
Lynn the Summoner's page

2 posts. Alias of MadScientistWorking.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

Pssttt.... Battle for the Bulwark is the wrong scenario. Fun adventure don't get me wrong but that's not what's supposed to be run at Paizocon.
Oooo it goes on sale to the public then. The other four scenarios are exclusive. Im a dummy.

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So they're Iruxi?

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

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Alex go back on vacation. You shouldn't be working. (Note: This is clearly a joke.)

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

I've got to know why the covert art for 3-6 is a door. It can't possibly be a reference to that scenario....

Mistress of the Maze

Inside the foyer of Skyreach at the Grand Lodge, a masked servitor awaits. A specter in white, save for the ribbon of scarlet around their neck, the servant bows and gestures to the central staircase, silently leading the way upstairs to a large study. Eliza Petulengro, the unmasked member of the Decemvirate, sits behind a wooden desk covered in neatly arrayed stacks of books and hand-written reports. She gazes quietly across the edge of her teacup. Setting the tea down, she glances to the side at a rune-etched sphere studded with strange metal canisters.

I expect you know who I am, so I shall dispense with unnecessary formalities. Mostly, I deal in two things—truth and potential. I haven’t the time to shield the first, but I see the second in you. I need you to join me in traveling the Maze of the Open Road. It was once a great asset to the Society. For many years, the Decemvirate and trusted agents could travel all of Golarion in moments. A gift from an ancient druid king, the maze lent us power, discretion, and speed. In time, it also allowed for a terrible betrayal."

The current Master of Spells, Sorrina Westyr, elected to seal the maze despite its advantages. And for some time I agreed with that wisdom. However, fate has forced our hand. The maze has grown dangerously unstable and we need its abilities now more than ever. With Sorrina currently traveling to the Mwangi Expanse, it falls to us to collect the necessary samples required to diagnose the maze and make it safe and reliable once more."

Regrettably, this stabilization device,” Eliza indicates a hovering sphere honeycombed with canisters, “will require almost all of my concentration. I will need you ready to protect me as we gather samples along the path through the maze to the Woodsedge Lodge in Galt. Thankfully, Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau is sending an agent to meet us, who should smooth our progress considerably. You have my trust in this. Any questions before we begin?

Eliza is the second person in the slide that I have linked to. Any boons or GM star hero points to hand out?

Mistress of the Maze

This is for out of character discussion. This is generic text so that I can create the thread.

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Hello all. I am currently recruiting for Mistress of the Maze. Tier wise I'm hoping to hit high tier but its not a huge requirement. One slot is reserved for a player that I've promised to run this for. Please post your class, level, faction, and any special abilities you would like me to be aware of. Recruitment will end in a few days.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

7 people marked this as a favorite.

That's really good value especially when it seems like you have a lot of custom assets. And before anyone says anything despite being a venture agent I do purchase scenarios and adventures for community members to run.

I meant to redeem my gift card and use it in the same order. Not redeem it and charge everything on my credit card. Sorry for the mistake.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

This is going to be an awkward conversation but I figured it's just time. If you are sensitive to issues involving rape, harassment, and racism you might want to be careful reading this.

There are incidents revolving around a person named Erik Tenkar. Erik decided to defend Zak Smith after he was outed as a rapist and abuser at Totalcon. Here's just a small portion of the audio recording:

Single individuals making actions that will impact tens or hundreds of thousands of gamers. Your ability to see creations that zak s might come out with in a year or two. It might be the most awesome s+*$ in the hobby or it might be s#~&. Don’t get me wrong but it has the potential and your not going to see it because everyone is shutting him down.”

You can kind of tell just by that statement alone what the issue is.

This is a person trying to make space for an abusive rapist in places where he just doesn't belong. Zak's harassment is responsible for multiple minorities and women quitting this industry. I know multiple victims of his. One of the victims used to attend Totalcon regularly. And we should make room for Zak?

And it gets worse. Tenkar is a promoter of Alexander Macris. Alexander is best summed up as a guy who tried to profit off of white supremacy and harassment of minorities and other people. Initially, I became aware when he tried to promote Gamergate on the Escapist which led to the harassment of people I know. After the failure of the Escapist Macris went on to become CEO Milo Inc. What was Milo Inc.? Here's it's mission statement.

making the lives of journalists, professors, politicians, feminists, Black Lives Matter activists, and other professional victims a living hell.

