LoboStele's page

Organized Play Member. 47 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Lantern Lodge 1/5

I've always interpreted scrying with a fair bit of GM fiat. If they try to Scry Olivina early on in the adventure, they would be in the sewers. The scrying wizard may be able to identify the fact that they are in fact in sewers, but there's no way they would get enough information to know WHERE in the sewers they were. They could try teleport to their hearts content, and you apply a pretty heavy penalty to the percentile chance of whether they end up in the right place or not.

Yes, the adventure has some rails to stay on. But so would any real-world investigation. IF I had players who got ornery about using their scry/teleport combination, I would likely first ask the rest of the table if they are effectively OK with short-cutting the scenario, or if they were actually interested in playing it.

Also...use scry/teleport to jump straight to the end of the story cuts out the opportunities for additional gold/loot, and should be appropriately noted on the chronicle sheet. So, another reason to dissuade players, out of character, from using 'cheese' approaches like that.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

The sidebar gives them a GM a pretty good set of ideas to thwart scrying attempts. I'd apply a pretty heavy penalty on that 75% if the 'location' you see from scrying is "sewers". Or at least heavily hint to the players that it's not a location they can clearly identify. Or, since the Dark Folk don't exactly like light, it would common for Olivina to be in complete darkness somewhere, such that scrying wouldn't really allow the area to be 'viewed'. There's lots of ways to creatively work around it.

Of the twice that I ran this...nobody even bothered to try scrying. Then again, I didn't feel like any of my players were 'that' kind of player either.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

All of my games have been in there for at least a couple weeks now. Most of them were in there by the time I walked from Sagamore Ballroom back to my hotel!

Check at the very top of your 'Sessions' list. Some events seem to have been entered without a date, and so they ended up all the way at the top.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Michael Tracey wrote:
Any you all may enjoy my Shadow lodge Journal Faction Card. This is not Paizo produced, and is not legal for you to print and use in a PFS game. Please note the "VOID" printed in the background of the card.

LOL are you the one that put the Shadow Lodge faction card at the Info table at GenCon? I saw later in the weekend that there were signs there that said "No More Grand Lodge Faction Cards" and then next to it one that said "No More Shadow Lodge Faction Cards". Naturally, I said "Huh??" and asked about it. I was thanked for my Pathfinder-esque inquisitiveness by a shifty eyed HQ Volunteer who showed me the Shadow Lodge card with all it's "Void" markings. Made my day! :D

I never got to play a Shadow Lodge character. I made one right before GenCon 2013, and then they changed all the factions, LOL.

Lantern Lodge

Probably should point out that I'm not a cut throat GM, and I forgot completely about her familiar. Also did not utilize her Summon Monster spells at all. She stayed invisible until she blasted one of the PCs with a lightning bolt and nearly killed him. Then she stood at a door way attacking through it, which bottlenecked the PCs, and gave her a bit of protection.

I can certainly see that if you used her to the absolutely most full extent, you could easily kill PCs. Guess that's your call as a GM. My PCs regularly threaten me with things like "strike me down and I shall come back with a new character more annoying than you can imagine". :P

So I regularly take them to mostly dead, but not completely dead. ;)

Lantern Lodge

My PCs ended up encountering her inside the tower. Worked pretty good actually, as her primary goal is supposed to be to take out the leader of Tidewater Rock. Thus, especially with the marriage route in play (which is how my PCs did it too), it makes sense that she would use her Invisibility/fly to sneak past any guards on the roof and get inside to kill the Lady.

So for my group, she snuck inside while the PCs were dealing with the general pirates. And then a loud crack of thunder and bright lightning were enough for them to realize that someone was inside. Alas, they found a smouldering corpse of the Lady after the fight finished.

But yes, Isabella is quite nasty, even in confined quarters. Between Lightning Bolt, Geyser, and Aqueous Orb, it was a very tough fight for my PCs. But a memorable one too. The Wizard in my group specifically took a spell at his next level similar to Geyser, after seeing its effects.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Something I meant to mention previously, but forgot about...

