Bella Bracegirdle
Female Halfling Rogue 7 | HP:72/77| AC: 23 | F: 11 R: 14 W: 13 | Per: +13 | Speed 30 ft | Hero Points: 3 | Reactions: Nimble Dodge | Conditions: Shield| Exploration: Scout
Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1
Ebba the boar
Ingolf's bonded mount (boar) | HP: 35/38 | AC:18 T:10 FF:16 | Saves: F:8 R:4 W:2 | Init: 0 | Perc: 5 | CMB:2 CMD: 14 (18 vs trip) | Speed 40 ft
Edwin J. Whiskers, Esq.
Male Ratfolk Bladebound Kensai Magus / Silksworn Occultist Gestalt 6 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 29 T: 20 FF: 11 | Saves F:8 R:8 W:5 | Init: 5 | Perc: 14 (darkvision) | CMB: 1 CMD:20 | Speed: 20 ft | active: Mage Armor
Godfrey of Kintargo
Male Human Playtest Cleric of Sarenrae 7 | HP 79/85 | AC:25 (27) T:21 (23) | Saves F:11 R:10 W:13 | Per: 11 | Speed 20ft | Spell Points: 5/5 Resonance: 8/8 Channel Energy: 5/5
Hrolf the wolf
Kari's bonded mount (wolf) | HP: 34/34 | AC:19 T:13 FF:16 | Saves: F:7 R:7 W:2 | Init: 3 | Perc: 5 | CMB:3 CMD: 18 (22 vs trip) | Speed 50 ft | Active Spells: Barkskin
Male Gnome Nature Oracle 3 Unchained Barbarian 2| HP: 32/45 temp HP: 0 3 NL damage| AC: 19 (20) T: 15 (16) FF: 15 (16) bracketed numbers are in melee vs size medium+ | Saves F:6 R:0 W:3 | Init: -1 | Perc: 10 (low-light)| CMB: 4 CMD:18 | Speed: 20 ft | conditions: none
Kari Surfdancer
Female Gnome Nature Oracle / Overwhelming Soul Kineticist Gestalt 4 | HP: 38/39 | AC: 22 (24 aquatic) T: 15 FF: 18 | Saves F:7 R:7 W:4 (8 vs charm/compulsion) | Init: 3 | Perc: 11 | CMB: 0 CMD:14 | Speed: 20 ft |Active spells: Barkskin
Kesari of Bandarom
Male Vanara Sacred Fist / Pathfinder Delver 1 | HP 11/11 AC:19 T:19 F:15 | Saves F:4 R:5 W:6 | Init:4 | Per:9 low-light | CMB:0 CMD:19 | Speed: 30 ft Character Sheet
Lubella Heathertoes
AKA "Kyda" Halfling Dawnflower Dervish 8 | HP24/75 AC:21 T:23 F:18 | Saves F:9 R:17 W:9 (13 vs charm or compulsion) | Init: 6 | Per: 13 | CMB:4 CMD:18 | Speed 30ft | Active: Message, Good Hope, Haste, Heroism, Sickened, Mirror Images: 4
Mara bint al-Katheeri
Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Milo Townsend
Male Halfling Rogue 2 | HP: 24/24| AC: 19 | F: +6, R: +10, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Speed 25ft | Hero Points: 1/1 | Special Power: none | Reactions: Nimble Dodge | Conditions: Persistent Bleed 1
Milos Hasek
Human Occultist 1 | HP 11/11, AC 17, T 12, FF 16 | Saves F+4, R+1, W+2 | Init+1, Combat Reflexes| Per+4 | CMB 4, CMD 15 | Speed 20ft.
Wulfram's Spirit Animal (Fox) | HP: 90/90 AC:23 T:14 F:21 | Saves F:6 R:7 W:11 SR:22 | Init:2 | Perc:23| CMB:12 CMD:21 (25 vs. trip) | Speed: 40ft
Rosella Marcu
Female Human Virtuous Bravo Paladin | HP:13/13 | AC:17 T:14 F:13 | Saves F:4 R:4 W: 1 (+3 vs charm or compulsion | Init: 4 | Per: 0 (+1 vs giant subtype) | CMB: 1 CMD: 15 | Speed 30ft | Active: none
Sergio Isaurus
Sergio Isaurus | Human Hidden Priest of Sarenrae 5 | HP 48/48 AC: 13 T :9 F: 13 | Saves F:6 R:0 W:7 | Init: -1| Perc: 4 |CMB: 4 CMD:13 | Speed 30 ft | Active: | Condition: none
Shadrach Al-Amari
Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8
Wulfram Bartos
Human Flame Spirit Shaman 17 | HP: 181/181AC 37 T:18 F:34 | Saves F:17 R:15 W:22 | Init:4 | Perc:21/25| CMB:15 CMD:36 | Speed: 30