MasterMinMaxer's page

47 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Dip alchemist 2 for Vestigial Arm,then take the Extra Discovery feat to get another arm.

Strength 12:Strong mainly because of my height.
Dexterity 14:I am very nimble,and love to freerun.
Constitution 9:I am tired very quickly.
Intelligence 14:See the above post.
Charisma 7:Again,no.


PFS,once you hit the higher levels you WILL get mind-controlled.Your will saves SUCK,even more so when you dump Wisdom.Seriously,either keep a normal alchemist,go beastmorph+vivisectionist alchemist,or become a barbarian.

You will be killed,especially with such a low Dexterity and Constitution.If you still want to play this character,lower your Strength a bit and put more points into Dexterity.

Also,be a half-orc.You can take the Grenadier archetype to gain proficiency with one martial weapon at 1st level,and then you can take the alternate racial trait Toothy for an extra attack.That means a lot more damage.

Divine hunter is a great archetype.

Going human:
L1:Point Blank Shot
L1(H):Rapid Shot
L1(P):Precise Shot
L3:Deadly Aim

At this level you will be doing insane damage.Just stack on assorted feats from there on.

No,a rogue with full BAB is NOT BROKEN.The math has been done,the fighter will still beat the rogue every time EVEN IF the rogue still has full sneak attack progression.ANyways,sneak attack is circumstantial(though it is easy to flank),and honestly the rogue is one of,if not the weakest classes in the game.

Tank:Paladin 12(Sword+Board TWF).Take Improved Shield Bash and TWF at 1st level;dump both Int and Wis to 7 and bump up all your other stats.Human.
Skillmonkey:Ranger 2(Trapper)/Rogue 10(Knifemaster):This is done so that you can deal lots of damage while still keeping trapfinding,as well as gaining a point of BAB.Human.
Heals:Oracle with the Life mystery.At 1st level take Selective Channel and Extra Channel,Toughness at 3rd,Dodge at 5th,eventually grab quicken spell.Other than that buff your weak saves with feats or grab extra revelations.Remember to be a halfling,love the small size,Dexterity+Cha,and bonus on saves.
Controller/Arcane Toolbox:A god wizard,based on Treantmonk's guide to wizards.Elf.Stack up on lots of utility scrolls;ones that let you breath underwater,resist elements,etc. are nice.
Buffer:Archery bard.Don't forget to take Clustered Shots in addition to all the normal archery feats.Halfling.

After your first adventure,everyone should spend 2 prestige to gain a wand of CLW and hand it off to either the bard or oracle at the start of each adventure.After that save up in case you need a resurrection.Also,magic armor>magic weapons.

Insightful Strike seems fine to me,especially since it's precision damage.You might want to throw in Weapon Focus as a prerequisite,however.

Zen Strike,I think,can become easily overpowered by having a monk with no MAD at all-they can get Wis to AC,attack,Will saves,and damage.*Shrug*

EDIT:The way they get Wisdom to attack is a feat called Guided Hand from Ultimate Combat.

Rogue. I know,I'm crazy,but I just love them.Anyways,I can munchkin the crap out of them so they're actually effective.

Sorry,the only caster I know of that can do that is the Sorceror(with the Sage bloodline).

I'd give halfling the edge.They will have more AC,better saves,and skill bonuses that would help with the huge armor check penalties.I love them especially for TWF builds.

Strength is needed to swing things faster,Dexterity is needed to aim them.

One of my favorite PFS characters is my paladin,Kar'Zai.He is a complete and utter idiot but manages to get through the world with his good looks.

He once tried to become a cleric,but was too "mentally deficient".Instead,he branched out into his own order and started a whole new type of Sarenrae worship.

He tried to write rules for this,but seeing as he can barely speak,utterly failed.

1.Master Summoner
2.Vanilla Summoner
3.Synthesist Summoner
4.Everything else

Lune wrote:
Oh, something that lets you share rages or something? While I do not currently know what the party is likely to consist of, I doubt there is enough room in the party for 2 bruisers. Thank you for your suggestion though.