The amount of time at the end of the session....Both Thursday and Friday nights (and even the Sunday morning slot for that matter) were pure chaos trying to get things wrapped up and pack up my table at the end of the night. The amount of time it takes to fill out chronicle sheets, do day jobs, pack up maps/minis/etc....I felt insanely rushed to get out of the room in the 15 minutes we were allotted to clean up. I felt like I had absolutely no time to just mingle or be friendly with my players afterwards. I definitely had no time to explain any of the finer points of Society Play to new characters, and in one game, I ended up asking a fellow player/GM at the table if they would be willing to explain some of it while I filled out the chronicle sheets.

I know for a standard scenario (like 6-23 that I ran Sunday morning) that's on my shoulders to run the scenario quick enough to have that kind of freedom at the end. But the Specials aren't done that way. They are designed to not finish until 11:45, and that ends up making things kind of irritating at the end there. One of my players even accidentally left an iPad behind in the rush to pack up and get out of there (luckily, he was able to get it back via the Lost and Found). So anything that could be done to give the GMs even 10-15 more minutes to clear out would be awesome.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

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Having played PFS at GenCon for several years now, I decided to bite the bullet, and signed up to be a GM this year. Overall, I'm glad I made the decision, but I'm not 100% sure I would choose to do so again.

Prepping for the specials....even though, yes, we got preliminary copies about 1.5 weeks before the con...was absolutely brutal. I got lucky in that 3 of the 4 scenarios I had to prep, I was given more than a month before GenCon. But even taking that into account, trying to squeeze in prep time on top of real life was tougher than I realized. I have immense respect (and probably some pity!) for GM's who had to prep 3 specials in that last 1.5 weeks.

But the prep itself wasn't what bothered me so much about the specials, I suppose, and I'll take my specific comments to the specific threads. Overall though, the pace of the specials made them VERY tough. I felt terrible for my players, as I tried my hardest to strike balance between letting them enjoy the encounters and play through the game at their pace, vs. pushing them fast enough to get through things. Even so, we probably only played 2/3 of all the encounters in the Thursday/Friday night events. This further irritates me as it means I spent precious time prepping, printing, reading, etc. for maps, stat blocks, and RP-encounters that we didn't even come close to getting to.

So for those reasons...If I GM at GenCon again in the future, I will likely request to not be scheduled for any of the special events.

Other thoughts...

I walked by the signs out in the hallway at least several times in the weekend, and it was clear to me that they were NOT updated correctly. I only played in 3 slots, and at least 2 of those, I walked back and forth the hallway twice, looking at the signs, before I finally went inside and just started asking people in orange shirts.

Those mustering signs have 10 lines on them. There are 10 slots in the GenCon weekend. Those signs should be filled out with Wet Erase marker (Not dry erase that can easily be accidentally wiped off) for EVERY slot for the weekend, before even the first slot on Thursday. If necessary, use a cheat sheet somewhere to show that "Slot 5 = Friday 1pm" or whatever. But generally, I think this is obvious to most players. For the specials, split up the mustering locations by tier (for the aforementioned 3-7 vs. 3-4/5-6/7-8 confusion, having the correct tiers on the boards would help with this).

Secondly, for the mustering signs....make them higher, somehow. Once the halls get packed with people, there's no way to read them, and its often tough to muscle your way past people to see the signs.

I saw aid tokens mentioned a few times in the thread. Thursday night, my table never saw one of them. Friday night, we were almost never without one. Probably just depended on how they got distributed in the room to start with. I thought it added some cool flavor to the special, so I definitely like the idea. Maybe better regular next year how they get handed out around the room, so as to spread them out as much as possible.

OK...the good! :)

Every one of the tables I ran, I had a blast. I hope my players did as well.

