Jhofre Vascari

Malcolm d'Varre's page

49 posts. Alias of PoorWanderingOne.


Tom GM CC wrote:
After reading a little more thoroughly through the AP, I'm opening up Adventurer's Armory as an option for purchasing equipment.

Quick everyone, into your kilts!

tom_thiessen wrote:
... but certain encounters will fit nicely with the rules.

All good. Just some idle musing on my part.

tom_thiessen wrote:


While talking about optional rules, is anyone NOT interested in sanity rules? It comes up later on in the AP (adventure #4), but it can also be useful the first time the PCs see an undead rise from the grave.

I like it. I think it adds to verisimilitude to have a character's brain break when the impossible happens. Mind you impossible is a flexible concept in a fantasy RPG. A priest of Phrasma might be fine with seeing undead rise. Well not fine, but sane and very very angry.


Info in complete under the alias.
Malcolm is a solid fighter. Looking to stay mobile on the battlefield and make the baddies regret getting up that morning.

Plan? Malcolm would like to solidify the family fortune. Perhaps move up the odd rung or two on the social ladder. He has secret hopes of marrying well and becoming a 'real' noble but he will be quite happy building his and by extension his families reputation through good deeds and splattering zombies et.al.

Aliseya Belododia wrote:

@Malcolm - I just recognized you, we played in a short-lived Kingmaker game a while back (I played Aldarion the Sage). Hello! :)

And hello to you! Good to see you are still about. I am sure we will get a game together again sometime.

Yea Ulrik!

Have fun folks.
See you next time.

Ezekial Holton wrote:
Maybe our gracious DM will choose to run two games with so many compelling candidates. :)

It has been known to happen.

Zelda Lamplighter wrote:

LOL no song in my head just a clock ticking.

I really hope it doesn't explode.

It has been known to happen.


Does anyone else have the Jeopardy theme running through their head right about now?

All done, gear and all.

I don't have a great deal of experience w/ fighters. Found some nifty tricks.

Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose wrote:

Ulrik, the thing is, having a character ready, that is not in a game currently, is not a bad thing. I originally developed this character for Carrion Crown, was passed over several times, finally wound up getting into a Runelords Campaign (which I dropped out of about mid-way through the second adventure for personal reasons) & finally got into a Carrion Crown Campaign, which then folded.

So now I'm trying again. Don't give up, you may not make it if you try, but you definitely won't if you give up.

I find that you will if you try, but sometimes you have to try for a good while.

This alias has been through 3 recruitment threads for example. Each time I tweak a bit and respec to the GM requirements. It's what you do. Keep at it, you will get in.

I noticed another char with the same odd off hand shield stat-block and frankly I was wondering if I missed something.

I think the PCgen glitch may have hit more folks than just you Ulrik.

Ulrik First welcome back. Second I think there is an error on the to hit and damage boni for your heavy shield. With your Str and BAB your to hit should be +6 and the damage +5 for a single attack with the shield.

If you were trying to Two-weapon it then you are looking at +0 main hand -4 off hand after your BAB and STR are taken into account. The damage bonus you list on the shield is correct if you are two weapon fighting and choosing the shield as the off-hand.

Or am I missing something?

Lord Charles Iridian Bloodgrave wrote:

I'd love to make a decent witch. Problem is what I'd like to make is more of a warlock, thus removing the familiar/patron, but so far there is no archetype which does such a thing, so I've not ever played one.

Also, the Witch has pretty much every single decent Charm/Compulsion Spell available to them, with the exception of Murderous Command. Not cool!

Don't see the issue. Patron can largely be ignored. Fantasy heroes have strange things paying attention to them all the time. Just let the GM know that you don't want the Patron to play a big role and it is basically a less influencial bloodline/school. As far as the familiar, it can vanish as soon as you have the 6k for a Stone familiar.

And there you go.

oh and Murderous command is all of a first level spell the DC will be childs play to beat. If you are spending the feats ect to make it anything like threatening bast first level then 750g for a wand with a DC20 UMD is not beyond reach.

Mind you it sounds like you might like an enchanter wizard/Fey+Sage sorcerer. They seem to have what you are looking for.

Utility Witches are quite useful. Swamp's grasp, Charm, Tongues, Cauldron, Water lung, Flight, Prehensile hair to deliver touch spells and supplies. Not to mention Discord and Unnerve Beasts which can play havoc with enemy plans.

That is what I like about Witches, they have something to do every round. And the visuals of a witch floating over a fight her hair delivering spells and potions to those below is show stopping.

Ezekial Holton wrote:
Here is the paladin entry from Skorn. There are at least three excellent groups here. I wish everyone the best of luck.

What Mr. Shiney said.

Good work everyone and good luck.

You get a hex at second level. No rush. The DC's for the Mage armor potion might be tough to hit at level one anyway.

Evil eye is a VERY good hex. Maybe it will fade in use once you get the Misfortune/Cackle machine going, should you chose to go that route. But it is your go to fighting hex for at least the first 4 levels or so.

Are you planning a more good witch (Ward, Fortune, Healing), a more bad (Misfortune, Slumber, Evil Eye) or something in between?

