Macon Bacon, Esquire's page
71 posts (82 including aliases). No reviews. 4 lists. 1 wishlist. 4 aliases.
A place for PFSers to remember posts they have had deleted.
kinevon wrote: And no one mentioned the free boons that are given out by Paizo for PFS? There is a lot to read in this thread but several people mentioned these boons already.
Phillip Willis wrote: I give a Kn: nature check. Not to be picky for picky's sake, but that's a K:Arcana check.
Deussu wrote: I'm going to run this at a gaming store (in Finland?! Madness!) next Tuesday and I'm anticipating to have 6 players, all around 1-2 level axis.
So many bodies. So much blood.
At Tier 1-2 I like to imagine the fight against the BBEG like Abbot and Costello Meet the Mummy.
See all of this is funny. You guys are having some fun making fun of me. This is what message boards are about expressing opinions.
However the selective enforcement of the singular rule of this message board by Paizo staff is not OK.
Deleting someone's post without so much as an explanation and then not responding to that user's questions is not OK.
The reason I created this thread was to get the attention of the people that weren't responding to my questions.
That goal has been achieved. Thanks to the postmonster for paying attention. And thanks to staff like Mark who deign to explain themselves when they delete a piece of our community.
Sorry John, there are still posts unaccounted for. Which I have now explained twice to people who aren't paizo staff.
/edit Sorry three times.
Quote before edit, sort of like QFP. I knew I shouldn't have used an initialism.
Drogon wrote: Macon Bacon, Esquire wrote: :]
/edit I'd ask for examples but since I used up all my Drogon responses in this lifetime I won't hold my breath.
This one's a clever one, folks. I always knew that I'd eventually be bitten in the butt by the "Owner - Enchanted Grounds" label that Paizo gave me. Makes me sad to have been nailed by this one, though.
Be on your toes around him. QBE
Funky Badger wrote: Of course a cleric can't pick Razmir, as he isn't a god... well, unless he wants to be a cleric with no spells and no domains... Its called an Inquisitor.
I keed, I keed
Yiroep wrote: I would like to point out to people that infernal healing is a 1 round cast time, like the summon monster line. Emphasis mine.
This bears repeating, many players and GMs don't understand or remember that wands can sometimes have casting times longer than a standard action.
Necromantic pigs ahoy!
I love this thread. Not surprising since I love dogs so much.
Priest? Oh I see, netopalis changed it to Cleric. I was specifically referring to their post.
Jiggy wrote: Macon Bacon, Esquire wrote: Constructive criticism is a personal attack? There's a third category: just plain "criticism", neither constructive nor an attack.
I voiced criticisms (or "critiques" if you prefer) of Beckett's experience running that scenario, in which I corrected some errors he made. I assumed he wanted the best experience for his players, so I gave him information that he could use to provide that.
But I didn't present it "constructively". I dropped it in his lap like a well-intentioned anvil to the face. Had I presented the same information more softly, he'd likely have felt less defensive/attacked and reviewed the information more thoroughly. But as it stands, his need to defend himself from my improperly couched facts resulted in dismissing some of that information entirely, leaving very little of it to "stick".
Thus, his players will see less benefit than they otherwise might have, and it is at least partly my own fault. Agree on your definitions. Still don't think your comments were wrong. I was just puzzled seeing Drogon refer to your tips in a negative light.
Kyle Baird wrote: Todd is feminine. Does that count? Only if she identifies as the female gender.
So one of you two would be the first female 5-star? Or am I mistaken?
Has there ever been a female 5 star GM?
Best of luck on the dash to 5 stars. PFS really needs more females at the top of that mountain.
/edit I'd ask for examples but since I used up all my Drogon responses in this lifetime I won't hold my breath.
Aarontendo wrote: Anytime I've had posts deleted on forums I knew I was taking the piss didn't need an explanation. I didn't see the thread but did you actually post up the entire mod and then feign ignorance on why it was deleted lol. LOL indeed.
Gary Teter wrote: I'm sorry, I'm still not sure what you're talking about. We have no emails from you in the webmaster inbox. Maybe your query bounced? Nope.
I will reply(resend) to them after I dig them out of my archives.
Drogon wrote: Macon Bacon, Esquire wrote: Jiggy wrote: Could have done it more softly, though. Sorry. :( The way you approached it was fine. Definitely something I appreciate actually seeing on the boards once and a while. The culture of this board breeds thin skins. No, the culture of these boards breeds personal attacks and arguments. Being more circumspect in your approach avoids that. Constructive criticism is a personal attack? Also, do you mean that all arguments are bad? Or is there a certain type of argument that is bad?
Netopalis wrote: Even if Razmir isn't legal, you could always just play a fighter calling himself a Razmiran Cleric. When asked why you don't have any spells, "Oh, I'm not *that* kind of cleric. I'm more of a beaty, sword and board cleric." Nobody would bat an eyelash. Except the GM who would kindly tell you that Razmir isn't a legal god and you can't possibly be a cleric of a god that isn't legal.
FYI, a dog isn't a pig.
Jiggy wrote: Could have done it more softly, though. Sorry. :( The way you approached it was fine. Definitely something I appreciate actually seeing on the boards once and a while. The culture of this board breeds thin skins.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
You played 4E without maps and minis?