The use of the screens with the text on them was genius, and while not perfect, I can't add anything that hasn't already been noted. More speakers, or projectors with long-throw lenses (to display on back walls, etc) aren't cheap. Do what you can, I suppose. One of the big issues with sound though was that some people just simply didn't hold the microphone close enough to their mouths. I think people are often afraid of being too loud, but in that room, that wasn't a problem. My table Thursday night was relatively close to the speakers, and it was never too loud. Friday night, we were only about half-way across the room and it was tough to hear. I feel for those who were in the far back.

The Pregen packets were pure genius, and I said as much to any of the HQ or Paizo people I saw. That was huge for the newer players I had at several of my tables.

Bringing around the daily buttons for the GMs was a nice touch I wasn't expecting. I'm not crazy about collecting all that stuff, but it was a really nice 'thank you' gesture. :)

Overall, I definitely look forward to playing more PFS, and playing more PFS at GenCon!

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Buy generics when you get on site. Usually not a problem getting into the game. :)

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Ahh...thanks! Doesn't CLEARLY say it, but I'm connecting the dots now. Thanks!

Guess I should have a CORE character in my back pocket just in case. ;)

Lantern Lodge 1/5

thistledown wrote:
Minor bit of confusion for me. I'm scheduled to run tier 1-5 for this, but the actual subtiers are 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6. Do I need to prep all 3, or just the two lowest?

One of the early emails for GM'ing at GenCon said that we ought to be prepared to run tier in addition to what we're scheduled for, just in case. They are estimating the number of tables they need in each tier, so there's a chance there might be a last minute shift.

For instance, I'm scheduled for 3-7, but I printed the stat blocks for 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

From the GM's perspective, I'm failing to see the requirement in the Guide where it says that if you GM a table playing CORE mode, that your own GM chronicle sheet must also be for a CORE mode character. Can someone point me to the relevant page/paragraph? I currently don't have a CORE character, so would like to know for sure if I end up with a CORE chronicle from the weekend.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Best advice I can come up with is try and make sure that your morning slot runs in 4 hours, to give you time to go get some food. Or if you know of any friends also at the Con, rope them into getting you something.

If you try to go to the food trucks actually around lunch time (11-12:30) you will probably wait in line for about an hour. The Food Court in the Circle Center Mall is generally much faster, though it is a short walk (not far though). I usually just plan on bringing trail mix, granola bars, fruit, etc. to get through the day. You could get a refillable water bottle and powdered mix stuff of some sort. Easy to get a player to run to the water fountain and refill your water bottle for you.

If you're doing 8 sessions...definitely recommend LOTS of water (like 3x what you would normally drink) and cough drops. Those 2 things will be essential to actually having a voice still at the end of the weekend. ;)

Lantern Lodge 1/5

I'm planning on the printed scenarios, printed maps/flip-maps, and my CRB. Going to be more than enough to lug around for the 4 scenarios I have to run. I do NOT envy those of you running 6! Geez!

Lantern Lodge 1/5

J Michael Neal wrote:
LoboStele wrote:
I feel like a lot of the issues you guys are raising can be handled with some creative story telling. Part of being a PFS GM is taking the framework of the story you're given, and then figuring out how to work around it and guide the PCs through it.
Actually, I get told repeatedly to run a scenario as it is written.

There's a difference between "run a scenario as it is written" and make sure your players enjoy themselves, by making their off-the-rails tendencies fit the module. I've always understood the 'run as written' rule to strictly apply to the encounters, skill checks, etc. that the module requires. I don't change the story either, but do what's needed to get the party back on track. PFS modules always feel like railroading, but that's because to some degree...they are supposed to be that way. Sometimes there aren't as many options to chase in a story as the players would like to think there should be. Sometimes it's only A or B. Just like in real life, we're not always 100% in control of what goes on around us. ;)

I see a lot of the points you're making though, and perhaps the next time you run this, you'll have lots of ideas of how to direct the party better.

