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![]() MightyJim wrote:
+1 and agree. There are several cool ways to do this such as the one you mentioned or during the Justifiable Diecide (sp?) from WotR there was a penalty mechanic for using cursed blessings (our play group felt this was directly related to alignments). ![]()
![]() skizzerz wrote:
Glad to know we've been doing it right, thanks for the clarification. ![]()
![]() I browse these forums maybe once a quarter so hopefully I’m not too late to the party. Background info on our PACG group:
I mention the above because it provides some context as to what issues we might (or might not) see. First I’ll start with some ideas that I’ve seen thus far and would like to endorse. Penalties for Failure – Yes yes please yes! I believe I posted an idea about this maybe 2 ago. In an RPG or story, if you have objective A and you do not accomplish it, this significantly alters objective B (in route, difficulty, both, etc.). Currently, it seems as the only cost of failure is the time spent playing the scenario and even then, we got some cool stuff so no big deal. Failing a scenario is more of a meh rather than instill a sense of urgency or impending doom for what lies ahead now that you screwed this up. More Story – The only exposure to Pathfinder our group has is from this card game. Sometimes we will dig around online to try and find a PDF or additional material during a campaign because it offers so much insight as to some of the cards we’re playing with. Not only characters but locations, weapons, items, etc… I posted a while back complaining that a MM “key” card didn’t have the correct power but it was pointed out that in the story, the “key” was not actually a key but a holy symbol, the power made much more sense after knowing this. Including additional story content in the box, or as a printable / downloadable section of the website, would be fantastic. Side Quests / Secondary Objectives – We’ve always tossed around ideas on how to make the game a little less linear (penalties for failure mentioned above works into this as well). This could be a great area for those lost loot cards and could even be for temporary rewards (Using MM as an example, if a side-quest was completed, then all merchants have +1 cards of their type after this scenario only). Merchants / Vendors – from the MM set, this is a fantastic mechanic. We actually had a house version of this for all of the previous box sets. We didn’t like having access to so many cards when rebuilding a deck so we had a trade value to get basics, and later elites, only (much like a particular merchant in MM, one of the markets I believe). I hope this mechanic will continue throughout future sets. Some things I’d like to see improved or disagree with: 1) Temporary closing has been mentioned before but our group has always temporary “blocked” a location when someone encounters the villain first. Long ago we never really knew the correct order but just figured that made the most sense. Experimenting with the order can ultimately change the strategy either way but we thought by handling locations first it was less prone to manipulation (if this is now a clear rule then apologies). 2) Maybe a better QA/QC process for cards. Hopefully this won’t come across as being too OCD or nit-picky but there have been errors on cards (like a weapon not having a certain damage type) that are really significant errors which should have been noticed before printing (more leniency in RotR, but not by now). New players may never know there is an FAQ with card rulings/updates for each box set and sometimes we even forget to look. 3) Removing Locations Once Closed – I would not like to see this happen in PACG. Having closed locations are great to generate lasting effects for a scenario, offer a place of reprieve or regroup yet still pose some risk (monsters or barriers that affect all locations for example). A closed location is generally safe, however nothing is for certain …this is a great thing in my opinion. I’ll try and come up with a few more thoughts as the weekend progresses… ![]()
![]() Axoq, I appreciate the feedback. I understand that combinations of cards may seem awkward, especially given the random nature of how locations are constructed. What I am referring to specifically is the text on a single card that seems thematically wrong with itself. While this certainly is not a full-blown RPG, it is the card game adaptation of one. Having an aquatic monster at a desert location may be humorous, however I would expect the themes of individual cards to make sense. ![]()
![]() I don't have Seelah in front of me to look at the exact wording of her power. If her power triggers when she has to make a check, then yes...she can use it. If her power triggers when she encounters a card, the no...she cannot use it. Take a look at how the power is worded and it should make more sense (hopefully). ![]()
![]() So during an adventure last night the Key of the Second Vault item came up and we had a question about the "banish" part of this card's wording. You see, it doesn't specify if the barrier you banish is defeated (or not). While this might not matter for a barrier such as Collapsing Scaffolding, it does matter for something like Trapped Locker, which rewards you when the barrier is defeated. So a key works on scaffolding but not on a locked box? Hmmmmm We played the card exactly as it was written, however we felt the game developers intended for which ever barrier you banish to be defeated. Figured I'd put my question here for clarification. Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() Ron Lundeen wrote:
That's awesome material and thank you; I will definitely check it out. ![]()
![]() So here is another idea that my gaming group wishes PAIZO would create:
One thing our table top game master has been working on is our own, custom campaign using the PACG and some of the characters we completed adventure paths with. One thing we would love to see are expansion decks that offer something like the following: Adventure Gear Expansion:
