![]() Steve Geddes wrote:
Steve you may be right. My crystal ball is broke, so I cannot predict the future. But history is often a great teacher. Ironically, Paizo is following the same pattern of another prior company...TSR. What happened to them? Wizards of the Coast has a vast lifeline. It is called HASBRO. They are not going anywhere. My hope is for the long term success of Paizo. They are the best. D&D Second Edition did not help TSR in the end. I am not sure PF2E will help Paizo. I sure they know what they are doing. So long PF1e. It was great! Cheers, Mazra ![]()
![]() TriOmegaZero wrote: I haven’t learned PF2 enough to be confident in the system, although I have been in a few scenarios recently. And my 5E GM rage quit when they reneged on the digital support he expected, so we haven’t tried it since. Good reasons. I have always liked Paizo's digital support system. In addition to face-to-face campaigns, I have run message board campaigns on this site and email campaigns with friends and family. Paizo's digital content has made that possible and richly so. I actually thought about running a 5e campaign, but was discouraged by the lack of digital support. But my main motivation for starting this thread was the fact that there was no way I could convert my Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign to PF2e. It just wouldn't work. And then we started to compare them more and more. It became clear to us that PF2e was nowhere near as robust as PF1e. Maybe someday. But it will take years for PF2e to become anywhere near what PF1e currently is. And then I wondered if PF1e was a dead system to Paizo? And I found it that it is. And that makes me very sad. Sure we still have the content. But I will be looking for more. And there is so much more that can be added, tweaked, improved upon, etc. But this Baby has been thrown out with the Bathwater. And with no support, more and more will fall away until there is nothing. And the problem with that, and here I go again, is that PF1e is the best D&D based RPG game system to date. It is better than all the others. Again, that is my opinion. YMMV. But you are still running several 1e campaigns. If it wasn't a solid system, you would not be running them, nor would I. Cheers, Mazra ![]()
![]() TriOmegaZero wrote: Judging by my Rise of the Runelords, Hell’s Rebels, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Shattered Star, and soon to be Strange Aeons campaigns, I’m not letting go of it any time soon. And that is awesome. However, I am just running CotCT and playing in a Skull and Shackles at present. Shattered Star maybe next. But I am curious, why are you not leaving PF1 for PF2 or 5e? ![]()
![]() Steve, that doesn't change my thought processes. It is like a family business. The younger child has more income potential to the family business now than the older child. So let's just get rid of the older child. I get that it is all about money. And I am fine with Paizo devoting the bulk of their talents to their new game system. That makes good business sense to support the new product line. I just don't understand totally abandoning the old product line, particularly when they are very different from one another. They could rebrand PF1e as PATHFINDER CLASSIC. And write APS for both 2e and Classic. It is mostly about the stories anyway. That way Paizo will still get my money too. Because they will not be getting my money for PF2e. At least not anytime soon. Ironically, I have still been buying Paizo stuff for my 1e campaigns. Steve, I am just not ready to let it go. It looks like most of you are. And that is your choice. Cheers, Mazra ![]()
![]() Rysky wrote:
You are right. D&D grew from the Chainmail wargame system. But it became the definitive RPG. And since then it has not been a wargame system. Sure, there will always be combat elements, but for many of us it is the role-playing elements that makes it different. I played Warhammer, and it was more about moving fantasy armies on a battlefield than RPG. It may be different now, but what I played was nothing like D&D. Pathfinder is like D&D. And with it, so is PF2e. ![]()
![]() gnoams wrote: but 1e d&d compared to pf2 is as different a rules set as comparing warhammer to either. RPGs don't exist in a vacuum. As pathfinder proved, players will jump brands. I disagree. Warhammer was built from a miniature wargaming system and added RPG elements. D&D was an RPG from the get. PF2 is far closer to PF1 and the original D&D than Warhammer. But, that is just my thoughts and opinions. And yes, we will jump brands. I jumped from D&D to Pathfinder. And if I find something I like better than PF1, I will jump away from it. But at present, PF2 or 5e, aren't it for me. ![]()
