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![]() I have a hard enough time keeping one home game afloat, and my suggestions that maybe one of my group members could run a 5E game have fallen on deaf ears. I don't think my GMT +10 timezone and previous experience leave me very qualified for GMing a play by post game, so I'm going to go ahead and be that guy. I know it's a big ask... but is some gallant GM somewhere interested in running one of the NEXT playtest modules here on the paizo boards? I'd love to take it for a spin. ![]()
![]() I'm about to start working on rewriting the weapon table for an upcoming home game. Ideally I want to simplify the weapon-list trimming several of the similar options (such as the morningstar and heavy mace, darts and shuriken etc.) and assigning most weapons with a mundane special ability (brace, disarm, etc.) that make them unique and exciting. I want to make some of the unused weapons (axes, maces, etc.) a little more powerful, or at least to fill a specific niche. I'm also considering a general "nerf" of greatswords, greataxes and their ilk, treating them as large size weapons (-2 to hit but bigger damage dice to represent their unwieldiness and to encourage the use of vital strike for a slower more deliberate fighting style.) So first, a general question... has anyone tweaked the weapons table like this? However small I'd be interested to see what people have come up with. I know Mr. Kirth Gersen has done some tweaking in his houserules which I intend to mine for ideas. With a few new players at the table I don't want to mess with their knowledge of the game too much (i.e., no drastic changes) so I'd rather keep it to static bonuses than something more complex, like the simple/martial/exotic proficiency bonuses. Second... and here is where I want suggestions and feedback... I'll need to come up with a few more Weapon Qualities than appear in the APG. I intend to add a "Sundering" quality to Axes and a "Bullrushing" quality to shields. However I'll have to do more than grant bonuses to combat manuevers, and here I'm a little more stuck. Power-wise I'm looking for something that's equivalent to a feat, without making any one option grossly overpowered compared to the others. Some Considerations:
That's probably enough for the original post. This is my first brush with houseruling and I want to make sure I don't do a clumsy job of it, as houserules tend to have notoriously short-lived runs at our table. I also don't want to stray too far from the core and confuse a few new players as they join other games (or confuse them with the dizzying amount of sub-par options on the paizo SRD). I'd be super keen for any feedback you can give me throughout the week, at the very least I want it done before game day! ![]()
![]() Hello, paizonians! I'm working on a homebrew game to be set in and around Vigil after getting my mitts on the campaign setting book, and I'm finding myself fairly short of ideas, encounters and setpieces to weave into my sessions. My lurking tells me a few GMs have ran games in Lastwall (Mikaze, ferinstance) and I'd love to gather up some ideas. I'm basing it loosely off of Red Hand of Doom. I plan on having the orcs of Belkzen ally with Zedoran the Ancient Green Dragon and his progeny, as well as his three hag lieutenants. The bridge and ambush encounters I want to rip wholesale (replacing the hobgoblins with orcs). I also want to have the PCs act as emissaries to nearby Dwarf and Elf kingdoms, ALA Red Hand. Beyond that though I'm still not sure where I want to go to it. I want to include a variety of encounters and I'm scouring the books for ideas but I'm struggling with a few major hitches. The first of which is... how to make orcs, well, interesting. Both from a statistical and story standpoint, I'm wondering how to make the orcs engaging. I'm also trying to come up with a compelling villain (or rival) to place within the walls of Vigil. The third is coming up with different encounters/setpieces to squeeze into the game. I already plan on a cavalry charge encounter against routed orcs to start it off (skewed in the PCs favour to let them feel powerful and knightly), a horse-race, a seige, a fight with morlocks underground (I've recently discovered them and just plain want to squeeze them in somewhere) and several run ins with the Ancient Green Dragon, despite him being well beyond their capability to fight (I plan on having the PCs hinder him by causing a cave-in and earn his ire at say, level 8 or 9, before an encounter with him closer to his actual CR, around level 12 or so (decked out in dragon-bane gear of course). Where else can I go with this? Perhaps we could swap ideas and chat a while? ![]()
