Str 17 (+3), Dex 14 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 18 (+4), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 8 (-1)
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Blind-Fight, Extra Investigator Talent, Power Attack
Traits Deathtouched, Rough and Ready
Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +7, Craft (alchemy) +12, Diplomacy +7* (+12 to gather info), Disable Device +14, Heal +4*, Knowledge (arcana) +8*, Knowledge (dungeon) +8*, Knowledge (engineer) +8*, Knowledge (geography) +8*, Knowledge (history) +8*, Knowledge (local) +8*, Knowledge (nature) +8*, Knowledge (nobility) +8*, Knowledge (planes) +8*, Knowledge (religion) +12*, Linguistics +12*, Perception +15* (+17 vs traps), Profession (gravedigger)* +4, Sense Motive +8*, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +9*, Use Magic Device +12, +11; *can use inspiration for free; armor check penalty -1
Languages Common, Varisian, Shoanti, Celestial, Infernal, Ancient Osiriani, Dwarvish, Elven, Orc, Polyglot
cold iron dagger
+1 chain shirt
darkwood composite longbow (+3 str)
wooden stake x 2
brass knuckles
cold iron sling bullets [ 5 ]
+1 gloves of improvised might +1 cloak of resistance +2 belt of giant strength
bandolier x 2
mwk thieves' tools
hooded lantern
oil x 2
acid x 4
alchemist's fire x 6
alkali flask x 3
smelling salts
bloodblock x 2
sunrod x 3
air crystals
alchemy crafting kit
mwk backpack
mess kit
trail rations x 5
inherited discerning wayfinder
waterproof bag
silk rope
grappling hook
candle x 2
powder x 3
50' twine
alchemist's lab (not carried)
formula book (1st - ant haul, comprehend languages, crafter's fortune, cure light wounds, detect undead, disguise self, endure elements, enlarge person, heightened awareness, identify, monkey fish, reduce person, shield, touch of the sea, true strike; 2nd - animal aspect, bull's strength, cure moderate wounds, false life, invisibility, lesser restoration, levitate, see invisible)
2789 gp
Special Abilities:
Focused Study gain Skill Focus at 1st, 8th, and 16th level [replaces bonus feat]
Inspiration 6/day, free action to use. Add +1d6 to any roll after it is made for 1 point. Can use on any Knowledge, Linguistics, Spellcraft, Diplomacy, Heal, Perception, Profession, or Sense Motive check for free. Can use on an attack roll or a save for 2 points
Alchemy +3 competance bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks to create alchemical items. Can use Craft (alchemy) to identify magical potions. Gain a certain number of magical extracts per day.
Trap Finding +2 bonus on Perception checks to locate traps and on Disable Device checks. Can use Disable Device to disable magical traps.
Ceaseless Observation use intelligence modifier instead of the skills normal ability modifier on Disable Device, Perception, Sense Motive, Use Magic Device, and Diplomacy checks to gather information.
Keen Recollection can attempt all Knowledge skill checks untrained
Trap Sense +2 bonus on Reflex saves to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to AC vs traps.
Studied Combat swift action to study a single target and gain a +2 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls.
Studied Strike upon successfully hitting the target of your studied combat with a melee weapon, you can end the studied combat for an additional +2d6 precision damage
Unfailing Logic +2 insight bonus on Will saves vs illusion spells and spell-like abilities. Can expend 1 inspiration to use int instead of wis on the save.
Investigator Talents Alchemist Discoveries (Infusion, Expanded Inspiration, Quick Study)
Boons and Vanities:
Inherited Wayfinder Vanity - wayfinder can cast light at will, plus one other 0 level spell from another wayfinder vanity
Discerning Wayfinder Vanity - wayfinder can cast detect magic at will
Confirmed Field Agent Receive a wayfinder for free. Prestige cost for any wayfinder enhancement vanity is reduced by 1 (minimum 1)
Friend of Janira Gavix gain a +1 bonus on knowledge checks attempted in the Grand Lodge in Absalom.
Debt of Cyphers When in Riddleport, gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Linguistics checks when you consult Cyphergate scholar Gurukaza. Also gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information in the same town.
Riddleport Respect +2 bonus on Intimidate checks in Riddleport
Explore, Report, Cooperate [1 use] Free immediate action to consider an action and know if it would further or hinder the goals of the Society.