Mayhemm001's page
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The biggest question I have, and hope it can be answered, will there still be a Iobaria gazetteer in the Anniversary edition? And if so, will it be the same as the original or will it be expanded on, even a little bit? I'm not looking for specifics or details. A yes or no reply will suffice. I love Iobaria and would love to see more done with it.
Does anyone know when the projected release date is going to be for this? I haven't been able to find out anything myself and I am looking forward to.
Where does it say that they are not flammable? Just curious. Or is it that since it doesn't say they are inflammable, by default they are non-flammable? As to how I am wanting to play with them, is I want to use them to hold a group of targets so the technomancer can blast them. Was hoping the adhesive would be a few rounds of persistent flame damage. Think Web spell and Burning Hands.
So is there any place in the books that say either or not the adhesive of sticky grenades is inflammable? Or would that be a Homebrew decision?
I have set the encounter up where there is environmental advantages the players can use. Using those the players could eliminate 3 or 4 at once. Ex: a 5 gallon barrel of lamp oil and a pit.
My hope would be that since they did do a tiny tiny gazetter for it, that would expand on it. In my opinion they have not really done the other areas of Golarian just. I was disappointed in the Dragon Empires gazetter. I would love that they made hard back World Guide bout Casmaron and Vudra and Dragon Empires.
Doh! Was completely backwards on that. And have found what I was curious bout the Boneyard. Well that's that.
So explain this too me. How much XP should the members of a Party of 4 level 1 characters receive in this encounter.
The encounter is 10 zombies and 2 Akatas? All twelve are Creature 1 beings.
So what is known bout The Spire that's located in the Boneyard? Is there a city located a top it? Or a Castle that is the size of a city, populated by multitude of people's? Does The Spire connect all planes of the Great Beyond?
I'm wanting to use the Akata. And I'm homebrewing the Akata, void death affection and void zombies. I hoping to get some feed back bout what I am using for Void Death. I don't want to have it be over powered.
Saving Throw: DC 15 Fortitude. Onset: 1 hour. Stages 1: 1D6. (6 hours). Stage 2: 1D6 and Clumsy 1. (6hours). Stage 3: 1D8 and Clumsy 1. (6 hours).
Now that I have been thinking bout it, I wouldn't mind if Paizo would follow the footsteps of TSR and have different official settings. Like those that the west coast wizards guys picked up.
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Casmaron, Arcadia, and Sarusan all I would love to know more bout. Not just a few pages here and there. I would like to have enough details that a lengthy, long(read: years) campaign could be done in one of those areas. They have 10 years of fluff for the Inner Sea area. I feel it's time to expand the setting.
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I want more information bout the other continents. Enough that a group could run multiple campaigns based in places other then the Inner Sea and Dragon Empires. Cashamon, Sarusan, and Arcadia mostly.
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A full made Gazetteer could also have information bout Koloran, the Cyclops empire that was in Iobaria. I could also see there be a heavy influence in the area from The First World. Also more information bout Giant society I feel would be a good addition for a Gazetteer about the area.
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With the 10th Anniversary of Kingmaker on it's way, I am wondering what the chances of a Iobaria setting book being made. I have seen a few posts of other people being interested in knowing more bout Iobaria. I am hoping by making this post we can generate enough interest to at least have Paizo be willing to consider making a setting book for the area. I feel that the area has enough potential to have several campaigns played in it.
With that said, what material would people like to see in a setting book for Iobaria? I myself would like to see more material bout the ancient cyclops. Also I think that centaurs as a Ancestry could be fun. Maybe material about Dwarves in the mountains in Iobaria too. Definitely would love to see more information bout the Snow Elves, and their history. As I think of more things I will update this post
The rain thing has been blown out,of proportion. I never said i wanted rain tables. How much rain a region has could be a general state.... " the rainy season brings torrential rains flooding the area" or " the rainy season is marginally wetter then rest of year." As someone else said, as it is now players and GSm have tons of books they bring to the table. Make hardback region books could cut back on some of that. Consolidate info from different sources bout a region, then expand on it. Or even divide the continents up and have hard backs for the same general area....1 book that covers Brevoy, River Kingdoms and Halt.
But I appear to be solo in this desire
That's correct. Not to my taste. The so called region guides are half assed. I want basically a region guide campaign setting.
And as for Ultimate Bromance....I was being sarcastic coz they seem more concerned with making more rules books then fleshing out their own IP. And yes I know they release numerous "books" bout the Inner Sea....which in my opinion is just magazines.....
I never said a big book of Golarion. I said REGION books. As in 1 book for 1 region. Then another different book for 1 region
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Its more then the temps. Its bout thourohhly fleshing out the area. A hardback book for a region could cover the major cities of the region with more then 1 page. The ruins of the area could to be detailed with more then half a page. Local factions, not global factions could be brought in. Thieves guilds detailed. Regional magic spells and items could be in it. As was pointed out, they have to a degree done this for some places spreading it out in several books. I do t have that kind of money. I don't have the time to develop my own stuff. I have a job, bills, a house to take care of, a vehicle to take care of. And I am sure other people feel the same as me.