![]() Perhaps this belongs in the General Discussion board, but... How often do these abilities come up? I think it might be a lot more if people (myself included), actually knew how and when to use them. What constitutes a "magical attack" for distraction, and what are some of the major spells, monster abilities and SLA's that count as "magic effects based on sound"? Could someone list some of the common effects that these abilities can counter? And if they don't belong in the core rules perhaps there could be a home for them in the PFSRD? (though I'm sure the editors have their hands more than full with the ARG right now). Both abilities are frustratingly vague, and any examples would go a long way. Thanks for your thoughts. ![]()
![]() During the raid on Thistletop, there's a chance that Nualia might be giving a service... Spoiler:
During rituals, all of the goblins in the complex, as well as
Tsuto, Lyrie, and Bruthazmus, gather here to watch and pray. Orik attended the fi rst service, but has since bowed out, claiming that someone needs to guard the complex during ceremony. To his relief, Nualia agreed. In any event, taking on a room of goblins and cultists is not a good plan for low-level PCs. By my count, that's three yeth hounds, Nualia, Bruthazmus, Lyrie, Ripnugget, One Warchanter, 5 commados and 13 warriors and nearly fills the chamber. I have a question to the GMs out there. Has anyone been cruel enough to run this? In retrospect, I really wish I had. My party inquisitor was a massive glory hog, always taking the most dramatic entrance possible. Having him swoop in to rescue a sacrifice would've been right up his alley. However I would've had to take serious measures to make sure my PCs survived, and I'd definately be "wasting" Thistletop somewhat. Let's talk about this encounter. How could the PCs possibly survive it? ![]()
![]() I'd like to add a few weapon enhancements to my dwarven thrower for an upcoming 15th level game. I've no idea what price to use as a baseline when it comes to the Dwarven Thrower, though. Could somebody give their two cents on that? Help me deconstruct the magic item price? Help would be much appreciated. I have an additional 11k to spend after purchasing it, and I'm not sure whether to treat it as a +2 weapon, a +3 weapon, or something else entirely... ![]()
![]() I'm looking for a short game to play on the forums that I can see through to the end. I've honestly never FINISHED a game in any sense of the word, and I'm dying for a chance to do so. Do many GMs run the Golarion-friendly modules here? I understand they're not as popular as the AP line, but I honestly don't think I've seen any in a while. What's more... is anyone interested in running one? I'd be pretty keen. Much Obliged. ![]()
![]() I need help, paizonians. I need help getting over my irrational hatred of this spell. There's just something incredibly grating about somebody growing to twice their size, just like that. I feel like this should be the realm of Shape-shifting magic alone, but I'm hesitant to house-rule it as such, because I don't want to gimp the melee characters at my table. This is fine as a player. I can just avoid it. As a GM however, especially when I was running RotR (with its ridiculously tiny corridors) it really makes me cringe. My problem is purely one of flavor, or rather, aesthetics. I don't like that wizards can cast such a powerful, flashy and disney-esque spell along side all the much more (for lack of a better word) mundane, or tricky spells that populate the first level spell list, such as animate rope, grease, charm and sleep. The fighter grows to 10 feet tall, his javelins shrinking as he hurls them across the room and grazing his head on the dungeon ceiling. There's just something inherently ridiculous rather than fantastic, here, and it's a part of the game from level one, so there's absolutely no escaping it. It's a bit of an odd request, but can anybody help me get past this gut reaction? A flavourful, text description of an Enlarge spell? A reflavouring? Even a nod of agreement? Its an important, staple spell and so presumably there's somebody out there who likes it enough. I'd rather not bring this up with my home group, or disrupt my home game with something so inane. Hopefully there's someone on these boards as batty as I am that can lend me their two cents on the matter. (And of course to save this thread from being utterly pointless, does anybody else have a spell that they think cheapens their experience? Not so much mechanically (oh god 3.5 polymorph), but flavour wise? What spells just vex you? I wouldn't hesitate to see this turn into a "least favourite spells" thread. Frankly I'd feel a little less embarrassed for starting it that way. :P) ![]()