I'll admit, I haven't run it yet, and will be doing so twice at GenCon next week. I'm certain that for the 2nd game, it will be much smoother. I'm appreciating the feedback though, because it's giving me ideas already of how to deal with PCs that go off the rails. When I've read through the module, it reminds of most murder mystery type stories, which often have misdirections and suspects that turn out to be dead ends. So I suppose most of what you've mentioned so far seemed to fit the story to me.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

James McTeague wrote:
For a lot of the maps, there's not much you can do about that. The images are only so big, and so they're going to look grainy when you blow them up to multiple times their original size.

OK, cool, thanks. Makes me feel better that I wasn't messing something up while using the program. The maps are usable, would just be nice to have a little higher quality. Obviously, for some of them, that answer is to actually buy the flip-map, but some of the maps are custom ones for the specific scenario.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

I feel like a lot of the issues you guys are raising can be handled with some creative story telling. Part of being a PFS GM is taking the framework of the story you're given, and then figuring out how to work around it and guide the PCs through it. Can't just read it word-for-word without adding anything extra and expect it to go flawlessly. We've all played with too many PCs to expect them to do what we expect them to do. Right? ;)

The victory conditions actually make perfect sense to me. Zodarna has set up a scenario where she thinks she will win either way. If the PCs kill Olivina, then the Pathfinder Society will be blamed for killing the beloved star. If they don't kill her, Olivina will slander them anyways. Sounds like a pretty good plan, and requires the PCs to be very careful with their actions.

Now, I can see where it would be entirely possible to give the PCs the impression that they should outright kill the illusion-cloaked-Olivina when they see her. But that's why you do clever things like allowing someone else in the party to make the Sense Motive check, and give them a chance to reach out and grab the Fighter's arm to hold him back.

As for the pacing/railroading of the scenario...if you want the players to find the Swampers, then consistently point them in that direction. As far as the locals in town know (with the exception of the cult leader), the Swampers are responsible for all sorts of trouble around town. Nobody seems to trust them (not that the people in the town seem to trust much of anybody, but that's besides the point, LOL). In the case of the group above that killed the Ghost, there's plenty of other ways in the theater to direct people toward the sewers. Basia or other townsfolk could tell the PCs that searching the sewers directly would take a crazy amount of time, but could drop a hint about the Swampers.

I think this module sort of depends a bit on at least one PC having a decent Sense Motive skill, but I've yet to see anything in it that you couldn't work through. Maybe it's not as great of a scenario as some others, but it doesn't seem as awful as some of you are making it out to be.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

I used poster razor just this week for the first time, and I'm finding that as I pull the images from the PDF, a lot of them end up very low quality/grainy after scaling it in PosteRazor. Any help you guys can give for that?

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Really glad to get the in-progress copies. With 4 different scenarios to prep (and real life craziness), the added time will be immensely helpful.

For what it's worth...hand-drawn map that's in the back of 7-00 right now is quite entertaining. It's fun to see the process. :)

Lantern Lodge 1/5

I had the same confusion, but Bob reminded me that the original request for volunteer asked for ALL volunteers to at least familiarize ourselves with the Beginner Box Set quests, just in case the event you are actually scheduled for doesn't have any players.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

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OK, thanks! Been a few years since I was a GM, and the last time, my arrival time wasn't an issue. Looking forward to it!!

Lantern Lodge 1/5

OK, how does that work for any other tickets that we've purchased then? For instance, after my GM badge was added to my account on GenCon.com, I bought tickets for a few other events that I plan to participate in. But I had it all set up for Will Call. I assume that I won't be able to pick those up at Will Call until after I have my badge as well? That seems weird. I mean, I like the fact that I can go straight to Sagamore to get my badge, as that should make that process relatively quick, but seems like extra hassle for the other stuff.

Guess I need to make sure I get into town before 6. :/

Lantern Lodge 1/5

What if we can't get there till after 6pm? Will we be able to pick them up at the regular GenCon GM HQ (out next to the Will Call lines)?