I shouldn't have to explain what the issue is here.

Why am I doing this? Well it's a combination of slowly working up the nerve to talk about my harassment and to make sure people are aware of this. There at least you know half of the disaster involving Totalcon.

Mistress of the Maze

If you have any questions about gameplay, rules, play by post, or anything else feel free to ask. I'm here to help.

Mistress of the Maze

You're all hanging around in Grand Lodge in Absalom when you receive a letter from the Radiant Oath's faction leader, Urwal. Considered eccentric even by the Pathfinder Society's standards the Iruxi showed up one day and just started correcting the errors of the society. Mislabeled Mwangi artifacts, sorting insect collections, and documenting constellations in the night sky are just some of the activities he's partaken in while working.

The letter reads:
Three months ago, the Green passed briefly beside the Stranger, the two in confluence for a half-turning of a moon. In Finadar’s heart, the spirits run riot. Flesh and flower flow together, and bones walk on limbs of wood. Soon, the Child shall pass beneath the aegis of the Mother. The time is auspicious for the Pathfinders to fix what was broken. Journey to Iobarian Mishkar. At the caravansary beneath, amid the stalls, you will find Jaldan, a shaman of Redpine. She will wait for you there until the moon turns once more. Do not dally.

You all know that the Society not too long ago helped the locals of Findar Forrest with a fire enhanced by an ancient cyclopean ritual. This fire was set by a conversation minded group of goblins doing a controlled burn who later emigrated west.

Anyone who wants to can attempt a occultism check to know more about Urwal's comments about rituals. A nature check to learn more about nature spirits and a society check to learn more about the forest and its inhabitants. This is a secret check so just tell me any relevant abilities and modifiers.

In addition you can all introduce your characters and make your choices for the swords, spells, or scroll training.

This is recruitment for a play by post of the PFS scenario The Blooming Catastrophe. Depending on interest I'm willing to run two tables. All I currently need is just character level and class. I'm not going to be particular about experience with play by post though if it works out I'll split the tables between inexperienced and experienced.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

So I have a player ask me what's up with PF1 characters having the word void next to them. I'm guessing it's a weird thing with scripting but I want to provide her with accurate information.
Its supposed to read PFS or something to that effect. It's a scripting error

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

Wait does a certain "unkillable" NPC make his return from Bid for Alabastrine?

Suppose you have the option of rolling xd6 or xd8-x dice for damage. Which one do you take and why?

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

Im reading through the sanctioning material and Im actually a bit confused by the document. For level 1 you run parts 1 and 2. The issue is that part 2 if you run it straight involves running part 3. Do I skip the two parts of 2 that are effectively part 3?

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

So I just want to make sure that I understand the ability as to how it works in PFS.

Spells: Any spell that normally grants a secondary saving throw can be cleared. The two more common ones being Hideous Laughter and Glitterdust. This differs in how the ability is worded which is still really useful.

Poisons: Exactly how it works in the ability. It's pretty straightforward.

Disease: I'm not sure if they count as conditions or they are different. The game lists them as afflictions so I assume no???

It's not a big deal which way but depending on how it works Id prioritize different items first. Namely the Doctors Bag and Remove Curse scrolls would be first so I'd effectively can handle a significant chunk of status effects at level 5.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

So Im reading the Field Guide and its not clear but you can only receive credit once for running a scenario right? Also, can you choose to forgo receiving player credit to gain GM credit twice on the same scneario?

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

Is there going to be any rule or consideration for material that is opened up by boons that now shows up in multiple books? I know Bestiary 6 has a familiar that you can get through a boon and Adventurer's Guide has a magic subtype that is unlocked through a scenario. I would appreciate it if I could use those books as sources for the boons as opposed to having to buy a part of an adventure path and Inner Sea Magic.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

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This isn't to argue for or against sanctioning more than wondering if I missed something regarding it. There is the Kyton eidolon that is pretty neat and I was wondering if Campaign Leadership has made a decision regarding it. I didn't buy the book for it so Im not particularly invested in it but if it was overlooked I might save some GM credit for it.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

I have an a goofy character concept that Im working on but I was just wondering. Can a companion (In this case an Eidolon) worship a different god from the PC for a mechanical effect? Its really not that big of a deal either way but I just want to make sure before I start picking feats up later on that I shouldn't.

