Jewel Branston |

Jewel shrieks before she remembers that Clara had tried to sneak into the water. She holds her breath expecting to be pulled under and starts kicking frantically.
Kick at something underwater?: 1d20 ⇒ 1 No idea for adjustments, nonlethal weapon, in water, etc....
And a 1? LOL!
Her kicking and thrashing have no effect as she feels a pain in her hip, possibly pulling a muscle with her wild flailing.

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Tarjun was fully ready to do the responsible thing and laugh at his sister for her clumsiness, but her cries of distress bring out his big brother instinct. "What the?! LEAVE JEWIE ALONE!"
He seizes his club, and rushes into the river, looking frantically for a hidden crocodile.
Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

Jewel Branston |

Once Clara pops up Jewel moves to block Tarjun. Secretly she is very glad that her brother rushed to defend her.... "It was just Clara Tarjun. And she hasn't learned how to shape change into a crocodile yet...."
She starts moving back to the shore. "Your turn now Tarjun. I'll push to start you." Strength: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Jewel Branston |

"Ha Ha Ha. Are you going to be the evil villain that we'll have to hunt down and stop once we're adults? I had really just wanted to stay here and really be a Guardian of Erastil for my life. I know you think that's boring...."
"If you learn how to turn into a dangerous animal, would the magic let you speak the language of that animal? I wonder?"

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"Well, I don't think I can tell the difference between your annoying self and a regular beastie," Tarjun waves his club at Clara. "So I'd be careful not to take a whacking if I were you!"
"Okay, now, my turn," he sits on the swing, still obviously a bit pissed. The slow swinging mollifies him somewhat, but after a few minutes he gets bored, and tries to put a little more strength into it.
Strength: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Jewel Branston |

Jewel tries to help Tarjun swing. Strength: 1d20 ⇒ 13 Then she glances over to Clara.
"You know, leading a group of marauding monsters might be harder than working with a small group of people that try to help others."

Jewel Branston |

"And when one of them decides to challenge you for the leadership position? Like we did on that pirate ship? You're going to be constantly watching for somebody trying to stab you in the back...."
"And leading a group of dangerous monsters? To do what? Kill people? That isn't chaos, it's evil!"

Jewel Branston |

Jewel gets a perplexed look on her face. "I never thought about that. I'm not sure the double negative argument works. But...." Her voice fades while she thinks....
Eventually she just shrugs. "Have you asked your mother? I could ask Dad, but I'm sure you don't want the 'Erastil answer'."
The more she thinks about the issue.... What defines an evil person? Aren't there different levels of evil? The more she realizes that she doesn't have any "real world" knowledge to answer any of them. Are all goblins evil? How about pirates? They hadn't all seemed evil, but the followed an evil captain. Or were they trapped on that ship like she had been?
Jewel realizes that she's just giving herself a headache so she stops thinking about evil....

Clara Johnson |

Clara looks at Jewel and laughs. "Giving the do-gooders a headache is a good start." Then she splashes some water in direction of Tarjun on the swing. "You're coming down anytime soon? We didn't move here for you to do grandpa style rocking."

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"And what would it be if the people I feed to the crocs are evil? Is that still evil?"
"Yup," Tarjun replies without hesitation. "Probs. Not that it would stop you." He stands up. "Alright, stop splashing me! Your turn."

Clara Johnson |

Clara gets on the swing and daydreams of becoming a dragon. She swings higher and higher and finally jumps off the swing, does a somersault and dives with almost no splash into the water.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Jewel Branston |

Jewel watches Clara's incredible performance, diving off of the swing and into the water. Definitely worthy of praise...
She waits on the side of the stream for Clara to pop up from the water, and claps. "Perfect dive Clara. Couldn't possibly be better!"

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"Maybe if she turned into a duck mid-air," Tarjun suggests helpfully.

Clara Johnson |

Clara spits out some water. "Why into a duck? I'm jumping into the water so I'd turn into a shark!"
Swimming back to the shore, once she got ground under her feet she adds "Of course if I'd turn into a bird, I could fly away."
"Isn't it your turn to take a dive?" she asks Tarjun.

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Tarjun rubs his palms together. "Right! Here I go!"
Strength: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
He swings as hard as he can - which isn't a lot - and lets go "GERONIMO!" he yells.
Acrobatics: 1d20 ⇒ 10
He hits the water without a drop of gracefulness, but with an immensely satisfying splash that hits the poor girls. I'm assuming he's not wearing his armour to spend the afternoon playing with friends

Jewel Branston |

Jewel shakes off the water from Tarjun's splash. "Thanks Tarjun. I figured you'd get swinging higher before you jumped! But we're all wet anyway."
"My turn!" She jumps onto the swing before Clara can and starts swinging. STR: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Her initial push barely gets her moving so she starts swinging her legs and body to increase the arc of the swing.
Acrobatics?: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 That doesn't do much better but she keeps trying....
Acrobatics?: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

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"Not a bad leap," Tarjun comments when his sister resurfaces. "But the splash wasn't that big. 6/10!"