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Looking forward to running this at GenCon. I haven't GM'd very many high-tier scenarios before though, so if anyone has any particular pointers, I'm all ears! :)

Lantern Lodge

I ran this part a couple months back for my group.

my story:

I had a slightly easier time of getting Pilk into combat a little early, because one of my players is a Strix, and decided to try and fly the wizard over so they could attack the captain while everyone else dealt with the zombies.

My group didn't have too much trouble with the zombies themselves, so they did OK even with 2 PCs at the other end of the ship (I have 6 PCs total though). And yes, I did scale up the encounter some because of the extra PCs, but I just did it with additional Zombies. I didn't change their stats at all.

I ended up using Pilk's harpoon to snag the Strix and reel him in, to prevent further shenanigans with the wizard. That left the Strix by himself (and the Wizard in the water, incidentally), and created some urgency for the rest of the party to reach him.

So I would highly recommend the use of the harpoon. Could make for a fun element where Pilk drags someone through the melee, while a path opens up and the zombies move aside to let the harpooned target slide through. Then they close ranks again to repel the PCs.

Overall, this is still probably one of the most memorable fights for my group.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

I intend to find space in the hotel, as there's usually 'open gaming' areas in a few of them throughout the weekend. Usually tough to nail down ahead of time though.

I'm thinking my best bet may be to just set up a game through the PFS scheduler here, or maybe on Warhorn, and then exchange phone numbers with the interested players so we could communicate on where to meet.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

If anybody wants to join our group, shoot me a private message. I would guess we'll play around 8pm or so, probably somewhere in the Hyatt (that's where our hotel room is). I need to confirm with my buddies though what the actual plan will be. But we can exchange emails/phone#s/whatever.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Siege of Serpents and Serpents Rise have been up for several weeks (since right after PaizoCon I think). So if you're running those, they should be in your list already.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Myself and the 3 guys in my room will probably be down for a PFS game sometime Wednesday evening. Should be rolling into town in the mid afternoon. I plan on hunting down a table space of some sort, maybe play around 7 or 8. Not sure what the best way would be to alert other players as to where to find us, since it may be kind of last minute. :\

Lantern Lodge

When I GM'd this, I counted the Fortitude save as to function against the entire stat block, not just the addiction part of it. The side bar for the rum says that the only purpose for it on the ship is to make sure that people stay somewhat compliant and less likely to cause trouble. It's clearly not designed to kill PCs. There are plenty of other ways to do that in the AP. :)

Lantern Lodge

The BlackBlade magus kind of has a similar structure too, though you don't enchant the bonded weapon yourself in that case.

I actually just put together a similar build for my magus, with a 1-level wizard dip. I decided to go Admixture Wizard for the Evocation bump and some fun with altering the damage type (fire, ice, etc.). The bonded item is just icing on the cake at that point, but if you do something like a Ring or such instead of a weapon, there's much less chance you would lose it.

Lantern Lodge

Let me first say that we started out with 7 players in the party, and I had to make a fair number of adjustments on the fly to keep the challenge level high. We've had a LOT of close calls, and with no healer in the party, I've been impressed how the group has held up. On a rare occasion I use Sandara to do a single channel or Cure Moderate perhaps, just to keep things interesting. But in 2.5 books, we've only had 1 official PC death.

Well, technically 2 deaths. One of our players had to move out of state right around the time the group gained control of the Man's Promise. As one of the other players is a Goblin Rogue, angling for the Assassin prestige class, they cooked up a way that the Goblin would kill off the Kitsune Fighter as a prerequisite for the prestige class, but also as a means of securing his place as co-captain on the ship (Yes, the other players allowed the two Goblin players in our group to become the captains. No, I don't know what they were thinking, haha).

Anyways, here was the actual PC death which just happened this past weekend:

Name: Kurt
Race: Vanaras
Class/Level: Gunslinger 7
Adventure: Temptest Rising
Killed by: his own crewmate!

the story:

The crew set out from Beachcomber to chase down the Wreckers and retrieve the Golden Vespal wasp statue. As the DM, I was more or less as surprised as the players were at how un-prepared they were to deal with an invisible spellcaster like Vakarla. So because they literally had nothing prepared for dealing with a Spellcaster, I did pull my punches a wee bit, and treated her Invisibility Field ability as granting standard Invisibility, not Greater, such that she appeared each time she attacked. Besides, this gave her a chance to taunt the PCs anyways.