![]() I know it's late, but where does Tea come from in the Inner Sea? What brews are on the market and where do they come from? The Impossible Kingdoms? I'd be interested to hear what folks think. Also a general thread about the avaliability of food would be interesting, and where real world analogues are appropriate or not. I'm a sucker for anything food history related. Ferinstance, Burnt Offerings has a few potato dishes served in one of the taverns, and Skinsaw Murders had a cornfield. What's more, tobacco is at least on the market. Curiously though, Golarion's American continent is as of yet uncolonized. ![]()
![]() Chapter 1: Festival and Fire
The sun rises, a warm autumn light washing over the white limestone cliffs of the Devil’s Platter, over the ordinarily sleepy town of Sandpoint and out into the glimmering blue waters of the Varisian Bay. The town is buzzing with activity. The sounds of hammers, music and frantic preparation are drowned in a collective murmur of “Mighty big crowd this year.” and “Fine day for it, by Gozreh.” The excitement in the air is almost tangible. The townsfolk gather in the Church Street square, along with merchants selling clothes, local crafts, souvenirs and all manner of food, filling the square with an array of pleasing aromas. Above is the majestic new cathedral, which will be sanctified today. The blue stained glass casts the square in a shimmering light as it catches the eastern sun. Akrem:
Heads turn as you stride down the bustling streets, absentmindedly grinning with pride as you carry the doe to the Meat Market, ready to be butchered. It was a clean kill. One worthy of a Shirriri-Quah. “That the last of them?” asks the four-fingered butcher, flitting about his work. “Nice and tender… ” Chod Veruk adds, as you make for the door. You wipe your brow. The red paint comes off in flakes. It was going to be a busy day. Being the dutiful son you are, you’ll likely head back to the inn and help your father and sisters. Your father’s famous Peppercorn Venison doesn’t make itself. Of course… there’ll be plenty of opportunity to sneak off and enjoy the festival, if you so choose. Boiko:
It was a stroke of luck you found the caravan by the wayshrine. You utter thanks to the goddess that you’ve not missed the festival as the town wheels into view. Besides, the straw beds are quite comfortable and you’re sure the smell of goat will come out. Today is a day of songs and dancing! Your kinsman flit about excitedly as your reach the market, draping the wagons in bright colours and setting up a crude stage. You stroll to the temple, finding a silver piece lodged in the cobbles. Whistling a tune you heard on the road, you make your way up Church Street and take in the new Cathedral. It’s a magnificent affair of stone and stained glass. The windows are adorned with pictures of the gods, chief among them the Great Dreamer. For a moment, you think you see the goddess smile at you. Lorghan:
You stand on the rise, staring out into the Gulf. It has been a long journey. The road down the Lost Coast is a lonely one, and with no horse you had only the chittering of goblins and the early autumn chill to speed your journey. Among the towering cliffs and evergreens you found no signs of civilization since setting out from Riddleport, and you’re apparently intimidating enough to scare away any bandits. Your legs are weary. Your load seems to get heavier by the step. As the road winds around the plateau, you’re surprised how pleased you are to see the town stretching out below you. Perhaps here you will find the peace you seek. Qualin:
Lay low, enjoy the festival, and wait. The time away from those cutthroat lawyers and investigators has eased your mind. It certainly helps that the local… gentleman’s establishment possesses a décor, class and staff above and beyond its simple surroundings. Today is the day, but once you make your way to the Rusty Dragon, you find no sign of Aldern. Undeterred, you make your way to the main square, scanning your eyes from face to face. You recognize a few of the dignitaries on the stage, but no Aldern. Damn him. Doesn’t he know that you’re running out of time? Rohan:
The deep waters of the Varisian Gulf stretch beneath the hull of The Kestrel. The vessel runs the West Tack, carrying Varisian timbers and Cheliaxian glass to the distant jungles of Sargava. You’ve made the journey south three times, but this time would be your last. Last week you were greeted on your watch duty by an old friend. The dragonling stares at you, knowingly, and after so long you heard its voice again. “A sslumbering menace stirss on the coastss of Varissia. The great Mengkare and the Council ssend me as an emissary, friend Rohan. Sstop the spread of evil and return to Promise once more.” As pleased as he was to see you, he was just as quick to take wing once more. It was dangerous to speak too long, he said. You are still an exile.
