male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Mido rises slowly and apparently quite ashamed about not having passed the masters test. This one still has much to learn yet...
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Out of Ki but still armed with chill touch Mido can no longer find any more words of confusion but still has dark necromantic powers with which he attempts to infuse the feale monk. Attack vs. Touch flanking 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 1 + 2 = 16 Damage 1d6 ⇒ 4 Sneak2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
4 more charges on my chill touch so move, Koan and attack touch AC For better or for worse he died first! Alas now that you are up we will see wassup! Sorry lacking creativity today... Koan 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23 Attack vs. Touch flanking 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 1 + 2 = 11 Damage 1d6 ⇒ 1 Sneak 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
I explained to you in some detail the details of our existence. As you appear to be overtaxed by the complexity of he matter, most likely due to your exessive efforts to strive for physical perfection all the while diregarding that the master of master teaches us to hone not only Body but also mind. This Factum in return would lead me to believe that you, contrary to my initial assumption, are indeed not Close enough to enlightenement and should indeed consider your timely surrender! Mido takes a deep breath before he gets touchy. Now I hope that was sufficiently confusing! Swift: Koan 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28, Standard cast chill touch. Move, make flanking touch attack 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 2 + 1 = 26 Damage 1d6 ⇒ 4 Sneak attack 2d6 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Mido approaches. Calm and collected as always, despite bleeding from numerous wounds. And begins monologing giving the monk much to digest. For a true master there is no honor in defeat. Thus one such as I or as yourself should not step back and retreat when truly tested for the trials and tribulations we must endure are only there to bring us one step closer to eternity! Koan Bluff1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28 Move action move. Standard action cast Bless +1 to hit for the crew!. Swift action Koan
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Mido scrambles to his feat and enters the arena. Any knowledge to help us to identify these fellows? My problem is I'd like to know which languages they speak so that I can possibly apply Koan
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Sorry folks just started a new job and have very little time for gaming Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Well if things go as planned for this Gnome he won't be hatinon you any time soon Manius. Note that although Bewildering Koan steals his next turn it does not steal his ability to make AoO. But then again once he's whacked Mido he might have run out of AoO.
Also if anyone has ranks in perform he or she should prolly go through and try to pull this stunt of now. Mido can prolly keep Judge heng bolted to the spot for 5 rounds.
Mido walks up to Judge Heng leisurely with his arm outstretched as he inquires on the legality of measures taken. A judge can only dispense justice if he has the law firmly in his hands. So in order to hand out any form of punishment as you have here you should first of all lay out the rules and basis for such treatment in detail. And no merely stating this is a game and in this game I beat you to mush because I can is not a valid ground for fatal punishment. so please explain yourself! Bluff1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Backstage Mido takes time to meditate and consider his actions and words in the light of Irori's teaching. Use bronze gong to recharge Ki-Pool with Channel Energy
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Now that I have a flank I'll attack the red axe lady. And try to keep the monkey Koaned. A museum at night would serve a monkey right, but now look at you you are in a cannot win it is no sin step down and you can save your grin all the while Mido the Mobster makes use of Manius positioning to catch his foe from behind. Bluff for Koan 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23 Attack Flank 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 NL Damage 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 Sneak 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Mido looses a pair of punches versus the monkey queen and and inquires. A monkey with a crown? A mokey fallen down a monkey in a town a monkey wear a frown! Bluff1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30 Attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 NL Damage 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 NL Damage 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Folks! I'll be travelling tomorow and thursday. I prolly won't be able to post so please GMPC if needed.
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Double move and Koan the lady in Red. Bluff: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28 The cunning bandit sneaks along the stage with careful steps and seeks out his foes. He twists the wooden knife in his fingers and speaks in rhymes. I the bandit. Come to your home. Rob your gold and steal your crone. I use trickery when in need or my knife to make you bleed.
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Cast Chill Touch and hold the charges. Oh no drat... it causes nonlethal damage... Mido tests his wooden weapon but figures he will likely rely on his fists and his tongue in this confrontation.
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Naturally Mido would gravitate towards the cruel bandit. However with his stellar Bluff modifier he might also be well suited tothe Chou role.Not sure how important these are though
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Mido can take 20 on DD for 33. Aid anothers are appreciated Mido, who has donned a thin Kimono in the meantime, merely nods and after fetching some 'supplies' from his room begins to tinker with cage with all the patience of a wizened old Gnome.
Avoron wrote: I'm still dying to make a pyromaniac gnome ninja for recharge innate magic/produce flame abuse, especially now we have a bunch of meta-SLA feats lying around. Plus gnome ninjas get access to Bewildering Koan, and that's always fun. I always had reservations towards Gnomes but Bewildering Koan actually makes them worth while...
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Kn. Local withguidance1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 12 + 1 = 20 Now I know why GMs hate that spell :) Feel free to read the spoiler So you are in league with the Szarni? Mido aquses the Halfling as he recognizes the brand of ale.
