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Organized Play Member. 7 posts (349 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.
[PbP Gameday V]#7-14 F'n'F Part 1: Let Bygones Be - GM Gothalo - Table 2 #1-47: The Darkest Vengeance [Tier 1-2] - GM Rutseg (inactive) The Horn of Aroden (inactive) The Infernal Vault Table 2 (inactive) PbP GameDay 2: PFS 5-08 The Confirmation (1-2) Table B (inactive) PbP GameDay 3: PPFS 6–01: Trial by Machine (inactive) PbP Gameday V #4-11 The Disappeared (inactive) PFS PBP - The Prince of Augustana (#0-13) lvl 1-5 (inactive) PFS PBP Gameday 3: #3-23 The Goblinblood dead (inactive) The Prince of Augustana (inactive) [PFS - PbP Game Day 2] #3-21: The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment (inactive) [PFS Gameday V] #7-00: Sky Key Solution (inactive) [PFS PbP Gameday V] GM Alias' 7-12: The Twisted Circle (inactive) [PFS] PbP Gameday 3 (inactive) [PFS_Aerondor] 06-05 Slave Ships of Absalom 06-05 (1-5) PbP GameDay 3 (inactive)