Grimcleaver wrote: He seems a bit stubborn and fragile, and honesty at this point my new friendships at the store are worth more to me than super accurate rulings. It is worth a fair bit to know that a lot of these things are faults of DM interpretation rather than the RAW or Society rules. You should offer to run a scenario.
Grimcleaver wrote: Rogue Eidolon wrote: Why should a character necessarily be able to do this without the Greater Grapple feat? They shouldn't necessarily as a matter of game rules. I got asked to provide an example of where a tactic that otherwise makes sense doesn't necessarily work because of RAW rules. The idea is, if to hit with an attack I just need to touch you, then if I'm holding onto you I should automatically also be touching you. Quote:
A grappled creature is restrained by a creature, trap, or effect. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. A grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level), or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity.
Emphasis mine.
Grimcleaver, I would download the guide to organized play and give it a read. It very clearly states what changes are made to the core rules. None of your examples are allowed. The GM was simply mistaken.
Grimcleaver wrote: Macon Bacon, Esquire wrote:
Out of the 130+ scenarios/modules you can play in PFS you picked the one scenario that should not have made it past the editors let alone not have been retired by now. Does that somehow make my frustration less legitimate? In my opinion wrote: Yes.
Grimcleaver wrote: Macon Bacon, Esquire wrote: If you could provide one example of the latter half of that statement I'd examine your example to help me understand your position. Well I've got a few so far, but here's the most recent:
** spoiler omitted **
Stuff like this makes me want to make the most broken, contrived, ridiculous characters ever... Out of the 130+ scenarios/modules you can play in PFS you picked the one scenario that should not have made it past the editors let alone not have been retired by now.
Grimcleaver wrote: It seems like the critters we fight aren't builld for their excellent story value--they're build to use cheap mechanical gimicks to hose PC parties. If you could provide one example of the latter half of that statement I'd examine your example to help me understand your position.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
There is a nice little gem regarding the "other" gods I became friends with on the additional resources page. Located on the right sidebar under "Website Blogs" you will see some blog posts about deities.
Milani is associated with these domains/subdomains:
Quote: Milani: Azata, Defense, Freedom, Purity, Restoration, Revolution
Drake Brimstone wrote: Hay all, I'm creating my first Pathfinder Character becaues we have a GM at our local shop who is looking to start up a Pathfinder Society night.
Looking thought the classes, I decided on a Magus and proceeded to create the character making sure it fell within the rules for Pathfinder Society.
In the end I found I had to reduce two of my stats to very low to have a good Int and enough Str to carry all her gear while still maintaining a reasonable Dex and Con for survivability.
My end stats (after racial adjustments) are:
Str: 16
Dex: 15
Con: 14
Int: 18
Wis: 7
Cha: 5
(Base is 16,13,14,16,7,7 and it's a Tiefling)
So far what I've thought of is a smart ass who can't keep her mouth shut and has no manners and is also perfectly willing to resort to violence in a "diplomatic" situation. Oh, and she's ugly, but looks can't account for all of a 5 charisma.
I should probably add I'm planning on a Chaotic Good alignment.
What's your question?
No animal companion would ever have one hit die.
To figure out an AComp's stats you multiply 4.5 x HD and round down then add CON modifiers and other modifiers on top.
Monks don't have to buy a cloak of resistance. ;)
Make a "-3" character for the credits that can't apply to "-2". Such as those First Steps credits.
Fromper wrote: Is that sort of thing allowed, or were we unintentionally breaking the rules back before we knew better? No. Yes.
kinevon wrote: Yet another replacement Core Assumption book, at some point. Is this a problem you've experienced often in PFS? Having a core assumption book completely rendered worthless?
Average horse can weigh well over 1000lbs.
Hosteling is what I'm getting for my Druid and his Medium animal companion.
Andoran is totally getting the ax.
Items appearing on your chronicle sheet allow you to buy them before you reach the appropriate fame level. I think it should stay that way.
Offering a discount breaks verisimilitude for me as those items are often sold and split between party members to account for how much gold a Pathfinder receives for completing a scenario/module.
Did you delete the thread? I'm pretty sure Mark did.
One thing I would not waste my time doing is creating a thread about things that have been explained.
Mark took the time to explain why he did what he did. Whether or not I agree with him he displayed the heart of "don't be a jerk" by stating a reason for his actions.
webmaster@paizo.com nothing from me there? Curious.
Darkest Vengeance should be retired. Especially for tier 1-2.
A few of my posts have been deleted with no explanation.
When I've taken the time to contact staff about it I was told PMs don't work.
I emailed webmaster and asked. 8 days passed, no response. I emailed again and asked if I should be addressing my emails to someone else or what I should be doing. No response yet.
When a post is deleted a PM or a note would be appreciated. If a post violates the board rules, one should be told. If a post was deleted for another reason, one should be told.
Victor Zajic wrote: Does d3 really size up to d6 in pathfinder? I don't understand pathfinders take on size increases to damage dice at all. Here's the table from the PRD.
Nothing turns the average player into whiny little !@#%&!@# faster than you can say "them's the breaks" than not getting the bonus prestige from their faction mission.
Pouty faces ahoy!
Joshua Smith wrote: I'll echo what Jerall said. I'm running this same session tonight. The darn fools are playing up. APL? What classes and levels?