Skywin Freeling

Bella Bracegirdle's page

433 posts. Alias of PCScipio.


| HP:72/77| AC: 23 | F: 11 R: 14 W: 13 | Per: +13


| Speed 30 ft | Hero Points: 3 | Reactions: Nimble Dodge | Conditions: Shield| Exploration: Scout


Female Halfling Rogue 7

About Bella Bracegirdle

Halfling Rogue 7 (Thief)
CG small humanoid (Halfling)
Senses perception +18M


AC 24 (+1 armor, +7 proficiency)
HP 77
Fort +11T, Ref +14E, Will +13E
[R] Nimble Dodge (+2 AC) Unless otherwise specified, the first attack on her each round.

Speed 30 ft.
[A] Melee +1 Rapier +13 (1d6+4)
[A] Ranged Dagger +12 (1d4)
[A] Ranged Sling +12 (1d6)
Special Sneak Attack +2d6

Str 10, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14
Languages Common, Halfling
Heritage Gutsy Halfling
Ancestry Feats Halfling Luck; Step Lively
Archetype Feats Cleric Dedication;
Basic Cleric Spellcasting (Heal);
Expert Cleric Spellcasting (Restoration);
Background Feats Cat Fall (Ruin Delver)
Rogue Feats Nimble Dodge; Mobility; Battle Assessment;
Skirmish Strike
Skill Feats Assurance (Medicine); Battle Medicine; Continual Recovery; Kip Up;Robust Recovery; Ward Medic;
Wary Disarmament;
Treat Condition;
Other Class Abilities
Weapon Tricks
Skills Acrobatics +13M, Athletics +6T, Deception +9T, Diplomacy +9T, Intimidation +9T, Lore (Roseguard) +7T, Medicine +12E, Nature +12E,
Religion 12E, Society +7T, Stealth +13E, Thievery +13E
Light; Shield; Heal;
+1 Rapier (L)
Dagger (L)
Sling (L)
10 Sling Bullets (L)
Leather Armor (1)
Waterskin (L)
Bedroll (L)
Healer's Gloves (L)
Healers' Tools (1)
Thieves' Tools (L)
Replacement Picks
4 Oil
Flint and Steel
Climbing Kit (L)
Rations (L)
Clothing (ordinary)

Not Carried: Hooded Lantern (L)

Bulk 3

Money 6 SP, 3 CP

Debts: Zetty: 39 GP

Deity Sarenrae
Anathema create undead, lie, deny a repentant creature an opportunity for redemption, fail to strike down evil

Height 2'11"
Weight 28 lbs
Hair red
Eyes blue
Age 34

Character Generation:

Ancestry: Halfling +2 dex, +2 wis, +2 free(cha)
Background: Ruin Delver +2 dex, +2 free (con)
Class: Rogue +2 Dex
Four ability scores: +2 Dex, +2 con, +2 wis, +2 Char

Ancestry Feat: Gutsy Halfling
Skill Feat: Battle Medic
Background Feat: Cat Fall
Rogue Feat: Nimble Dodge

Acrobatics 4+2+1
Athletics -1+2+1
Deception 2+2+1
Diplomacy 2+2+1
Intimidation 2+2+1
Lore (Roseguard) 0+2+1
Medicine 2+2+1
Religion 2+2+1
Society 0+2+1
Stealth 4+2+1
Thievery 4+2+1

Perception 2+4+1

Hit Points: 6+2+8