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"We've been pirates before," Tarjun objects. "It wasn't fun! I still got marks on my back from those freaks!"
"How about we're piraté-hunting pirates? Giving bad captains a whacking!"

Jewel Branston |

Jewel thinks about Clara's idea. It isn't bad, but maybe....
"So for practicing crossing from one ship to another, like when they had grappled the ships together? We could do that. It would be safer to do it over the water, like here.... Put a starting platform in a tree on one side, and another on the other side of the river. Then connect a rope between for crossing."
"And Tarjun can do a little carving on the tree across as the Captain so we can whack him when we get there!"

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"I'm the expert whacker," Tarjun waves his club. "Careful! I ain't afraid of whacking girls if they're mean pirate captains!"
"So what are we gonna use for the platforms? Like, crates? A makeshift raft?"

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"Rope. We always need rope. And we never have any."
"Alright. Should we take the one we used for the swing, or just steal another rope?"

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Tarjun rolls his eyes. "Why do I feel like I'm gonna have to do all thw work again? No fair."

Jewel Branston |

"Why a raft? And then we'd need to anchor it or tie it to something on shore. Would you want a swing on the raft? Or some sort of mast so you aren't trying to swing across to the other surface right at the water level. One the ships we were several feet above the water."
"Next you'll want to summon some sharks!"

Clara Johnson |

"Can't you have the beaver do most of the work?" Clara inquires. "But having a mast and stuff to be able to throw the hook at might be tricky."
"Could we build two ships like hammoks between trees? Then the ships would be rocking and we could use the trees as masts."

Jewel Branston |

Jewel shakes her head at Clara's suggestion. "Why would the beaver do any of the work? This has nothing to do with his home."
"I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Do you mean to build a ship, or boat, and tie it up between two trees? Or string a hammock between the trees? And the trees that we tie on to would be like the masts of the ship?"
"And then we'd be throwing a rope with a hook across the river to another 'ship' tied between two trees? That sounds like a lot of work."

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"So just... Planks, I guess? Large enough to jump on?"
Tarjun feels the sudden urge to add something like here-a-we=go!, but he doesn't know why.
He's never even worn a red hat in his life - and certainly didn't go around chewing flowers and stepping on turtles.

Jewel Branston |

"Planks wouldn't work if the platforms are rocking. Gotta be like on the ship.... Buy why not over the water? That way if you fall you just splash into the water. You don't get hurt like falling to the ground."

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"Unless you land badly on the platform - but yeah, could work!"

Jewel Branston |

Jewel thinks about Clara's concern for a little bit. "It is a bit far.... How about over at the pit where we filled for the dark elf spider woman? It's not as far across and the water is deep if we fall. Heck, if we do a rope slide it would be fun for anybody that might want to play. I think there might be a couple of the wood cutters that would be interested. Maybe Dwayne might even be interested in 'loaning' a couple of them to help build it? along with any other materials that we might need...."

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Tarjun snickers at the thought of Dwayne swinging on a rope. "We could always ask him. And if he doesn't wanna, we just wait for the moment he'll turn his back on us..."

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Tarjun leads the way to the lumberjacks.
Or, rather, he sets off first, but quickly falls a little back because of his bad leg.
When the group arrives within sight of the men at work, he stops abruptly. "[smaller]Okay. Let's see. Where are the ropes?"
Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10
Stealth?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Clara Johnson |

"No, no, that is plan B." Clara interrupts Tarjun. "Plan A is to watch Jewel try to persuade Dwayne that it is a good idea to give us the stuff and the workers to build some kind of amusement park."
She would offer popcorn to Tarjun to eat while they sit and watch if she had some.

Jewel Branston |

Jewel grins at Clara. She can try.... She looks around for Dwayne and walks over to him.
"Hi Dwayne. I, well we, have a request. You know that pit that we filled with water, for fishing or swimming? Well, we'd like to add to it. We're thinking about something like a rope bridge, or maybe rope and planks? We want to cover all the way across from the big tree on one end to the other across from it. And, maybe a rope slide too. We'd need something like a handle with a wheel over it to roll down the rope, then drop off into the pond?"
"I thing it would be fun for your guys too. However, we need help. Tarjun's good at building stuff, but for this I think we need help from a couple of your men. And, of course we'd also need materials? What do you thing?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

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"Well, we can't find ropes in the forest. At least not growing from trees," Tarjun grins. "Please?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Jewel Branston |

A little bit surprised by Dwayne's answer Jewel considers his question. "Well, I wanted to ask you because I don't really know your men that well. They're not kids and they probably just see me as a little girl?"
"We were thinking that this would be something fun, for us and maybe some of them. Which of the guys do you think we should talk to? And who first?"