So the PCs ship, the Goblin's Booty runs aground on the reef, and Vakarla and her wreckers swarm the ship. Kurt, our ill-fated Gunslinger also happens to be the primary pilot of the ship (due to having the best Profession Sailor check). So the wreckers board the ship, and are spread out with some going into the main deck, and a couple climbing the aft deck to go after Kurt and Wong, the goblin wizard Co-Captain, who is back there with Kurt. The first half-orc rushes in and misses his attacks. Kurt proceeds to drop a Nat 20 on his first attack, confirms the crit, and lays the smack-down with x4 crit damage from his pistol. Vakarla spends her first couple rounds casting Fog, Fear (which was highly effective against the Fighter), and other control spells. But then in round 3 or 4, Kurt lands another massive hit, and at that point, was pretty much the main PC doing significant damage. The Goblin rogue (other co-captain) got whalloped in the first 2 rounds and ran to safety with 0 HP. And Wong, the other co-captain was trying, mostly ineffectively, to hit Vakarla while she was invisible. Why he didn't have any spells like Glitterdust, etc....I don't know. So I decided to have Vakarla to not worry about the actual Captains of the boat, as they weren't contributing much.

So Vakarla decides Kurt is the main threat and casts Phantasmal Killer on him. Wong makes his spellcraft check to recognize the spell, so the whole crew goes "OOOoh, no!!" Kurt fails the first save, but makes the second! Whew...he lives! But by now he's taken some damage. Wong finally succeeds on blasting Vakarla with a couple spells to whittle her down, so she closes in on Wong to Vampiric Touch him and try to end his irritation.

However, she underestimated the insanity of Goblin wizards. Wong responds with a blast of Steam Cloud (I believe the actual spell was Detonate, but it's been altered slightly for RP purposes). This does indeed manage to drop Vakarla to only 3 HP. But in his haste to end the wench, he neglected to realize that Kurt was only 3 squares away! Kurt fails his reflex to take half-damage. Then fails again with the DM-fiat re-roll. Since he was low on HP already from previous damage, it was enough to put him well past his CON and insta-kill him.

Luckily, with the wreckers mostly dead and Vakarla at 3 HP, she fled, giving the crew time to get Sandara to help cast a Gentle Repose on the body, so they could get back to port and Raise him. Once they recovered the Golden Vespal, and returned it to the temple of Callistria, the priestess was happy to assist with resurrecting poor Kurt...for a fee of course. :)

Lantern Lodge

1 level dip for Wizard would give you Arcane Bond, but it's likely sub-optimal unless you want some other option that comes with the Wizard level.

Lantern Lodge

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I think this is a really cool class overall. I'm completely underwhelmed by the Zealot though. Maybe I'm just missing it, but I don't see any advantage to playing that specialization, unless you're going to be doing a really RP heavy campaign and the flavor just seems to fit. It's 100% sub-par to the other 3 for PFS in my opinion, and I'd say it's sub-par to a standard Cleric or Inquisitor for PFS as well. Granted, this is just based on my reading of the abilities and not actually playing it, but there's nothing about it that makes me say "Oooh, cool."

It would seem to me that an actual Vigilante with a divine slant would be more akin to a Paladin than a Cleric. Someone with a burning desire inside to right the wrongs of the world. Seems like they should, at a minimum, get some bonuses when going after targets that are opposite in alignment from themselves.

Outside of this....I was kind of surprised that Acrobatics was not a class skill across the board, but I think I understand the flavor for that choice.