It is where when you and a fellow half-orc are raging together,you both get +8 to Strength/Con instead of +4.It's really powerful.You can always go barb/brute rogue,it is a skillmonkey and a bruiser.

Sounds like a pretty amazing build.However,it is a lot to read.

I love the backstory,but what you really could do is get the rage synergy feat(forget what it's called) and convince another member of your party to play a half-orc barbarian.That would be really awesome.

Blue Star wrote:
Level 5 Gunslinger pistolero/mysterious stranger, level 15 Ninja. +5 Guided, Lucky, Distance revolvers, full attack from invisibility all day erry day at 300 feet. If you are worried about going first, take 2 levels of inquisitor, switch to an ordinary gunslinger 1, and take 2 more levels of ninja. Take the seen invisibility and invisible blade master tricks.


The other casters are going to be a huge threat.If you can take archetypes,go Undead Lord and just get tons and tons of undead before the battle.

Make sure to grab items that give you good saves and armor;focus on spells that buff your minions.

Stereofm wrote:
I do not see the need for ANY change.

The only change needed I see is actually allowing races other than the core seven to be playable in PFS.My only complaint.

Finesse can also be useful if you want a really huge AC.Grab a mithral breastplate,perhaps take 3 levels of fighter for Armor Training,and it can be insane,especially if you sword and shield.

However,you won't deal anywhere as much damage,and you have to rely more on Power Attack than a Strength-based paladin.

meatrace wrote:
MasterMinMaxer wrote:
meatrace wrote:

Because I'm lazy and don't want to read anything I'll probably repeat what other people have said.

I would suggest Thug rogue. The abilities are pretty sweet. Sickening opponents is bad news. Be a half-orc, you get a +2 to intimidate and Falchion weapon proficiency. Then take the Toothy trait, giving you a second attack and possible second sneak attack in a round.

If at ALL possible, take Cornugon Smash. Combined with the Thug archetype you can make everyone you hit Shaken AND Sickened. Which is just like cream for casters to SoD that guy in half.

Totally take a level or two in Barbarian. You can take (and I forget the name) the feat that lets you add Str to Intimidate, and with Cornugon smash you just make everyone run away from you when you hit them. It's sweet. Also, take Superstition. Even at +2 it's probably worth it as a rage power.

You can then go Dazzling Display and Shatter Defenses. Whenever you make an enemy Shaken through Cornugon Smash they are then susceptible to Sneak Attack. I mean it's a brutal combo, but with the right Rogue talents you ought to be able to pull it off by 7th level?

The feat is called Intimidating Prowess.Also,you could go with the Lucerne Hammer and use this feat combo:Bludgeoner+Sap Adept+Sap Master=Dead.Lots of dead.With this,as a 13th level rogue you could get 14d6+28 damage from sneak attack alone.

Doesn't that only do nonlethal SA damage though?


meatrace wrote:

Because I'm lazy and don't want to read anything I'll probably repeat what other people have said.

I would suggest Thug rogue. The abilities are pretty sweet. Sickening opponents is bad news. Be a half-orc, you get a +2 to intimidate and Falchion weapon proficiency. Then take the Toothy trait, giving you a second attack and possible second sneak attack in a round.

If at ALL possible, take Cornugon Smash. Combined with the Thug archetype you can make everyone you hit Shaken AND Sickened. Which is just like cream for casters to SoD that guy in half.

Totally take a level or two in Barbarian. You can take (and I forget the name) the feat that lets you add Str to Intimidate, and with Cornugon smash you just make everyone run away from you when you hit them. It's sweet. Also, take Superstition. Even at +2 it's probably worth it as a rage power.

You can then go Dazzling Display and Shatter Defenses. Whenever you make an enemy Shaken through Cornugon Smash they are then susceptible to Sneak Attack. I mean it's a brutal combo, but with the right Rogue talents you ought to be able to pull it off by 7th level?