Now you stand in Sandpoint’s Shipyard. The dockmaster, the young Bertram Vandemar welcomes you as you bid farewell to your crewmates. It seems the townsfolk are celebrating some sort of religious festival. The great Mengkare disallowed worship of the gods, but in your years on the mainland you’ve become acquainted with them. You walk towards the main square with a smile on your face. You have something to hope for. Valeria:
The height is dizzying. The Old Light stretches almost two hundred feet into the air, and your initial survey indicates that it may once have stood at four times this height. The carvings are badly weathered, uncommon for a ruin of this importance and all they indicate is that the peak once held a brilliant light. All in all, you’ve gleaned nothing from your journey that you couldn’t have learned two weeks ago in the lofty libraries of Magnimar. You consulted the local expert, one Brodert Quink, but the man was nothing but a washed up old quack. You don’t know what this old tower may be, but it was certainly no war machine. The locals convinced you to stay on until the Swallowtail Festival, and the spicy cuisine at the Rusty Dragon has certainly helped, but you walk the brightly coloured streets in a sour mood. Zavac:
The loremasters instructed you to rendevous with one of their agents, one of the Shin’Rakorath, deep in the human lands, and to await further instructions. You had a few choice words to say about that, but you bit your tongue. Best not to disgrace yourself further, you’d thought. You recount each of them now, cursing them in the tongue of your people. Goblins attacked your camp in the night, and while you fought them off with ease your horse, a beautiful white mare, had been wounded, and overnight it seems that despite your better efforts, the wound had become infected. She could bear you no further.
You reach the top of the hill, and cross the bridge into town. Best you be done with this foolish errand and return to Crying Leaf as soon as possible. What are you doing? The opening speeches will commence in the square, and then the festival will begin. There will be all manner of food (including free lunch provided by the local taverns), all manner of stalls, dancing, music, greyhound races, and dueling, archery and drinking contests. You can enjoy the festivities as much or as little as you like, and then we'll get on with the show. ![]()
![]() i've been grooming a few friends to kick off a we be goblins/burnt offerings campaign over christmas. I've been planning on throwing together some pregens in the style of the beginner box ones, ones that explain every part of the character sheets... I've got three requests of you fine folk.
![]() Hey, I'm back again. I've just stumbled apon this here old Tome and Blood Web Enhancement during my hours of rampant procrasti-...er, during my day off. It has a wonderful table for filling out a starting wizards spellbook and some prebuilt spell books as icing on the cake. Quick question for you 3.0 vets. Would this spellbook table be up to date with Pathfinder? Have there been any sweeping changes in the scribing system or the class itself before I save this somewhere? ![]()
![]() I've just begun playing a human guardsman in a CotCT game here on the boards. Now, as a human fighter with +1 int, I can get 5 skill points a level, which is reasonably solid. However, my skill list is seriously lackluster. I'm aware of the Tactician archetype, but I'm unwilling to give up weapon training and I'd rather avoid any sweeping changes to my build. My character is here. I originally had more well rounded mental stats (because hey, 25 point buy!) but decided to keep shield fighting as an option for later levels. My plans for the next few levels are weapon focus or cleave at 2nd, persuasive at 3rd and weapon spec after that. What are my other options for expanding that skill list? I'd rather avoid an urban ranger dip, because I'm adamant that by 4th or 5th level I should be competant in a good number of skills. However, despite my decent number of skill points I really need that class skill bonus. If there's anything I've missed that I can run by my GM before we get into the thick of things, I'm all ears. ![]()
![]() My group are avid 3.5 and Pathfinder players, and we keep crawling back to the system. That said, a good friend of mine has some old D&D books, what I believe are the old 2E Players Handbook, a Monster Manual and FR setting, a module or two and possibly the GM guide. Now, I've tried to thumb through the books and throw together a character and have just found them absolutely impenetrable. I'd love to run one of the classic modules such as ToEE, Against the Giants or Keep on the Borderlands, but have no idea how to get a grip on the system. What would you reccomend for a whippersnapper like me trying to get abreast of the old system? How does it compare to Pathfinder? What about running a game with it? What are some of the pitfalls a brand new group should avoid? How compatible are the different editions? What's the simplest iteration of the rules I could run with? ... and lastly are their any online resources I could use? I've plenty of questions, but we'll see where this thread takes me, as I'm not even certain I've posted this in the right place. :P ![]()
