't get her way." He adds. "I've seen shiver addicts with better diplomacy skills."

He glances at Katswiri, with obvious disappointment. "Were you not paying attention? That bastard that handed her the cloak she used to try to bribe Cyran. He was the leader of that attack on the Lodge. The very same group that killed Aram Zey."

Hey, I got to play Rataji, the very fellow we saw here... I know what I did! =)

"They are most definitely connected, we saw it with our own eyes."

"And even if they were not, the misery, exploitation, and abuse that the Consortium propagates, as common business practice, would be reason enough to put a stop to any scheme of theirs." He shakes his head. "It is clear you have never been to the Expanse, to witness their atrocities first hand. Though they do little better elsewhere... they merely put more effort into hiding their true faces."

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

"She spouts company rhetoric, rather than fact." Graves growls. "I would have though her smart enough to see past that, but apparently not."

"It is no wonder she fails at her endeavor here."

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Graves shrugs.

"We could just not go back to the shindig downstairs." He offers. "Not like the invite to be here was particularly cordial. Let her return to an empty room."

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

"Seems a little desperate." Graves notes. "Unless she has more nefarious plans."

He drinks an elixir while they wait.

Just in case, will down an extract of false life (for 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 temp hp's)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Again, 5 elixirs of heightened awareness. Take one if you'd like. Only one party today. So 4 to spare. =)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

all 3 social skills + knowledge (history) seem to work on Temel.
There's even a bonus currently on intimidate... though a negative on all 4 of those due to the alignment stuff.

And the GM's previous post gives some good background to go down various paths... perhaps for a bonus.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Graves continues chatting with Irith, on the topic of their host.

"Still, seems like he might make a valuable ally, more like to allow those who know the intricacies of Druman politics to do so." He nods in her direction, to indicate he believes she to be just such a person. "Less likely to interfere in such things, anyway."

"But I think you might be underestimating the Aspis presence here. Their representative there, has already outbid and negotiated down a few of the others." He adds, switching focus to Myrosype, with a frown. "You might do well, to tighten your hold on the Burg, going into the final day. I would not hold it past her, or those she deals with, to have the influence and support of many of your political rivals. The capital she is investing can't all be hers. I'm sure many are hoping to feed off her good will for their generosity... but that would only work if she manages to secure the political hub of Alabastrine... a position that should be in your more capable hands."

Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 8 + 2 + (3) + 2 = 26
Includes +2 bonus for having made a good impression on her at the previous party... dunno if other modifiers apply.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Still think this is an odd party... just looking at contracts. =P

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

If we all aided, I think you still might be short (perhaps you should be aided someone else ... oh wait, or was that you aiding Jon? That might get you close!)

Graves is going to approach Irith again, since they seem to hit it off so well the last time out... or at least he didn't appear to cross her, and she seemed impressed by his showing at her own party.

"Not exactly what I was expecting, for an evening soiree." He says to her, with a respectful bow.

"Though, to be honest," He adds. "I feel a little less fish-out-of-water at this sort of thing, than the fancier affairs."

"Given the fantastic job you were doing, getting the entire city up and running as a unit, I'm sure you are no foreigner to these fancy contracts that Vayne is showing off like fine art?"

"I do hope you've managed to secure the bid for the Burg." He glances at her, trying to assess her mood. "The intricacies of running this city will need that sort of leadership, soon enough."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 8 + (3) = 31

edit: dang, should have saved that for the influence check! =)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Heh... well, you are a level 2 in a the high tier... that probably isn't helping with the DC's for some things.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

And, in other news... are we at the event yet? Or is looking over contracts Cyran's idea of a party? =)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Ya, but Jon managed to impress Irith and Vayde as well, so you can still work on both of them.
The only npc off the table is Temel... and he doesn't like Exchange folks anyway. =)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Oh, missed a couple of rolls!

Knowledge (planes), ID arbiter: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 2 + (6) = 35
Knowledge (planes), ID marut: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 2 + (5) = 29

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 12 + 2 + (2) = 22

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Graves takes a moment to examine the contracts as well.


Linguistics: 1d20 + 12 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 12 + (5) = 18
egads, still make it on a 1... go inspiration!

Not at all an expert on such things, he can still see differences in the language choices and sentence structures that he assumes are important.

"Those there, read far more like a normal conversation." He says, indicating the competition's work. "Though I'm no barrister, I can only assume that is not entirely desirable in a legal document."

"This one here, however." He again examines Cyran's own work. "This one is written very exactly, and the sentences very precisely laid out to draw the eye to the important parts."

He glances up and grins. "Probably quite useful in an official text."

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 2 + (4) = 34

Axis? Ouch. That means all the non Lawful folks (everyone but Graves) are going to be taking a -2 on all the int, wis, and charisma-based skill checks. It's always something!