The feat is called Intimidating Prowess.Also,you could go with the Lucerne Hammer and use this feat combo:Bludgeoner+Sap Adept+Sap Master=Dead.Lots of dead.With this,as a 13th level rogue you could get 14d6+28 damage from sneak attack alone.

Just to let you know,this is not going to be very optimized.Yes,it will be fun,but you won't do the best damage.You mention that Argus's build would do around 40 on an attack,but he will get more than one attack.Normally,more than one attack=more sneak attack.



Wow,this looks cool.The Oath of Emnity would be a bit better if its healing scaled with level though.

Lakesidefantasy wrote:

I like this idea a lot.

As for formatting. I would encourage you to follow the standard stat block as close as possible. Use the entries in the NPC gallery of the Game Mastery Guide as a guide. Perhaps instead of alphabetizing feats you could list them in the order they are acquired followed by the level in parentheses.

Thanks.I will check out the stat blocks;also,I am organizing the feats in the order of which they are acquired.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello,I'm fairly new to the boards so I'm not sure if this is in the right place,but anyways here it goes.

This(link!) will always be a work in progress.I want this to become a collection of character builds so that people can easily look it up here,instead of having tos cour the boards.There should be one for each different class,and I really hope a lot of people submit their character builds.Thanks!

If anyone wants to tell me how to better format the builds,etc.,etc. I would appreciate it!

Pretty interesting,I love the flavor behind it.

You can enchant a warhammer by holding it by the head and hitting them with the enchanted handle.


Whoa,dude.LOTS of stuff.

I'll read over it later...but still,that is a LOT of stuff.

StabbittyDoom wrote:
Maezer wrote:
Fabricate for wealth gain qualifies as cheesy in my opinion.
You can, by RAW, use Fabricate for wealth gain. The DM simply has to say "Good, you have 3X worth of goods instead of X worth of materials. Now where are you going to sell 70,000 longswords that you'll get full price?"

If he was smart,he wouldn't sell them all;he'd sell a few at a time at a lower price than his competitors so that everyone would buy from him,and he would make more profit than just selling the 1 gem at full price.

Really,you do NOT want to teach a kid how to optimize as soon as he learns to play the game.Role-playing is way more important,because eventually he'll just want to optimize the heck out of everything and will learn on his own.I know this because it's what I did,and most kids I see now do that as well.

Ashenfall wrote:

So what kind of out-of-character and annoying things are we talking about?

I'm not necessarily opposed to a penalty system for really poor or outright lack of roleplaying, as Pathfinder is a roleplaying game. To not want penalties just seems puddy pansy-pants to me. "Aw, c'mon, ref - don't be a jerk ref, just because #47 was off-sides! You'll just discourage him!" Fail!! Games have both rewards and penalties.

Anyway, you have to be careful with RP penalties in a game like Pathfinder. If you're going to use them, how do you make certain that you're making the right call, as opposed to simply disagreeing about what would and wouldn't be "in-character." To take the other side, the player is who defines their PC's "character," so how can a GM accurately adjudicate that PC's personality boundaries?

So, help me understand what sort of "roleplaying infractions" we're talking about here.

That's not how it is,IMO.Think of it like this:instead of a player breaking the rules,they are instead using a different play style.That is why you shouldn't deduct XP.

Again,this is just my opinion.

Squawk Featherbeak wrote:

Other ideas would be a level of oracle of the flame, or witch. The bonus of witch being able to have flight and swim speed equal to your land speed.

The barbarian should definitely be an urban barbarian with a bow. or a whip or scimitar if those float your boat. You'll be moving fast, but away from battle.

Scout rogue levels could be useful for a melee build, as if you're focusing on fast movement, you'll most probably be charging.

New idea. Barbarian magically-intelligent horse.

Urban barbarians do not get fast movement.

mplindustries wrote:
Adrie wrote:

So then at ninth, tenth, and eleventh what feats would you all suggest taking? Assuming that my main goal is defense and my secondary purpose in offense?

EDIt: This is Eragar asking this question. I din't realize this comp was still set to my cousins account.