Scroll Case Expansion:
Adventure Pals Expansion:
The ability to create a custom campaign with all available PACG cards is a huge plus to extending the life of the product beyond just playing the base sets. Having a product that’s professionally designed and balanced for adventures beyond level 6 would be something I believe would sell very well. What do you guys think? ![]()
![]() Joshua Birk 898 wrote:
Good point, you definitely don't want people failing on purpose. I think that "MOST" of the time, the reward for a conditional scenario would be the chance to make up the reward you would have gotten for success. This would help mitigate intentional sandbagging. Maybe every so often the reward might be different ...of course passing the "balance" test by the dev team. ![]()
![]() Jimmy_Weasel wrote: ...Imagine that every so often you get to choose if you crash the evil guy's castle with an army, or rather attend his villainous ball in disguises. This would be such a blast, even getting the adventure party to AGREE which path to take would be an epic debate for some groups! isaic16 wrote: ...then a group might activate 'hard mode' or 'easy mode' on the next scenario. This would allow different types of groups to play at their level and pace. This made me LoL for two reasons...one, it's a great idea and calling it hard mode made me chuckle. Second, the group I play in has a similar homemade rule for when we fail a scenario, which I think we shall now call hard mode :D IF Scenario = FAILED, THEN:
Great comments all around, nice to have this chat with you guys. ![]()
![]() Sandslice wrote:
Ok, thanks for the clarification. Though the charges still do not do anything..since that power comes from the path correct? ![]()
![]() Sandslice wrote:
My point is according to the rule book for WotR, a mythic charge is placed (and used) by your mythic path. If you are playing AD0 or AD1, and do not have a mythic path...you cannot acquire (or use) mythic charges. The WotR rules wording about spending charges says "After you acquire a mythic path..." This is of course unless a developer has clarified this somewhere on the forums. ![]()
![]() I agree with the original poster (OP) as well. Some facts / observations about WotR:
I guess a bonus to having such a high mortality rate is getting to play more characters :) Between the previous sets and class decks there are a ton of choices. ![]()
![]() skizzerz wrote: You can have mythic charges in Adventures 0 and 1 as well, the issue is before you reset your hand you lose any number of them greater than the current adventure number (so charges don't stick around between turns in AD0, although in AD1 you can have a single charge stick around to make Ascension an auto-acquire). If you don't even get a mythic path (the ability to use mythic charges) until after completion of AD1, how is it possible to have mythic charges before then, where exactly would you put them? ![]()
![]() Ok, so how about an example? Take Skull & Shackles, Adventure Deck 6, Scenario #2: "The Armada" So the premise of this scenario is that your pirate fleet goes toe-to-toe against one of the most powerful and feared fleets around, the Chelish Navy. Using a system like I mentioned above, let's say you failed this Scenario. In a movie, book or table top RPG you couldn't just run and get another fleet to fight again (at least not before the bad guy wins). So why not have a condition on Scenario #3 Storming For Hazard say something like:
The description text can be something like:
Scenario Details
So a natural follow-up question would be, what happens if the players fail both the Scenario and the new conditional Scenario? The answer: The development team at Paizo is smarter than me ...they can figure it out ;) ![]()
![]() I'm a HUGE fan of the regular promo cards that come with the subscription. For the longest time, I was buying these cards individually online and eventually got my own subscription for the sole reason of promos. Given this, I'd say Paizo's strategy is working. I don't have any issues with the ICONIC promos being included with mini's or other marketing strategies. My problem with the ICONIC promos is that a few of them seem massively imbalanced when compared to other promos (and other cards in general)...some are even game breaking in my opinion. I don't think the ICONIC promos scale in power level as good as the other promos do. my $.02 ![]()
![]() I haven't posted a lot on these forums so I hope this is the right place. So I'm an old-time table top guy (I'm sure like many of us) that really enjoys how the PACG integrates elements of card games and RPGs. I think there are several ways PACG could add more depth to the game and the idea I wanted to present today centers around story telling. Visualizing the action and following the story behind the scenarios is something my group and I really enjoy. Often times we will look at the actual table-top modules to get a better understanding of the adventure setting, villains, stories, etc... I think an idea that would enhance the story aspect of PACG would be to alter future scenarios based on the success or failure of the current scenario. So let's say your group fails a scenario...rather than just replay it, there could be rules/mechanics to alter a future scenario(s) based on that failure. Merely replaying a scenario could definitely be an option, but having your enemies change, or your path from A to B change could add another layer of depth to PACG. I know you can add in your own role play reasons for replaying a scenario, but it would be a ton of fun if you failed a scenario and had to take a different path to complete the adventure deck. From a cost/production perspective, Paizo wouldn't have to create extra Scenario cards. They could just add sections to existing Scenarios that have different rewards / effects / etc...if the previous scenario had been failed. Thoughts? |