Lenneth Barlow wrote:
Yes, from what I've read of everyone else's backgrounds, there should be plenty of good interactions no matter who gets chosen :)

Lenneth, are you looking to go the cauldron/alchemy route? Just asking cause Potions of Mage armor are very very useful.

+4AC Ghosttouch armor, no check penalty, no weight, CL1 potion lasts for an hour. This is something to keep by the bedside.

I can't help thinking about how different combinations of characters will synergize. We have not given you an easy choice.

Or the Detective bard?
The detective's spells will cover most of the investigators strengths.

Small re-design.
I was cheesing by choosing obscure traits for min-max reasons.
Sticking as close as possible to core/apg as I can. Just to see if the feat etc. bloat matters.

Hey Yoggy-baby :7)

Just finishing the details and buying things. What are your thoughts on Eastern armor/weapons? Banned? Allowed? Some in some out?
No particular feelings on my part either way just wondering how widely I should cast me net-of-consideration.

Note to self: Get EWP Net-of-Consideration.

No problems here.
Bit of a horror fan myself.

hmmm lots of Oracles and Magi.
Good scattering of skill and melee types.

No Druids, Summoners or Gunslingers unless I missed somebody.

Looks to be a good pool.

Tossing my hat into the ring.
Both fluff(done pending revision) and crunch(in progress) under the alias.

TL DR version
Human core fighter. Taking the "On the payroll" trait. Future direction will be dependent on how the campaign goes but I am looking at the Fast learner and the other human racial feats. I like the the luck and versatility theme they have.

Player in a few Pbp's for the last while. Had to drop out of a Carrion Crown game somewhere in the first book, but that was a dog's age ago and I remember nothing.

I LIKE THE SLOWER PACE!! Part of the reason I had to drop the other CC game was that the GM and players wanted a faster paced game and that was causing issues.

Best of luck everyone.

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1

Unfortunately I also have to wander into the sunset. Real life can be difficult at times. Enjoy the game.

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1

See you later Taniriel.

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1

To the Hellknight

Speaking deferentially "Sir. We have an appointment with this office today. Would it be possible to meet with one of the other clerks of perhaps their superior?"

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1

Malcom mingles through the long night of the wake. Arriving in uniform and only slightly hungover for the reading.

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1

"Why are we worried about the other Hellknights finding out. Surely Sir Nico's last wishes are fully in line with the goals of his own Order?"

Malcolm raises an eyebrow at this whiff of treason.

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1
Lyle Rihannsu wrote:
I'm also using Lyle in another campaign that's level 16. Not surprised the stats are a little off.

That explains it. Going to do a spoiler for Lyle's stats in this game or create a whole new alias? It is an interesting problem, running two iterations of the same character in different games. I am looking forward to seeing how you solve it.

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1
Irizati Calhoun wrote:

"Though of all the ghost stories I've heard about the wastes tiny invisible monsters you can't see that kill you with sickness is my new favorite." ...

"Well said. If a sixth of the stories about the Wastes are true then I am amazed Alkenstar is still standing. It must be a strange place. Still I would like to see it someday."

(Psst Lyle are you sure you are using the correct alias? You have many many hit points.)

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1

Malcolm takes the offered hand carefully.


He turns to face the interruption. Coming to 'at rest' attention as he sees who it is. "Sir!"

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1
Bubo Sraga wrote:

Yes, I think that's correct, Malcolm. No +2 bonus (unless there's another racial bonus that evens it out to 0).

Yup I am incorrect. Making changes now.

Alterations made. Malcolm will be avoiding close combat to the extent he can for a few levels.....I see a high body count in this game.

"Oh? What is your work?"

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1

"Well the knights are buying and old Nico was fond of the odd dram. So I think a bit of ale might be fitting for his memory, or water as you prefer."

"Not a doctor? But is that not a plague mask you're wear?..... No it isn't..... Sorry, my mistake."

Yucale. Not 100% sure I created Malcolm correctly. Noticed this in the guidelines: "Once you have a race, simply choose one bonus to discard." Are you saying that humans should not get their +2 to any one stat?

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1

"Ah, hitting the hard stuff eh doctor?" Malcolm Smiles at the masked figure. "Must be hard to drink through that mask."

character finished, review at your leisure. Some purchases remain to be made but they can wait.

Human, Ustalav native Fighter 1

At first you are not sure if the man at the bar is a guest or a guard. He wears the decorated leather of an apprentice hellknight but you notice it is dusty and a little travel stained.

In a lull in the conversation you hear him make a toast. "To Sir Nico, and to debts unpaid." He drains the cup of heavy dark red wine.

Sorry for the delay. All done save gear but that will be done tonightish.

gold, knew I forgot something.
5d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 3, 4, 2) = 14x10=140

Bleck. Oh well at least the drinks are free.

That was an earlier idea for Malcolm.
Hmmmm who has a decent heal score?

Woah. Odd party. Two magi, an alchemist, a gunfighter, and a fighter. Lots of arcane power but no healing at all. Strange days

Here as well.

Will finish up the character ASAP. Looks like a good group.