![]() Hello all, I'm venturing here for the first time with the hope of starting up a game to replace my current RotR campaign, which as my first venture into the wonderful world of DMing, might just be retired prematurely. I've had a little trouble tying the seperate adventures together, and my players have admitted to being tired of their characters, so I want to move on to something a little more ambitious. I've got my heart set on this AP. Now, before I begin scouring the GM Reference threads, I'd wonder if anyone has any advice for running this AP, particularly the first adventure, some three years on. Are there any threads you'd direct me to? Community Content? I've just discovered Skyler's audiofiles this morning and am totally stoked to use them. Is there anything else? As a side note, I'm hoping to make a few changes to the first adventure. My players are somewhat bitter about playing at low levels. I think Burnt Offerings may be the first game we've played below level 5 in our lives. My players might mutiny if I start them at level 1 again, so I'm hoping to bump that up a level or two... Also, I'm considering removing and replacing the Pugwampi's from the adventure... Would this have any unforseen consequences? Would I be hurting the campaign at all? Would I be tarred and feathered and ran off from these boards? I'm fearing my players have had enough of small-gremlin-type enemies with the goblins, so I'm hoping to find a replacement. Any suggestions here? Thanks, folks. ![]()
![]() Okay, I plan on playing a halfling rogue pirate for an upcoming game, as a throwback to one of my first characters. I'd like to wield what seemed like a pipe-dream back in the day... a flintlocke pistol (preferably double barreled, I have a set I'd like to twirl around at the table) and a cutlass/rapier... How would I go about building this guy?
STR 13
Feats: Quick Draw, (EWP:Firearms), Deadly Aim, Far Shot/Weapon Finesse, Two Weapon Fighting(b)
A few questions: First: Be honest. Am I better off as a straight gunslinger or as a fighter?
![]() A 09 Grau Final avatar One of my fellow players is constantly swearing in-character in our home game. Now, normally, being an Aussie and the son of a tradie, I wouldn't bat an eye. However, it really detracts from the experience for me. Something about the f-bomb and "s#!!" are just... so boring and mundane. In a game of Don't Rest Your Head or Shadowrun, I'd dig it... But in Pathfinder, somewhere in Acheron, surrounded by tortured souls and horrific devils? A bit of atmosphere would be nice. These also seem to be the character's response to every bad situation. (And lets face it, we're PCs. The s~#+ hits the fan on a regular basis). I've called him out on it, and he's convinced he'd be out of character if he did any different, and that they're -good words-, and that sometime the extra impact is needed. (We play over IM, so I'm certain ellipses or all-caps could do just as well.) Now, fairs fair, it is his character, but I'd like to be able to suggest an alternative. How do your characters swear in-game? Your favourite fantasy books? Movies? I'll draw on anything, here. How is this problem approached at your table? Am I over-thinking this? Share with me your wisdom! (I've posted this on Gamer Talk also, so if this belongs there, just delete this thread.) ![]()
![]() One of my fellow players is constantly swearing in-character in our home game. Now, normally, being an Aussie and the son of a tradie, I wouldn't bat an eye. However, it really detracts from the experience for me. Something about the f-bomb and "s!~!" are just... so boring and mundane. In a game of Don't Rest Your Head or Shadowrun, I'd dig it... But in Pathfinder, somewhere in Acheron, surrounded by tortured souls and horrific devils? A bit of atmosphere would be nice. These also seem to be the character's response to every bad situation. (And lets face it, we're PCs. The s#&! hits the fan on a regular basis). I've called him out on it, and he's convinced he'd be out of character if he did any different, and that they're -good words-, and that sometime the extra impact is needed. (We play over IM, so I'm certain ellipses or all-caps could do just as well.) Now, fairs fair, it is his character, but I'd like to be able to suggest an alternative. How do your characters swear in-game? Your favourite fantasy books? Movies? I'll draw on anything, here. How is this problem approached at your table? Am I over-thinking this? Share with me your wisdom! ![]()
![]() As I've slowly but surely amassed my hoard of pathfinder art, I've become increasingly fond of the iconics. Much more so than their 3.5 predecessors, on account of one small thing: the iconics have rich backgrounds and personality. Some seem a tad lacking compared to others, and I find myself wanting to know a hell of a lot more about a certain sorceress...