First I didn't say smash all the regions into one book. I want each individual region to have its own book. A very in depth book. A book that if I wanted to I could buy the Core Book, the Bestairy and that 1 region book and have a fully developed game. I want to know the climate. Is what I am saying. The desert in Arizona is different then the desert of Utah. And they are both different then Chad
And yes I know,its a fantasy world, but I still would,like to k,ow the actual climate. Exactly how cold does the winter of Numeria get? How hot does the summers of Galt get? Its little things like that that makes a world come alive. And also helps design encounters. I really felt they half assed the so call guides for the current regions that has been done. Just enough to shoe horn you into a model, but not enough to let you flesh it out.
If its less then 200 pages, I doubt I will be impressed. I want a literal GUIDE.I want to k,ow when the rainy season is. How much rain fall is in the rainy season. I want a general idea of the mundane than a in the region. I want city info like that found in Korvoso (sp?) book. I want to know the goblins of the region is different then the goblins of a region hundreds of leagues away. In short I want in depth fluff. Massively in depth fluff. The likes of Forgotten Realms or Eberron. And btw if i wanted to use those worlds I would. I like Golarion enough that I want to know it well.
Dear Paizo I humblely ask that you please that you actually make and publish more hardback material for Inner Sea instead of releasing more general rules additions. In my opinion you have neglected the Inner Sea and short handed the fans of the setting. Some more in depth region books (at least 200pgs) would be nice, please.
And thank you
Actually that's the kind of things I am wanting too. Maybe not so in depth, but definitely most of it. Each region is its own culture. What idioms do Kellids from Numeria use that are different then Kellids in Mendev. What things has Thuvia that is different from Osirion. And if not a hardback a very thick softcover, like 160-200 pages.
I have to say no on most of it. I would love to Inner Sea regions updated to hardbacks. Maybe on 6. Would also like to Bestiary Hardbacks wrote in the format like the AP besteries though. I know the Bestiary books would have ALOT less monsters in them that way, but I would be OK with that
What would other people like to see in hardback region guides? I for one would like to see region specific archetypes, how certain skills would be used there, and maybe what the goals of some the fanctions would be.
Yeah I would too for several regions.
Would be to see a region guide with some meat in it, instead of the 69 page magazine. A 200+ page guide with details on climate,flora, fuana, etc would be great. And maps on major cities and locales with with complete info on major personalities. I know some regions have some of that info already out in APs. Which means all that could just be compiled into one book. Just wanting more fluff for regions lol
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I imagine Galt would be a region full of factions. Life of Brian comes to mind now with the plethora of factions
Starting to get a better picture of what Galt is like. A Setting book would be interesting, but sadly setting books are never big enough. If Setting books were twice the size they make them then that would be better. I imagine that major cities in Galt would have "inner city* type neighborhoods, from riots, vendettas, and revolutions.
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Revolution of the week........ Which is why I am having trouble understanding how there is any towns and cities left in Galt. Seems at the best the major communties would look like WWII French communties, ruined buildings and rumble
Seeing as how I haven't researched that turbulent era of France, that explains my lack of understanding of Galt. So in theory, Galt would be full of Swashbucklers right?
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Hi, I'm a experienced GM, and currently running a Inner Sea campaign set in The River Kingdoms. Some players out of game inquired bout Galt. Now I really didn't answer the question bout Galt, seeing as how myself do not know much the kingdom. Reading the Inner Sea World Guide, Galt sounds like a country where everyone is looting, pillaging, sacking, and beheading everyone else. Which makes me confused as there would be any towns left in Galt after 50+ years of this. And then it mentions the revolution councils. Not much of a revolution council if it is ruling for a decade.
So I am asking if my impression of the country is accurate or am I missing something? Just hoping for a better grasp on the area.
I am hoping that Strange Aeons AP has more bout The Dark Tapestry and especially The Dominion of the Black. Both of those also interested me too, as a player and as a GM. I am wondering if they are going to have The Greys tied into a that in some way.
Hello, I'm a veteran GM, but far from being a expert on the D20 system. With that being said, I'll get into the reason for this post. I am currently running a Inner Sea campaign. I plan on having the players trave to Castrovel. Seeing as how Iam wanting to have the players there for a while, I am wanting to have Spore Storms have a few times. I am not seeing a problem with the players being able to weather a storm, what I am concerned with is how a society would survive such storms. Especially in a low tech environment. A environment that has magic and psionics mind you. I would rather not have the all the buildings and homes overloaded with wonderous items to ensure the occupants survive. Any suggestions and advice on this would be appreciated