![]() Rysky wrote: And this is what we call moving the goalposts. The original goal post was always about the D&D based RPGs. All my points were based on 1e, 2e, 3e, 4e, 5e, PF1e and PF2e. And not Warhammer or any other gaming system. When I talked in global terms it was meant as definitive to the D&D Fantasy RPG systems within this PF1e forum. Others brought up other gaming systems. Personally, I don't play other systems. PF1e has been enough for me for much of the last ten years. As to 2e having more monsters than PF1e, I would need to see a count to believe that 2e has more monsters created than the six PF1e bestiaries and other PF1e monsters in ancillary works. Paizo has been busy. ![]()
![]() Rysky wrote: So when P2 has more content than P1 it will be better than P1? It may be. And if it is, then I too may abandon PF1e for the better D&D Based Fantasy RPG. But at present it is not. And I am talking about right at this point in time. And again, that is my opinion. In retrospect, I abandoned 1e, 2e, 3e, 3.5, and 4e for PF1e. And the reason is because I really enjoy Pathfinder 1e, Golarion, the APs, just about everything about it. PF2e and 5e just isn't there yet. Maybe someday. Why should I give up what I like best for something lesser? Just because it is new. New does not mean better. ![]()
![]() TriOmegaZero wrote:
Forgive me TriOmegaZero, but this is a PF1e forum. An PF1E came from the D&D 3.5 OGL. So yes. I am talking about best D&D based RPG Fantasy Gaming System. Warhammer has been around for a long time too. But it is not D&D. Personally, I never cared for the Warhammer combat system. Warhammer may be as robust, if not more, than PF1E. Truthfully, I have no idea. But it is not a D&D based system. It is its own system. And yes, RUSH is the best ROCK BAND. It is not the best JAZZ BAND. So, I am not talking globally here about every gaming system in the world or every genre of music for that matter. I having been talking about from the very first post I entered in creating this thread about D&D based RPGS. And my observation that PF2 is nowhere near as great as PF1 IMHO. And I am very sad that Paizo has abandoned PF1. And I can add 4e and 5e to that statement that IMHO PF1e is better. PF1e is better than 1e, 2e, 3e, and 3.5. But again that is my opinion. YMMV ![]()
![]() TriOmegaZero wrote: PF1 is my ONLY system. I started on D&D 3.5. I regret letting my charter subscriber tag go. I regret selling my AP hard copies when they were taking up shelf space I couldn’t afford. I’ve never played anything else for more than a few sessions. And I can say that plenty of other systems have all those things you list and more. PF is good, but it’s not the best, just the best for you and me. OK. Which D&D based Fantasy RPG has MORE character classes? MORE monsters? MORE rules? ;) I know it is neither PF2e or 5e. So which is it? There may be one out there, I am just not aware of it. Now best is a term that is very subjective. That is why I often use the term YMMV. PF1E is the best for me and my group. And it is because you get MORE with it. For me MORE is better. And PF1E has the most. What D&D based Fantasy RPG system has MORE? For me RUSH is the best Rock Band of all time. I am willing to bet that there are many of you out there that disagrees with this statement. Same is true for PF1E. Cheers, Mazra ![]()
![]() TOZ wrote: If you’re going to say PF1 is the best, you’ll need to define what you mean. Because it’s not the best at everything, if it is even the best at anything. YMMV. And this is simply my opinion. Clearly, PF1E is not your system. To each his own. PF1E has the most variety, most options in character classes, vast bestiary, huge number of adventures. And it feels like D&D 1st edition, but more robust. I like that. Could it be improved? Sure. That is why it still needs to be supported. ![]()
![]() Sysryke wrote: So, how do others experiences or views vary? What makes a game "feel" like D&D to you? Everyone has different experiences. All I know is that 4e did not feel like the prior game systems. I had DMed them all 1e, 2e, 3.0, 3.5. Some of 4e's issues had to do with poorly written adventures, but some of it was game mechanics. After over a year of running a 4e campaign we gave it up to give Rise of the Runelords a try. It didn't take long to feel like we were back in to a comfortable pair of shoes after one that was not comfortable. Paizo just kept making it better. Now they are not. ![]()
![]() GeraintElberion wrote:
Of course it is. Anytime someone stops playing or supporting a system to play another, that systems fan base has been eroded. 5e has clearly eroded the fan base for PF1e. PF2 is a response to that. And PF2 has already replaced PF1. I am sure Paizo is hoping to pick up 5e support. But 5e has become a different animal. It is juggernaut. Not only has it garnered support from those that once played other systems, it has attracted new supporters. My issue is that neither 5e or PF2 are better systems than PF1e. This is my opinion. I don't like seeing the best system not being supported. And that is what is happening. GeraintElberion wrote:
This comment had nothing to do with Paizo. It was a comment of what factually happened in the past to TSR and then Wizards. GeraintElberion wrote:
At the time, Wizards did not benefit from the 3.5 OGL. They were focused on 4e. Paizo benefited greatly from the 3.5 OGL. It made them an RPG gaming force. Paizo had lost their publishing rights for their D&D magazines. The 3.5 OGL gave Paizo a lifeline. It in effect created Pathfinder. For Wizards it created 4e. I think Paizo won that one. However, I will give Wizards credit, they have seriously revived their D&D brand with 5e. I am just not a fan. GeraintElberion wrote:
If it is just you, then you are right. Is it just you? I am sticking with PF1e, at least for now. GeraintElberion wrote:
3.0/3.5/PF1e may very well be a dying game system. I hear there are some out there still playing 1e. The content is still available. But, you said yourself that you are sticking with PF1e. For now, I am too. There are others here also. Are we it? I don't think so. I think there is life out there for PF1e. Someone like a Legendary Games may see an opportunity and latch on to the 3.5 OGL and support the system. The 3.5 OGL is still out there. Right now, I honestly believe that if I took some serious three or four year 5e players and introduced them to Rise of the Runelords Anniversary edition under the PF1e system, they would jump ship. Now if they are just casual gamers that want something simple, then no. But if they have a taste for RPG and want to take it to the next level, then PF1e is the next level. It maybe older, but it is far more robust. IMHO PF1e just needs tweaking and not replaced. There may be a quality gaming publisher out there that will throw out a lifeline and support the system. I would prefer Paizo. But it looks like that will not be happening. Cheers, Mazra ![]()
![]() pad300 wrote: I got to say that I'm currently in the same bucket as AllenDM and Mazra. I started RPGs back with D&D Red box... I bought the 4th edition rules, but moved to PF1 after a bit. Why? 4E didn't feel like a D&D game at the table. PF2 doesn't feel like a D&D game at the table either. So it's pretty likely I'm not going to move... I'm still trying to play PF2, but it doesn't feel right. Call it nostalgia, call it what you will. It seems to be to some of us old schoolers. PF1E may be the penultimate system extension from the original 1st edition D&D. Sadly, it may very well be the end; at least, in terms of being a continually supported system. PF1E felt like classic D&D, except with a rich new world with excellently written adventures. I have either GMed or played some or all of Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Second Darkness, Kingmaker, Skull & Shackles, and Giantslayer. Most of these are nothing short of classic adventures. The one reality is that there are PF1E APs that still need to be played. And though it makes me sad that this great game system will no longer be supported by Paizo, I know that I can continue on. And maybe join up with some others to keep it going. Long live PF1E! Cheers, Mazra ![]()
![]() ALLENDM wrote:
Eighteen years is an awesome point. The world has room for all these game systems. The question is, does Paizo have room? At present, they are throwing out the baby with the bath water. Like I previously said, Pathfinder 1E is a great game system. 3.0 and 3.5 were great game systems. They are not systems for those that casually play the game. They are for committed players that wants a deep and complex system to enjoy a fantasy realm. Truthfully, Paizo really does not need to do a lot to make this work. After all, they have already created the vast majority of the rules and APs. It just that they need someone to be a watchman for their legacy product. Someone, to tweak it. Maybe covert 2E APs to run in 1E. To make Pathfinder Legacy the Monopoly of RPGs. Abandoning it seems like a huge waste. Cheers, Mazra ![]()
![]() Firebug wrote:
I find it interesting that you couldn't find a PF1E group. I am curious to see how many out there are still running 4E games. And how many are still running or playing in a PF 1E game. I am playing in one PF 1E campaign and running another virtually through email. I don't have issues running PF 1E virtually. There are plenty of online resources to make it doable. I am actually thinking of running my CotCT email campaign on the Paizo Message Board with another group. But now I am wondering if there would be any interest. This is discouraging. ![]()
