Magenta Ioun Stone

Lost Pearl's page

16 posts. Alias of Havocprince.

Each of you has traveled for your own reasons, and each has ended up within the blasted wastes of Oklahoma. If it was not for the sudden downpour of black viscous rain none would currently find themselves in the little saloon currently run by a half rotted corpse named Nian, but beggars can not be choosers with, and the weather would have been your death if you had not found shelter when you had. The pounding lash of the rain against the structure is accompanied by a low sad howling wind.

Nian looks out upon the gathered strangers and speaks but a few words. "You buy or you get out. This not a shrine."

Let you finalize your characters and see who is still coming.

The smiles have died, though none yet know it.

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A tale needs a cast, and a cast needs a home.

Rain falls in the forest of the Kokoro Nezuban Mori, lighter than it has for the past month to be sure, but still hard enough that all are drenched and in need of warmth. Each of you has your reasons for traveling to the shrine within the outskirts of the forest, some may be on their way to Oiku and on to Toshi Ranbo to try and find a way to feed their bellies; others, having been turned away from the city for one reason or another, may be headed down into the lands of the crane, or the scorpion. Whether you come to this shrine as a stop along the way, or as a place to pray for the favor of the fortunes of the harvest, you find the temple to be strangely dark and quiet as the sun begins to set and the rain increases its pace.

Please to be keeping all off ooc discussion here my friends.

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I'm not even doing an interest check. Most of my games have stalled, so I have decided to do my first online turn behind the DM's screen.

What it is: L5R 4th edition, set in the great famine in the year 660. The first bad harvest has happened and things are getting tight.

Why it is: because I'm tired of games stalling out.

How it is:you will all be ronin starting out as normal. You can be clan ronin or clanless. Theater of mind, semi sandboxy, hard survival. If you don't have the imperial histories and don't know what is appropriate for the time period, ask and I will be all to glad to help. I am looking for 7 samurai and/or samurai-ko who won't have issues with very adult themed material. Famine, plague, rebellion, and brutal imperial involvement are rampant, and in the end your history is just going to be covered up. If we don't get 7, I will start with as low as 4 and go from there. If more than 7 apply you have 2 weeks to get crunch and background. 20 questions is mandatory. Do not use the heritage tables.

Ok, so I have been looking at the thunder and fang feat for my two weapon fighter and wanted to make sure i was interpreting this correctly. The feat states I can use an earthbreaker as if it was one handed.
Am I wrong or would I be allowed to use one in my main hand and one in my off hand? I know that this isn't technically in the spirit of the feat, but it is a rather cool image.