How do you fine folks envision Seoni? She's essentially Pathfinder's "leading lady", but I found her Backstory blog post told us little more than the fact that she is Varisian, and while a little mystery is good, I'm a little underwhelmed. More importantly, how does she fit in with the other Varisians? Is she a dancer? Can she do a harrow reading? Does she dance with the shoanti under the red moonlight? Inquiring minds want to know. Purely a brainstorming excersize so I can put my own spin on her, so let's see some input! ![]()
![]() I'm starting a second RotR game for a new group of players. I've mentioned it a great many times on these forums and had utterly no luck in planning it. (One player left for Greece for a month, another to the States for three, and I'm off to Ireland for a few weeks... but I'm not one to give up!) I think the new module would be a fantastic intro to roleplaying and the game rules... It seems to be engineered for the new Jade Reagent adventure path... However, I think it could just as easily work as an intro for Burnt Offerings. _____________ I think the shipwreck could easily be replaced with a fireworks shipment for the Swallowtail festival... however, I'd also like to give either Bruthazmus or Nualia a cameo in the adventure path (or at the very least, a mention!) Where would you place them, and what would you change about the AP to tie it in best? PostScript: I am aware this is really, really easy stuff. I'm just quite taken with having a whole forumful of DMs to mince ideas with. Don't judge me too hard. :P ![]()
![]() I'm planning a game full of newcomers and am set on this adventure path to drag them kicking and screaming into the world of roleplaying, seeing as it's so full of fantasy staples (and I know Burnt Offerings and the first half of Skinsaw quite well). I'm considering preparing a set of plot-relevant pregenerated characters for the group, though consider this an exercise in my own curiosity as well... How would you go about building a group of characters that tied in well with the region and the campaign's overall plot? I'd be very happy if you kind paizonians minced ideas with me, as story after story have proved you're a bunch of clever buggers, and wonderfully creative too. As it stands, Shoanti characters don't seem like great picks with little presence in the adventure path (although I know very little about their links to ancient Thassilon, feel free to prove me wrong here.) A character with some link to the giant menace (a black arrow ranger would be a fantastic pick) makes a lot of sense too. A female varisian would make a fantastic target of Aldern's affections (though I fear pidgeon-holing an unsuspecting someone into this role might well fall a little on the creepy side) From here... I'm a little stumped. A local or somebody based in Magnimar would work nicely... a Sanos forest gnome would get a small homecoming trip. At risk of falling into the trap of inane rambling (again) I'll ask you. How much were your PCs tied in with the setting? Do you have any thoughts on how to accomplish this? What plot threads should be milked? With your knowledge of the adventure path, who would you make the stars of the show? ![]()
![]() I'm looking forward to my first time being a player since mid last-year, and am looking at improving my game in-combat, both in a descriptive/roleplaying sense, and a tactical one. You see, my group has a bit of a history of horrific plans and spectacular failures in combat. At first this could be attributed to poorly built characters, a poor understanding of the rules (and the CR system) and a stingy DM (gear never exceeding the 2000 gold mark, as high as level 7). Over the past two years, however, this hasn't changed, and after my "brawler" (monk), Twigs, died spectacularly, I figure it's time for a change. I'm curious how you fellows operate in combat. I'm not concerned with builds, so much as with your use of actions, particuarly into the early-mid level range. Both as a player and a GM, I'm curious how the experienced players of this board make use of the wealth of options avaliable in combat, in the interests of both survival and creating dynamic encounters
Hoping for some interesting discussion!