Im building my character out and I am currently picking out my next revelation. I want to pick Shadow Projection but Im honestly kind of confused as to how it works. I fundamentally get how the spell its based on works. You take the shadow and give it your hit dice and hit points while your body lays inert like a sack of potatoes. The issue comes from the fact that the Revelation makes the shadow becomes an outsider with the phantom subtype. So basically there are two questions that come from this that Im not sure about

A) Does the shadow's BAB progress using the outsider (Full) or undead (3/4) progression?
B) Its called out that the shadow can be affected as an outsider. Does that mean that its no longer immune to mind affecting abilities?

Anyway, the BAB progression isn't the important part because honestly I'd just give it 3/4 but the second part is a bit odd on how to handle it.

So Im building my character and there is something that is a bit odd about the revelation. I understand the general gist of the spell (Take a shade and give it your HD and hitpoints) but the weird part of comes in with the revelation. The revelation turns the shadow from undead to outsider (phantom). Of course this has two weird potential side effects:
A) The shade now has a full BAB because undead are 3/4 BAB.
B) The shade benefits from morale effects because well its not undead.
Are these correct interpretations or is there something odd going on that Im missing with monster typing?

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

I just want to make sure I understand this but what does this line mean?

. A PC who worships one of the Eldest can choose to use the variant summon list on page 57, but he permanently loses the ability to summon creatures with the outsider type using summon monster and summon nature's ally.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

So Im looking through Divine Anthology and there is a legal subdomain that grants Permanency. Looking through the additional resources its not changed like in the case of Time Mystery. Im guessing this is just an error.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

Has anyone had issues reporting Tome of the Righteous Repose? I have the following error message

Prestige does not count. Player has already played scenario

I can't tell if someone accidentally applied the scenario twice to the same character or if the scenario isn't coming up as an evergreen.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

I was looking at this archetype and I am wondering if it was intended for the spell Instigate Psychic Duel to be gained or if it was an oversight. I looked at Additional Resources and nothing is mentioned about the archetype being modified but still that spell is weird enough that I just wanted to double check. On top of that the section of Additional Resources also cites an archetype that doesn't exist in that book.

Does having Improved Feint work with the Ranged Feint feat? I was thinking of doing something a bit goofy but the wording of Ranged Feint makes it seem like those two don't actively stack.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

So I want to purchase a scroll of haste. Its on my spell list but the only issue is that Im a divine spellcaster. Haste isn't on the Cleric's spell list. If I understand the rules correctly do I just purchase it as a Wizard scroll and ignore the fact that its arcane?

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

So I'm looking at this archetype and I'm just want to make sure I understand how it works using PFS rules. You designate one of the elementals as a combatant and the others stay off to the side as non combatants. If anything I probably won't play the archetype but given season eights theme it kind of would be fun to play it.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

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Im kind of curious as to what the special materials that are always available from the RPG Guild Guide Would I be able to buy a mithril chainshirt?

Just for rules clarification as there is a potential feat that they can take (Powerful Poisoner) which has the rider poisoned weapon. Does their bite attack count as a poisoned weapon?

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

I've been reading through Bastards of Golarion and was wondering if the racial ethnicity (ie. Osirian Half Orc) get the corresponding language?

So reading through the archetype I want to make sure but with each djinn it gets the corresponding implement you want and the elemental school associated with said djinn?

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

So Im making a new character and Ive decided to go with the Promethean Alchemist archetype which creates a few questions as to how PFS handles constructs. Constructs as far as I am aware don't normally heal damage or at least in the case of the Promethean Alchemist their construct doesn't. Does that mean that the HP remains the same same from end to start of sessions? Also, what item slots does the Homunculous get? It humanoid in shape according to the archetype but besides armor I have no clue what I can put on it. Also, I want to make sure but Infernal Healing is PFS legal right?

So Im looking at the archetype from Occult Adventures and it says in addition to the hit dice the Homunculus also gets the Hit Points due to size. Is this in relation to the fact that the Homunculus is a construct and with the construct trait there is a line that says it gains 10 hit points if its a small creature?

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

I know this is pretty sudden recruitment thread but since Im off tomorrow I was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing through the Forgotten Laboratory Level of Thornkeep.