Power attack A.S.A.P., so I suppose 9th.

At 10th, you can ignore pre-reqs on the feat, so you almost certainly want Medusa's Wrath.

At 11th, I don't know, there's a lot of stuff, including Styles that you should check out.

One thing you might want to consider is buying a Wand of Mage Armor for the Arcane caster in your party to use on you. It costs 750gp, but it will give you +4AC for a total of 50 hours. Well worth it, in all likelihood.

You'll also want to keep an eye out for purchasing a Permanent Greater Magic Fang when you get a lot of spare cash, so you can focus on giving your Amulet of Mighty Fists special abilities rather than pure pluses.

If he was asking about my build(I thought he was),Power Attack is not possible.Piranha Strike is taken instead.

Adrie wrote:

So then at ninth, tenth, and eleventh what feats would you all suggest taking? Assuming that my main goal is defense and my secondary purpose in offense?

EDIt: This is Eragar asking this question. I din't realize this comp was still set to my cousins account.

Do you want the whole build? I can find it and post it up tomorrow.Otherwise I could just give you some basic advice right now...

Feats:Defensive Combat Training(Your CMD sucks),perhaps Lunge.

I know it's not completely monk,but I love this build:
Halfling Paladin 2/Monk 2(Sacred Mountain)/Ninja 2 (Keep going monk afterwards)
Stats:Strength 8,Dexterity 16,Constitution 12,Intelligence 7,Wisdom 10,Charisma 20.

DefensesArmor Class 30=10 Base+6 Armor+3 Dex+1 Size+1 Amulet+1 Ring+2 Shield+2 Armor+1 Iron Monk+1 Dodge+1 Shield Focus+2

*Fortitude +13:6 Base+1 Con+5 Divine Grace+1 Cloak
*Reflex +14:5 Base+3 Dex+5 Divine Grace+1 Cloak
*Will +13:6 Base+1 Trait+5 Divine Grace+1 Cloak.

Equipment:Mithral Breastplate +2,Ring of Prot. +1,Amulet of Nat. Armor +1,Heavy Shield +1,+1 Bich'Wa,3000 GP,assorted equipment.

Feats:Weapon Finesse,Dodge(Monk Bonus Feat),Piranha Strike,Combat Reflexes(Monk Bonus Feat),Toughness(Monk Archetype Bonus Feat),Weapon Focus(Bich'Wa),Shield Focus(Ninja Talent:Combat Training)

Yeah,it's gonna suck offense-wise,but it's awesome seeing the DM's face when he can't kill the lowly monk.The reason for taking ninja is to have your Ki pool based off of Charisma;you also get Evasion(you will almost never fail a save) and a bonus feat from a talent.If you want,instead of using a weapon,you can go unarmed in your main hand and take the Snapping Turtle Style(whether through the monk archetype or just as a normal feat) and replace Combat Reflexes with Deflect Arrows.However,since shield bonuses don't stack,this would lower your AC a bit.

In addition,if you want to multiclass even more,you can go Oracle of Metal 1 and get the revelation that gives you +10 movement speed.

cranewings wrote:
MasterMinMaxer wrote:
cranewings wrote:

The Pathfinder gun rules are awful. I wrote my own from scratch. I don't mind the gunslinger much, other than thinking grit is stupid, but the rules for the weapons are terrible. They treat them like super fast loading crossbows.

I don't know. I don't like them usually. The crap all over your game. How are you going to handle it when a player snipes an unexpected target? Just roll damage? I bet JFK wish it worked like that. What about when the players start making grenades or cannons or using modern ideas in the historical context? You will have to have NPCs adapt and suddenly it isn't Steam Punk anymore.

Well,in Pathfinder hit points aren't realistic.Just because he's been "hit" mechanic wise,does not mean he has actually been hit.THey've explained it as a person's vigor(the bullet scratches him as it whizzes past,etc.) .