As they arrive in the new location, Graves glances around, intrigued.

"I do believe we are in Axis." He finally says, as a strange centaur-like mechanical creature walk by, on one of the streets outside.

"And that there..." He indicates the impossibly high spire at the city's center. "Is Pharasma's Spire. It is a honor to get a chance to see it in person!"

"Be careful here." He adds, glancing back at the others. "The inhabitants of Axis are a bit um... uptight... about rules and regulations. Hopefully, as guests of Cyran, we'll have a little leeway... but one never knows."

He doesn't seem at all affected by the planes powerful lawful nature.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Progress Report
Courts of Abstinence: Temmel +1
Scriptum: Vayde +4
Prophet's Burg: Irith +2
Luminous Wharf: Cyran +3?
Working End: Cyran +2?

We need to be cautious in these last two parties.

Myrosype's bribe might have made it impossible for us to get Cyran on two properties.

Dunno how many successes we need for each person, but if we can only influence them once per party... then we're limited in how much we can boost it.

Vayde seemed to max at 4. if the others are similar... it will take both remaining shindigs to get Temel and Irith there (unless we get a big result on Irith).
Cyran... I've no idea, but assuming the bribe gave us a negative influence on both properties, and we only get two tries at Cyran now... that means we can only add 2-4 influence... and would need 5 to get both properties (if the bribe dropped us by 1, worse if more than one). Dunno if it affected both properties or not.

(Again, assuming 4 influence needed... not sure if this is true, as we've not hit the max with anyone else!)

I'd suggest Katswiri, who's almost guaranteed to get the 2 influence roll with her focused trance ability, use it on Cyran again, for the Wharf.

The rest of us try to get the best Temel and Irith result.
We might have to concede Working End...

Dunno... lots of unknowns on the inner workings here. =)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Graves will use another extract of Heightened Awareness.
Have 2 more, if someone wants one!

"Now this is more my style." He mutters, looking around at the old warehouse.

As the glowing circle expands, he looks at it curiously for a moment, then steps inside, as asked.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

We can only influence someone once per party?

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

So far, I think we have this, for skills that are optimal(?)

Irith: Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (nobility), Profession (merchant)
Vayde: Knowledge (religion)
Cyran: Knowledge (planes), Profession (merchant)
Temel: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (history)

And this for progress (Unknown how many successes it takes for each, though Vayde seemed to max out at 4, and its possible we hit a snag with Cyran due to Myrosype)
Courts of Abstinence: Temmel +1
Scriptum: Vayde +4
Prophet's Burg: Irith +1
Luminous Wharf: Cyran +3
Working End: Cyran +2

So go use a social skill to persuade Temel or Irith to put up more cash! Kaepora's decent at those! (though there's a event -'ve on diplomacy, so perhaps use bluff? Or get hard-nosed?)

You made the tentacle check, I think, so have a +2 with Irith at the moment... so perhaps some Bluffing on her would be optimal for Kaepora?

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

"Unstoppable? Ha." Graves tries not to laugh too loudly. "That's the thing with these Consortium folks... they want you to think that, so they can walk all over you."

"But if the Society has proven anything, over the past few years, it's that they are anything but."

He goes on to describe a number of past incidents where the Aspis' plans were thwarted, often quite dramatically, despite their confidence that they were in a superior position.

"Push her bid a bit more, I'm sure you'll be another example in no time."

Wasn't sure where I was going with that, but was hoping something knowledge-based might present itself. Historical recounting it is!

Includes penalty for the party, bonus for Temel, and bonus for Heightened Awareness
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 - 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 8 + (2) - 2 + 2 + 2 = 24

Not sure how long ago something has to be to count as history... If knowledge (local) would be more appropriate, its the same bonus

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Graves gives Temel a companionable chuckle. "Even the Consortium's pockets have a limit." He offers. "I suspect she's overextended herself already, especially now that the others are getting more serious in their own attempts."

"Look how she slowly loses the lead, one by one." He adds. "She's not getting those coins back, nor has she retaken the lead in any of them."

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Now to remember what skills are optimal for Temel.
So much information coming from different aliases, its easy to lose track! =)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Graves settles in beside Temel, as he passes off the remainder of the strange tentacle dish to a server clearing dishes.

"So, how goes the bidding on your side of things?" He asks, quietly, his mouth making strange motions as he tries to get used to the leftover tingling sensations from the meal.

"That Aspis woman must be rolling in coins, to be bidding on so many areas in such volume."

"You still think the Courts are your best bet? I can certainly see your ideas for it, working out."

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Hmm... I played Rataji during Serpent's Rise! Nice to see a call back to that.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6


Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Graves glances over, to see if Temel is handling the tentacles alright, offering some discreet advice, if he proves to be unfamiliar with the things... so he doesn't embarrass himself unintentionally.