![]() How many people are still playing D&D 4E? There maybe some. But I doubt it is anywhere near the numbers sticking with PF1E. 4E had sales because it was D&D. They had sales on the strength of the Brand Name. It took a while for Pathfinder to build its Brand Name. But where is 4E now? I guess you could say that PF1E is heading that same way. However, the big difference is that PF1E is a great game system. 4E never was. Again,YMMV. I honestly believe there will be too many PF1 players and GMs that will feel that the other systems are a dumbing down their RPG. If Paizo gives up the product, then someone, ironically like Paizo previously, will pick up the mantle. The OGL is still out there. I appreciate the discussion. Cheers, Mazra ![]()
![]() Isn't the fact that there is a PF 2E already splitting the fan base? TSR was bought out by Wizards, which in turn was bought by Hasbro. The OGL is what gave Paizo life and the ability to create Pathfinder from the 3.5 system. Wizards did not benefit from the OGL, at least not by much. Now Fifth Edition revived the D&D brand for Wizards. Before that Pathfinder 1E was king. Fourth Edition was all but a dead RPG system. But then Fourth Edition was a terrible system. Don't get me wrong, Fifth Edition and PF 2E may have their place in the world. Fifth Edition is very popular. But at present, I have no interest in moving to PF2E or D&D5E. There is a reason 3.5 did not go away. There were way too many of us that did not like 4E and stuck with 3.5. Pathfinder was the lifeline. And there is many of us still with Pathfinder 1E. If Paizo doesn't throw us a lifeline, then someone else will. Just like Paizo did with PF1e. It is amazing how some things come back around full circle. Give us a better gaming system than 3.5/PF 1E and I may go to it and never look back. I am not convinced that either 5E or PF 2E are better gaming systems. YMMV ![]()
![]() ALLENDM wrote: I have found that PF1E has hit the sweet spot for myself. I don't intend on changing to 2E. I have read through the rule set a few times and even done some comparison analysis and play testing and I simply don't like it and I find it a poor advancement from 1E to something better. That is a purely a personal opinion based on 42 years of RPG experience and what I prefer as a player and a GM. To say we are kindred would be an understatement. I have been DMing campaigns since the late 70's. Yes. I am old. But it was precisely your sentiments that made me start this thread. I realized that it would be impossible to convert an existing 1E campaign into a 2E campaign. And the simple reason is that 2E lacked the complexity. As ALLENDM said, Pathfinder 1E is the SWEEET SPOT. 3.5 was close to the SWEET SPOT. If anything needs to happen, it should be tweaks on the crowning jewel, things that can make the best system work better, Pathfinder 1.25. (You need room for growth.). Pathfinder 1E is not like a 20 year old chair. It is brand like Cadillac. Paizo became what they became on the 3.5 game system. Giving it up would be like General Motors giving up Cadillac. Really!!! How does that financially make sense? I get the need to create new systems. New system sells books and Paizo is a publisher. Selling books is their business. But General Motors does not only have Cadillac. They have Chevrolet too, Pontiac, etc.. Does it make sense to give up an entire brand? Pathfinder 1E is a far more advanced game system. Simpler? No. More complex. Yes! It is the Cadillac of RPG game systems. And with Cadillacs you pay more for what you get. PAIZO, do you get this point? Cheers, Mazra ![]()
![]() gnoams wrote: If you look at the greater world of rpg publications and other tabletop gaming, no company goes back to a previous edition. Ever. It's always move forward and make a new edition. Thanks for your input. It does look this way. However, this point is valid. Paizo benefited greatly from Wizards abandoning 3.5. They took that solid game system and built Pathfinder. Now it does look like Paizo will do as all these other companies have done an abandon their prior work. After all, that is how everyone else has done it before. But is that the smartest move? The reason Pathfinder 1E worked was because it was built on a tried and true system. That tried and true system is still there. It is likely that Legendary Games, or someone like them, will benefit from Paizo' s move just as Paizo benefited from Wizard's move. Que sera, sera. Cheers, Mazra ![]()
![]() It is because I noticed that there was so much that was different between 1E and 2E is why I created this thread. If Paizo has made it CLEAR that they have moved away from 1E, then they have either done their homework and saw that trying to maintain both in some way was not economically feasible, or they have not done their homework and they have made a very poor business decision. I think there is an audience for both. But I have no data to support this idea. I for one have not left 1E. I have thought about starting a D&D 5E campaign, but we jumped into CotCT instead. Some day I may try a PF 2E campaign, but there is still a lot of APs I have yet to run. And it is all about story telling. And there are some great PF 1E stories I have yet to tell. ![]()