I'm kind of curious how the designers expect the Social/Vigilante identity business to play out in a PFS scenario. PFS adventures so often occur all over Golarion, and it's not unusual to start in one city, travel all across the country side (well out of the several mile radius for Renown) and have essentially an all-day long adventure without an easy way to handle the 5-minute re-disguise stuff. So there likely won't be any way for PFS Vigilantes to take advantage of Renown. They will most likely end up stuck in Vigilante mode all the time, because you don't know when combat is going to break out, and they won't ever get to take advantage of the Quick Change ability (lvl 13). I'm on board with Dual Identity, and I love the RP flavor of it. I just think it will cause so much hassle for PFS players, that you will see people mostly ignore it. Perhaps instead if the class had penalties to combat abilities while in Social mode, or penalties to social abilities while in Vigilante mode. Would allow you to still utilize them, but you'd have to plan appropriately.

As for playing in a PFS table with a Vigilante....How would people plan to handle this? If you are the Vigilante PC, would one of your identities need to be hidden from other Pathfinders? Should Venture Captains know who you are in either guise? If you try to hide one, but not the other, would that even work?

I'm picturing the scene from the live action version of The Tick where he doesn't recognize fellow super hero The Champion when he dons his glasses. :P

Lantern Lodge 1/5

No sweat at all, Mark! I think it's awesome that you guys are able to do as much as you are already.

I'll look around and see what else I might be able to find. Almost every year, my group of friends have done some RPG stuff of some sort on Wednesday night. This was just the first time I noticed there was organized PFS stuff going on. Typically, the hotels have areas set aside with tables that work quite well for gaming groups throughout the weekend. I'll do some digging and see what I can find.

At the moment, we'd only have 3 players for our group, so could easily accommodate a few more. Will try to remember to post here and file an official PFS event in the paizo system so people can find us. :D

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Mark, myself and 3 friends will be getting into Indy in the early afternoon, and would love to participate in the 5pm slot. 3 of us have been GMs before and would be willing to run the game for a table, which would open up another 3 slots for other players as well. Not sure if you have the option to add any more tables or not.

We've always planned to play a game on Wednesday night when we get there. Didn't realize until now there was this event going on as well. :)

Lantern Lodge

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Getting ready to launch into the Cheliax Spy Investigation part of the storyline in this chapter of the AP.

Prepping for the fight with Vakarla and her tricks....I don't understand how the combat tactics are supposed to work. In one part it says she is "using her invisibility field to stay invisible." It took me a bit before I noticed her Invisibility Field ability that allows her to attack without becoming visible.

I haven't fought or played with Invisible characters all that much (somewhat new to Pathfinder/played mostly lower level games). How are my PCs supposed to deal with this? Glitterdust or See Invisibility are options, clearly, but with Vakarla flying around, she could literally be anywhere.

Is it reasonable to allow the spellcasting PCs some extra opportunity to spot Vakarla based on where she is when she casts her spells? Just want to make sure I don't make things too tough for my PCs.

Lantern Lodge

Eldritch Scion seems terrible all around. So I'm planning to go regular magus. Just considering the 1-level dip to Wizard as a possible option, as I figure it would be helpful to have some variation available in the spell selection anyways. Hitting things with electricity via Shocking Grasp would work most of the time, but sometimes, I'll want an elemental ability other than electricity damage. So it also helps with the roleplaying side of it. Would allow me to cast Fire stuff all the time instead, lol.

Here's another question...the Ifrit special options lists a new weapon ability: Igniting. Works kinda like flaming, but also causes the target to catch on fire. Can a Magus use his Arcane Pool points to add Igniting, or can you only add the ones listed in the ability?

Lantern Lodge

Got an Ifrit boon for a PFS character, and haven't built a Magus yet, so that's the plan.

However, I want him to be mostly focused on Fire Spells, for flavor. So I'm thinking either Magus with a 1 level dip into Admixture Wizard, or just straight Magus and burn a feat for Elemental Spell.


I know the down-side of Elemental Spell is the +1 to the spell level. Any major drawbacks to the Wizard dip?