Hmm... did we have a opportunity to impress Temel, like we did for Petronax last party, or Irith this one? (I know I failed the Petro one, and seem to have passed this one... don't recall if there was a Temel one!)
Time to dig back through the older posts!

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

My inner 13 year old came out as I was reading that, and initially thought it said Chuul testicles.... Not that tentacles are much better, I suppose... but not nearly as immature =)

Graves looks at the long rubbery tentacles on the plate, with a dubious look.

"I think I read about these once." He says, with an unreadable look at Temel. "Why anyone would think these are good things to chew on, I'm not so sure."

He grins slightly, then tries to remember the right way to eat the things, without hampering his ability to talk properly.

Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 8 + 2 - 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (15) + 8 + 2 - 2 + (6) = 29

Actually, is the event -2 penalty only when trying to influence folks, or on all knowledge checks? Applied it here... ignore if its not relevant to all.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

As mentioned before, but reiterated now... if anyone would like a heightened awareness elixir for the party, I can prepare 5 of them... and am only using 2 (one for each party during the day).
Will give a +2 on any knowledge checks you have to make

Graves frowns at the crowded nature of the event, not sure why each guest would need their own personal serving team.... or at least that's what it seems like to his untrained eye.

He tries to get a seat by Temel, hoping to chat with their ally about the upcoming auction.

Is it seat yourself, or do we get assigned seats? =) (the former more practical, the later, more fun =)

"At least there are no costumes this time." He mutters.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

c'mon guys, get to influencing =)
Look at Katswiri's post a bit above, see if you have a relevant skill, and go talk to the person in question!

And we're still short any discovery info on where Temmel is leaning, or what skills might work to influence him.

Graves is all done for this round.

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Name: Aaron
PC Name: Mr. Graves
PFS# 84637-7
Faction: Dark Archive
Day Job: Craft (alchemy): 1d20 + 12 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 12 + 5 + 2 = 22

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Heh. Sometimes boxcars... sometimes snake eyes. =)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Graves only shakes his head slightly at Irith's frustration.

"The system does, more or less, beg for that very sort of chaotic outcome." He says, quietly. "And then even if you do manage to make something of it... you are then forced to spend it all to keep it going a few years later. Seems more like a fancy gilded money pit."

"I'm not sure how anyone would ever deem this a sustainable venture." He pauses for a moment, then adds. "Well, unless they concentrated on a few of the more influential areas. Like the Burg... and slowly worked up from there."

"You are, of course, in the right, Lord-Chancellor. You should not give up." He adds, earnestly. "But perhaps focus your efforts to ensure you do get the influential cornerstone of the city, where you can use all that you know, to make sure things continue in the direction you envisioned."

Dunno, seems like that's the main part of the argument... nothing too fancy, so will attempt straight up diplomacy?
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (13) + 7 + (4) = 24

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Petronax via GM:
"Ah, well done!" Graves replies to Vayde. "Not many would be familiar enough with the ushers to pick out that specific one."

"As you already know, I came up as caretaker of the Gray. My job, to see the dead to their final resting place, as well as to take care of that same resting place." He grins slightly. "Vavaalrav task is much the same, as guardian of sacred sites of Pharasma... just a little higher in scale."

Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 8 + 2 + (3) = 14 Egads... the RNG is laughing!

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Heh... didn't even need to roll the Knowledge on that one, got it from the description. =)

Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 8 + 2 + (4) = 18

"Perhaps the discomfort is the point." He commiserates. "People do tend to be less on guard, when they are uncomfortable."

"I had heard about Petronax joining the bidding this year. Though his interest is far less alarming than that of the Aspis representative." He nods towards Myrosype. "Have had dealings with that one before, and very much doubt her interests are those of Druma." He shakes his head at the idea, trying to gauge Irith's thoughts on the matter.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 9 + (3) - 4 = 21

"Given all the efforts you have put forth to make the city shine during your tenure. It is a shame it all goes back to a chaotic bid once again. I'd have thought having a cohesive governing body would lead to far greater opportunities for profit than wiping the slate clean and forcing everyone to start all over. Especially given your efforts were finally coming to fruition."

"I do hope you intend to keep at least the governance stable during this transition. I can't imagine anyone but you heading those in Prophet's Burg, if they intend any sort of prosperity in the near future."

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Oh, and consuming his second heightened awareness extract before the party.
I do have the discovery that allows me to share these out, if anyone else wants a +2 on perception and trained knowledge checks for the shindig. (I made 3, so have one left)

Dark Archive

LN Human Investigator 6

Went back and reread some earlier stuff... and Temmel did express a slight interest in the Courts of Abstinence... (or at least that he had a potential profit opportunity in mind there).

So perhaps that's where we should encourage him?

Which would just leaves the warf district with no bidders.

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