![]() I just recently picked up the Pathfinder 2E Core Rulebook. And though there is a ton of differences there is also a ton of things alike to 1E. Printing things cost big bucks. But edited PDFs, though labor intensive, could be a thought if time spent equals or exceed revenue generated. It is all about the gold, man. I am wondering if Paizo has fully fallen in to the Wizard's mindset of not supporting prior editions. Ironically, Paizo benefited greatly from Wizard's lapse of maintaining legacy products. As Humans, we sometime have a bad habit or repeating the same mistakes from the past. ![]()
![]() Opuk0 wrote:
Thanks for your personal anecdote and opinion. This is actually what I was looking for. It sounds like Paizo will simply move away from 1st edition. And from a practical business way, that likely makes the most sense. However, from another business perspective it may not make sense. This may be a poor example for some of you, but how many would go to McDonalds if there were only Happy Meals available? Some of us want Big Macs or Double Cheeseburgers. The point is that, if possible, supporting both game systems could actually generate revenue from both systems for Paizo. Paizo built Pathfinder into a juggernaut because Wizards abandoned 3.5e for 4e. So which gaming company will step in and revive Pathfinder 1st edition into the next great RPG? Too bad it doesn't sound like it will be Paizo. Again, thanks for your input. Mazra ![]()
![]() Hi Everyone, This is just a quick thought. I am finally getting around to run an Anniversary Edition of the Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign using Pathfinder 1st Edition rules. I recently picked up the Core Rulebook for 2nd Edition. And I had a thought about converting my campaign, currently near the end of the Edge of Anarchy, to Second Edition. But in looking, it was clear it would not work. Second Edition currently does not have the flexibility to convert the characters from the First Edition campaign. That made me think: And this may have been addressed many times before, but is Paizo moving completely away from First Edition? From what I can tell, they really are two very different game systems. Second Edition is much simpler. And though there are strengths to this, the complexity of First Edition has an audience too. I am curious. And this may have been announced and I missed it, but will Paizo write any more APs for 1st Edition. Or at least, will they make their APs compatible for both? Forgive me if this has been addressed. Good Gaming, Mazra ![]()
![]() This has all likely passed to the posters above, but others may follow, and I see these were posted in the current year. This is how I saw the situation. It is actually a good story. Grau was likely disappointed, maybe even upset, that Sabina spurned any of his advances. And when he notices that Vencarlo was interested in Sabina as well, Grau became a bit jealous. This lead Grau to egg on both Vencarlo and Sabina. Grau could have easily preyed on their pride and vanity as both were exceptionally skilled and likely very proud of it. And Sabina, more likely, would have wanted a real go at her teacher Vencarlo for her own satisfaction. Vencarlo, on the other hand, would have wanted to show Sabina he was the better in the hopes that this would create a greater sense of endearment from Sabina to himself, the classic student crush on her teacher. The actual fight was likely something that soon got out of hand. It was likely unintentional that Vencarlo struck Sabina in the cheek. He may have become a bit overzealous in trying to prove himself the superior. Sabina may have been holding back some too, but with the strike on the cheek, the adrenalin would have kicked in and she would give it her all with the results two of Vencarlo's fingers. I doubt Vencarlo ever gave it his all in this fight. The pride of both would have been bruised and the whole affair would be a bad memory for all the parties involved. As I put it when asked, Sabina would have initially been thankful to Grau, for it was because of his actions that Sabina is (or was) now at the side of the Queen. ![]()
![]() I can edit the deity and alignment that my character uses. No big deal. At first I wanted to pick a deity that would allow a bow. But Dwarves can take a -1 Non-Proficiency on a single weapon per level. So, I will use that instead and pick a deity more aligned with others in the party. I present to you Mazrak the Forlorn. Chillblame, I can pick the deity most aligned with the party once you have a general selection of players. But in general, this is an adventure against giants, so Dwarves may be a favored race for most. Just saying.... ![]()
