Ok, figuring this character out for the era took way more than I thought.
Pearl is not exceptionally old for a Shard, Having only seen a brief 300 years.
Pearl showed an aptitude for hiding his presence in the force, very useful for convincing others that he is merely a protocol droid, and there by being invisible to most sentients. Pearl harbors a severe dislike of the Empire, for the countless Shard deaths that are laid squarely at the Empires feet.
After convincing (read influenced with the force) a trader to purchase him for some months, Pearl had used his anonymity and his "Masters" connections to pester and prod the empire during the rebellion era. Staying under both the imperial and the rebel radar, most of Pearl's long work at sabotage went on behind the scenes as the war raged on.
After the battle of Yevan and the reincorporation of the disparate portions of the old republic into the new republic, the shard found a new home and a new calling. Unfortunately Pearl did not, he is bereft of home, having spent the whole of his time away from his own he no longer knows how to belong. Now he drifts, port to port, planet to planet, doing odd jobs and staying one step ahead of rusting solid. Now he seeks a new hope, a new chance to belong to something.
Lol, if the special effects were just a little better we would never have had green as a color. Blue just couldn't show up against that desert sky.
That being said, traditional Blue saber for Pearl until he builds his own then. If he gets seriously injured between now and 7th he will have a piece chip off, which he will use to form his new lightsaber.
Asking a lore important and general aesthetic question again since there hasn't been an answer, how are you handling lightsaber color? Legends based off crystal or Cannon based on wielder. Either way the effect is going to be the same, just changes how I come about the look I want. The lightsaber will have a clear blade that seems to shimmer in place. If crystal will be because of a chunk of barab ore, if instead current canon wielder reasons then it is because Pearl has kept himself hidden from the force for so long it has affected the way his natural talents interact with the crystal inside his saber.
Quick lore important and general aesthetic question, how are you handling lightsaber color? Legends based off crystal or Cannon based on wielder. Either way the effect is going to be the same, just changes how I come about the look I want. The lightsaber will have a clear blade that seems to shimmer in place. If crystal will be because of a chunk of barab ore, if instead current canon wielder reasons then it is because Pearl has kept himself hidden from the force for so long it has affected the way his natural talents interact with the crystal inside his saber.
"No, I have not killed a Jedi. Nor do I wish to have to fight one any time soon. I was given this saber by my old master before she released me from her service. It is most useful for opening stuck doors."
Due to the statistical certainty that at least one person in any of my games is celebrating some kind of Christmas thing... Merry Christmas.
I will be taking part in the long standing Jewish tradition of Chinese food and a bad horror film if anybody needs a suggestion on what to do. This years bad horror film, "Killer Clowns From Outer Space". A classic.
"If you are offering to replace limbs, I am in possesion of a weapon that could be intergrated in to my systems." Lost pulls the lightsaber hilt from his compartment. "It is quite the elegant weapon."
"Ahh, then you are getting a crew together. It would seem that I have come at the beginning of your grand ambition. I accept the position of First Mate. You may call me Lost, First Mate Lost... Captain. I will endeavor to keep your crew in line and produce inducements to good morale."
Not much different from other rpgs. force users are caster, everyone gets what basically amounts to a number of luck dice each level, your ac is tied to your reflex. Just got to get in to the lore of the game is all. Watch the original trilogy and the clonewars cartoon and you got it made.
The droid most certainly does not speak like an hk unit. He is merely blunt and honest with his thoughts, not hostile and making veiled threats.
Knowledge:1d20 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (15) + 2 + (3) = 20 More than willing to spend a force point on this before the actual game for story reasons... and looks like I might not have needed to.
Chance of language in translator.:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Vague knowledge that this man is a Chiss but no specific knowledge as I don't have access to advanced knowledge? Also, randomly have the language programmed in the translator for use it would seem. Subject to the will of the force and the GM of course.
Edit:Also, traded out disarm for technometry as it made more sense to have it as a power.
"Free agent sir, no master, trying to stay one step ahead of the scrap heap. Transactional sir, you pay for my maitenance and I provide loyal service. Cheaper than a meatbrain in a flashback. Able to work through the night, my maitnence is cheaper for you than a hireling would be."
"Why yes sir, this one is well versed in the lowly language of the Baobab trade family fleets. A royal looking Chiss such as yourself would be an idiot child to pass up on a unit as fluent as this one. This unit is also well programmed in the arts and sciences, able to instruct a young fellow in the maths maybe. The universe is math sir, all binary and formula, surrounding and connecting all things. It all adds up, you will be in need of my services, I just know it."
"Yes, hello, you good sir. You look like you could use a protocol droid. I can balance your books, yes sir. Programmed in the latest galactic tax codes... No business ventures of your own, I assm sorry for your failure in life sir. How about you madam, a fine lady like yourself could use a droid to help watch your offspring and nurture their growth... No, no children... How sad for you. You must be so miserable. I could help find you a mate, it would be a challenge, but there must be a blind man out there for you somewhere." The peculiar protocol droid continudes his search for a new master. "Maybe you sir, you look an efficient type in that white armor... Who am I registered to? Oh, you don't need my registration. You are going to go back to the barracks and call your mother. There's a good man. "
The problem with repeated rewrites is you actually have to erase the leftovers.
Pearl escaped the destruction of his home planet as he was newly installed into a droid body and aboard a starship when the invasion of Orax began. He and a few other survivors first fled to another colony, finding that destroyed a lone trainee of Master Aqinos reached out with the force and found where their brethren had fled. They made the journey to Dweem and their Pearl trained to harness his natural force talents.
Perfect, I do believe they left the locomotion off of shard's to avoid balance issues. Pearl will be fully ensconced within his droid body, a TO series protocol droid, and he goes by the name 17-9TO or Lost.
Pearl is not exceptionally old for a Shard, Having only having seen a brief 300 years. Pearl has been tasked with finding out what is going on in the universe and possibly inconveniencing the Empire in any way he can. The Shard homeworld having just recently been mined to death.
Pearl showed an aptitude for hiding his presence in the force, very useful for convincing others that he is merely a protocol droid, and there by being invisible to most sentients. Pearl harbors a severe dislike of the Empire, for the countless Shard deaths that are laid squarely at the Empires feet.
After convincing (read influenced with the force) a trader to purchase him some months ago, Pearl had used the traders movements to learn about the current galactic situation and finally ended up on the station where he used yet more force persuasion to convince his master to set him free. Now he searches for his next angle to continue his movements and finally bring some justice for the oppressed species under the Empire's booted heel.