The same goes with all other weapons.A slash from a longsword can seriously main you,while a swing of a greataxe by someone with 18 Strength would almost certainly dismember or kill you.Axes are harder to block than swords,and have more cutting power.However,this is not shown in the Pathfinder rules(Greatsword is still one of the best!) because hit points do not measure being cut tens of times throughout a battle.

Yeah, I agree about the HP thing. I house ruled PF so that characters who retain HP above their first level are not hit and get all of it back after a fight. Also, I don't let people have their HP gained past first level if they aren't actively defending themselves. A first level rogue with a rifled musket hiding in the bushes 60' away will deal 2d10 + Deadly Aim to the 12 permitted HP of an unaware 20th level fighter and drop him to the ground.

I wouldn't ever want to play in a RAW game with guns. The image of two guys with their shields pressed against each other and a third guy shooting one of them from 10' away over and over and over just sucks.


cranewings wrote:

The Pathfinder gun rules are awful. I wrote my own from scratch. I don't mind the gunslinger much, other than thinking grit is stupid, but the rules for the weapons are terrible. They treat them like super fast loading crossbows.

I don't know. I don't like them usually. The crap all over your game. How are you going to handle it when a player snipes an unexpected target? Just roll damage? I bet JFK wish it worked like that. What about when the players start making grenades or cannons or using modern ideas in the historical context? You will have to have NPCs adapt and suddenly it isn't Steam Punk anymore.

Well,in Pathfinder hit points aren't realistic.Just because he's been "hit" mechanic wise,does not mean he has actually been hit.THey've explained it as a person's vigor(the bullet scratches him as it whizzes past,etc.) .

The same goes with all other weapons.A slash from a longsword can seriously main you,while a swing of a greataxe by someone with 18 Strength would almost certainly dismember or kill you.Axes are harder to block than swords,and have more cutting power.However,this is not shown in the Pathfinder rules(Greatsword is still one of the best!) because hit points do not measure being cut tens of times throughout a battle.

SwnyNerdgasm wrote:

I just through this all together off the top of my head, so if I made any mistakes feel free to call me out on them, I also stopped at level 6 cause I'm at work and have other things to do

** spoiler omitted **

Remember he was good at using improvised weapons,so Catch Off Guard might be suitable.Also,he carried quite a few pistols(like many pirates did) because it took too long to reload one.

If this were 3.5(I know,it isn't..) I would say he's a Swashbuckler/Rogue with Daring Outlaw.

Hmmm...seems interesting.I might join in.

Alignment:Chaotic Neutral
Starting Domains:Darkness,Knowledge
Symbol:An eye behind a black blade.
Titles:The All-Seeing Shadow,The Father of Darkness

Wow,Smilo.You make classes fast.

Then again,I have almsot absolutely no time whatsoever....

Swyny:I just did it because the ranger had a d8 hit die,and he got bumped up to d10.I'm new to all this(I got a bunch of my friends books because he was done with gaming) so I didn't know about the d10 HD=full bab thing.

I liked converting classes in other systems though,so I'm giving it a try here.

I can try converting the factotum...if you tell me how the Beginner Box classes are different from normal ones I can try my hand at that too.I know I'm new on the boards but conversions/homebrew are one of my specialties ;P

I'll work on the other classes suggested and try to post them up here.

Swny:He will normally be getting only one attack a round,so I don't think it would be overpowered.

Marc:Thanks! I was just converting the scout for a game I am playing in currently,and decided to put it up on the boards.

): sorry! All I need to do is the talents.Thanks!

Alright,I know this may have been done before,but this is only my second post on these forums and my first thread.

Ladies and gentlemen,I present to you the Scout(<--Link!)!This is still a work in progress,as I am still creating/typing the talents.Please give me any suggestions you have about how to better the class.

Some questions I have:
*Should I change either the feats or talents to once every four levels?(Or both?)
*Should I make some class features talents?
*Should I make some talents back into class features?(Battle fortitude,camouflage,blindsense)

Ouch.How about just dropping a hit die,inherent stat bonuses,and maybe some ability score stats based on how many 'negative levels' you lose?