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
So let me think...within your establishment we were assaulted by Ninja's who were delivered in bathtubs supplied by yourself. A precious vase which we recovered 'disappeared', while trapped within an oversized cage which only a blind and mute and most likely senile person could have not seen leave and a man who threatened your life last night is also dead by mysterious circumstances. Mido lets the acquisitions stand there for a moment before continuing. This gives me plenty of grounds to believe that you are not the harmless Halfling barkeep you pretend to be but actually in liege with the consortium. And that you should likely be Pratts next meal...
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Master Mido departs from Valojen's chamber to fetch a Kimono. As he passes Rika he repeats. The coin I found would indicate an Aspis involvement...
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Indeed...the service in this venue leaves a bit to be desired... the equally nude and apparently perfectly contempt Mido summarizes. He holds up the coin and remarks... I wouldn't be surprised if the Aspis were responsible for the asasination attempt. I cannot however make any sense of this message...don't trust the owls...that is rather odd!
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Ackk post was eaten by the post monster...Perception1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23 Mido unashamed moves into Valojen's private chamber and studies the body of the slain Ninja for any indication of her mission.
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Mido ignores the bell boy and swangs his thang, which Irori created with pure perfection, as he hustles towards Valojen's room. Hold out Valojen! Double move
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Mido trained in the art of Ninjitsu himself decades ago knows immediately when something is afoul. Hearing combat from Valojen's room hr moves quickly in that direction with no regard for the fact that he is undressed. Mido auto passes the perception check so I'll take my action which is a double move to Valojen's bath. All naked!
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Mido doesnot know what is going on but feels that drawing swords in this establishment is uncalled for. When Mariel steps in with soothing words he waits what will become of her suggestion of peace.
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Being Tien himself Mido has followed your conversation Mido, rather stinky himself, notices that Rika is getting into a fight likely for now good reason and interposes himself between the Tiefling and the Samurai. Tien:
Rika. This is no time for threats or bloodshed. We have a major victory to celebrate this night and so does this honorable man. I say a toast is in order. To todays victories? Diplomacy1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Despite all the hectic and commotion around him Mido sets himself on the ground with crossed legs and places a small bronze gong on the ground before himself. He then strikes it 4 times praising Irori and pledging to further improve every day of the week through rigurous training and endless study. Spend channel energy uses to refill my ki-pool. Stupid investigators inflating all the Knowledge DCs in PFS btw... Then the old Gnome rises and approaches the vase. Knowledge History with Guidance1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Why what a beautiful vase... Mido muses as he examines it.
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Mido retaliates in kind but continues to provoke Nefti! TWF 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 Damage 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 TWF 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 Damage 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Yo Nefti! What about yo moma is she as harry as this one? Bluff 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Yours is mined wrote:
Mido steps into the chamber and looks to Nefti his demeanor earnest and his voice clear. In fact I would chance a game of chance if you by any chance had the chance to act before your chances dwindle. Or so they say that in a war of words the true master will leave nothing up to chance? Bluff vs. Nefti 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Fort 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 As the group enters the tunnel they loose Mido for a while the old Gnome is showing weakness once more and can be heard hurling and then praying for forgiveness: MAster of Master you test this oldman but rest assured my mind is stronger than my body. Sorry folks had a job interview today I had to prep for...incidentally I'm quite good at both Knowledge checks and rap songs... Knowledge Engineering1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Finally confronted with the mess before them Mido ponders the situation a bit but then realizes that this is likely the pump for which he found the instructions. Well we could attempt to utilize the pump that was described under the moss. That is likely the easier way to rid us of this... With that the old Gnome pulls out a piece of wood with which he seals his nose and gets to work.
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Kn. Local1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27 Mido studies the contraption Hmm likely a smugglers den... the smartass Gnome muses. Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 Then he looks around and discovers some instructions for operatinga pump. Mido auto suceeds on Kn nature
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Doing the CLW wand tap dance and stowing it away.2d8 + 2 ⇒ (5, 8) + 2 = 15 Knowledge Planes 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 Mido inspects the demon curious as to where it may hail from.
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
I also took my remaining move actions for the last 2 rounds. I'll take a move action for this round as well and make a touch attack with Chill Touch DC 14. Swift action Koan the red Tengu. Mido approaches solemly, dark necromantic powers building in his fists. But first it is time for some trash talk. Those who walk on the sky will one day be found under the earth. Or so the saying goes. Is your kind a reflection of the metaphor on the eternal evolution which is our way? Mido inquires of the red Tengu before he infuses the bird with Chill Touch. Bluff vs. Sense Motive1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17 Touch attack 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18 Damage 1d6 ⇒ 5 Sneak Attack 2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
With Irori's Blessing Mido strikes out against the snake construct with a quick one two combination his right fist connects but the wiggly construct can swerve aside his second slower punch. 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 Damage 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 Sneak 2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Double move to provide a flank Late to the party Mido rushes to confront the poor little blue snake.
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Double Move. Remember you are blessed folks! Mido also speaks Celestial btw... Mido a bit slow due to his old age sidesteps the pit trap and gets into a flanking position with Manius.
male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6
Mido enters the Arena and speaks a prayer to Irri to strengthen his allies resolve. Cast Bless. I'm afraid Mido will be of fairly little use this combat |