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Definitely agree. You can tell that the final encounter is set up to be much quicker, and that not everyone will complete all 3 waves (HP is only 1.25 x the number of tables). Just seemed odd for the earlier levels that I'm not really sure how you would get them into the green zone (as far as the aid tokens go), let alone complete clear them. At least in Part 3. In part 2, as you noted, the 2 extra encounters could help a bit.

Reading this whole adventure has got me very curious to see the story for 7-00 now as well. :D

Lantern Lodge 1/5

In part 3, however, the instructions say that each sector has HP equal to 2x the number of tables, but there's only 1 encounter in each zone. There aren't the 'additional encounters' like there are in Part 2. Just seemed odd to me.

I can understand the issue of moving through it too quickly though. If you have a party that's played these specials enough before, and understand the time-crunch aspect of it, could blow through them without too much struggle. I'm trying to think ahead about pacing and how to be sure we don't blast through them too much.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Starting to read through this to prep for GenCon.

I don't understand the scoring system in Parts 2 and 3. In the one section it says that the hit points for a sector should be 4x the total number of tables. But there are only 2 encounters in that area for a single table to complete, which would be a total of 2 HP. So, the most that the whole room could do in damage to that sector would be half of the total?

Am I reading this wrong? I know it doesn't matter too much, as this is something the Overseer/HQ people will handle. Just trying to understand how this is supposed to work.

EDIT: It does affect things like the Aid Tokens, as the way I read it, it seems like the regions would never go to green, and thus players will never get that benefit.

Otherwise...I really like this scenario! Looks like it's going to be fun, and will be fun to GM too!

Lantern Lodge 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nice! I've always enjoyed the Pathfinder vs. Aspis arcs.

With the serpent theme....can we get Vishkanya added to the race list? Or at least as a convention boon or something? :)

Lantern Lodge 1/5

LOL that's great. Got a game in 2 weeks, so that works out perfect! :)

Lantern Lodge 1/5

I gotta say, the encounter in the tavern at the beginning of Blood under Absalom was really pretty cool. As Steve pointed above, it was neat to think that all 200 people in the room where crammed into the same tavern at once scrambling around to try and get a hold of the rubies.

That was the first time I participated in one of the really large events, so I honestly can't say what I would improve about it overall. I thought it was fantastic. The head GM giving the dramatic readings from time to time definitely added to things.

I think probably the only negative from the whole thing was it was sometimes quite difficult to hear each other across the table. I was directly across from our GM, who had obviously been GM'ing most of the weekend, and had little voice left already by Friday evening of GenCon. Not sure how you could improve that, but something to think about. Maybe free cough drops for your GMs. :P

Best memories from the event...hmm...well, would definitely have to be the Gnome sorcerer in our group who role-played his character VERY well. We had to stop at least twice just to let the table calm down a laughing fit and get back to playing. :D

Lantern Lodge

Ah, OK, good ideas so far! Thanks!

I think I'm planning to go with Desna, because I really like the Travel domain. The teleport thing at Lvl 8 seems pretty sweet. So guess I should see which faction will fit a traveling nomad or something.

Also, is there anyplace where I can easily search for where Traits are located? I've got access to the core book, APG, Ultimate Magic and Ultimate Combat (either I own or my friend does), but trying to hunt down traits in the companion guides or other booklets is like looking for a needle in a haystack sometimes. Is there a master list anywhere, or just a reference list that says 'Armor Expert Trait is in X book'?

Lantern Lodge

OK, so I'm building a new Inquisitor for PFS play. Could use some advice.

1. What are good traits? I'm building it as a ranged Inquisitor, using the Preacher Archetype.

2. Also, what's a good faction to pick?

I've only been playing PFS for about 6 months, with a Ninja from Latern Lodge. So beyond building that one, and some basic work on the Inquisitor, I'm a bit at a loss as to what Traits would be good, or what faction would typically fit better with an Inquisitor from a character perspective. Just looking to get some pointers.