![]() David M Mallon wrote:
This! I am seeing the same thing. BTW - I am using Chrome. Chrome works best with Google Drawings, which is essential to interacting with the maps in our campaigns. ![]()
![]() I am running a Lirianne clone PC in a Skull & Shackles campaign. And though the SK Lirianne is perfectly acceptable, this one absolutely rocks. Now I just need the GM to not kill off my character before November. And the way it has been going of late, that could be likely. :( On Guns, I used to be totally against them. After playing a Cutlass wielding Gunslinger for a few months, I have changed my mind. Paizo has done a great job introducing them without disrupting game balance. Bravo! ![]()
![]() I like the Dancing Girl in multiples. And to agree with Mercury 141, without a weapon in hand, she is great for a non-combatant. I could have a used a few of her when a bunch of Goblins raided a certain festival. She could have represented Shayliss too. The Ghoul is cool in multiples for sure. And one with a weapon in hand is unique. I like it. The Pious Guard looks more like a solitary NPC, PC or Captain of the Guards. He is too well armored for common guards. So I am not interested in having him in multiples. However, this one will surely not stop me from buying a case. This is a really good sculpt for a Paladin or other well-armored fighter type. Another good preview. Thanks Erik. ![]()
![]() I know this is an old post, but I am finding the same issue with the Magnimar book. Though great for adding flavor, it is not helpful to find what you need quickly in gameplay. You almost need to memorize the contents for it to be truly effective. And that is not one of my strengths. Just trying to find a magic shop that sold magic items was difficult. I ended up using the generic Bazaar of Sails and will likely create a location on my own. But that is not why I purchase source books. ![]()
![]() We needed a Pathfinder Goblin Archer. This will truly fill out the ranks in my growing Pathfinder Goblin Army. And to chime in agreement, glad to see the Gnolls coming out in force. I look forward to the production images, an of course to have them in hand. The Iconic Heroes Set #1 is rather timely. I use Valeros as my Longsword and Gladius wielding Pirate in a Skull & Shackles campaign. And a player is looking to use Valeros as their miniatures in my third Rise of the Runelord campaign. At present I only have one. So getting another sculpt is great. Now each of us can have their own version. (I usually provide all the miniatures, and let the players keep the one that represents their PC.) ![]()
![]() Need help from a Developer. When I go to My Account, I am missing an Alias, "Mazra of Sandpoint" in my list. I still have this Alias in my Alias tab when I click on my main "Mazra" link. The main issues is that this has also caused My Campaigns for this Alias to disappear from my main profile. Bummer! Thanks for any help. ![]()
![]() Arikiel brings up a good point, but in my opinion, there is another variable. Weapons! Players particularly want a miniature that represents not only Armor Type, Basic Race, and Sex; but the right weapon being carried. Dagger or small hand held weapon type
And this is a very basic group of eight that doesn't even touch on the more exotic weapons available. The base 40 grows quickly to a huge number when varieties of weapons are considered. From reading Erik's post from the beginning of the PFB line, it is obvious he is a miniatures collector like most of us. He knows as well as anybody what is still needed, and more so what is needed within the Pathfinder Universe; and in light of what has already been made from other lines. I truly look forward to the holes and gaps being filled piece by piece as each new set is revealed. ![]()
![]() We actually needed a Sasquatch mini. I like that it doesn't have any shorts on, unlike its colder cousin. I too like the spiky elements on the Dwarf. If I get more than one, I will be tempted to mod one or two into Duergar. And finally, I like props. When I can use them, they add to the overall experience, especially if I can combine them with some Dwarven Forge or other terrain. Now personally, I would like to get several of the Cauldrons. One especially to have a little fun with. I could see drilling a hole in the bottom of one and running up a little LED into it. Plus in a certain AP there were three Hag Witch sisters brewing around a Cauldron. I could see modifying the encounter with each sister with her own Cauldron brewing up different spells. Fun! Thanks Erik! This is a good way to start the New Year. |