![]() I'm preparing a second RotR game for an entirely new group. Now, having seen players scared off by the sheer amount of rules before, I'll be using pregens. I am, however, at a loss in figuring out what the simplest classes are, or rather, those most tailored to new players. I'll be building (or editing) a few to fit whatever'll be effective in the long run. As a side note, one of my players is keen to be a Varisian dancer-type. I'm up in the air about class. Are bladed scarves effective for rogues/bards? Is reach too confusing for a new player? Also, any general advice for dealing with newbies is much appreciated. ![]()
![]() I'm preparing for the intermission between the first two adventures, and was curious how my fellow DMs had dealt with Nualia and co? I'm thinking of trying and sentancing them, and am struggling to come up with an adequate sentance for them. Three counts of consorting with goblins? I'm really at a loss. Also wondering if its worth having them maintain a presence or to leave them to be forgotten in the face of newer NPCs. So, it's storytime comrades! Do share what happened in your games. How did you pad out your intermissions? What happened to Nualia and co.? ![]()
![]() I'm interested in playing a soldier/war-veteran in an upcoming game. Would anybody have any advice to give on pulling off a character of this nature? I tend towards non-serious characters and would like to play a no-frills "bad ass" and have some fun with it rather than back to my old niche. The setting is a "post-apocalyptic" version of our old fantasy setting with a WWI tech level. I'd be travelling in a truck convoy and we have plans to switch between different characters and run "adventure of the week" scenarios. Sadly I havent convinced my group into switching to Golarion for this reboot by starting a Burnt Offerings game. :P But I'd also be interested in your takes on the roleplaying of certain character archetypes? The truly noble paladin, machevillian wizard, vagabond bard... perhaps elves or dwarves (and feel free not to exclusively talk about cliches either)... This board has away of getting my imagination rolling. What are your takes on these "archetypical" characters? Have you seen them done well? Or perhaps cataclysmically awful? ![]()
![]() Fairly greenhorn DM, have just wrapped up the glassworks and suffered my first session derailment... One of my RP happy players (plays a glory hog "monster hunter") has just convinced Ameiko to stay in Magnimar for a few days and has staged her suicide... And just sprung this plan on me. It's still a bit sketchy, as I don't have the info yet.
I want to let him have his fun, but it strikes me as really convulted and it forced my other two players to sit back for well over an hour while he schemed... He hasn't given me any convincing motivation and I honestly don't know how to accomodate this. You've been helpful before, paizonians, help me now. :P ![]()
![]() Just a quick question, guys. How would you work in a PC that is a former member of the black arrows? Ideally this would give the weaker Hook Mountain adventures a bit of story-weight and is a perfect fit for a prospective player, but I'm fairly stumped with how to play it out. I've already altered the AP to have Shalelu phased out and had Jakardos instead be an estranged father to one of my PCs (as much as I like her, we're a little overcrowded and the lads could use all the roleplay fuel they can get) Why would a Black Arrow find himself in sandpoint? Would any alteration be necessary to the later adventures? ![]()
![]() My first post on this boards, too, and alas, my post was eaten, so I'll be brief. Our gaming group is notoriously lazy, and we havent had a good game going in months. As I'm still in school (the other chumps have dropped out or graduated) I havent had the time, nor the creativity to throw anything together myself, but that ends today! I've taken pity on the poor chaps with nothing to look forward to this week, and have started browsing the wonderful community content on this site. Thanks, guys. :) The characters have started rolling in and I've read the first adventure and skimmed through the next two. I'm looking to draw some parallels between backstory NPCs and NPCs from the adventure path, possibly replacing some of these characters or at the very least finding a place for them in the main storyline. I ask you two questions: 1) Would my time be better spent tying these in as "side quests" 2) or should I follow through with this plan? My PCs are a shifty merchant "bard", a monster hunter "rogue", and a paladin of erastil. Mr. monster hunter has been the only one to write up some sufficient backstory... In this he has a father who abandoned him at birth, "handsome beyond measure and a master swordsman with one blue and one brown eye, and a pet husky" (in short). His childhood friend and ex partner is now a friendly rival in the monster hunting business. She's to meet him in sandpoint to boast about her successes in the region. I have considered treating Jakardos as the father and replacing Shaelu with the rival, but I quite like the elf and have only skimmed over the first part of the Skinsaw Murders and Hook Mountain Massacre and dunno how much story weight they have. What would the clever folks at this board reccomend? Can you think of any better fits? |