Yucale wrote:

No offense, but I really don't think a lot of you get the whole starting out in a low-magic world concept.

Daemyn and Poor Wandering One, I'm interested. Would like more info.

Poor Wandering One here with more details.

Re: low-magic: No problems with low/no magic. This might give do something about the famed martial/caster disparity.

More on personality/background: I am basically lifting Malcom from a couple of my favorite books. The family background is d'Artagnan's from the Three Musketeers and aspects of Malcom's personality come from the Don's in Don Quixote. Hmmmm writing this out gave me a different picture of the background.

Revised background:
The d'Varre family has a long and noble history in Cheliax. They have provided generals and fine officers to the army since time out of mind. Recent generations however have been less successful and the family has faded into the kind of genteel rural, impoverished, nobility that is so lampooned in the theaters of post-Thrune Cheliax.

This was the world Malcolm was born into, the world of the manor farm, the village and the countryside. Malcolm is the second son, third if you count the brother who died as an infant. His elder brother Rykert is being groomed to become Lord of the manor leaving Malcolm to pursue what career he can find. Growing up as he did amongst the histories and relics of a noble past a military path seemed the most likely. So young Malcolm spent his time training with the sword and reading what histories and manuals of tactics had survived in the family library.

Finally there came a time for him to leave. His father had helped a man when he was younger. A simple soldier who later became Sir Nicolo Cosma. Though they had long ago lost contact the d'Varre name was remembered fondly enough for Sir Nicolo to arrange a post in Kintargo as an arminger in a command loosely connected to his Order. Malcolm served for a year but was ultimately unsuited to the harshly ordered life of a Hellknight in training and is currently on an 'extended leave' to as his commander put it 'decide if he is an asset in the service of Cheliax, or a problem for it to overcome.'

Build details:
The idea is for a flexible, skilled fighter. He will not win any DPR contests but he will function well out of combat and be quite a threat in a fight. In a low magic setting where commissioned magic weapons and armor may be rare Malcolm will avoid focusing on any weapon too heavily. Will likerly change between weapon and shield and switch hitter based on resources and circumstance. Likely 1st level feats: Human (fast learner) Level one (iron Will)

Did that help at all or do you sktill have more questions?

stats, raw rolls:
13(int). 16(str). 12(dex). 12(con). 10(cha). 8(Wis). Hmm 15 pt build exactly.

Good gaming you lot. Excellent choices.

DM NomadSage wrote:
Yeah, I lost a big chunk of reading time today with the "scheduled" maintenance. I'll hopefully have the final call tomorrow.

What the bald guy said. Those ^#$%@(@# goblins cause all kinds of trouble.

yup I expect it will be fixed soon enough. Forum just came back up, things can be odd on days it goes down.

You never know. It is back now.

Good luck everyone!

(psssst Nomad, what are your thoughts on bribery?) :7)

Nomad Sage wrote:

Let me know if I missed anyyone...

Just want to restate that Malcolm is far more fighter than divine. Think more a fighter who traded one BAB for some minor magical abilities.

I'm thinking of trying two weapon fighting with sword and fist. With snapping turtle style to help the empty hand.

That's the idea anyway. Looks like a tough choice.

Good luck everyone.

The woman leaned on the counter of her market stall and took a long draw from her pipe. "Malcom? Yes there was always something odd about Malcom. First off not knowing who his parents were. Well it's not that uncommon not to know exactly who your father is even if you have a name on the official paper, but to not know your mother....Mind you what was really odd was that the street didn't know. I mean it's as may be that no one will tell you to your face that your mother worked the street and died in a stable but the street knows. Not with this boy though. No one knew. I suppose that was why he took up with old Mr. DeVarre. He was another strange one. Living in that huge garret with all those books. 'Spose he took the boy in cause he was lonely. Worked out well though. Mr. DeVarre started getting out into the neighborhood again and you can't say the boy didn't take to the learning.
Pity about what happened with the old man being run down like that. Now don't go telling the boy this but the street says that was no accident, and that is all I'm saying about that. I have to live here you know."

She takes another hard draw on the pipe. The smell of the rough tobacco floats in the still air.

"The boy? No I don't rightly know where he is. I'm sure he be around presently. Seems to come and go as he pleases now."

PWO here. Submitting Malcom DeVarre. NG Human Cleric of Irori changing to Urban ranger at second level. So I am shooting for a fighter slot not the divine caster slot. That said Malcom will have a spell list from day 1 and can use wands/scrolls so will be able to help. Domains are Thought and Restoration. Campaign trait is Orphaned. It is a strange idea but I think having a fighter with a few spells up his sleeve would be fun to play.
Malcom is very motivated to stop Lamm. This will change to an overall desire to help the city/area as the campaign develops. Please note I am not 100% sure on Urban ranger. My initial idea was Spirit Ranger and I may well go back. In either case I will be a melee ranger. I will decide by 2nd level of course.
Best of luck with what looks to be a tough choice and I hope to see you in game.

Current Campaign

JohnnyBlack's Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition

The Catacombs of Wrath
What evil survived in the ruins below Sandpoint?
Catacombs of Wrath Map
Nice 3D map of sandpoint